Vba access database multiple userstrabajos
Participe en medio ironman y me compartieron fotos y unos pocos videos, quiero un foto montaje, con una cancion que tengo y otro con alguna sugeria, o varias cancoens e...con alguna sugeria, o varias cancoens en el mismo video, que refliejen alguna emotividad del momento. Si es posible ademas un segundo short , simplemente acomodando las fotos al rito de alguna cancion, independiente del primero. I participated in a Half Ironman, and I received some photos and a few videos. I want a photo montage with a song I have, and another version with a suggested song or multiple songs in the same video that reflect the emotions of the moment. Additionally, if possible, I’d like a second short video where the photos are simply arranged to match the rhythm of a song, independent of the ...
La base de datos MySQL de mi sitio web de comercio electrónico ha superado los 1000 MB y requiere optimización. La base de datos admite principalmente el catálogo de productos y el procesamiento de pedidos, junto con otras funciones. Requisitos clave: - Análisis y optimización integral de la base de datos - Mejoras para mejorar la velocidad y la eficiencia - Sugerencias para la gestión futura de la base de datos Realizo un mantenimiento regular de la base de datos, por lo que esta tarea se trata más de optimizar los datos actuales y mejorar su rendimiento en lugar de lidiar con la falta de mantenimiento. Los candidatos ideales deben tener experiencia en la optimización de grandes bases de datos MySQL, preferiblemente para sitios web...
Necesito desarrollar en el entoner Qnap una app para utilizar quickbooks multiusarios.
...particular use Administrative area with office and meeting room Gym for guests Caretaker’s room: A dedicated living space for an on-site caretaker. Guardhouse: A small security station for personnel. Laundry room: Space for washing and maintaining hotel linens. Small infirmary: A basic medical space for minor emergencies. ✅ Room distribution: Shared rooms: Spaces with bunk beds, ideal for multiple guests. Standard rooms: Options with double, single, or queen beds. Suites: Larger spaces with premium amenities. Apartments: Including kitchen and living areas, designed for extended stays. Exclusive space: Reserved for private use, designed to accommodate a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 12 people. ✅ Optimization of the 12x50m plot for efficient use. ✅ Integration ...
...AI-Generated visuals showcasing futuristic workspaces & digital entrepreneurship. --- 4. AI & Web3 Integrations for Future-Ready Tech To enhance credibility and attract tech-savvy customers, implement: ✅ AI-Driven Features - AI-Powered Chatbot for instant client interactions. - AI-Personalized Website Demos (Users can see a mockup in real-time). - Automated AI Reports for SEO & brand performance. ✅ Web3 Features - NFT Memberships – Clients get exclusive access to premium services. - Smart Contracts for Recurring Payments – Secure, transparent payments. - Blockchain-Verified Reviews & Testimonials – Boosts credibility. --- 5. Words & Messaging That Resonate ? Power Words for Your Brand: ✅ AI-powered ✅ Hyp...
I have 2 FileMaker databases currently used on a desktop computer. I need these databases adjusted for web access so that two additional users can access the data and input new information. Key Requirements: - Adjust 2 FileMaker databases for web access via FileMaker WebDirect. - Implement a user interface that allows the users to View and Edit the databases. - Set up a secure authentication system requiring a username and password for each user. - One of the databases is used for budgeting (Quotation). This should be adjusted to allow the use of different price lists per customer. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with FileMaker databases and FileMaker WebDirect. - Proficiency in web integration and user interface design. - Strong background in set...
...we are looking for an expert in **VUE.js**. It runs on a **server with PHP 5.4** (we cannot change this). Credentials will be provided to work directly on my server. This is the **first of several tools** we need to develop, so if the collaboration goes well, the idea is to continue working with the same developer for future projects. The project consists of a **trivia creation tool** that users can create and publish and share through an **HTML embed code** (you can check how published surveys look by accessing []() and clicking on the URL that appears in the embed code under the **"ver código" ("view code")** button). When the user **publishes**, the public version of the tool is uploaded to another server via **FTP** (this is already develop...
...sea necesario. - Finalmente, concatenar los centavos y la unidad monetaria ("Boliviano" o "Bolivianos"). La representación de texto debe estar en español. Las cantidades a convertir pueden ser enteras o tener decimales. Es crucial que la macro sea precisa y eficiente, ya que manejaré cantidades considerables. Idealmente, el freelancer tiene experiencia en desarrollo de macros y programación en VBA....
...línea como L’Oreal, Laboratorios Roche, Astra Zeneca, Pfizer. Profesional en entrada de datos con más de 3 años de experiencia trabajando en entornos acelerados donde se requiere una alta precisión y atención al detalle. Capaz de manejar grandes volúmenes de información mientras se asegura que los registros sean exactos y completos. Habilidades Clave Dominio avanzado en Microsoft Excel, Word y Access. Experiencia con software CRM como Salesforce. Habilidad para realizar análisis básicos utilizando hojas electrónicas. Alta velocidad en tecleo: 80 palabras por minuto. Excelente capacidad organizativa & gestión del tiempo. Experiencia Laboral Empresario - Asistente Administrativo – Experienc...
Estoy buscando un desarrollador de Flutter capacitado para crear un MVP básico para mí. Este proyecto se centrará en: - Implementación de funcionalidades fundamentales: el MVP debe demostrar las características básicas de la aplicación. - Acceso a la cámara: la aplicación debería poder capturar fotografías. - Estas fotografias llevaran un marco alrededor IMAGEn .PNG - Funciones para compartir: debe haber botones integrados para compartir imágenes. Adjunto imagen con lo que estoy esperando como APP, cualquier duda estoy a la orden. Para una persona con experiencia en Flutter es un proyecto relativamente sencillo. El objetivo principal de este MVP es probar sus funcionalidades básicas. Necesito que ...
...options: “Texto abierto” and “Opciones de selección.” The question labeled “Pregunta 1 (Texto abierto)” in the design represents what appears when the user selects an open-text question, while “Pregunta 2 (Opciones de selección)” is an example of what appears when the user selects a multiple-choice question. The user can add as many questions as they want, and the question numbers should adjust dynamically based on their order. The icon with three vertical lines to the left of the question title should allow users to drag and drop questions to rearrange them. The three-dot icon on the right side of each question should be operational. The “Duplicar” option should duplicate the question, creating an ...
...management, and regulations management have been created. The authentication middleware has been implemented and is being used to protect the routes that require a valid token. The project uses PostgreSQL as a database with Prisma for ORM. All the required dependencies are installed and configured. The backend is able to upload files using multer. The backend returns responses according to the data in the database. The backend provides endpoints for: User management (/api/users) including user registration (/api/users/register), login (/api/users/login), and token validation (/api/users/me). Company management (/api/company) including the creation of a company and admin (/api/company/register) and fetching the information for a company. ...
...facilitate the management of legal services by our clients and improve client-law firm interaction. Main Features: User Registration: Allow new clients to easily register. Secure Login: Validation via email and password. Service Management: Check case statuses, upload documents, and access billing. Requests: Create and track legal requests directly from the app. Direct Communication: Chat room with lawyers and real-time notifications. Geolocation and Search: Find nearby lawyers or search by specialty. Firm Information: Access contact details and services of the firm. Invoice Management: View invoices, paid and pending payments. Technical Details: The development will be done in Ionic to ensure cross-platform compatibility. The app will consume services and data from an ...
Tenemos un sistema que tiene archivos .ADE y . ADP, bk de sql server. Como este sistema esta obsoleto, necesitamos migrarlo o adaptarlo a algo mas moderno. Preferiblemente web based o si es mas economico desktop base.
Hello, Six months ago, I hired a developer to create a social network-type app. I released the funds upon completion, but after implementing an improvement update, the developer stopped responding. It’s been over a month without any reply. I have: -The APK file of the app. -Access to the code on GitHub (though I’m not sure if it’s correct). I would like to have the app rebuilt so it can be further developed. The main task would be to verify the app. If you provide a fair price and quality work, I would also like you to handle the new update I wanted to incorporate later.
...translators, photographers, language teachers, accountants, journalists, editors, telemarketers, community managers, online store designers, singers, composers, musicians, etc. Our client profile is a self-employed person, the so-called digital nomad, the freelance teleworker, and small and medium-sized enterprises owners (SMEs) with online stores. In fact, our potential clients are, for example, the users of this online platform. - We offer two types of payments: a) 200 euros fixed + 10% commission per sale, 3-month period (3.33 appointments per day, taking into account working days from Monday to Friday). Objective: 200 appointments in three months (200 sales are a minimum of 1,800 euros in commissions). If you achieve a lower objective, we will pay you the proportional amou...
...IPTV player. This project will involve creating a player similar to the well-known Rosadin TV. I have the data and files needed for this project, and I'll provide the necessary resources. Key requirements: - The player should support multiple playlist formats. - I want to set up 2 to 3 different players within this project, all of which I have on hand. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Prior experience in developing IPTV players for Windows. - Knowledge of various playlist formats and how to implement support for them. - Ability to set up multiple player interfaces within a single application....
...translators, photographers, language teachers, accountants, journalists, editors, telemarketers, community managers, online store designers, singers, composers, musicians, etc. Our client profile is a self-employed person, the so-called digital nomad, the freelance teleworker, and small and medium-sized enterprises owners (SMEs) with online stores. In fact, our potential clients are, for example, the users of this online platform. - We offer two types of payments: a) 200 euros fixed + 10% commission per sale, 3-month period (3.33 appointments per day, taking into account working days from Monday to Friday). Objective: 200 appointments in three months (200 sales are a minimum of 1,800 euros in commissions). If you achieve a lower objective, we will pay you the proportional amou...
Crear base de datos personalizable para introducir datos y consultar mediante busqueda especifica de palabras. Crear base de datos, para poner en servidor. Php mysql. Front end y backend, puede ser en laravel , CodeIgniter o cualquier. Usuarios. Admin y usuario invitado, en niveles. Tipo de datos a introducir, texto, fecha, imagenes y links. Todo personalizable, serian varios campos, e incluso unos textos serian cortos y otros largos. Todo en un interfaz dinamico y atractivo para la vista, en colores suaves, que se podra personalizar en el menu o en el codigo fuente. 2 secciones principales, primera, introduccion de datos, segunda buscador de palabras clave, indicando donde y cuantas hay en coincidencia. Y que se pueda acceder, ya sea en nueva ventana o lo mas practico. Pero que no se pie...
...lanzada hace 2 años la cuál comercializa articulos y productos del mercado de las telecomunicaciones. Priorizando el objetivo de incrementar las ventas por este mercado creciente de la tecnología. Pc Virtual Mx es una empresa que ofrece soluciones de tecnología a las industrias del estado de Coahuila y Nuevo León, integrando la ingenieria de TI en proyectos de fibra óptica, cableado estructurado, access point entre otros con más de 15 años en el mercado. El Coordinador de E-commerce (FREELANCE) estará encargado de: -Desarrollo de estrategias digitales. -E-commerce. -Gestión de publicidad en línea. -Marketing de contenidos. -Entre otros. Si cuentas con experiencia en el mercado digital, tiendas en l...
Busco un profesional con experiencia en VBA para Excel que pueda desarrollar un macro que procese múltiples archivos XML de comprobantes electrónicos de Ecuador (facturas, retenciones, notas de débito y crédito), genere reportes en Excel y convierta los XML a archivos PDF con formato legible. Requerimientos: Soporte para múltiples tipos de comprobantes electrónicos: Facturas. Retenciones. Notas de débito. Notas de crédito. Reportes a generar: Reporte General: Totales y subtotales de cada tipo de comprobante. Reporte Detallado: Listado detallado de los ítems comprados o servicios adquiridos. Conversión a PDF: Convertir los comprobantes electrónicos (XML) a archivos PDF con formato legible. Personalizaci...
Tengo una base de datos relacional en Access que requiere la creación de formularios de entrada de datos y formularios para generar/exportar informes. IMPRESCINDIBLE HABLAR ESPAÑOL NATIVO Requisitos clave: • Diseñar formularios de entrada de datos para: o Clientes o Productos o Valoraciones • Crear formularios para generar informes de: o Informes de Ventas o Informes de Inventario • Formular la funcionalidad de exportación a Excel o word Habilidades y experiencia: • Amplia experiencia con Microsoft Access • Sólidas habilidades en gestión de bases de datos • Dominio en la creación de formularios de entrada de datos fáciles de usar • Capacidad para idear herramientas de generaci&oacut...
...development to design a personalized system based on GPT-4.0. This project aims to develop a personal AI, integrated into multiple platforms, with advanced functionalities and maximum security. The fixed budget is €4000, with a maximum deadline of 3 weeks for delivery. The specific details of the project and the requirements for interested developers are described below. --- Project objective Develop an artificial intelligence system that can: Interact naturally (by text and voice). Recognize and process images and sound. Remember previous information and conversations using a database. Operate both in a mobile application and on a web platform with exclusive access for the client. --- Technical and functional specifications 1....
necesito obtener datos a diferentes hojas de excel desde la base de datos en msql de mi pagina web, tengo avances que funcionan hasta cierto punto, necesitan ajustes para lograr lo esperado.
... we will provide the gmail account user and password. This file should be automatically synchronized with the events manager plugin data. (please research plugin, there is an option to do this inside) For this, you must first configure for us a google cloud account to be able to connect with google sheets see (E) We will provide the credentials of a gmail email you can work with 4- You will access to our wp admin, and configure our paid plugin (WP Events Manager) here I leave the plugin information: so that the information is updated dynamically from the google sheets file. - You must perform the import, matching the form data with the plugin see screenshot (D) this is just an example with generic cell names. - It is essential that all fields in the google
...Project Description: We are looking for an experienced freelance developer to create a live chat system with an interactive admin panel. This system should facilitate efficient communication between users and operators while providing real-time management and visualization of interactions. Main Project Goals: 1. Provide a functional and user-friendly live chat for users. 2. Create an Admin Live Panel with graphical tools for efficient system management. 3. Enable real-time communication with interactive features for admins and operators. --- Project Features: 1. Live Chat for Users: Real-Time Communication: Implementation of WebSocket, , or similar technology for instant messaging. Visual and audible notifications for new messages and chat status upd...
} ¡Prometo Estabilidad! Busco a Mi Mano Derecha en Ecommerce ¿Eres un experto en ecommerce y programación con visión de largo plazo? Estoy buscando a una persona comprometida y confiable que quiera trabajar conmigo en un proyecto con alto potencial de crecimiento. ¡Esta es tu oportunidad para establecerte profesional y financieramente! ¿Qué necesito de ti? ✔ Dominio en desarrollo y opti...tu experiencia y compromiso. Cómo aplicar: ? Envía tu CV o portafolio ? Prepárate para una entrevista online donde evaluaremos cómo encajas en este rol clave. Si buscas estabilidad, crecimiento y un equipo donde tus habilidades sean valoradas, esta es tu oportunidad. ¡Construyamos algo grande juntos! Cómo aplicar: [...
Es hacer una base de datos en access ,con empleados , clientes y productos de abarrotes lo más básica posible.
...design and build an interactive website that includes a live admin panel. This panel should enable comprehensive user management, real-time data visualization, and live chat support. The project will leverage customizable templates to streamline development. Specific Project Features 1. User Management Create, read, update, and delete user accounts. Manage roles and permissions, ensuring different access levels. 2. Data Visualization Display data in charts, tables, and diagrams for detailed analysis. Support real-time updates to reflect immediate changes. 3. Live Chat Support Integration of a live chat system for immediate user assistance. Monitoring panel to manage interactions and user queries in real-time. 4. Customizable Templates Utilize predefined templates for design and f...
...a payment method, but the premium version will.) • Main dashboard showing available lessons, user progress, and daily goals. • Interactive exercises: multiple choice, writing, audio, and drag/drop. • Gamification system: points, badges, and daily streaks. • Responsive design. 2. Key functionality: • Simple and engaging animations to enhance the user experience. • Language and user profile settings panel. • iOS and Android support (for the app version). • Ad insertion in the free version of the app, when a lesson is completed, or when you want to earn new lives. The premium version will not have ads. BACK-END: 1. Content management: • Database to store lessons, words, grammar and exercises. (Note: when I publish a lesson, I mus...
...dirección, etc que se asocie a esa cuenta de correo-e. Crear CSV para importar los contactos a la libreta de direcciones/contactos de Outlook. En Youtube, encontré este video, y logré que funcionara, siguiendo sus instrucciones, para el caso que él plantea. Lo que me pasa, es que yo tengo otros requerimientos y no se hacerlo, porque yo no programo en VBA...
Tengo varios Excel que quiero unir en uno. Cada Excel va unido a un Grafico y lo único que quiero es tener un grafico y siete hojas y cada vez que quiera ver los graficos de una hoja cargarlos.
...simultaneously, in another tab the streaming from another is accessed, any other option that does not achieve this, which is my objective, would be considered as unfinished. If the objective is not met, I would ask the platform for a refund. I am only looking for a fair deal for both parties. 3 - I have a PC with Ubuntu 24 and I will provide remote access to it through the application called “nomachine”. Likewise, I will provide remote access to two Raspberrys through VNC. Using nomachine or VNC is basically indifferent, I use nomachine on Ubuntu and VNC on Raspberry for convenience. Configuration has to be done on my machines using the remote control provided for that purpose. 4 - I want practical and direct documentation on what has been achieved and how it...
...y Europa? ¿Cómo planificarías la configuración de métodos de pago, considerando la mayor cantidad de opciones posibles? ¿Qué soluciones legales y políticas recomendarías para cumplir con las regulaciones de Uruguay y los países donde venderemos? ¿Cómo me capacitarías para gestionar la tienda de manera efectiva? The expected deadline for the project is the time needed. The store should support multiple languages for diverse markets. The store should include live chat support. We prefer using a variety of tools for these integrations. "Based on the references selected in the description, we will proceed with a similar theme or template. We also welcome any other themes or templates tha...
Hello! I am looking for advice on optimizing some Google Ads and Facebook Ads campaigns that are not giving results. Do you offer this service, and what is the cost?. Clarification: it's just advisory services, no campaign setup or implementation required. I don't have administrator access, only editor access, but I can provide all the necessary information to help optimize the campaigns. ——————— Hola! Estoy buscando asesoramiento para optimizar algunas campañas de Google Ads y Facebook Ads que no están dando resultados. Aclaración: solo se trata de asesoría, no se requiere configuración ni implementación de campañas.
...tus objetivos en iad! Aurélie Berger ENGLISH Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit and a desire to build a career in real estate? Are you looking for an opportunity that offers independence, professional growth, and high earnings? Then this opportunity is for you! I am a Platinum Manager at iad, an innovative real estate network that is transforming the market in Spain, with a presence in multiple countries, including Italy, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Florida (USA), and Mexico. We are looking for entrepreneurial individuals who want to join our network as independent agents and develop their own real estate business, backed by the training, support, and resources of a leading company. Important Note: This is a self-employment opportunity, not a job...
...proyecto está orientado a la contratación de una persona que pueda proporcionar asistencia cada vez que se necesite, especialmente en: Creación y optimización de fórmulas avanzadas en Excel. Automatización de procesos mediante macros y VBA. Diseño de hojas de cálculo personalizadas y funcionales. Análisis de datos y generación de reportes complejos según requerimientos específicos. Requisitos: Experiencia Avanzada en Excel: Debe tener habilidades avanzadas en Excel, incluyendo conocimientos profundos en fórmulas, tablas dinámicas, macros y programación en VBA. Disponibilidad Flexible: Necesito que el candidato esté disponible para asistir durante el horario de E...
...quotes should not consider production hours or materials, but are based on prices obtained from our suppliers' price lists, who will ultimately carry out the construction work if the stand is built. This implies that we need to be able to dynamically access supplier price lists for each item on the stand (carpentry, painting, electricity, lighting, furniture, etc.) and select the price list items to be included in the project. Our quoting system is based on managing "items" or concepts that make up a trade show booth. For each item, we need to: • Access our suppliers' price lists to obtain the cost of each concept. • Apply a profit margin, which can be general for the entire quote or specific to each item. • Calculate the final price to...
estoy haciendo una appweb con la api de google y tengo un problema para generar un nuevo access token y un refresh token, alguien que me pueda ayudar
...interact and explore their desires. ?❤️ Effective Sales: I focus on selling your content effectively, encouraging subscribers to make purchases and ensuring they always come back for more. I use persuasion strategies and effective communication to maximize your sales and satisfy your subscribers. ?? Budget Adjustment: I am willing to adjust to all types of budgets, ensuring that each subscriber has access to personalized and satisfying experiences that keep them interested in your content. ?? English Proficiency: I have fluent English skills (B1 level), which is essential in a global environment like OnlyFans. This allows me to communicate with subscribers from different parts of the world, thereby expanding the reach of your sales and creating deeper connections with a divers...
...automatically when the customer invoices are created from the Accounting application in Odoo 18 and also the corresponding rates are applied when the users are selected to a sales ticket from the Point of Sale as long as it is previously registered in Odoo 18. 5. Customise Odoo 18 Enterprise Point of Sale to: - Show at the top in the form of buttons the different Parent Categories and as selected to show the corresponding Daughter Categories 1 and Daughter Categories 2, so that the corresponding products created in each category can be displayed showing them in alphabetical order from A-Z. - Disable the Rates, % Desc, Qty, Quote/Order button, so that users cannot select or modify the rate assigned to customers and will always default to the public rate or rate assigned ...
...sistemas de gestión integral para la empresa. Necesito presupuesto estimado y el tiempo de entrega para este proyecto. Gracias!! English Version: I'm looking for Odoo developers for a marketplace project. Requirements and functionalities to implement: Registration/Login: Create a registration and authentication system for different types of users, including suppliers (intermediaries) who will not have the option to publish products and end users. Product Catalog: A product catalog that allows search and filtering options by different categories. Payment Gateway: Integration of a payment gateway with the option of payment in installments. I considered Odoo for its integration with ERP and CRM systems, which provide a comprehensive management solution. ...
Solicitud de Entrenamiento en el Software de Control de Acceso ZK BIO ACCESS IVS Si tienes amplios conocimientos en el manejo del software ZK BIO ACCESS IVS y disfrutas de compartir tu experiencia con otros, ¡queremos conocerte! Requisitos: • Experiencia demostrable con el software ZK BIO ACCESS IVS. • Habilidad para enseñar y explicar de forma clara el funcionamiento y administración del sistema. Responsabilidades: • Realizar sesiones interactivas que cubran la instalación, configuración y gestión del sistema de control de acceso. • Explicar las características avanzadas del software, incluyendo la integración con sistemas de seguridad y automatización.
...electrónicos entrantes. -Automatizar la generación de los documentos requeridos basándose en la orden del cliente. -Asegurar que solo se generen los documentos solicitados por orden. Requisitos Técnicos: -Experiencia en Microsoft Word y Excel, incluyendo funciones avanzadas como Combinar Correspondencia. -Capacidad para manejar tablas de Excel complejas con celdas y filas combinadas. -Dominio de macros VBA u otros lenguajes de scripting para automatización. -Experiencia en análisis de correos electrónicos y extracción de datos. -Familiaridad con herramientas de automatización como Microsoft Power Automate, Zapier o plataformas similares. Consideraciones Adicionales: -Asegurar el cumplimiento con las regulaciones de ...
...simultaneously, in another tab the streaming from another is accessed, any other option that does not achieve this, which is my objective, would be considered as unfinished. If the objective is not met, I would ask the platform for a refund. I am only looking for a fair deal for both parties. 3 - I have a PC with Ubuntu 24 and I will provide remote access to it through the application called “nomachine”. Likewise, I will provide remote access to two Raspberrys through VNC. Using nomachine or VNC is basically indifferent, I use nomachine on Ubuntu and VNC on Raspberry for convenience. Configuration has to be done on my machines using the remote control provided for that purpose. 4 - I want practical and direct documentation on what has been achieved and how it...
...especializado en Power BI. El núcleo de este proyecto se centra en el modelado avanzado de datos utilizando funciones DAX complejas. Tu experiencia ayudará a desarrollar dashboards completos e informativos que comuniquen eficazmente los principales insights de datos. **Habilidades esenciales:** - Dominio de Power BI con enfoque en modelado de datos. - Habilidades avanzadas en Excel, particularmente en VBA y tablas dinámicas. - Sólidas capacidades en SQL. - Experiencia en procesos ETL utilizando Power Query. - Capacidad para crear e interpretar funciones DAX complejas. - Atención excepcional al detalle. - Excelentes habilidades de comunicación. **Certificaciones:** - Debe estar certificado en Power BI y Excel. **Tu rol incluirá p...
Tengo 2 Libros de Excel (en una dirección específica): uno de los excel es una tabla grande con mucha informacion sale de un software (LibroSoft) y el otro libro tiene varias tablas con diferentes categorias pero tienen campos asociados sale de otro software (LibroBeton), cada libro tiene un campo clave necesito algun scrip o app de excel o vba que pueda leer ambos libros, comparar la informacion unifircarla con estos campos que pueda comprar los campos que deberian ser iguales en cada software y adicional pueda generar un reporte con los campos personalizados y una estructura en otro excel o PDF.
Necesito un proceso simple de ABCC para llevar el seguimiento de casos en un registro en Access, tengo los catálogos base y los campos a registrar, necesito generar los formularios y meter controles de cambio
Hola Freelancers! Tengo un problema con una pérdida masiva de datos de una base de datos SQL, usamos Microsoft Access como software de gestión de los datos y almacenamos los datos en una base de datos de SQL, actualmente perdimos los datos de una tabla que hace referencia a cálculos de unos datos, para mayor información postúlate!