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Ariel O.



DevOps/SRE engineer

$8 USD / hora
Bandera de
Bolivia (2:11 a. m.)
Se uniĆ³ el julio 24, 2017
$8 USD / hora
Thanks for checking my profile! DevOps Engineer specialized in CI/CD, great passionate for developing and programing with C#, javascript, pyhton, great knowledge on docker, kubernetes, and virtualization Experience with: - AWS, Azure, digital ocean, openstack - Docker Kubernetes, virtualization among others - CircleCI, jenkins, GoCD, GitlabCI, jfrogCI - python, javascript, C#, nodeJS, golang, bash - Ansible, Terraform, Chef - Prometheus, grafana, cacti, nagios I'm always make sure that the client gets satisfied with my services, as a plus i have ISO 27001 experience, hands on implementation, audit and policies have a great day!
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Escuela Militar de Ingenieria
2009 - 2014
5 aƱos
Bachelor in systems engineer
Bandera de
2009 - 2014
5 aƱos
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