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Mukesh S.
Advanced logo designer ,, graphicdesigner
$50 USD / hora
India (5:28 p. m.)
Se unió el noviembre 4, 2019
$50 USD / hora
I want to see the advertisement on my Facebook page and take advantage of the advertisement along with its hard work,,,I am an artistic logo maker who has the ability to create in different shapes with graphic with artistry
I have a good experience of the last five years in creating different types of logos, due to which I make good logos, along with this, due to the large social scope of my Facebook page, there is a lot of international traffic on the Facebook page, because of this any type of advertisement area is likely to be large
jun, 2022 - Presente
2 años, 8 meses
Awadhesh Pratap Singh Vishwavidyalaya
1981 - 1985
4 años
1981 - 1985
4 años
Great learning on-line
I have a good experience of the last five years in creating different types of logos, due to which I make good logos, along with this, due to the large social scope of my Facebook page, there is a lot of international traffic on the Facebook page, because of this any type of advertisement area is likely to be large
Mukesh singh
I have a good experience of the last five years in creating different types of logos, due to which I make good logos, along with this, due to the large social scope of my Facebook page, there is a lot of international traffic on the Facebook page, because of this any type of advertisement area is likely to be large
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