Php jobb jobber
Hi freelander. Do you know php? Do you know Mailgun? Do you know how to convert html code into a pdf file? I have a system developed in Scriptcase, which is a framework for code generation and php coding. I have been trying to access Mailgun from my system, using API. This worked for a while, but now I get errors and meet different challenges. I have tried to move to a different webserver , but my skills are limited on this and I need help. Before sending the email, I am trying to convert a html code into a pdf file. This pdf file is ment to be an attachment in the email. After upgrading to php 8.1, this also does not work any more, but result in an error message. Helping me to fix this, is also a part of the project. I need help from someone who can ass...
Jeg trenger et script som kan utføre diverse automatiske oppgaver som blant annet, 1. overvåking av domeneportefølje - Informere om enhver status endring. 2. Flytte domener til nye abonnenter. 3. Registrere nye domener. 4. Automatisk Whois og liste definert informasjon etc.. Dette er i grove trekk det jeg trenger. Jeg vet det finnes mange delte gratis script, det er helt ok for meg å bruke open source script, så lenge resultatet er velfungerende.
Vi trenger en Copywriter, som kan korrekturlese utkast vi lager for forskjellige type softwareperodukter. Vi ønsker umiidelbar oppstart. Ca fire timer jobb i uken.
Hei! Skal lage en nettbutikk og trenger hjelp til design av den :) Kontakt meg med tidligere referanser eller jobb som du har gjort så avtaler vi nærmere. Benjamin
Dear all Norwegian speaking (and writing) people, Sidekick Content is growing and we are now looking for more Norwegian content writers. Please read more about the position on our website: We are looking forward to start working with you! Best regards, Camilla
I forbindelse med et forskningsprosjekt ved UIB har jeg behov for at noe hjelper meg å lage en ultra enkel mobil app. Jeg trenger å lenke til mine Youtube vid...enkel. Kanskje noe søvnrelatert bakgrunn e.l.? Summert opp kan det se slik ut: En enkel interface med iconer 1: Tekstikon: Velkommen 2: 4 Moduler som er linker til youtube 3: 4 "Arbeidsark" tilknyttet hver modul hvor man kan fylle ut det arbeidet man gjør 4: Lenker til forskningsverktøy ala dette: Dette er vel en svært enkel jobb? Om det er mulig ser jeg for meg en "prototype" først som du lager superenkel og billig. Så tar vi det derfra og muligens lager en mer fin og dyrere versjon når jeg vet at ting fungerer sånn noenl...
Hei kan du hjelpe oss med å skrive SEO artikler på vår nettside: ? Hvis du er flink så har vi mye jobb! Kan du legge meg til på S? Mitt brukernavn "er lavrans90"
Hei, Jeg har leid en freelancer til å integrere min opencart-butikk til leverandøren Focalprice sitt api system. Kort forklart skal dette systemet gjøre følgende: Through API system, you can »Freely download images, products information. »Monitor the inventory of products, and if we update product information on our website, it wil...the inventory of products, and if we update product information on our website, it will be took place on your website automatically. »Maintain your order management completely without any clicks. Jeg trenger ikke systemet undersøkt i detalj, men vil bare forsikre meg om at funksjonen som gjelder oppdatering av produktinformasjon på leverandørens side også oppdaterer seg på min side. ...
Hei, Jeg har leid en freelancer til å integrere min opencart-butikk til leverandøren Focalprice sitt api system. Kort forklart skal dette systemet gjøre følgende: Through API system, you can »Freely download images, products information. »Monitor the inventory of products, and if we update product information on our website, it wil...the inventory of products, and if we update product information on our website, it will be took place on your website automatically. »Maintain your order management completely without any clicks. Jeg trenger ikke systemet undersøkt i detalj, men vil bare forsikre meg om at funksjonen som gjelder oppdatering av produktinformasjon på leverandørens side også oppdaterer seg på min side. ...
hei! Jeg heter JASVIR SINGH og fra India. Jeg er cad-cam ingeniør og har 7 år erfaring. kan du finne min cv og la meg vite hvilken som helst jobb mulighet i din bedrift. takk mvh
Fulltime Live PHP Website for testingFulltime Live PHP Website for testingFulltime Live PHP Website for testingFulltime Live PHP Website for testingFulltime Live PHP Website for testingFulltime Live PHP Website for testing
VIKTIG! VEDKOMMENDE MÅ KUNNE NORSK. Trenger hjelp med noen småting. 1. Trenger logo jeg har i full vektor format samt endring av farge på logo (enkel jobb). 2. Trenger et elektronisk newsletter som kan sendes til kunder på e-post med knyttelse til mailchimp. Det er et nødlader vi selger ved navnet level+ 3. Trenger en banner med produktet vårt med alle tre farger. Vi har foreløpig bilder av produktet men disse er i hver sitt farge. (bilder og info samt noe tekst blir oversendt) 4. Om ønskelig og om du kan, vil vi gjerne ha et html hjemmeside som vi allerede har kjøpt hos som er bare å redigere, sette inn bilder og info med tekst. Hvis du kan gjøre alle punkter er vi villig til å gi 1500 kr men du...
for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley
Bedrif...og tjeneste retter seg i hovedsak mot alle bedrifter. Vi ser etter en kandidat med sterk entreprenør ånd, som ønsker å være en viktig spiller for suksess på det norske rette personen er ambisiøs, har en sterk forretnings forståelse, og ønsker å komme seg opp og frem i sin ser fortrinnsvis etter kandidater med salgseerfaring fra kan tilby deg en jobb der du vil kunne utfordre deg selv gjennom varierte og allsidige oppgaver, i en bedrift i sterk vekst, og med muligheter for en internasjonale karriere. Du vil jobbe i et dynamisk, ambisiøst, og sosialt team. Vi ser etter kandidater som ønsker å være en del av suksesshistorie. Dette er en fulltidsstilling med en god bonusordning som...
Looking for professional scripter, webhoster, php +++ NOR godta så kan vi snakke vidre på chat, mye lettere! pris og slik underher er bare noe random som står ! vi blir enige! MVH
Looking for professional scripter, webhoster, php +++ NOR godta så kan vi snakke vidre på chat, mye lettere! pris og slik underher er bare noe random som står ! vi blir enige! MVH
web app web app web app aeb app aeb app web app web app web app aeb app aeb app
i neen php script for instagram api , sql & OAuth Login with username instagram with my app Description script : Full View user's profile - Showing 10 random users with a button (follow) - Showing 10 users of image files randomly with Button (like) - When a user follow the script automatically follow you after some time. - When (like) image, the script is (like) image of the last your photos . If your account Private , script does not follow back or like back you All operations are stored to the database admin file Edit user Delete a user View Statistics Users view Private accounts Design For Browser and Mobile
i neen php script for instagram api , sql & OAuth Login with username instagram with my app Description script : Full View user's profile - Showing 10 random users with a button (follow) - Showing 10 users of image files randomly with Button (like) - When a user follow the script automatically follow you after some time. - When (like) image, the script is (like) image of the last your photos . If your account Private , script does not follow back or like back you All operations are stored to the database admin file Edit user Delete a user View Statistics Users view Private accounts Design For Browser and Mobile
Hei! Vi trenger en dyktig app-utvikler til vårt nye prosjekt. Appen skal være enkel og brukervennlig for personer som er ute etter jobb. Det vil ikke være for mange funksjoner, men man må kunne registrere seg i en database, ha mulighet til å bli varslet på mobilen.
Jeg har løpende arbeid relatert til vårt tidligere prosjekt'PHP Nuke Modul'
Jeg ønsker en skift kalender til iPhone/iPad for de som jobber offshore på rigg, samt for sjøfolk. Det finnes i dag flere slike på nett, men ingen til iPhone. Se på følgende link for som er en nettversjon av det jeg ønsker: I tillegg til de funksjonene som er der ønsker jeg å kunne eksportere "jobb" periodene til iPhone kalenderen, eksportere til venner via mail/sms ( i bilde/pdf format) og eksportere til "mine bilder" på iPhone. Når kalenderen genereres må det være mulig å kunne sette navn på den, slik at det f.eks. i toppen kommer "Ola Normann - 2013". Om mulig ønsker jeg også mulighet til å importere kalendere fra inntil 3 venner som ...
I have a PHP project that needs some modifications. I can provide detailed specifications for the new features. Please note: - Your main task will be incorporating these new features into the project. - There's a possibility of bug fixes and design updates, if required. - All new features will be clearly outlined for you. Ideal candidates would be those with extensive PHP experience and a solid understanding of feature integration. Further, strong communication skills are crucial so that we can ensure all specifications are clearly understood and implemented correctly.
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a PHP and MySQL based website with 8 pages, featuring a modern and elegant design. The website will primarily serve as a platform for managing financial tables, with data being stored and retrieved from a database. Key Project Requirements: - User Roles: The site will have two levels of user access control: Admin and User roles. - Financial Tables Functionality: Users should be able to add, edit, and delete entries, filter and search data, and generate reports on financial tables. - Data Handling: The site will allow for manual upload of Excel files and exporting data to Excel for further analysis. The pages of the site will include: 1. Categories and Pricing: Displaying items, prices, buyers, sellers, and profit margi...
Online New freelancer, Junior Level. I need a junior level freelancer who can assist me with custom PHP work. This could involve bug fixing, adding new features, and improving existing code. Ideal candidate should have: - Proficient in Core PHP
I'm looking for an expert who can help modify my HTML contact form code to work with PHP. - The modified form should send messages from my clients directly to my email. - The form should trigger an auto-response email to the sender upon submission. - I would like to receive the submitted information in an HTML formatted email. I have designed the form exactly as I would like it, but I'm struggling with the PHP modifications. If you're interested, please get in touch so we can discuss this further.
Currently the shipping plugin functions on PHP 5.6, but does not function on 7.4 PHP, and the current version of WooCommerce. The shipping plugin connects to a single API and pulls a list of possible shipping options. The updated version of the plugin needs to be compatible with the latest version of WooCommerce and PHP 8.3. Happy to answer any questions, and to provide access to a demo site to test prior to accepting the work etc.
PLEASE RESPOND ONLY IF YOU LIVE IN THE US. I'm looking for a highly skilled PHP framework and MySQL programmer based in the US to help me build a large-scale website. This site will include a variety of features such as online forms, a corresponding search and report system, discussion boards, user management, admin and user dashboards, solid security measures, and other features as needed. Key Features: - Online Forms: The primary purpose of the online forms will be data collection. The forms will need to be versatile and able to gather a wide range of information. - Search System: This will be linked to the online forms, allowing for a comprehensive and efficient data retrieval process. - Discussion Boards: A space for user interaction and community building. - User Managem...
Hello, I need assistance with a PHP script (built with Laravel) that I purchased. I have installed and configured most features successfully, but I’m encountering issues with the payment system (and possibly with the "affiliates" feature, though I’m not certain). Here’s what I’m looking for: Reliable and experienced Laravel/PHP developer. Availability to start quickly. Potential for future missions if this goes well. ⚠️ Important: This is an adult website, so please ensure you’re comfortable working in this context before applying. Looking forward to your proposals. Thanks in advance!
Email Sender Tool: Using Php Laravel Overview: The Email Sender Tool is designed to efficiently manage and execute email campaigns through a centralized admin panel. This tool allows multiple employees to run campaigns using unique login credentials provided by the admin. Features and Functionalities: 1. Admin Panel Access: o Develop a secure admin panel. o Allow multiple employees to log in with unique user IDs and passwords. o Enable employees to run campaigns independently. 2. Email List Management: o Create a table for managing email lists. o Allow uploading of Excel sheets containing the following fields: ID Email Product Keyword Country Status Sheet Name 3. Campaign Execution: o Enable selection of an uploaded Excel sheet to initiate a campaign. o Allow selectio...
I'm seeking a skilled PHP developer to create a custom web application. The application should include: - User Authentication and Authorization: Secure login systems, user roles and permissions. - Database Management: Efficient handling of data storage, retrieval and manipulation. - API Integration: Seamless connection with external services and data sources. The preferred database for this project is MySQL. Ideal candidates should possess extensive experience in PHP development and MySQL database management, as well as a strong understanding of secure user authentication systems and API integration.
1. Convert Custom PHP UPI Payment Gateway into a WordPress Plugin We need a skilled developer to convert an existing custom PHP UPI payment gateway into a WordPress plugin. The plugin should integrate seamlessly with WordPress websites, be user-friendly, and support all standard WordPress functionalities. Requirements: Proficiency in PHP and WordPress plugin development Experience with UPI payment gateway integration Clean and optimized coding practices Documentation and instructions for plugin usage 2. Add Multi-Currency Support to Tera Wallet We are looking for a developer to enhance the functionality of the Tera Wallet plugin by enabling multi-currency support, including but not limited to USD, INR, and other currencies. The solution should include currency conver...
I'm experiencing a variable assignment issue in my PHP code, specifically during database operations. The database in question is MySQL. The successful freelancer should be well-versed in PHP and MySQL debugging and able to resolve this issue promptly.
I need a skilled PHP developer for a backend project. The main focus of this task is API integration with a Loan System. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a PHP backend - Integrate with a specified Loan System via its API Ideal Skills: - Proficient in PHP - Experienced in backend development - Familiarity with API integration - Previous experience with Loan Systems is a plus
I'm looking for a PHP expert who can help automate my Facebook posts. The posts will be a combination of text and images sourced from my local server. Key Requirements: - PHP skills: You should be proficient in PHP as this is the language we will be using for this automation. - Facebook API knowledge: Familiarity with the Facebook API is necessary to ensure the posts are correctly formatted and posted to my timeline. - Local server access: You will need to be able to source images from my local server, so experience with this is a plus. The text in the posts will be plain, so no complex formatting is necessary. Your aim will be to create a seamless, automated posting experience on my Facebook page.
I am looking for a skilled developer who can convert my MS Access database, used for equipment management, into a MySQL and PHP based system. Key Requirements: - Understanding of MS Access, MySQL, and PHP. - Ability to implement and enhance the existing functionalities such as maintaining service records. - Ensuring the new system is standalone, with no need for integration with other software or systems. Ideal Skills: - Database conversion experience. - PHP & MySQL proficiency. - Equipment management software knowledge. Needs to be completed in 2 days.
Senior Developer wanted with skills in custom Woocommerce | Wordpress plugin and theme development.
Description of a PHP-Based System for Contract Generation This system is a web-based application that allows clients to fill out an online form with the required information. Once the form is submitted, the system automatically generates a contract in PDF format based on a predefined template and sends it to the client via email. Core Modules of the System 1. Login and Administration Module User Login: Login functionality with username and password for administrators. Option to add additional users with different access levels. Admin Dashboard: View all submitted client data. Manage contract templates (create, edit, delete). History of generated contracts. 2. Data Collection Module Dynamic Client Form: Online form to collect data such as: Full Name Date of Birth Passport Number Ot...
I'm currently facing some urgent issues with my Cpanel that need to be addressed immediately. The PHP errors I am encountering include "File not found" (404 errors), and "Index file is not available". I have already checked the file paths but the problem persists. I need a skilled PHP expert with strong Cpanel troubleshooting abilities, who can quickly identify and rectify these issues. Experience with Moodle customization and course creation would be beneficial, as I plan to expand this project in the near future.
Oferta de Trabajo Freelancer: Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web en PHP Estamos buscando un desarrollador freelancer con experiencia en PHP y diseño de interfaces web para ayudarnos a crear dos aplicaciones que optimicen nuestros procesos internos de trabajo. A continuación, describimos los requerimientos para cada uno de los proyectos: Proyecto 1: Generador de PDFs desde Excel Objetivo: Diseñar una aplicación web que permita cargar un archivo Excel, procesar sus datos y generar un PDF bien organizado para enviarlo a nuestros clientes. La herramienta deberá incluir las siguientes funcionalidades: Pantalla de login: Para garantizar la seguridad de acceso. Interfaz de carga: Subir el archivo Excel (XLS) y leer sus datos. Generación de PD...
I'm looking for a talented PHP developer to improve my custom-coded website, I need a canonical tag added to the site and the creation of a software that screens for repeated posts and other copyright issues. Key Requirements: - Add a canonical tag to the website - Develop a software that: - Bans users who post the same content repeatedly - Displays copyright notice on posts shared by different users - Allows me to delete repeated posts and ban users from the admin panel The software should consider a post as repeated if it has similar content to previous posts. Users can post text, images, and videos on the site. Ideal candidates should have extensive PHP experience and a good understanding of website coding.
PHP-MySQL Based Credit Repair System Development Please see Phase 1 and Phase 2 requirements... Thank you Both Phases will be awarded to the accepted Developer. - Please provide a Proposal for Phase 1 and Phase 2 Separately ***Please read entirely before submitting the Proposal I need a credit repair service built using PHP and MySQL. The platform should encompass the following core functionalities: PHASE - 1. - User Account Management: The system should allow users to create, manage, and secure their accounts. - Credit Report Analysis Tools: These tools will help users understand their credit reports and identify areas of improvement. - Dispute Tracker: A feature to help users track disputes they have raised regarding their credit reports. User access levels should be ...
I'm looking for a skilled AngularJS and PHP developer. The project details are currently not fully defined, as I have not yet determined whether we're building a new application, enhancing an existing one, or fixing bugs. Depending on the chosen path, tasks may vary significantly. Key Skills: - Proficient in AngularJS for frontend development. - Strong experience in PHP for backend development. - Problem-solving skills for debugging tasks. If you have experience in both frontend and backend development, that would be ideal. As of now, I do not have a complete design or wireframe for the project. Therefore, a flexible, creative developer who can also contribute to the design process would be highly valued. Please note that the project is still in the early stages o...
I need a seasoned Flutter developer to refresh the code of my cross-platform project and create a new APK. The specific areas of improvement have not been identified yet, but I'm open to suggestions on performance optimization, bug fixes, and potential UI/UX enhancements. Budget for this task is strictly $50. You have to create apk, and also fix backend panel. Which is built in php. It is small app, with little work scope. Please start your bid with word scope, and I can assign you this task. It's long term work opportunity. You must be able to start right away.5
I'm looking for an experienced freelancer who can customize my existing Flutter project and the corresponding PHP admin side. The main task is to integrate a subscription system into this project. Key Requirements: - Customization of Flutter application - Modifying PHP admin interface - Implementing a subscription system Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Flutter and PHP - Prior experience with subscription system implementation - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
I'm looking for a talented developer with expertise in Laravel PHP to boost my AI platform. The project primarily involves integrating third-party AI services and adding new features. Key Tasks: - Integration: Incorporate creatomate and fix into the platform. - Feature Addition: Implement user-friendly functionalities to enable platform usage from different users. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Laravel PHP - Experience with third-party AI service integration - Strong understanding of user interface enhancements
I'm encountering a PHP error in my WordPress theme and I'm having difficulties resolving it. The issue appears to be related to the theme's PHP code. I need a WordPress expert to help me fix this issue as soon as possible. Ideal Skills: - WordPress development - PHP coding - Theme troubleshooting - Error debugging Please respond if you have the necessary skills and experience.
I need an experienced developer who can edit a custom internal WordPress plugin to ensure its compatibility with PHP 8. The plugin has specific functionalities: - It's used for custom content display - It retrieves and presents dynamic data from an external source Ideal candidates for this job should have: - A strong background in WordPress development - Extensive experience with PHP 8 - Previous work with plugins focused on custom content display - Skills in managing dynamic data interaction within WordPress Please provide previous examples of similar work, particularly with PHP 8 updates.