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Gaurav G.



Technology Solution Providers

$12 USD / hora
Bandera de
India (2:15 p. m.)
Se uniĆ³ el agosto 24, 2017
$12 USD / hora
We are a team of experienced developers with proficiency in varied net centric technologies. Are you looking for a senior developers to bring your great idea alive? If yes, you have visited the right profile. We are a team of senior developers/architects for more than 6 years of working experience. We have implemented more than 250 projects, and we have satisfied clients in 30 countries now. We are proficient in: 1. "Web Design and Development" 2. "Native Android and IOS Mobile design and Development" We can build the project exactly the way you want and can provide valuable input (if needed) for better result. Our responsibility is not just completing your project but also assisting after completion whenever required, we will there all the way contributing to your success. Our goal is to keep you on the leading edge of information technology, adding significant value to their business. "You dream it. we will build it!" Thank you for visiting Our Profie
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