Online free transfer word pdf jobber


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    2,000 online free transfer word pdf jobber funnet

    Trenger en LSC fil generert i FBD format i henhold til et PDF dokument som beskriver oppgaven. 35-45 program blokker. Og en finksjonsbeskrivelse.

    $300 Average bid
    $300 Snitt bud
    2 bud

    Hi freelander. Do you know php? Do you know Mailgun? Do you know how to convert html code into a pdf file? I have a system developed in Scriptcase, which is a framework for code generation and php coding. I have been trying to access Mailgun from my system, using API. This worked for a while, but now I get errors and meet different challenges. I have tried to move to a different webserver , but my skills are limited on this and I need help. Before sending the email, I am trying to convert a html code into a pdf file. This pdf file is ment to be an attachment in the email. After upgrading to php 8.1, this also does not work any more, but result in an error message. Helping me to fix this, is also a part of the project. I need help from someone who can ass...

    $200 Average bid
    $200 Snitt bud
    3 bud

    Trenger hjelp til å oversette 2 pdf filer. Oppsettet må være identisk til hvordan det er nå, og oversettelsen nøyaktig, ettersom det handler om brannsikkerhet.

    $269 Average bid
    $269 Snitt bud
    28 bud
    HEXCasino online
    Avsluttet left

    Vi leter etter en kompetent og motivert forfatter med gode norskkunnskap for oversettelser og skriving av tekster.

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 bud

    Hello, we are looking for someone who can control levels for a popular word game for mobiles. The game is available in many different countries and will now be launched in Netherlands. Good knowledge of the dutch language is a requirement! The job is to check the translation and in some cases replace words that do not match the level. There are 3500 levels to be checked and each level has three words with a maximum of 10 letters. When well done, the current content writing and region responsibilities be possible. More info on contact.

    $314 Average bid
    $314 Snitt bud
    6 bud

    Hello, we are looking for someone who can control levels for a popular word game for mobiles. The game is available in many different countries and will now be launched in Germany. Good knowledge of the german language is a requirement! The job is to check the translation and in some cases replace words that do not match the level. There are 3500 levels to be checked and each level has three words with a maximum of 10 letters. When well done, the current content writing and region responsibilities be possible. More info on contact.

    $334 Average bid
    $334 Snitt bud
    5 bud
    Lag en nettside
    Avsluttet left

    Jeg ønsker å starte en norsk nettside med profiler (en slags kontaktside tenkt for rundt 10000 personer). Forsiden av siden må ha innloggingsfelt med brukernavn og pa...minimalistisk, hvit og enkel. Detaljene rundt hvor på siden ting skal være, kan vi ta når vi snakkes. Dette er altså en nettside for en minoritetsgruppe hvor tanken er at de skal kunne utveksle tips og annet og finne hverandre generelt og komme i kontakt. Bildet under er kun et eksempel. Mine ferdigheter: Jeg forstår noe html, men mine ferdigheter er ikke så mye å skryte av. Laget nettsider ved hjelp av Word, Frontpage og diverse ferdig html implenteringer for 15 år siden, så ja, jeg trenger hjelp til dette ;) Det må være mulig f...

    $183 Average bid
    $183 Snitt bud
    3 bud

    [2]=10&attribute[1]=1&qty=1&productid=1971 benötige so einen oder ähnlichen text designer für , magento/gambio/xtcommerce usw

    $775 Average bid
    $775 Snitt bud
    11 bud

    !11463&authkey=!AL7w_pwMT5fM9wU&ithint=file%2cpdf Please check the pdf for guidelines.. I want to do this ..

    $29 Average bid
    $29 Snitt bud
    2 bud

    Jeg har løpende arbeid relatert til vårt tidligere prosjekt 'Transfer websites from old to new host'

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Snitt bud
    1 bud
    Illustrer noe
    Avsluttet left

    Jeg ønsker en minimalistisk illustrasjon (1-3) på hvordan man måler en fot for å kjøpe online sko. 1. Hvordan man måler hælen (har bilde som man kan kopier) 2. Hvor foten skal stå på sålen (har pdf av denne) 3. Og illustre at fra store tåen trenger man 3-mm til enden (fra bilde nr 2).

    $81 Average bid
    $81 Snitt bud
    6 bud

    At importer data fra PDF fil til Excel fil

    $41 Average bid
    $41 Snitt bud
    3 bud

    skal lage en enkel nettbutikk som har mulighet til å utvide med flere katogerier og produkter ved behov. den skal være lett å betjene og drifte. Jeg kan kjøpe ferdig laget hjemmesider idag men jeg vil ha det fra bunn som jeg vil. det må være mulighet til å koble til en betalingsløsning på den . jeg skal importerer varer fra alibabba og selge i norge, vil ha en hjemmeside som, hvis det er mulig til en god pris. jeg har veldig lav budjsett. vi vil kun begynn med en katogeri så utvide ettervert. Men måten de har laget er ganske smart.

    $942 Average bid
    $942 Snitt bud
    7 bud

    password for pdf : 232 l;kldlkfvdskjvkljsdvlkmcsklmv......................................................................................................................................................................

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 bud

    online sote ssl ,https certerficate

    $272 Average bid
    $272 Snitt bud
    9 bud

    Java 1.6,Tomcat 7 , eclipse juno , database ,dreamweaver etc .

    $18 - $152
    $18 - $152
    0 bud

    Need to build a small online store with few items.

    $197 Average bid
    $197 Snitt bud
    20 bud
    Write some Software
    Avsluttet left

    Design database tables & insert data into the tables from front end ( excel) Software to retrieve data from the table. Do simple mapping & eliminations to update the data & transfer it to a new table. Retrieve the data in the new table into a excel ..

    $118 Average bid
    $118 Snitt bud
    7 bud

    I want to create a website / online store with as domain names, it is a web store that will sell all of the possible electrical stuff, gadgets, teenaged related products and all of everyday products. There must be automatic payment options like Visa / Mastercard and shipping options and if there is something I did not mention here, but as a need in an online website. The store is a drop shipping store. There must be opportunities for me to update Website even after it is finished.

    $200 Average bid
    $200 Snitt bud
    8 bud

    Jeg har satt opp en nettbutikk ved bruk av Shopify, og templaten Responsive, av Out Of The Sandbox. Problemet er at denne templaten ikke er satt opp med den type sidebar meny jeg ønsker. Denne er detaljert vist i pdf-filen vedlagt. Her vises hvordan den skal se ut og hvordan den skal fungere.

    $149 Average bid
    $149 Snitt bud
    8 bud

    En artikel på 1500 ord som handlar om fakturabedrägeri. Mer info i dokument

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Snitt bud
    1 bud
    Avsluttet left

    Hei Stian, Kan du oversette dette fra Engelsk til Norsk ? Det er pdf format eller jpeg. Mindre enn 500 ord. Oppsettet er fra 0-2 altså 3 bilder som jeg legger ved. Trenger dette for idag, om du ikke får det til kan du bare si ifra så jeg får gjort det selv. Tusen takk Stian.

    $20 - $20
    $20 - $20
    0 bud
    Do some Excel Work
    Avsluttet left

    croping web pdf formfilling etc

    $129 Average bid
    $129 Snitt bud
    54 bud

    softwares hjfryujhgbkjgfyhfjgjugku,hykj

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr Snitt bud
    4 bud

    Har en Magentoshop der skal flyttes til en ny server. Der skal laves enkelte mindre tilretninger som f.eks. et ekstra sprog dansk. udvikling af favicon og logo Herudover skal der sættes ca. 15 domæner op med dns på denne server til brug for wordpress sites som jeg selv installerer.

    $279 Average bid
    $279 Snitt bud
    4 bud
    Musikk free download
    Avsluttet left

    Denne appen er veldig bra for chating og sånt og vi oppdaterer appen av og til. karnsje 6ganger i måneden. vi skal prøve og la vær og sende reklame notifikasjon og. men vi sender notifikasjon når vi har lagt ut oppdateringer. vi håper du liker denne appen:) vi skal forbedre den og ettervært nor vi er kommet så langt. DENNE APPEN ER LAGET AV: Simon Nikolai Kjørslevik Thomassen mobil: [[Posting of contact information is prohibited by Site Administrators.]]

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Snitt bud
    1 bud

    Vi...da betalingen vi kan tilby er noe begrenest. Prosjektinformasjon: 1. Prosjektlengden er 5-7 uker (kan forhandles) 2. 50,000 ord (kan forhandles) 3. Flytende norsk er et krav 4. Evne til å arbeide selvstendig med en positiv holdning 5. Evne til selv å prioritere arbeidet og overholde deadlines 6. Grunnleggende kjennskap til SEO er et pluss 7. Sterke dataferdigheter og god erfaring med MS Word 8. Skribenten arbeider hjemmefra og sender inn arbeidet sitt via email Betaling: Lønnen starter på 2,500 kroner og kan forhandles ytterligere på bakgrunn av erfaringsnivå og hvor lang tid prosjektet tar/arbeidsmengde. Dette prosjektet starter fortløpende. Etter å ha mottatt din søknad vil vi kontakte deg snarest for ...

    $740 Average bid
    $740 Snitt bud
    3 bud

    ...skrive detaljerte beskrivelser avmerker/produkter til vår hjemmeside. Prosjektinformasjon: 1. Prosjektlengden er 5-7 uker (kan forhandles) 2. 50,000 ord 3. Flytende norsk er et krav 4. Evne til å arbeideselvstendig meden positiv holdning 5. Evne til selv å prioritere arbeidetogoverholde deadlines 6. Grundleggende kjennskap til SEO er et pluss 7. Sterke dataferdigheter og god erfaring med MS Word 8. Skribenten arbeider hjemmefra og sender inn arbeidet sitt via email Betaling: Lønnen starter på 2,300 kroner og kan forhandles ytterligere på bakgrunn av erfaringsnivå og hvor lang tid prosjektet tar. Inkludér linker til eksempler på dine skriveferdigheter (artikler krediteret til deg foretrekkes) i din CV. Dette...

    $833 Average bid
    $833 Snitt bud
    1 bud
    PDF do DOC...
    Avsluttet left

    Potrebujem skript ktorý dokáže konvertovať doc,docx a iné textové formáty do PDF bez zmien vo formátovaní. Jednoducho nahrá sa napr. doc a prekonvertuje ho to do PDF. Taktiež potrebujem aj spätnú konverziu z PDF do doc,docx...

    $580 Average bid
    $580 Snitt bud
    2 bud
    Iphone kalender app
    Avsluttet left

    ...til iPhone/iPad for de som jobber offshore på rigg, samt for sjøfolk. Det finnes i dag flere slike på nett, men ingen til iPhone. Se på følgende link for som er en nettversjon av det jeg ønsker: I tillegg til de funksjonene som er der ønsker jeg å kunne eksportere "jobb" periodene til iPhone kalenderen, eksportere til venner via mail/sms ( i bilde/pdf format) og eksportere til "mine bilder" på iPhone. Når kalenderen genereres må det være mulig å kunne sette navn på den, slik at det f.eks. i toppen kommer "Ola Normann - 2013". Om mulig ønsker jeg også mulighet til å importere kalendere fra inntil 3 venner som også bruker samme kalender....

    $508 Average bid
    $508 Snitt bud
    2 bud

    I need a Smart Contract in TRX Network, the requirements are: 1. Main function: • The contract must receive any amount of TRX that arrives at its address. • Immediately after receiv...should only affect TRX. • The contract must not interact with USDT or any other TRC-20 or TRC-10 token. • The contract should not allow TRX to accumulate in the wallet, you should send it immediately. 3. Protection against alterations: • The contract must be immutable once deployed, to prevent the person who accesses the wallet from modifying or deactivating it. • You must block any attempt to transfer ownership or self-destruct. 4. Deployment and testing: • Include code in Solidity adapted for TVM. • Explain how to build and deploy the contract on the Shasta te...

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Snitt bud
    1 bud

    ...on the rear exterior load bearing wall and adding a window in place of that door. This is for a house under construction currently in the rough-in phase. The framers already have estimated the change so we know how we will put in the new door and put the window in place of it. We have the full set of stamped and sealed original plans (as PDF only, I do not have and cannot get the CAD files as they are copyright the original house designer) and 2 updated PDF drawings (named "updated") I made to indicate the change we want to make (all 3 attached). If you feel it is necessary to redo the door/window changes in your own style/software for submission to the county that is fine with us. The county plans inspector also told me on the phone that a partial drawing of jus...

    $378 Average bid
    $378 Snitt bud
    30 bud
    Realistic Image Creation
    6 dager left

    Description: Create high-quality, realistic images of specific machines (pile driver and crane) for PDF. The images must be detailed, undistorted when zooming in, and have good resolution. Objective: Ensure that the product images (machines) are of high quality and fit the presentation well. Requirements: Expertise in 3D modeling and photorealistic rendering, with experience creating industrial product images.

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr Snitt bud
    29 bud

    ...The primary goal of this role is enhancing voluntary organically emerging collaboration among all participants. Please note that all funds sent will be utilized solely for the administration of the agreed requirements and supporting livelihood. Request is always only that your role will be entirely administrated, from there delegated or not, on a strictly volunteer basis. Resources available for transfer to be considered available ongoing on their hapstance local presentation only. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Openness to submit development of interpersonal and coordination skills to voluntary redefinition as per agreement specs and need at hand. - Willingness to grow in capacities toward collaborative interpersonal system maintenance. - Ability to request aid in monitoring an...

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 bud
    Online Quoting System -- 2
    6 dager left

    Project Overview The project involves developing an online quoting system that enables commercial customers to configure and price pumps, tanks, and related components in real time. The system will automatically generate quotes—including technical specifications and pricing—which can be downloaded as PDFs or sent via email. In a future phase, this solution will be integrated as a CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) tool within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales. Phase 1: Standalone Online Quoting System Features * Product Configuration: Users can configure various products including: * Tanks * Pumps (configured by flow rate and head) * Additional components such as pipework, guiderails, and level controls * Customer Management & Discounts: ...

    $696 Average bid
    $696 Snitt bud
    50 bud
    Native Danish Voice Recording -- 4
    6 dager left

    ...1,000 sentences (short and long phrases). - **Compensation**: $50 for recording 1,000 sentences. If the quality of your work is good, you may be invited to record a second time. - **Deadline**: Complete the recordings within 1 week. **Requirements:** 1. **Recording Application**: All recordings must be done using our designated application. 2. **Environment**: Recordings must be made in a noise-free environment. 3. **Expression**: Each sentence will be must read with emotion, as like you are having a conversation with another person. Recordings without emotion will not be accepted as this is a key requirement. 4. **Sample Work**: To begin, we require a sample of **10 sentences** before signing the contract. This is to verify the recording environment. 5. **Identification**: You ...

    $140 Average bid
    $140 Snitt bud
    1 bud

    I'm looking for an expert in gift packaging to help our team design to create dielines for various gift packaging types. Specifically, I need dielines for: - Gift Bags, Gift Wraps, Gift Boxes, Greeting Cards and Boxed Notes The ideal freelancer would be skilled in CAD and have a strong portfolio in packaging design. Experience...various gift packaging types. Specifically, I need dielines for: - Gift Bags, Gift Wraps, Gift Boxes, Greeting Cards and Boxed Notes The ideal freelancer would be skilled in CAD and have a strong portfolio in packaging design. Experience with dieline creation for greeting cards and boxed notes is preferred. Please submit examples of relevant past work. The final dielines should be delivered in PDF format. The quantity needed for each type of pack...

    $23 / hr Average bid
    $23 / hr Snitt bud
    42 bud

    ...part-time worker or individual with flexible daytime hours, seeking a side income. Basic English reading and writing skills are required, as well as a proactive and eager to learn attitude. Preference will be given to candidates with 2+ years of office work experience. You will need a personal computer, with a dual-screen setup recommended, and the ability to use software including VPN, Excel, PDF and Word at an intermediate level. Experience with loan documents is a plus. This role is perfect for someone looking for responsible, flexible remote work. Familiarity with our company's CRM system is required. Our company uses Infynity as the CRM system. The freelancer should follow advanced security protocols such as VPN use, two-factor authentication, and secure data s...

    $33 Average bid
    $33 Snitt bud
    31 bud

    We are looking for a skilled Data Extraction Specialist with experience in travel and hotel industry to assist in converting travel data from a PDF into an organized Excel spreadsheet. The source material is PDF travel packages Responsibilities: Thoroughly review the provided PDF document. Extract data related to meet the required specifications. ( Name of hotel, travel date, Beds, flights etc..) Organize the data into a well-structured Excel spreadsheet with appropriate headings and formatting for easy search and reference. In Color Ensure accuracy of all data entries and correct formatting to maintain data integrity. Deliver a clean, searchable Excel file that categorizes different types of Hotels, rooms, according to size, type, type, and other relevant crite...

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Snitt bud
    31 bud

    Get signature names from PDF documents - $0.20 per name

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Snitt bud
    1 bud

    We are sourcing a logo that we want with the words “Smokin Horse Shit n Bus Tickets”. We want “Smokin” as the header and the “Horse Shit n Bus Tickets” as the secondary font. Here are the main points of the logo design: ·      Smokin is the main word but not to be out shone by the other words. The style of font in the attached image example 1. ·      The bus ticket must have an original ticket look and have as per attached plus the ability to have a custom birth date on it (see attached the example of the bus ticket style) ·      Instead of the classic way to roll a cigarette, the one we want is the attached “Bus Tickets” We w...

    $62 Average bid
    Omtalt Garantert
    43 bidrag

    ...runner ups that are not chosen $20 each as compensation for their efforts. (Important: Rewards will only be considered if the contest is successful and at least a winner is chosen.) HOW TO PARTICIPATE: If you're interested, please join the contest by completing any of the tasks (desktop design) below. The more tasks you complete well, the better your chances. SUBMISSION: - Submit your work in Word, PDF, Figma, or other creative formats. - Submissions should include annotations or brief descriptions explaining design choices. - Include relevant UX rationale for major design decisions and to clarify your thought process. -------------------------- Exercise 1: Notification System & Alerts UI Scenario: A SaaS-based B2B marketplace platform connects vendors with ...

    $200 Average bid
    1 bidrag

    We are looking for a skilled Data Extraction Specialist with experience in piping engineering to assist in converting technical data from a PDF into an organized Excel spreadsheet. The source material is the "TROUVAY & CAUVIN – PIPING EQUIPMENT 2001" book, which includes detailed specifications of pipes and pipe fittings. Responsibilities: Thoroughly review the provided PDF document. Extract data related to pipes and pipe fittings, including dimensions, weights, and specifications. Organize the data into a well-structured Excel spreadsheet with appropriate headings and formatting for easy search and reference. Ensure accuracy of all data entries and correct formatting to maintain data integrity. Deliver a clean, searchable Excel file that categorizes dif...

    $147 Average bid
    $147 Snitt bud
    19 bud

    Vennligst Registrer deg eller Logg inn for å se detaljer.

    Forseglet Taushetspliktsavtale
    Microsoft Office Expert Needed
    18 dager left

    I need a professional to assist me with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Key Responsibilities: - Document Creation and Formatting: Creating well-structured documents in Word with a professional touch. - Presentation Design and Enhancements: Transforming my ideas into compelling PowerPoint presentations. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint - Excellent document design and formatting skills - Strong presentation design abilities - Attention to detail - Good communication skills Note: I am open to suggestions and further enhancements based on your expertise.

    $11 Average bid
    $11 Snitt bud
    9 bud

    ...function that loads all listed values into a data structure -test chrome extension. Click on toolbar to run function and display all values as popup for the active browser tab URL -code fully commented with instructions to make sure it is easily used in another extension. The end goal is to transfer a URL to another device. The receiving device will re-authenticate before leveraging the transferred values To show that you have this fully before bidding, put your favorite ANIMAL name in all CAPS as the FIRST word in your bid to prove you did not auto-bid. Good luck!...

    $137 Average bid
    $137 Snitt bud
    37 bud

    ...(wpautomator o Ai engine). Finally it is necessary show the report inside a web page and create a pdf. The report must have an excellent design, it must chart and tables create with the information of report of AI. So it is necessary use inside the report page many shortcode and connection with a chart script. I already create using the AI the plugin to create the database, to create the comunication between the plugin uncanny or Ai engine and to create the shortcode for the pieces of report and charts. Unfortunally this plugin don't work perfectly, so it is necessary make some changes. And it is necessary use a free lugin, so or ai engine or wp automator I created also a plugin to save the pdf inside dashboard but don't work. So you can decide to use ...

    $135 Average bid
    $135 Snitt bud
    13 bud

    I'm looking for an experienced pattern maker who can convert my sketches into dress patterns, specifically for an evening gown. Ideal Skills: - Pattern making expertise - Understanding of garment construction - Experience wit...beading/sequin placements are not required. - Budget for this project is $50. The final pattern should be delivered in a digital format. The pattern should cover sizes XS-L. Please use satin or silk fabric recommendations for the evening gown. The final pattern should be delivered within 2 weeks. Please incorporate a mermaid silhouette into the design. The final pattern file should be delivered in PDF format. Please include detailed, step-by-step instructions for assembling the evening gown. Please use standard sizing for XS-L. Please use a 1/2 inch ...

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Snitt bud
    14 bud

    Goal: Create an indicator for tradingview with pine script version 6 Strategy for the indicator: As described in the word document.

    $50 Average bid
    $50 Snitt bud
    1 bud
    Trophy icon Minimalist Modern Logo Design
    6 dager left

    ...The logo can be inline or in emblem or a combination of both. - Must have a square format version (icon) for social and web - Must have a unique design and to not be confused with other brands using “ION” (Good image search ION for inspiration and to find existing branding) - Deliverable must have colour, all black, and all white versions. - Deliverable must contain all versions in transparent PDF, Vector, and web ready formats. - Colours will be a bright or florescent green/ yellow with a dark grey or black complimentary colour. We will likely be using dark backgrounds for our branding such as a Dark mode website, black trucks, black business cards etc. - Please allow some time to present the final logo design on a mockup of business cards, trade service truck,...

    $103 Average bid
    247 bidrag