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Hamzah S.



Content writer and proofreader

$10 USD / hora
Bandera de
Guernsey (1:47 a. m.)
Se unió el diciembre 21, 2019
$10 USD / hora
Not sure if proofreader is a real word but anyway I'm a university student based in the UK. I have past experience in developing content for many different businesses and am also able to provide a sample piece of work (paid only if you think the article is to a high quality). My work times are scheduled around university but still put a high focus on the content I'm writing. Quick QA - Not that anyone asked How much do you charge? - this is completely negotiable but approximately £1 per 100 words. What's your level of English? - fluent What type of content can you write? - whatever you need but some topics will obviously require research prior which could take a lil bit longer. (price stays the same). Are you real? - work is 100% original and will proofread as much times as necessary. And I think I'm real 'crosses fingers'. Can you write formal - to whom it may concern, this individual can write formally if need be. Work will be structured fluently and will be easily editable should you need to make adjustments and no I won't start all formal articles like I just read the Oxford dictionary (even I don't see the relevance of this statement). If you have any questions or tasks feel free to message me. Have fun! Psst I didn't proofread this so no judging...
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