Php mail processor radio button jobber
Hi freelander. Do you know php? Do you know Mailgun? Do you know how to convert html code into a pdf file? I have a system developed in Scriptcase, which is a framework for code generation and php coding. I have been trying to access Mailgun from my system, using API. This worked for a while, but now I get errors and meet different challenges. I have tried to move to a different webserver , but my skills are limited on this and I need help. Before sending the email, I am trying to convert a html code into a pdf file. This pdf file is ment to be an attachment in the email. After upgrading to php 8.1, this also does not work any more, but result in an error message. Helping me to fix this, is also a part of the project. I need help from someone who can ass...
Jeg trenger et script som kan utføre diverse automatiske oppgaver som blant annet, 1. overvåking av domeneportefølje - Informere om enhver status endring. 2. Flytte domener til nye abonnenter. 3. Registrere nye domener. 4. Automatisk Whois og liste definert informasjon etc.. Dette er i grove trekk det jeg trenger. Jeg vet det finnes mange delte gratis script, det er helt ok for meg å bruke open source script, så lenge resultatet er velfungerende.
Freewomen er et nytt nettsamfunn kun for kvinner. Jeg ønsker nå hjelp til å markedsføre dette i andre land. Det vil si ringe og ta kontakt med ulike medier som aviser, TV kanaler og radio for å lage en story eller et intervju om dette nettsamfunnet.
English: Hi! We are looking for a long-term partner to help us develop "Vipps" integrations on our website. We are located in Bergen. We run several e-commerce stores through Shopify, we want to develop Vipps Hurtigkasse as a payment alternative. This is a secondary button below the classic "Add to Cart" button. This button allows Norwegian customers who have the Vipps app installed to order a product with just 2 clicks. I enclose a video showing how this works. Our budget is quite high. Just send me an offer. We also want to work long-term with you if you are interested. I attach some useful links for more information:
Jeg trenger noen som følger opp noen "varme kunder" per mail og telefon - for å få avtalt møter. Det vil etterhvert også bli snakk om digital markedsføring og ansvar for sosiale medier (opplæring vil bli gitt). Du kan jobbe fra hvor som helst. Selskapet du vil jobbe for er __________________________________________________________ I need someone who follows up on some "warm customers" by email and phone - to arrange meetings. There will eventually also be talk of digital marketing and responsibility for social media (training will be provided). You can work from anywhere. The company you want to work for is
i have a Domain, and server to have it on, but everything needs to be in PHP, with all info stored in MySQL my main page, my radio page that is compatible with SAM Broadcaster, my Server page where all the servers i host are listed, my forum, and some individual pages for the servers with some info for the servers
!21740&authkey=!AFVz5FB1wpmcxOE&ithint=folder%2cdocx Budget $40 For this project is creating a Front End and Back End MS Access Database that will hold Historical Data also The First Form will have two buttons on it 1. One Button Titled MARS 2. Second Button Titled PSB Creating the MARS Form 3. This form will need to look and act identical to the ****_Call_Audit_Score_Card Creating the PSB Form 4. This form will need to look and act like the *** Call Score Form ***Please take time to review the excel spread sheet with hidden tabs formulas and VBA !21740&authkey=!AFVz5FB1wpmcxOE&ithint=folder%2cdocx
Søker erfaren app utvikler! Trenger en som kan være med å utvikle en app til i første omgang android. Appen tar for seg logg føring og enkle graf fremstillinger. Forløpig er det på idè stadige. Trenger ett prisoverslag på hvor mye dette vil koste å utvikle. Utvikler vil også bli brukt videre til oppdateringer osv. En mer detaljer beskrivelse kan gis på mail. Mvh
Hi, I need a database & mobile app to be created where I can enter the below details: 1. Customer Name 2. Phone (H): 3. Phone(M): 4. Email: 5. Delivery Option : (radio button to select “Pick-up” or “Delivery”) 6. Address: (if delivery option is “Delivery” then should ask to put address) a. Address Line 1 b. Address Line 2 c. Suburb 7. Date of Delivery: 8. Time of Delivery: 9. Order: (Drop down list – details will be provided) 10. Pre-Payment: (check-box) 11. Source of Referral: With delivery date and time I need build in a logic to be put in place. If there is already and order in that time slot then it should not allow to book the order, and should give them option of next available time slot. (Order interval wil...
Hi, I need a database & mobile app to be created where I can enter the below details: 1. Customer Name 2. Phone (H): 3. Phone(M): 4. Email: 5. Delivery Option : (radio button to select “Pick-up” or “Delivery”) 6. Address: (if delivery option is “Delivery” then should ask to put address) a. Address Line 1 b. Address Line 2 c. Suburb 7. Date of Delivery: 8. Time of Delivery: 9. Order: (Drop down list – details will be provided) 10. Pre-Payment: (check-box) 11. Source of Referral: With delivery date and time I need build in a logic to be put in place. If there is already and order in that time slot then it should not allow to book the order, and should give them option of next available time slot. (Order interval wil...
Hjemmeside med god mal og flere undersider som beskriver selskapet. Produktsider, side med prosjekter som har blitt gjort. enkel innloggingsmuligheter for oss i selsskapet som kan gå inn og sende mail og motta mail. Skrive innlegg på innleggssiden. Gjerne på Norsk også oversatt til Engelsk. Trenger også en side hvor kundene kan skrive tilbakemeldinger eller ta kontakt. Ønsker møte med webdesigner.
Hei. Søker etter en seriøs og erfaren php/html koderer for en nettbutikk. Oppgitt pris er ikke bestemt, og det kan derfor diskuteres frem til vi kommer til en enighet. Mer informasjon angående jobben oppgis ved en privat samtale. Kan kontaktes via e-mail. Kun seriøse henvendelser.
Et instruktøverktøy for politiets trening av taktikk. Denne ideen bygger på tanker om en app der man har mulighet til å trykke på de momenter fra faktorskjema (et trappeskjema for pro...leksjonen med. Slik får man da satt sammen leksjonen så individuelt tilpasset som mulig. Det er også ønskelig at den enkelte leksjon man setter sammen kan lagres på navn og med mulighet for å filme gjennomføringer knyttet til akkurat den leksjonen. Det må være muligheter for å skrive kommentarer til den enkelte gjennomføring/leksjon, samt kunne komprimere filen slik at den i sin helhet kan sendes på mail til personen som har gjennomført mtp egen evaluering. Maks 10 min filmsnutter. Det er...
En app med muligheten for å legge inn alt du bruker penger på hver eneste dag.rnAlt må kategoriseres. men det må være enkelt og det må gå fort å legge inn.rnForbruk, regninger, husleie, boliglån - alt må kunne legges inn fortløpende.rnman må også kunne legge inn inntekter. lønn, premier, barnebidrag, presanger o.l.rnDet må også være mulighet for å "tagge" ste...legges inn fortløpende.rnman må også kunne legge inn inntekter. lønn, premier, barnebidrag, presanger o.l.rnDet må også være mulighet for å "tagge" steder man handler på, altså legge inn de stedene man bruker penger, eventuelt s...
Fulltime Live PHP Website for testingFulltime Live PHP Website for testingFulltime Live PHP Website for testingFulltime Live PHP Website for testingFulltime Live PHP Website for testingFulltime Live PHP Website for testing
Jeg trenger en som kan utvikle en kombinert spill og treningsapp. Man skal kunne tjene poeng ved å gjennomføre treningsøkter (irl) for å kjøpe div utstyr i spillet, for å nå nye nivå. Den skal kunne koples mot Spotify og div sosiale medier, visa og PayPal betalingsløsninger. Vil ikke avsløre mer enn nødve...nye nivå. Den skal kunne koples mot Spotify og div sosiale medier, visa og PayPal betalingsløsninger. Vil ikke avsløre mer enn nødvendig. Søker en som har kunnskap om hvordan man lager apper både for iphone og Android. Er du interessert i trening, er det en fordel, men ingen krav. Betalingen vil være et engangsbeløp og x-prosent av salg I appen. Interesserte...
for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley
Dette er kun en idé jeg har hatt en god stund, som noen i familien synes jeg kanskje burde prøve å få noe ut av. Prosjektet går ut på å hjelpe ungdom som bor alene eller studenter med et stramt budsjett i måneden. Kategori er mat og oppskrifter. Jeg vil helst snakke med interesserte på mail, ettersom jeg ikke ønsker å fortelle hele idéen til hvem som helst. Litt kjedelig å se at det finnes en applikasjon som er min idé neste uke. Trenger noen som kan utvikle applikasjoner (til både Android og iPhone er et stort pluss) Designe utseende og kode html (kan litt selv, men langt ifra nok til å ordne noe bra) Ønsker en enkel og lys farge som bakgrunn. Bildet skal være h...
Looking for professional scripter, webhoster, php +++ NOR godta så kan vi snakke vidre på chat, mye lettere! pris og slik underher er bare noe random som står ! vi blir enige! MVH
Looking for professional scripter, webhoster, php +++ NOR godta så kan vi snakke vidre på chat, mye lettere! pris og slik underher er bare noe random som står ! vi blir enige! MVH
web app web app web app aeb app aeb app web app web app web app aeb app aeb app
i neen php script for instagram api , sql & OAuth Login with username instagram with my app Description script : Full View user's profile - Showing 10 random users with a button (follow) - Showing 10 users of image files randomly with Button (like) - When a user follow the script automatically follow you after some time. - When (like) image, the script is (like) image of the last your photos . If your account Private , script does not follow back or like back you All operations are stored to the database admin file Edit user Delete a user View Statistics Users view Private accounts Design For Browser and Mobile
i neen php script for instagram api , sql & OAuth Login with username instagram with my app Description script : Full View user's profile - Showing 10 random users with a button (follow) - Showing 10 users of image files randomly with Button (like) - When a user follow the script automatically follow you after some time. - When (like) image, the script is (like) image of the last your photos . If your account Private , script does not follow back or like back you All operations are stored to the database admin file Edit user Delete a user View Statistics Users view Private accounts Design For Browser and Mobile
Web siden må inneholde følgen. lett og oversiktlig. lett for kunder å registrere seg. mulighet for reklame på siden. database med de 8 største byene i Norge.(med steds navn) mulighet for å registrere boenheter på siden mot betaling. Kunde profil.(den som registerer seg).utleier eller leietaker. automatisk mail til mulig leietaker når en leilighet er ledig på ønsket bo sted. søke motor for leiligheter i norge ! Lett for administrator å oppdatere. lett å bruke !
i neen php script for instagram api , sql & OAuth Login with username instagram with my app Description script : Full View user's profile - Showing 10 random users with a button (follow) - Showing 10 users of image files randomly with Button (like) - When a user follow the script automatically follow you after some time. - When (like) image, the script is (like) image of the last your photos . If your account Private , script does not follow back or like back you All operations are stored to the database admin file Edit user Delete a user View Statistics Users view Private accounts Design For Browser and Mobile
Jeg har løpende arbeid relatert til vårt tidligere prosjekt'PHP Nuke Modul'
...en skift kalender til iPhone/iPad for de som jobber offshore på rigg, samt for sjøfolk. Det finnes i dag flere slike på nett, men ingen til iPhone. Se på følgende link for som er en nettversjon av det jeg ønsker: I tillegg til de funksjonene som er der ønsker jeg å kunne eksportere "jobb" periodene til iPhone kalenderen, eksportere til venner via mail/sms ( i bilde/pdf format) og eksportere til "mine bilder" på iPhone. Når kalenderen genereres må det være mulig å kunne sette navn på den, slik at det f.eks. i toppen kommer "Ola Normann - 2013". Om mulig ønsker jeg også mulighet til å importere kalendere fra inntil 3 venner som også bruk...
Hei Litt kort om meg. Jeg er 24 år og utdannet innenfor Informasjonssystemer. Jeg jobber fortiden som IT-konsulent innenfor systemutvikling, drift, vedlikehold og kundebehandling. I en lengre periode har jeg jobbet med utviklingen av en ide jeg har hatt for restaurant bran... Da jeg var på for å lete etter kvalifiserte programmerer kom jeg over din "profil". Du har mange viktige kvalifikasjoner jeg er ute etter, og da vi begge er fra Norge gjør dette et mulig samarbeid mye enklere og mer effektivt! Jeg sender deg denne mailen for å høre om dette er noe du er interessert i! Hvis dette er tilfelle, send meg en mail tilbake og jeg vil gå i dybden på hva ideen går ut på og prosjektets muligheter. ... help me build a frame design for my web portfolio. This project needs to be completed in less than 10 days. Key Features: - The design should be implemented using Figma, the rest of the coding I will handle myself. - The portfolio needs to be vibrant and engaging, with a 'creative and colorful' aesthetic. - Key sections of the portfolio will include: About Me, Projects, Contact, and a Hire button. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Figma - Strong web design skills - Experience in creating engaging, colorful designs - Understanding of backend programming to align design with coding capabilities I'm looking for a designer who can deliver a unique and visually appealing design that stands out. Please be as creative as possible, I don't have a specific color pa...
I’m dealing with a few issues on my VPS email server managed via WHM/cPanel. The primary problem seems to be DNS misconfigurations, but I also need assistance with frozen emails and ensuring the server's security against unauthorized login attempts. Tasks: - Troubleshoot and fix DNS records (A, MX, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, etc.) - Resolve frozen emails and restore normal mail flow - Secure the server from potential threats - Test and verify functionality of email sending/receiving Requirements: - Proven experience with WHM/cPanel and Exim/Dovecot - Deep understanding of DNS configurations - Strong troubleshooting and server security skills I made recent changes to my DNS settings on OVH, which might have contributed to these issues.
Make an invitation card (animated gif): 10 seconds 1. Background of the animated gif is this file (it should be constantly running during the whole gif): 2. The first 3 seconds should show this image (while the mp4 is running in the ...still running in the background) 4 The first 3 seconds should show this image (while the mp4 is running in the background): ambiente-date-2025.webp.1920.jpg. Replace "SAVE THE DATE" by "WELCOME TO OUR BOOTH HALL 8.0 D19" HALL 8.0 D19 in fat script. the date can still be mentioned. Do NOT include the dates. 5. Must be infiinite loop Supply 4 files: 1. animated gif small (for attachment to e-mail) 2. animated gif large 3. mp4 small 4. mp4 large
I'm seeking a PHP professional with substantial WordPress experience to modify a specific email script. the price is fixed not per hour Key Tasks: - Edit the PHP file that manages the "processing status" email. - Customize the subject line of this email according to the "billing_language" field from the checkout form. - The email content must be tailored to align perfectly in both English and Arabic, as I have pre-written messages for both languages. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong proficiency in PHP, particularly in the context of WordPress. - Prior experience customizing WordPress email scripts. - Ability to understand and implement language-specific content seamlessly. - Familiarity with WordPress's checkout process and 'b...
...Integration: Upon saving the dream log entry, the calendar view should update to reflect the entry within the corresponding date box. ● Visual Elements: ○ Integrated current moon phase within the calendar and date view. ○ In the expanded dream log view, provide options for users to customize the background color and add decorative elements. ● "Fake Door" - Journaling Feature: Include a "Log Your Journal" button within the expanded dream log view. This feature will be locked but will track user clicks to gauge interest in future development. ● Symbols for Dream Types: Use the following symbols to represent different types of dreams: ○ Regular dream: Cloud ○ Vivid dream: Lightning bolt ○ Nightmare: Monster or ghost ○ Recurring dream: Recycling symbol ○ Lucid dre...
Hello I got the module for VM Marketplace 5.2 for Virtuemart. I need a programmer to install or reinstall this module and install the login page on my left side of each page, also test the module to be sure it is working. - SMTP server mail fix - 3 lines text to change
I'm seeking an experienced developer to analyze my PHP plugin using tools like PHP_CodeSniffer. The plugin's coding standards and security vulnerabilities need to be assessed according to the WordPress Coding Standards. The final deliverable should be a comprehensive report detailing coding violations, potential security issues, and recommendations for resolving these problems. Ideal candidates would have a strong background in PHP, WordPress plugin development, and a deep understanding of coding standards and security measures.
I've got the module for VM Marketplace 5.2 for VirtueMart. I need a professional programmer to install or reinstall this module and set up a login page on the left side of each page. The programmer will also test the module to ensure it's functioning correctly. Specific tasks include: - Adjusting minor text modifications I have. - Checking SMTP for automatic mail sending. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Expertise in VirtueMart. - Proficiency in module installation and customization. - Strong programming skills to design a login page from scratch. - Excellent troubleshooting abilities to test module functionality. - Attention to detail for text modifications and SMTP checks.
I'm seeking a skilled PHP CodeIgniter developer to install a CodeCanyon script sourced from the provided link. This project involves setting up the script on a DigitalOcean server and troubleshooting any potential errors that may arise during the installation process. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in PHP and CodeIgniter - Experience with DigitalOcean - Familiarity with CodeCanyon scripts - Strong problem-solving skills for troubleshooting errors - Experience with gaming scripts will be an advantage.
I'm looking for a talented Laravel developer to implement Phase 2 of my project. The key focus for this phase is new feature development. Key Requirements: - Develop new features in Laravel - Ensure all developments are in line with Zatca compliance standards Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Laravel - Experienced in developing compliant software - Strong problem-solving skills I Need you to create mini package to handle creating invoices, reporting to zatca. i'll embed your classes in our project and use them
I need a WooCommerce that allows my vendors to manage partial orders. This includes updating stock after a partial order, notifying customers about partial shipments, and generating separate invoices for partial orders.(invoice generation setup already done) Additionally, I need a payment link integrated into the checkout page. This link should be displayed prominently with a button, and it should include the invoice number. eg- This link leads to the payment page for invoice number Woo6426. Ideal skills for this project include: - Expertise in WooCommerce and WordPress - Experience with developing and integrating plugins - Knowledge of eCommerce best practices - Strong understanding of customer notification systems
...a real human. OS: Vps windows remote desktop pc, Vps ubuntu remote desktop pc Requirement: Transmit all requests through residential proxy. Actions: Head over to booking appointment website url, Search for the term "All services from AZ" on the new page, Click on "All services from AZ" Click on the letter N button, Choose the service type we need to grab, ( we will let you know ) Click on reservations, Select "all locations" tick. Click on "book an appointment on this location button" Calendar pops up when you confirm. It shows two months later, selenium should go back to current month and search the nearest available day.(max two days later is expected) If booking is available, cursor turns into finger symbol when cursor is hover...
10% of job testride same conditions limited risk its USD 10 milestone its USD 90 for rest ONLY APPLY IF YOU HAVE UNLIMITED PLANS FOR GATHERING AND VERIFYING LEAD PROVIDERS apollo, hunter, salesNavigator, The countries of interest include: Dubai, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, and Yemen. Key Details: - Industry Focus: Engineering, Project Management, Construction, and Plant Engineering sectors. - Contact Level: C-Level contacts, Presidents, and Heads of departments. - Target Job Titles: CEO/President, Head of Engineering, or Head of Project Management. Deliverables: 25.000 valid email addresses up to date AND verified Mandatory: Make sure your data is verified by a mailtester (attach protocol ) BUDGET is USD 100 fix (NO Negotiation) TIME is 24 hours
I'm in need of a large, eye-catching decal for the back of my caravan. The design should be in a vintage style and use a bold an...the back of my caravan. The design should be in a vintage style and use a bold and bright color scheme. Key components of the design include: - The words "CanAussie Cruisers" in an arc at the top - The Canadian and Australian flags crisscrossed in the middle - The phrase "Georgia 2" with an accompanying image of our cruising boat at the bottom (I will provide a picture) - The details of our CB radio channel at the very bottom Ideal candidates for this project should have: - A strong portfolio in vintage design - Experience in creating large-scale decals - Ability to work with provided images and text - Excellent understanding ...
I'm looking for a skilled Android app developer to update the UI of my existing app. Tasks: 1. Adding a button to the UI for printing a label to a Bluetooth printer. This function is already part of the app, you just need to add a button to print another set of contents. The data to be printed is a combination of QR codes and text. 2. Adding another button for printing to a network printer. The IP address for this printer should be dynamic, sourced from the local path of the Android device's file. 3. Modifying a function in the main activity. Currently, there's a function that auto-copies the contents of one field to another. The second field should be set to automatically trigger a search. The copy function works, but the search trigger needs fixing....
...well-groomed dog. • Text on Screen: • “Live Camera. GPS Tracking. High-End Trailer Spa.” • “Before & After – See the Difference!” • Narration: “With our live camera, GPS tracking, and high-end trailer spa, you and your dog can feel relaxed and stress-free.” Scene 5 (25–30 seconds): • Visual: A happy, clean dog runs back to its owner in slow motion. The Pamps app screen appears with a “Book Now” button. • Text on Screen: • “Pamps Grooming—Care at Your Doorstep!” • “Live sessions available for 24 hours.” • Narration: “Pamps Grooming—convenience, comfort, and care, right at your doorstep. Book your session today!” **...
I'm looking for a professional team to assist with upgrading my existing PHP-developed website and its associated mobile application. The focus of this project is on enhancing the database and functionality from version V1 to V2, with hands-on support required daily via AnyDesk. Currently, a sole developer is working on the project but to ensure efficient progress and boost productivity, I need a dedicated team. Key areas of this project include: - Database Optimization: The primary concern is enhancing the website's database for better performance. - Database Redesign: The database will require a complete data structure redesign alongside necessary upgrades. - Mobile App Support: The mobile application associated with this system will need assistance with bug fixes and ...
I'm seeking a skilled SharePoint developer with strong expertise in SPFX and React JS. I need assistance with a one-page customization in SharePoint. Specific Requirements: - After clicking a button, a form should open in a modal popup - The form in the modal popup will display user data Ideal Skills: - Proficient in SharePoint SPFX - Experienced in React JS - Strong understanding of SharePoint page customization - Good at implementing modal popups and buttons - Able to work with and display user data in a form
I'm seeking a professional with a solid background in display driver development, Android OS, and frame buffer handling. The task involves modifying an existing display driver to enhance performance. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in display driver development - Extensive experience with Android OS - Knowledge of frame buffer optimization - Experience in Linux kernel programming - Unde...experience with Android OS - Knowledge of frame buffer optimization - Experience in Linux kernel programming - Understanding of GPU integration and optimization - Experience in performance tuning for embedded systems - Familiarity with real-time operating systems (RTOS) The modification should focus on achieving faster rendering speed. The modification should target the hardware configuration "MT... designed for creating visually rich, static content without requiring developer intervention. Form Builder: Building upon the capabilities of the page builder, a form builder will enable users to create and manage dynamic forms. In addition to all features of the page builder, this tool will offer a range of form-specific components, including text input fields, dropdown menus, checkboxes, radio buttons, and more. Users will configure the type, validation rules, and requirement status for each form field. The tool should also allow for defining the form's actions upon submission (e.g., submitting to a database or API). The form builder will allow users to create custom forms without code, seamlessly integrating them into different parts of the application. Translation A...