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Card design is the process of creating visually appealing and effective designs for printed cards. It's a creative specialty that encompasses everything from logos to business cards, postcards, greeting cards, invitations and much more.
When hiring a freelance card designer, you should look for someone with a strong portfolio who understands your style preferences and can understand your written briefs. Having someone with experience in illustration and typography is also helpful to create interesting designs that stand out. Depending on the size of project and expertise required, you should also look for freelancers willing to invest time in concept development and understand your timeline expectations.
To select the right candidate, make sure you have a clear scope of work before you begin the interview process. Make sure to provide plenty of detail regarding what tasks will be expected from the freelancer, how much time it may take and if there's any particular software needed for the project. When interviewing potential candidates, be sure to ask about relevant experience, turnaround times and track-record. You should expect to pay an average hourly rate of around $35 for a card design expert for smaller projects. For larger or more complex projects, it may cost around $45/hour or more.
Hiring through Freelancer allows you to access an abundance of qualified Card Design professionals from around the world at competitive rates with fast turnaround times - saving you time and money while ensuring quality results. Trust in Freelancer’s platform today - it’s one of the most reliable ways to hire a Card Design expert!