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Leaky S.




$40 USD / hora
Bandera de
United States (4:25 p. m.)
Se unió el abril 28, 2024
$40 USD / hora
I AM CODE WAN. BEST IN THE LISTED SKILLS AND WITH EXPERIENCE ENOUGH TO TACKLE TOUGH CRACKS ✅ENGINEERING ✅CYBER ATTACKS ✅BLOCKCHAIN ✅ETHICAL HACKING ✅FIXING CRYPTO WALLETS BUGS AND SECURITY INSTALLATION ✅Reverse engineering & Recovery ✅Crypto Recovery ✅Accounts Recovery ✅Penetration testing ✅Kali Linux | Maltego | Metasploit| Wireshark ETC ✅Linux ✅Network Administration ✅Web Security ✅Computer Security ✅Blockchain ✅Metatrader ✅Ubuntu ✅Internet Security ✅Cryptocurrency ✅Solidity ✅Apache ✅DNS ✅Bitcoin ✅Ethereum ✅Solana ✅Debian ✅Certified Ethical Hacking ✅Non-fungible Tokens (NFT) ✅MetaTrader 4 ✅VPS ✅SSL ✅Shell Script ✅Network Security ✅Network Engineering ✅Metatrader 5 ✅VMware ✅Server ✅Cloudflare ✅VPN ✅Debugging ✅PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES: - C Programming - C++ Programming - Java - Java FX - Python - SQL - MY SQL ETC ✅Of course I am proficient in any tools that I need to do my job properly. I use Skype, Email to communicate, Photoshop to work convert designs from mockup to HTML, Basecamp / High-rise for project and client management. I've got a smartphone and tablet and am hardly ever disconnected. ✅ Communication: I will provide proper communication and I expect the same from my client. You can ask update at anytime regarding the work because I will be doing your work NO outsourcing here.
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5.0 · 1 Review
thank you freelancer and more so this freelancer for good work thanks for globalization.
Kivala K.
Bandera de
Nairobi, Kenya
hace 7 meses
A tiempo
100 %
Dentro del presupuesto
100 %
Aceptar tarifa
33 %
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