Html code mail signature lotus notes jobber
English: Hi! We are looking for a long-term partner to help us develop "Vipps" integrations on our website. We are located in Bergen. We run several e-commerce stores through Shopify, we want to develop Vipps Hurtigkasse as a payment alternative. This is a secondary button below the classic "Add to Cart" button. This button allows Norwegian customers who have the Vipps app installed to order a product with just 2 clicks. I enclose a video showing how this works. Our budget is quite high. Just send me an offer. We also want to work long-term with you if you are interested. I attach some useful links for more information: Please contact us as soon as possible. Thanks. Norwegian: Hei! Vi ser etter en langsiktig partner for å hjelpe oss med å utvik...
Jeg trenger noen som følger opp noen "varme kunder" per mail og telefon - for å få avtalt møter. Det vil etterhvert også bli snakk om digital markedsføring og ansvar for sosiale medier (opplæring vil bli gitt). Du kan jobbe fra hvor som helst. Selskapet du vil jobbe for er __________________________________________________________ I need someone who follows up on some "warm customers" by email and phone - to arrange meetings. There will eventually also be talk of digital marketing and responsibility for social media (training will be provided). You can work from anywhere. The company you want to work for is
Søker erfaren app utvikler! Trenger en som kan være med å utvikle en app til i første omgang android. Appen tar for seg logg føring og enkle graf fremstillinger. Forløpig er det på idè stadige. Trenger ett prisoverslag på hvor mye dette vil koste å utvikle. Utvikler vil også bli brukt videre til oppdateringer osv. En mer detaljer beskrivelse kan gis på mail. Mvh
Hjemmeside med god mal og flere undersider som beskriver selskapet. Produktsider, side med prosjekter som har blitt gjort. enkel innloggingsmuligheter for oss i selsskapet som kan gå inn og sende mail og motta mail. Skrive innlegg på innleggssiden. Gjerne på Norsk også oversatt til Engelsk. Trenger også en side hvor kundene kan skrive tilbakemeldinger eller ta kontakt. Ønsker møte med webdesigner.
Hei. Søker etter en seriøs og erfaren php/html koderer for en nettbutikk. Oppgitt pris er ikke bestemt, og det kan derfor diskuteres frem til vi kommer til en enighet. Mer informasjon angående jobben oppgis ved en privat samtale. Kan kontaktes via e-mail. Kun seriøse henvendelser.
Et instruktøverktøy for politiets trening av taktikk. Denne ideen bygger på tanker om en app der man har mulighet til å trykke på de momenter fra faktorskjema (et trappeskjema for pro...leksjonen med. Slik får man da satt sammen leksjonen så individuelt tilpasset som mulig. Det er også ønskelig at den enkelte leksjon man setter sammen kan lagres på navn og med mulighet for å filme gjennomføringer knyttet til akkurat den leksjonen. Det må være muligheter for å skrive kommentarer til den enkelte gjennomføring/leksjon, samt kunne komprimere filen slik at den i sin helhet kan sendes på mail til personen som har gjennomført mtp egen evaluering. Maks 10 min filmsnutter. Det er...
Danske tekster som skal oversættes til norsk direkte i HTML.
Jeg har løpende arbeid relatert til vårt tidligere prosjekt 'Design signature template for email and official letter formats'
En app med muligheten for å legge inn alt du bruker penger på hver eneste dag.rnAlt må kategoriseres. men det må være enkelt og det må gå fort å legge inn.rnForbruk, regninger, husleie, boliglån - alt må kunne legges inn fortløpende.rnman må også kunne legge inn inntekter. lønn, premier, barnebidrag, presanger o.l.rnDet må også være mulighet for å "tagge" ste...legges inn fortløpende.rnman må også kunne legge inn inntekter. lønn, premier, barnebidrag, presanger o.l.rnDet må også være mulighet for å "tagge" steder man handler på, altså legge inn de stedene man bruker penger, eventuelt s...
Jeg trenger en som kan utvikle en kombinert spill og treningsapp. Man skal kunne tjene poeng ved å gjennomføre treningsøkter (irl) for å kjøpe div utstyr i spillet, for å nå nye nivå. Den skal kunne koples mot Spotify og div sosiale medier, visa og PayPal betalingsløsninger. Vil ikke avsløre mer enn nødve...nye nivå. Den skal kunne koples mot Spotify og div sosiale medier, visa og PayPal betalingsløsninger. Vil ikke avsløre mer enn nødvendig. Søker en som har kunnskap om hvordan man lager apper både for iphone og Android. Er du interessert i trening, er det en fordel, men ingen krav. Betalingen vil være et engangsbeløp og x-prosent av salg I appen. Interesserte...
VIKTIG! VEDKOMMENDE MÅ KUNNE NORSK. Trenger hjelp med noen småt...på logo (enkel jobb). 2. Trenger et elektronisk newsletter som kan sendes til kunder på e-post med knyttelse til mailchimp. Det er et nødlader vi selger ved navnet level+ 3. Trenger en banner med produktet vårt med alle tre farger. Vi har foreløpig bilder av produktet men disse er i hver sitt farge. (bilder og info samt noe tekst blir oversendt) 4. Om ønskelig og om du kan, vil vi gjerne ha et html hjemmeside som vi allerede har kjøpt hos som er bare å redigere, sette inn bilder og info med tekst. Hvis du kan gjøre alle punkter er vi villig til å gi 1500 kr men du vil få et fot innefor vår bransje som utgjør flere...
...har hatt en god stund, som noen i familien synes jeg kanskje burde prøve å få noe ut av. Prosjektet går ut på å hjelpe ungdom som bor alene eller studenter med et stramt budsjett i måneden. Kategori er mat og oppskrifter. Jeg vil helst snakke med interesserte på mail, ettersom jeg ikke ønsker å fortelle hele idéen til hvem som helst. Litt kjedelig å se at det finnes en applikasjon som er min idé neste uke. Trenger noen som kan utvikle applikasjoner (til både Android og iPhone er et stort pluss) Designe utseende og kode html (kan litt selv, men langt ifra nok til å ordne noe bra) Ønsker en enkel og lys farge som bakgrunn. Bildet skal være helt stille, ikke noen...
Download and zip all code and files from Dotcloud app Skills: generic SSH (scp, rsync)
Web siden må inneholde følgen. lett og oversiktlig. lett for kunder å registrere seg. mulighet for reklame på siden. database med de 8 største byene i Norge.(med steds navn) mulighet for å registrere boenheter på siden mot betaling. Kunde profil.(den som registerer seg).utleier eller leietaker. automatisk mail til mulig leietaker når en leilighet er ledig på ønsket bo sted. søke motor for leiligheter i norge ! Lett for administrator å oppdatere. lett å bruke !
...en skift kalender til iPhone/iPad for de som jobber offshore på rigg, samt for sjøfolk. Det finnes i dag flere slike på nett, men ingen til iPhone. Se på følgende link for som er en nettversjon av det jeg ønsker: I tillegg til de funksjonene som er der ønsker jeg å kunne eksportere "jobb" periodene til iPhone kalenderen, eksportere til venner via mail/sms ( i bilde/pdf format) og eksportere til "mine bilder" på iPhone. Når kalenderen genereres må det være mulig å kunne sette navn på den, slik at det f.eks. i toppen kommer "Ola Normann - 2013". Om mulig ønsker jeg også mulighet til å importere kalendere fra inntil 3 venner som også bruk...
Hei Litt kort om meg. Jeg er 24 år og utdannet innenfor Informasjonssystemer. Jeg jobber fortiden som IT-konsulent innenfor systemutvikling, drift, vedlikehold og kundebehandling. I en lengre periode har jeg jobbet med utviklingen av en ide jeg har hatt for restaurant bran... Da jeg var på for å lete etter kvalifiserte programmerer kom jeg over din "profil". Du har mange viktige kvalifikasjoner jeg er ute etter, og da vi begge er fra Norge gjør dette et mulig samarbeid mye enklere og mer effektivt! Jeg sender deg denne mailen for å høre om dette er noe du er interessert i! Hvis dette er tilfelle, send meg en mail tilbake og jeg vil gå i dybden på hva ideen går ut på og prosjektets muligheter. ...
HTML and CSS Development Services We specialize in creating custom HTML and CSS codes for businesses and individuals seeking a professional online presence. *Our Expertise* - Custom HTML and CSS coding for responsive websites - Mobile-friendly and cross-browser compatible designs - Website redesign and revamp services - Ongoing website maintenance and updates *Why Choose Our Services?* - Fast turnaround times without compromising quality - Competitive pricing with no hidden costs - Expert developers with extensive HTML and CSS experience - Personalized service to meet your unique needs *Get Started Today!* Contact us to discuss your project and receive a custom quote. Let us help you establish a strong online presence!
...ensure websites meet design, functionality, and performance standards. -Coordinate user testing and gather feedback for necessary improvements before launch. -Identify potential project risks and develop contingency plans to mitigate their impact. -Proactively address issues during the project to prevent escalation. -Maintain comprehensive project documentation, including plans, schedules, meeting notes, and client communications. -Ensure all documentation is organized and accessible for future reference. -Conduct Cinal reviews and user testing to ensure websites meet all requirements. -Coordinate website launch and manage post-launch activities or optimizations. -Conduct project evaluations to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement. -Collaborate with stakeholders to ...
...ensure websites meet design, functionality, and performance standards. -Coordinate user testing and gather feedback for necessary improvements before launch. -Identify potential project risks and develop contingency plans to mitigate their impact. -Proactively address issues during the project to prevent escalation. Maintain comprehensive project documentation, including plans, schedules, meeting notes, and client communications. -Ensure all documentation is organized and accessible for future reference Conduct Cinal reviews and user testing to ensure websites meet all requirements. -Coordinate website launch and manage post-launch activities or optimizations. -Conduct project evaluations to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement Collaborate with stakeholders to gathe...
I have already converted the homepage of an HTML template to PHP. Now, I need a developer to: Convert the remaining HTML pages to PHP using the same structure. Copy all content (text, images, etc.) from a reference website and integrate it into the corresponding sections. Maintain the existing CSS files—only use the necessary HTML sections from different pages to complete the website. Requirements: Proficiency in PHP & HTML Experience in template-based conversions Attention to detail while copying content and images Ability to ensure proper structure and maintain consistency Deliverables: Fully converted PHP pages with integrated content Properly structured and organized HTML sections Ensuring all images and content are correctly placed
...departing within the next 7 days. Email Notifications Automatic email reminders for flights (e.g., 3 days before departure). Basic email template for notifications. Database for Flight Storage Store flight details in a simple database (MySQL, SQLite, or Firebase). Basic UI A clean and mobile-responsive design. Simple dashboard to view, add, and manage flights. Technology Stack (Suggested) Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (React.js or Vue.js optional) Backend: Node.js () or Python (Flask/Django) Database: MySQL, SQLite, or Firebase Email System: SMTP (Gmail, SendGrid, or Mailgun) Hosting: Firebase, Heroku, or Shared Hosting Project Timeline & Budget Timeline: 2–4 weeks Budget: $1,000 – $2,000 How to Apply If you're interested, please provide: Your relevant ex...
...from an HTML payload, and embedding the eSign request in my UI, preferably using an iFrame or another suitable approach recommended by Zoho. Key Requirements: - Backend development with Java Spring Boot - Frontend development using HTML and JS - Generating a UI screen with minimal necessary fields for inputting the payload (the HTML document) and displaying the signing page from Zoho While I don't have specific mockups or wireframes for the UI, I do have a rough idea of what I want. However, no specific styling is required for the UI, just basic functionality. Please note that the UI screen will need to include fields for the user to input: - Name and email - Document title - Signature date The ideal candidate will have experience with: - Java Spring...
As an owner-builder, I have existing house plans that need to be reworked for construction using lightweight steel instead of double brick. Key Requirements: - Collaborate to revise the current plans while maintaining the same floor layout. - Create detailed building specifications that include specified materials. - Adjust the plans for the use of lightweight steel, specifically focusing on the structural framework, insulation and cladding, as well as roof and foundation anchoring. Additionally, I would like to incorporate energy efficiency features into the new plans. An ideal candidate would have: - Extensive experience and qualifications in architecture and structural engineering. - A solid understanding of lightweight steel construction. - A proven track record in designing energy...
I'm in need of a professional web developer with a creative touch for building my portfolio site. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a user-friendly and visually appealing portfolio website - Integrate an interactive gallery into the site Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development languages (e.g., HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Experience with creating portfolio sites - Ability to create visually stunning designs (Photoshop skills are a plus) - Understanding of integrating interactive features I am dedicated to delivering high-quality work that meets and exceeds client expectations. Let's work together to turn this vision into reality!
For a self-produced GIN I need a round bottle label, 6 cm wide. The following notes on the design: - Photo motif matching seafaring, buccaneers, sailors, maritime, ship, Hamburg, harbor, old ships, captain On the label "Captain Ben" should be the main motif, around it preferably matching the keywords listed above. Please also think up a title for the gin. Here are some keywords: Captain Ben fine gin, Captain Ben's dry gin, Captain Ben's selected gin, Ben's best captain's gin, premium gin selected by Captain Ben, .... The motif should be suitable for printing on a 6cm label. Further information should be included very small in the motif (mandatory information): Content: 500ml Alcohol: 40% Bottler: hey contact heroes GmbH - Am Kaiserkai 45 - 2045...
I need a QR code payment application that works on both iOS and Android. The app should integrate USSD for offline transactions and maintain a transaction history. Key Features: - QR code scanning: Users should be able to scan QR codes for payments. - USSD integration: This is crucial for enabling offline payments, so experience with USSD integration is a significant plus. - Transaction history: Users should be able to view their past transactions. - Push notifications: Send notifications for transaction confirmations and important updates. - Biometric authentication: Add fingerprint and facial recognition for added security and quick login. - Custom payment amount: Allow users to enter a custom amount before scanning the QR code. - Multi-language support: Allow users...
...real-time price updates from the Dashboard to the website. ✅ Integrate with System – Ensure smooth backend integration and write clean, scalable code. Requirements: ✔ Strong & PHP experience (API integration, Frontend & Backend). ✔ Database skills (Firebase/MongoDB preferred, site hosted on Hostinger & AWS). ✔ Debugging & problem-solving for real-time data updates. ✔ Team collaboration with designers & developers. Deliverables: ? Fully functional Cart Page with all required features. ? Seamless Backend integration with the current UI. ? Pricing issue resolved, ensuring instant updates. ? Clear documentation for future maintenance. ? Notes: • Design & Frontend are ready and will be shared upon project start. • Open to suggesti...
...Home Buyers & Sellers: Individuals looking for a trusted real estate advisor to guide them through their property transactions. Investors: People looking for valuable real estate opportunities, seeking a company that provides expert insights and leadership. Developers & Corporations: Businesses needing a dependable real estate brokerage for investment, property management, or development. Final Notes: We’re looking for a logo and letterhead design that feel fresh, modern, and meaningful. The design should subtly reflect the core values of our brand—wisdom, growth, and trust—while being visually appealing and professional. It should be timeless, standing out in the competitive real estate market. The successful designer will produce a logo that is both d...
I'm seeking a seasoned developer to create a user-centric web application using React, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The application will be backed by Java (Spring Boot), so expertise in this technology is critical. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a responsive, interactive, and aesthetically pleasing UI - Ensure seamless integration with the Java (Spring Boot) backend - Optimize UI for performance and usability Essential Skills: - Proficiency in React, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, SCSS - Strong experience with Java (Spring Boot) - Expert in User Interface Design - Prior experience in web application development Your ability to design and implement an intuitive user interface will be key to the success of this project. I look forward to reviewing your proposal.
...emulators. I need a fix that ensures the camera functions normally and displays a proper feed. Requirements: Analyze the root cause of why the camera is not displaying correctly. Develop a fix that makes the camera work properly in LDPlayer. Compare with BlueStacks, which handles the camera correctly, to find a possible solution. Ensure the solution works with the latest LDPlayer version. Additional Notes: screenshot 1: LD player screenshot 2 : MSI/Bluestacks (working properly) You may use ADB debugging, emulator settings modifications, or any other necessary methods. The fix should not cause performance issues or disrupt other functionalities. I need step-by-step instructions so I can apply the fix myself if needed. Deliverables: A working fix for the LDPlayer camera issue...
I have some automation-related Python code that was generated by an AI. Unfortunately, there are some syntax and logical errors that need to be resolved. I am looking for an experienced Python developer with a strong grasp on automation coding to verify and fix this code. Please provide your relevant experience with Python and automation in your bid. The code to be reviewed is less than 100 lines.
I'm seeking a talented illustrator who can c...Northwest Seed & Pet Spokane, WA est. 1944 on top 12. Division store outline - in sketch style - please include the geckos that are on the building. 13. Sprague store—in sketch style—can include cars out from like in the pic, but if it looks better without them, that's fine, too. 14. Old NWSP w/ car(s) & store behind it - 15. Northwest Seed & Pet Spokane, WA est. 1944 - The new modern font Few notes: No INC is included in the company name. All of them should include the company name; some also have the Spokane, WA, est. 1944. Whatever looks best. We would like it delivered as soon as possible and would appreciate an ETA if the job is accepted. We would like it delivered in the origi...
I'm looking for a skilled Kotlin developer based in Bangalore to help with modifying an existing app. The project involves a significant code rearchitecture. The ideal freelancer should have experience in making code more readable, enhancing scalability, and optimizing performance. Key Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Kotlin - Experience in modifying existing apps - Strong skills in code rearchitecture - Ability to improve code readability - Experience in creating scalable apps - Skills in optimizing app performance Please note, this is an onsite job. Remote bids will not be considered.
I want a betting Website source code linked with white liable copy of diamond exchange api. Demo first.
We are looking for an experienced Tally Definition Language (TDL) developer who has worked with Tally ERP 9 and has expertise in API integrations. Our goal is to connect our ERP system with Tally to automate the creation and r...connect our ERP system with Tally to automate the creation and retrieval of financial data. The consultant will guide our team on integrating Tally APIs to: ✅ Fetch data from our ERP and create transactions in Tally. ✅ Create sales invoices, purchase invoices, credit notes, and debit notes in Tally. ✅ Fetch customer/vendor balances from Tally and sync them with ERP. ✅ Advise on performance optimization and troubleshooting. This is a consulting role only—no development work is required. The consultant will provide guidance, code reviews,...
...note-taking on my Samsung Note 9. Key Requirements: - The font should reflect an 'artistic and intricate' yet readable style, capturing the detailed strokes of Da Vinci's penmanship. - It must include standard special characters only and should avoid unique symbols from Da Vinci's manuscripts. - The final product needs to be delivered in TrueType (TTF) format, ensuring compatibility with the Samsung Notes app. Ideal Skills and Experience: - A proven track record in typography and typeface design. - Proficiency in creating complex and artistic fonts. - Prior experience in developing fonts for mobile devices is a plus. - Ability to work from provided reference materials, specifically online images of Da Vinci's handwriting. I plan to use this font for d...
...and modern colours that align with the company’s mission, but I’m open to suggestions. • File formats: Please provide the logo in vector format (AI, SVG), as well as PNG and JPEG for various uses. • Social media sizes: The logo should be provided in multiple sizes suitable for different social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.). • Email signature: The logo should be optimised for email signature use. Additional Information: Lucid Point Media is dedicated to breaking confirmation bias by creating transparent, inclusive content that provides a platform for diverse perspectives. We want the logo to reflect these principles. A concept logo is available for reference, which can be used as inspiration or as a reverse f...
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I'm looking for a skilled coder who can write a working code for Arduino. The project involves the ESP8266 and Waveshare 2.13inch E-Ink Screen Display HAT (B) for Raspberry Pi. Key Requirements: - The primary function of this project is to show images on the E-Ink screen. The images will be in 212x104 resolution, but the code should also be adaptable for 2.97 inch and 4.7 inch screens. - The code must support all three resolutions: 2.13, 2.97, and 4.7 inches. - You will need to provide schematics of wiring for the ESP8266 with the E-Ink screen. - Ideal candidates should have experience with Arduino, ESP8266, and E-Ink displays. Skills in coding for multiple screen resolutions and creating wiring schematics are essential.
...proposal with the following details:** ✅ **Your experience with Custom Post Types & Taxonomies in WordPress.** ✅ **Examples of similar work (modifying archive pages, SEO structuring, etc.).** ✅ **Your approach to making these modifications.** ✅ **Estimated timeframe & pricing.** Looking forward to working with an experienced developer to optimize our website’s SEO structure! ? --- ## **? Notes for Posting on Freelancer or Upwork** - **Category:** WordPress Development, Plugin Customization, SEO Optimization - **Skills Required:** PHP, WordPress, Custom Post Types (CPT), SEO, Plugin Customization, Tourfic Plugin (if applicable) - **Job Type:** Fixed-price or Hourly --- ## **? Why This Version Works Best** ✔ **Acknowledges that the `/tours/` page ...
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...branding and design elements. UX Enhancements: Improve user journey and navigation. Optimize for responsiveness and accessibility. Testing & Iteration: Conduct A/B testing and collect user feedback. Refine designs based on analytics and user behavior. Requirements: Proven experience in UI/UX design with a strong portfolio. Proficiency in tools like Figma, Adobe XD, or Sketch. Understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (preferred but not required). Ability to deliver high-quality designs within deadlines. Strong communication and problem-solving skills. Deliverables: Wireframes and prototypes. Final UI design files. Documentation on design decisions and usability recommendations. Application Process: Interested freelancers should submit their portfolio, a brie...
I have a collection of handwritten notes that need to be typed up into a plain text document. There's no specific formatting required, just straightforward transcription from the notes to text. Ideal Skills: - Proficient typing skills - Attention to detail for accurate transcription - Experience with transcribing handwritten notes Please bid only if you can guarantee confidentiality and can deliver the work in a timely manner.
I'm looking for a skilled developer to transform a PDF contract into an interactive digital format. This contract should be able to be signed, have contract must include various input fields such as text fields and checkboxes. - It should have a designated area for the signatory and be capable of sending the completed contract to an email upon submission. - The signing method will be a digital signature, so the developer needs to implement this feature. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in PDF and contract digitization - Experience in developing cross-platform applications - Knowledge in implementing various input fields in a digital format - Familiarity with digital signature technologies - Ability to create an application with both online and...
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I'm seeking a Zapier expert to help automate a process involving email tracking and websit...automate a process involving email tracking and website verification. I receive emails with car VINs (Vehicle Identification Numbers) and need to check their status on our website. Key Tasks: - Read incoming emails on Gmail to extract VINs from plain text - Navigate our custom HTML/CSS website to find the corresponding VIN page - Use Zapier to return the link to the VIN page and its availability status (available or sold) Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Zapier - Experience with Gmail - Familiarity with navigating custom HTML/CSS websites - Strong problem-solving skills This project will streamline a crucial part of my workflow, so I appreciate your expertise in making this as ...
...If a user selects "I use SNS", mark the SNS entry as complete, and award 50 points if at least one SNS field is filled. Page: [Specify the relevant URL] --- 14. Profile Skill Field Issue Issue: Some fields disappear after the user inputs data. Request: Investigate and fix the issue so all entered data remains visible. Page: Dashboard Profile Settings --- 15. Zip Code Issue Issue: After entering the zip code, the address is not displayed. Request: Fix the issue so the address auto-populates correctly. Page: [Specify the relevant URL] --- 16. Avatar Upload Issues Issues: Upload time is slow. No indication of upload completion. Image does not update or errors occur after clicking "Update." Request: Improve avatar upload speed and ...
I need a Google Slides presentation on chapter 3 of the textbook. I want a google slides presentation and speaker notes that will help me go through the slides when I present. Contemporary Sport Management Edited by Paul M. Pedersen and Lucie Thibault . The presentation needs to be detailed with a clear explanation of the chapter's key points. It should be tailored for an in-depth exploration of the material, rather than a simple summarization. don't make the presentation overwhelming and write me speaker notes for when I go through the slides in class presentation. Key Requirements: - Expertise in creating Google Slides presentations - Ability to distill complex information into understandable content - Experience with educational or acade...