E-books, esp. rewriting, are my forte`. I have written 9 ebooks earlier on topics as diverse as blogging, eBay selling, facebook marketing, Samurai Miyamoto Musashi, healthy living, herbal supplements, lung detox, DIY teeth whitening and Yoga. As such, I am confident I can handle any ebook project with elan.
Condensing and summarizing, combining, researching and adding, I handled it all! And since I work for self-actualization rather than money, expect me to put 200% in every assignment I take up.
I am attaching a chapter from "MY" ebook on Blogging to prove my writing prowess. I am sorry, but I do not know how to attach more than 1 sample here at a time!
Quality work within your deadlines is a promise. Hoping to hear from you soon. (New to this site, I am not new to writing. You can ask me for more samples. I'd be happy to furnish some more!)