Page Revamp
- Estado: Closed
- Premio: $100
- Propuestas recibidas: 32
- Ganador: UiWorks
Resumen del concurso
I'm seeking a design to modernize and improve the layout of this page across all devices.
The menu is to remain as is with anything below that open to your brilliance.
The color of the logo should be the basis for any color scheme.
You will also notice many variables within the data as you move down the page. Not every section will contain every variable, however as a data driven page thay all need to be available.
We will need a mobile, tablet and desktop example.
Habilidades recomendadas
Comentarios del empleador
“Quality work”
Breednet, Australia.
Principales propuestas de este concurso
UiWorks Sri Lanka
sumanb56 India
kmy698924 Yemen
ingenuitybrain India
Tanjil58 Bangladesh
mohamed4osama Egypt
smunonymous Bangladesh
esandvick United States
mohamed4osama Egypt
mariamb14 Pakistan
mariamb14 Pakistan
iskhan19 Bangladesh
kubulu India
mohammadsiddiq2 Bangladesh
mohammadsiddiq2 Bangladesh
mohamed4osama Egypt
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