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Maria Veronica B.
SEO Specialist & SEO Auditor | Author - Spanish
$55 USD / hora
Chile (10:22 p. m.)
Se unió el mayo 7, 2014
$55 USD / hora
SEO Audits up to 100,000 URLs through Screaming Frog SEO Spider.
"SEO Audit must be conducted by a Professional SEO completely independent from the one who carries out the SEO work, due to obvious reasons."
- Search Engine Optimization. SEO On-Page.
- SEO keyword research.
- SERPs analysis. SEO Content writer. Moz follower.
. Local SEO audits. Backlinks audits.
Medic's and Possum algorithms recoveries.
“On-Page expert” means to be aware of the Search Engines’ latest algorithms updates, especially those which might affect my clients' websites. High quality means that it is readable and SEO friendly! Articles include long tailed keywords, semantically related words, title tag and meta description.
Creative content related to legal matters and family, such as commercial law, real estate, childhood, motherhood and seniors. A vast knowledge of Geography, Macro Economy, History and Foreign Affairs.
Commitment with best practices.
I would recommend Verobrain to anyone needing thorough research on Chile. She had a difficult job to find needles in haystacks and did some very good detective work to find as much as she could. Speaks English competently and looks outside the box to find information. Very impressed
Verobrain es una excelente profesional!
He contratado varios trabajos con ella y cada vez que me entrega un trabajo quedo sorprendido porque siempre supera mis expectativas.
"...set of lessons in this certification course allows ...of inbound marketing, so can build inbound marketing strategy ...learn different inbound marketing techniques that range from creating content, using social promotion, converting and nurturing leads, and all the way to marketing to customers."
Graduate from Law School
Universidad La República, Santiago de Chile
Certificate that allows practices in Courts.
Optimizing a Website for Search
University of California, Davis
Part of a 6-course series, the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialization
"the ins and outs of optimizing a website, from conducting an initial audit to presenting your findings and recommendations. Hands-on activities include learning how to select and apply appropriate keywords throughout a website, incorporating keyword research in a content marketing strategy, and optimizing a site for local search."
"At the time the Constitution was ordained, this “We” referred only to free men. Nowhere in the written Constitution is it stated in that way. However, slaves were not citizens and therefore they were not entitled to vote. Women, even though they were considered citizens - if they were white - also had no right to vote."
Analysis Code of Ethics of the Bar Association - Código de Ética Colegio de Abogados
Critical essay, concept of moral standard elevated to rule of law, lack of certainty.
Ensayo crítico, concepto de norma moral elevado a la categoria de norma de derecho, falta de certitud.
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
Freelancer Orientation
Spanish to English Translation
US English
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