Ups rates service online tool html virtuemart jobber
...**Performance:** - Prioritize speed and ensure the store is **extremely fast** to load. --- ### **Additional Functionality** 1. **Search Engine Optimization (SEO):** - Ensure the store is optimized for search engines, with clean URLs, metadata, and proper schema markup. 2. **High-Converting Features:** - Cart abandonment recovery (email reminders, notifications). - Exit intent pop-ups or offers to encourage conversions. - Product reviews and testimonials to build trust. - Simplified checkout process to reduce friction. 3. **Analytics:** - Integration with Google Analytics and Shopify's analytics tools to monitor and improve performance. 4. **Potential Scalability:** - While we currently have no plans to expand the product range, ensure the setup ...
Er i oppstartsfasen av en universal nettbutikk, men trenger å endre design til noe mer etter min smak. Noe som er simpelt, elegant, brukervennlig men også proffesjonelt. Jeg har god kunnskap om data generelt, men lite om HTML/CSS/etc. Viktig at det er brukervennlig CMS slik at jeg kan endre på layout/design, legge til og fjerne produkter osv. Bruker Shopify som plattform. Har anbud ute på flere freelancer nettsider som Upwork, Fiverr osv. Så legger ut her kun for å se prissammenligninger og hvor bred ekspertise det er å skille mellom. Ønsker en fastpris og vi blir enige om tidsramme samt hva som skal bli gjort så vi begge er fornøyde og unngår misforståelser. Kan fint komme på Zoom/Skype/andre steder ...
Vi leter etter en kompetent og motivert forfatter med gode norskkunnskap for oversettelser og skriving av tekster.
...Universitetet i Bergen. Vi består av 31 innvalgte studenter fra forskjellige lister. Vår synlighet er viktig, valgoppslutningen ved vårens valg var kun på 18,98 prosent og vi håper å få denne opp til neste valg. Fadderuken ved Universitetet er en viktig arena for oss til å gi de nye studentene gode førsteinntrykk, og vi skulle gjerne oppgradert logo og profilmanual før denne tid. Brosjyrer, roll-ups, merch og diverse skal snart bestilles, da gjerne med den nye logoen. Vi ønsker altså en ny logo (vil beholde uglen, men gjerne i forskjellige fargekombinasjoner og nytt uttrykk), ny profilmanual med de ulike fargene som er brukt, nye fonter til tittel- og brødtekst. Her er link til nettsiden vår ...
Jeg ønsker å starte en norsk nettside med profiler (en slags kontaktside tenkt for rundt 10000 personer). Forsiden av siden må ha innloggingsfelt med...siden skal være minimalistisk, hvit og enkel. Detaljene rundt hvor på siden ting skal være, kan vi ta når vi snakkes. Dette er altså en nettside for en minoritetsgruppe hvor tanken er at de skal kunne utveksle tips og annet og finne hverandre generelt og komme i kontakt. Bildet under er kun et eksempel. Mine ferdigheter: Jeg forstår noe html, men mine ferdigheter er ikke så mye å skryte av. Laget nettsider ved hjelp av Word, Frontpage og diverse ferdig html implenteringer for 15 år siden, så ja, jeg trenger hjelp til dette ;) Det må v&aeli...
Hei. Søker etter en seriøs og erfaren php/html koderer for en nettbutikk. Oppgitt pris er ikke bestemt, og det kan derfor diskuteres frem til vi kommer til en enighet. Mer informasjon angående jobben oppgis ved en privat samtale. Kan kontaktes via e-mail. Kun seriøse henvendelser.
jeg skal drive et service firma som skal blantannet tilby renhold, transport osv. bedirften heter luxusservice.
trenger en 4 siders brosjyre. Ønsker forslag på format også. Salgsbrosjyre av produkter og tjenester vi leverer innen markedsføring av eiendom. Content vil hovedsaklig bli levert men det må i tillegg produseres noe product mock-ups.
[2]=10&attribute[1]=1&qty=1&productid=1971 benötige so einen oder ähnlichen text designer für , magento/gambio/xtcommerce usw
Danske tekster som skal oversættes til norsk direkte i HTML.
skal lage en enkel nettbutikk som har mulighet til å utvide med flere katogerier og produkter ved behov. den skal være lett å betjene og drifte. Jeg kan kjøpe ferdig laget hjemmesider idag men jeg vil ha det fra bunn som jeg vil. det må være mulighet til å koble til en betalingsløsning på den . jeg skal importerer varer fra alibabba og selge i norge, vil ha en hjemmeside som, hvis det er mulig til en god pris. jeg har veldig lav budjsett. vi vil kun begynn med en katogeri så utvide ettervert. Men måten de har laget er ganske smart.
Java 1.6,Tomcat 7 , eclipse juno , database ,dreamweaver etc .
Need to build a small online store with few items.
I want to create a website / online store with as domain names, it is a web store that will sell all of the possible electrical stuff, gadgets, teenaged related products and all of everyday products. There must be automatic payment options like Visa / Mastercard and shipping options and if there is something I did not mention here, but as a need in an online website. The store is a drop shipping store. There must be opportunities for me to update Website even after it is finished.
VIKTIG! VEDKOMMENDE MÅ KUNNE NORSK. Trenger hjelp med noen småt...på logo (enkel jobb). 2. Trenger et elektronisk newsletter som kan sendes til kunder på e-post med knyttelse til mailchimp. Det er et nødlader vi selger ved navnet level+ 3. Trenger en banner med produktet vårt med alle tre farger. Vi har foreløpig bilder av produktet men disse er i hver sitt farge. (bilder og info samt noe tekst blir oversendt) 4. Om ønskelig og om du kan, vil vi gjerne ha et html hjemmeside som vi allerede har kjøpt hos som er bare å redigere, sette inn bilder og info med tekst. Hvis du kan gjøre alle punkter er vi villig til å gi 1500 kr men du vil få et fot innefor vår bransje som utgjør flere...
Dette er kun en idé j...alene eller studenter med et stramt budsjett i måneden. Kategori er mat og oppskrifter. Jeg vil helst snakke med interesserte på mail, ettersom jeg ikke ønsker å fortelle hele idéen til hvem som helst. Litt kjedelig å se at det finnes en applikasjon som er min idé neste uke. Trenger noen som kan utvikle applikasjoner (til både Android og iPhone er et stort pluss) Designe utseende og kode html (kan litt selv, men langt ifra nok til å ordne noe bra) Ønsker en enkel og lys farge som bakgrunn. Bildet skal være helt stille, ikke noen bevegelser. Dette kan føles som ubehagelig for noen. Trenger egentlig bare hjelp til å LAGE selve applikasjonen og å få ...
Har en Magentoshop der skal flyttes til en ny server. Der skal laves enkelte mindre tilretninger som f.eks. et ekstra sprog dansk. udvikling af favicon og logo Herudover skal der sættes ca. 15 domæner op med dns på denne server til brug for wordpress sites som jeg selv installerer.
Har nettopp startet opp et webutvikling firma som leverer i hovedsak joomla nettsider og virtuemart nettbutikk. Mulig det også blir noe jobbing med wordpress. Da jeg er ganske nyutdannet søker jeg en freelancer til å hjelpe til ved avanserte løsninger og evt ved design av joomla, wordpress og virtuemart maler i de tilfeller hvor kunde krever en fullstendig tilpassing av sin nettløsning. Ønsker derfor en fast person som kan ta oppdrag relativt kjapt til en god pris. Jeg vil be om et pristilbud til denne freelanceren før hvert oppdrag påbegynnes. Ser frem til å høre fra NETTOPP deg! MVh Gøran Andersen
Oversettelse av merkevare/produkt-beskrivelser for en forhandler av moteartikler på nett Vi søker en organiseret, arbeidsom og veltalende oversetter, som har god grammatik og kan overholde deadlines. Vi er en mote-orienteret e-handels virksomhet fra Norge, som spesialiserer seg i designer-solbriller og -briller, og vi søker en freelance-skribent til å hjelpe oss med å skrive detaljerte beskrivelser avmerker/produkter til vår hjemmeside. Prosjektinformasjon: 1. Prosjektlengden er 5-7 uker (kan forhandles) 2. 50,000 ord 3. Flytende norsk er et krav 4. Evne til å arbeideselvstendig meden positiv holdning 5. Evne til selv å prioritere arbeidetogoverholde deadlines 6. Grundleggende kjennskap til SEO er et pluss 7. Sterke dataferdig...
I'm looking for a professional graphic designer to help me create a weekly editable, modern styled, minimalist trifold church program in Microsoft Word. Key Aspects: - The primary purpose of this program is to outline the weekly service schedule. - The design style should be minimalist – clean, simple, and uncluttered. - The program will need to include a welcome message. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in graphic design, particularly with Microsoft Word. - Strong understanding and appreciation for minimalist design. - Excellent communication skills for a hassle-free interaction. - Ability to provide numerous design drafts and revisions. Check out my profile for my recent work: Looking forward to your bids and pr...
I'm in need of a skilled frontend developer with deep Angular knowledge to assist in the completion of my web-based browser extension. The job involves creating interactive forms and notification pop-ups as part of the user interface. Requirements: - Extensive experience in frontend development, particularly with Angular - Proven track record in developing browser extensions - Ability to create and implement interactive UI elements - Experience with incorporating notification pop-ups in a user-friendly manner If you have a keen eye for detail and a passion for creating seamless, intuitive user experiences, I would love to hear from you.
I'm looking for a professional who can create an AI receptionist for my roofing business. This AI should primarily handle customer inquiries. The types of questions it should be able to answer include: - Service availability - Pricing information - Technical issues The AI receptionist needs to communicate with our customers via: - Phone calls - Email - Live chat on our website Ideal skills for this job include AI development, natural language processing, and telecommunication programming. Experience in creating AI for customer service in the home improvement industry would be a plus. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
I'm seeking a developer to create a video conferencing and online teaching tool, with a primary focus on facilitating collaborative whiteboard sessions. Key Requirements: - The tool must be compatible with desktop, laptop, tablet, and smartphone. - Essential features for the whiteboard include: - Drawing and annotation capabilities - File sharing and uploading - Real-time collaboration Ideal skills for this project include, but are not limited to: expertise in developing video conferencing software, experience with interactive whiteboard systems, and a strong understanding of cross-device compatibility.
I'm looking for a professional company with proven experience in social media management and online advertising to help grow downloads for my mobile app. This app is an online wallet for Euro and cryptocurrency, operating primarily in Europe. Key Responsibilities: - Manage and promote the app across Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. - Create and post promotional content. Main Objective: - The primary goal of the online ads is to increase app downloads. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in social media management and online advertising. - Experience in the finance or cryptocurrency sector is a plus. - Excellent content creation skills, specifically for promotional posts. - Proficient in targeting and reaching a European audience.
I'm looking to generate income through affiliate marketing, specifically promoting online courses via subscription services. Key responsibilities: - Identify and partner with lucrative online course subscription services - Implement effective affiliate marketing strategies to maximize earnings Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in affiliate marketing, especially in the e-learning sector - Strong networking and negotiation skills - Excellent understanding of digital marketing strategies
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a website for me. Specific details about the purpose of the website, branding elements, and preferred platform are still to be discussed. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and WordPress - Experience with e-commerce and portfolio websites - Knowledge of SEO and responsive design - Ability to work with minimal direction and communicate effectively Please be prepared to share examples of your previous work.
...amount is insufficient, it remains in pending reimbursement until the next payment is made, and any new expenses added by staff will automatically be paid using the available balance. 4. Billing & Invoice Generation • Admin should be able to generate a final bill by selecting a Chassis/File Number. • The system should automatically fetch all recorded expenses for that file. • Option to add office service charges before finalizing the bill. • Generate PDF invoices for clients. • Track payments received from clients and mark invoices as paid/unpaid. 5. Reports & Dashboard • Dashboard Overview: o Total Expenses Logged (Daily/Monthly/Yearly) o Total Pending Reimbursements o Total Payments Received vs. Outstanding o Vehicle Files in Progress vs....
My primary goal with this project is to improve team collaboration, with a specific focus on our communication processes. The ideal candidate for this project should possess: - Strong communication and interpersonal skills - Excellent task management capabilities - Proficient analytical thinking and problem-solving skills Please note, our current communication tool is email. If you have experience with enhancing communication processes via email, or can suggest alternative tools that can be implemented, that would be a plus.
I'm looking for a freelancer for an immediate online data listing project. The guidelines for the task will be provided in a PDF. I will supply all necessary details and the payment will be based on the amount of work completed. There will also be a test to assess your suitability for the task. Newbies are most welcome to apply. Ideal skills for the job include: - Attention to detail - Ability to follow instructions - Basic computer skills - Efficient work pace Please note, I have not yet specified the type of data that needs to be listed, how the data will be provided, or the platform on which the data will be listed. These details will be provided in due course.
Role Description: This is a remote contract role for an online AP chemistry tutor. The tutor will be responsible for conducting online tutoring sessions, teaching Physical Chemistry concepts, facilitating communication with students, and providing guidance in Chemistry and Mathematics. Qualifications: Experience in Online Tutoring and teaching AP Chemistry Punctual Experience in tutoring US students Bachelor's degree in Chemistry, or related field
...linking and responsiveness. Key Tasks: - Extract HTML, CSS, images, and available files from 's Wayback Machine. - Rebuild the website in WordPress with a classic and professional look. - Ensure the website is suitable for sharing articles and blogs. - Implement proper formatting and internal linking. - Make the site responsive. WordPress and SEO: - Reinstall and configure necessary WordPress plugins with a focus on SEO. - Maintain or improve the site's previous SEO settings to prevent further loss of traffic. - If dynamic content was present, recommend suitable plugins. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience with website restoration. - Extensive WordPress development and site migration experience. - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and basic PHP for minor...
I'm seeking an experienced digital marketer who can create effective Facebook ads aimed at generating leads for a free, online virtual community and confidence-building event tailored for expecting parents. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in creating successful Facebook ads - Understanding of target audience: expecting parents - Ability to promote a free service - Skills in lead generation and digital marketing Your primary goal will be to design compelling ads that resonate with expecting parents, encouraging them to join our event and ultimately, becoming part of our virtual community.
I'm looking for an experienced Google Ads professional to help generate leads for my local services business. Key Responsibilities: - Strategize and manage Google Ads across the Search Network, Display Network, and YouTube, targeting potential customers interested in local services. - Optimize campaigns to maximize lead generation and improve conversion rates. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in managing Google Ads campaigns, particularly for local services. - Proficiency in utilizing the Search Network, Display Network, and YouTube for advertising. - Strong skills in campaign optimization and lead generation.
...rice blends, ginger juices, and marinades while empowering local farmers. Our goal is to scale into wholesale, direct-to-consumer sales, and food service partnerships. We are looking for a Project Manager to oversee daily operations, team structuring, sales execution, and strategic growth. Who We’re Looking For We need a highly organized and strategic leader who can: ✅ Manage food business operations efficiently – From production to retail and B2B sales. ✅ Optimize team workflows using: Notion, ClickUp, Google Docs, and Microsoft Teams or any other tools ✅ Streamline sales & distribution – Develop a plan for wholesale, retail partnerships, and online sales. ✅ Lead product marketing & expansion – Help position our company as a recognizable ...
Clonei uma página vendas e hospedei no meu domínio na Hostinger. No entanto, a página original foi desenvolvida com Elementor, e como não possuo esse construtor, alguns ícones, como setas de navegação e o botão do WhatsApp, não estão aparecendo corretamente na minha versão. Preciso de um profissional para comparar as duas versões e corrigir esses problemas. Caso seja necessário, podem ser feitas otimizações no HTML para garantir que tudo funcione corretamente. Observação: Quando acesso meu site sem o /inicio, ele exibe uma tela padrão "Hello World". O ideal seria corrigir isso também para que a página principal carregue correta...
I need a skilled web developer to replicate a PNG image into pure Bootstrap HTML and CSS. All elements of the image need to be meticulously copied including the layout, modal, typography, colors, and navigation menu. Light hover effects should also be incorporated to enhance interactivity. The content of the page will be static, so no dynamic elements are required. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Proficient in HTML/CSS and Bootstrap - Excellent eye for detail - Experience with translating design into code - Knowledge of implementing CSS hover effects - Ability to work with PNG files I will provide the design image via chat. Please message me if any clarification is needed. Based on working on this page, we have above 20-25 image files of the same design but re...
I'm looking for a skilled professional who can create precise, handmade clipping paths for my e-commerce product images. The images will be used on an e-commerce website, so the paths need to be clean and accurate. Key Requirements: - Expertise in using the pen tool for creating clipping paths - Ability to complete the task within a strict 3-hour time frame - Not to use any automated tools or software for this task The payment is $5 per image. Please apply only if you can adhere to the time constraint and deliver high-quality work.
Build a website on elementor: home page and service page
I'm seeking a seasoned Software Developer specializing in crafting web applications, particularly for E-commerce platforms. The selected freelancer will possess comprehensive knowledge and experience in this field, enabling them to deliver a top-tier service. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in Software Development, specifically with web applications. - Proven track record of developing E-commerce platforms. - Strong understanding of industry standards and best practices in E-commerce web applications. - Ability to deliver high-quality work within agreed timelines. - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail. If you have the necessary skills and experience, I look forward to your at g mail dot cum
I'm looking for a professional, engaging infographic designed with the purpose of generating leads for our Windows 11 upgrade service. The tone of the ad should be polished and professional, in line with our brand image. It should effectively communicates the benefits of upgrading to Windows 11 and why potential clients should consider moving with us. Ideal skills and experience would include: - Proficiency in infographic design - Understanding of lead generation techniques - Experience with tech-based content - Ability to convey complex information in a simple, engaging manner. just one ads, image 3 is my company logo.
I have a bare metal server with 140GB GPU and 400GB of RAM, and I want to start my own cloud provi...metal server with 140GB GPU and 400GB of RAM, and I want to start my own cloud provider services. The primary offering will be virtual machines running various Linux distributions. Key Requirements: - Setting up and configuring the server for cloud services - Creating and managing virtual machines - Implementing a user-friendly interface for clients - Ensuring security and reliability of the service Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge in server management - Experience in setting up cloud services - Proficiency in Linux and its distributions, particularly Ubuntu, CentOS, and Debian - Ability to create and manage virtual machines Please note, I want to offer every Linux-based open-...
I need a cross-platform (iPhone & Android) application designed for client management, user tracking, and automated invoicing. ...invoicing. Key Features: - Admin Panel: - Add clients with care needs - Add users, and enter their personal and bank information e.g. Name ,tell, bank BSB & Account No. - Create fortnightly invoices for users based on timesheets and services rendered - Pre-set company details for invoicing - Invoices to be generated in PDF format - User Panel: - Log daily working hours - Write service notes Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in mobile app development - Familiarity with client management systems - Prior work with automated invoicing applications - Skills in creating intuitive user interfaces - Ability to ensure cross-plat...
I have built a project using Loveable AI and now need some error fixing and some updates and integrations. It's built on frontend and backend React_shadcn TS and Supabase database. I am encountering several backend issues that need addressing: - Authentication problems - Routing issues - Some updates of key functions Additionally, I am looking to implement: - New features - Third-party service integration - Performance improvements Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience with React and Supabase - Strong backend development skills - Prior experience with integrating third-party services - Ability to work on performance improvements
I'm looking for a modern, compelling logo for my home remodeling service. The logo should incorporate a house icon and tools like a hammer or wrench, reflecting the nature of the business. Key Details: - The dominant color should be Gold, with Blue as a complementary color like the letters. - The overall style of the logo should be modern, minimal yet impactful. The ideal designer for this project should have: - A strong portfolio in modern, minimalist design - Experience in designing logos, particularly for home and construction services - An ability to creatively incorporate specific elements into cohesive, visually appealing designs. Name of business: Custom Installations and Remodeling Attached is a screen shot of something I liked from an AI image. But give me some...