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Humberto P.



Cyber Security | Pentester | Forensics |OSINT

$20 USD / hora
Bandera de
Peru (5:35 p. m.)
Se uniĆ³ el mayo 17, 2024
$20 USD / hora
Over 07 years of experience in Information Security for banking and consulting sectors. Ability to lead multidisciplinary teams. Experience conducting Ethical hacking, Penetration Testing, Vulnerability Analyst and Forensics. Characterized by analytical skills,commitment, and leadership. Handling of Metasploit, BurpSuite, XDR and SIEM tools Proficient in Operating Systems based on Linux Server, OSX and Windows Server.
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GoPhish Set Up ā€¢ $50 USD
Great collaboration. Wish we could have finished this project. There wer some delays on the ISP and after it was resolved freelancer did not want o continue the work.
Dasha D.
Bandera de
Ste pete beach, United States
hace 9 meses
Aceptar tarifa
50 %
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