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Anna M.



Full Stack Web Developer / Bioinformatician

$15 USD / hora
Bandera de
Slovenia (9:48 a. m.)
Se unió el octubre 20, 2024
$15 USD / hora
I am PHP/JS Developer with 6 years of experience in programming, out of which 2 years of experience in the web development company. I work with a wide range of the related CMS, frameworks and other technologies and always ready to get to learn something new. I personally enjoy React/Laravel stack to create applications. I joined Freelancer in order to work with new interesting projects, broaden by knowledge and experience and enjoy collaboration with new people. Bachelor of Bioinformatics. Familiar with Python, MatLab, Bash, R and Java, so as with the basics of Machine Learning with WEKA. My tech stack: - frontend - JavaScript/TypeScript React Redux JQuery Alpine.js HTML5/CSS3 Tailwind npm/yarn - backend - PHP Laravel SQL/MySQL/PostgreSQL - CMS and E-commerce - WordPress Sage PrestaShop Shopify - tools - Git GitHub/GitLab Jira Docker - also have experience with - Python R Java Bash C
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