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Maria Luisa V.



English - Spanish translator

$15 USD / hora
Bandera de
Spain (5:36 a. m.)
Se unió el junio 24, 2013
$15 USD / hora
I’m an experienced translator and interpreter, passionate about helping people to connect and understand each other in any domain that comes my way. Most of my experience is as a court and law enforcement agencies translator as I’ve worked for them for over ten years now, however as a freelance translator I also have experience in domains such cosmetics, pharmaceutical, medicine, and some others. Translation feeds my constant drive to learn something new all the while it fulfils my predisposition to help people achieving their goals regardless the language barriers. I’m used to work under pressure and to meet deadlines. Currently I look forward to expanding my portfolio as a freelance translator-interpreter, thus I would really appreciate if you took me into account for any translation project in the pairs English – Spanish or French – Spanish.
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jun, 2016 - Presente
8 años, 8 meses
jun, 2016 - Presente
8 años, 8 meses
Written translations of a wide range of fields such as cosmetics, government notifications, navigation, engineering manuals, legal documents, etc
jun, 2016 - Presente
8 años, 8 meses
may, 2011 - Presente
13 años, 9 meses
may, 2011 - Presente
13 años, 9 meses
- Consecutive and whispered interpreting in court sessions (hearings and other types of procedural sessions which take place in the court house) in Alicante from Spanish into English. -OP interpreting for a wide range of customers including Emergency and Information Services in Spain. -Translating legal documents with the help of CAT tools such as TRADOS or others, from English or French into Spanish.
may, 2011 - Presente
13 años, 9 meses
jun, 2013 - dic, 2015
2 años, 6 meses
jun, 2013 - dic, 2015
2 años, 6 meses
- Audio files listening and translation from Spanish into English for the medical investigation field. - Quality assessment for translations from Spanish into English.
jun, 2013 - dic, 2015
2 años, 6 meses
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