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Gabriel Fontana S.
Video editor / After effect / Videographer
$6 USD / hora
Brazil (10:04 p. m.)
Se unió el septiembre 30, 2022
$6 USD / hora
I have 6 years of experience as an editor, by the way, I have 2 channels. humor videos are my strong point, but I can do any type (marketing, serious content, horror, etc). I'm Brazilian and intermediate in English, so I may not be very clear in what I say... but I guarantee an edit well done and with a lot of desire
I want to earn a little here to buy my own things.
I think this site would be good, since I'm quite familiar with video editing and I've always had doors to follow this path.
sept, 2022 - Presente
2 años, 5 meses
Universidade Federal de São Paulo
2005 - 2022
17 años
2 Degree
2005 - 2022
17 años
¡Invitación enviada correctamente!
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