GEOSBIM Logo design
- Status: Closed
- Premie: $60
- Mottatte bidrag: 24
- Vinner: MKProdip
I need to design the logo for GEOSBIM.
GEOS (Geospatial, by geo, “Earth” and spatial, “Space”), and BIM from Building Information Modeling. Both concepts are closely related at the company value proposal.
GEOSBIM is a private engineering company that offers products and services associated with projects in the construction industry, where geospatial engineering and the BIM methodology must be mixed.
With the geospatial engineering we make an important use of remote sensors installed on drones, which will make photogrammetry of objects and phenomena on the land surface, as well as image-taking for territorial and urban planning, projects and works development engineering, environmental impact study, monitoring of phenomena on the land surface. It also involves concepts used in geodesy and geographic information systems (GIS) and spatial data infrastructure, and also is related to any science that involves the processing of geographic information.
On the other hand, BIM, allows the integral management of construction projects, in all its phases and during the complete life cycle of the work, through virtual models and in a collaborative way between the different agents involved. Much of the information used in the geospatial portion will be used in BIM deliverables.
We want to demonstrate seriousness, experience and confidence in the geospatial engineering services side, and on the other hand to demonstrate something smart, modern and with high transparency in the processes and documentation delivered using the BIM methodology.
In that same direction, we prefer light brown wood (for Geospatial) and light blue (for BIM). The latter is for reference only and there are no restrictions regarding colors or shades.
We need the editable files for future changes and adjusments.
Note: Please don’t put house or buildings in the background. In case of draw something in the background we prefer use something related with geoespatial, geology, mining infraestructures.. or concepts as collaboration or improve KPI or business metrics.
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“Great Job and flexibility!”
fguerrero86, Chile.
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