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Bisma ..
Enthusiastic & Devoted Writer
$20 USD / hora
Pakistan (11:37 p. m.)
Se unió el septiembre 28, 2018
$20 USD / hora
This is an experienced writer Bisma. I have more than three years’ experience in writing and have completed 500+ articles and few web applications for my clients globally. I consider best for all types of writing like content writing, blog writing, article writing, SEO optimized content and more. I have worked with most of the top rated websites and produce quality content for them. I have worked with most of the International Brands who are working in Pakistan as their content writer.
I am quite professional and never go against my commitment.
I specialize in:
Article writing
SEO article writing / SEO copywriting
Magazine articles
News articles
Web copywriting /web content
Ebook writing
Press releases
Product description
Training manual development and process documentation
I am working as a content writer at I have written interactive content and Amazon Affiliate content for this website.
mar, 2018 - Presente
6 años, 11 meses
Content Writer
nov, 2017 - mar, 2018
4 meses, 1 día
Times IT solution
nov, 2017 - mar, 2018
4 meses, 1 día
I worked as a content writer at Times IT solution. My responsibilities were to write articles and blog posts for various international clients of the organization.
nov, 2017 - mar, 2018
4 meses, 1 día
NED University of Engineering and Technology
2014 - 2017
3 años
Bachelors in Computer Science and Information Technology
2014 - 2017
3 años
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