I am experienced in PHP-MySQL- Codeigniter based web applications development and is confident working with you.
Kindly view skills & recently completed Codeigniter jobs
- PHP 5 My Sql,CSS,HTML,XML,Smarty,Ajax,Java Script,JQuery,JSON, Bootstrap
- Codeigniter, Magento, Zen cart, Zend.
- Wordpress, Joomla.
[login to view URL]
[login to view URL] is a car pooling app which is implemented using Google Maps API on CI framework,.
Routes are described by the coordinates of the start and end point, set of polygons covering the route and surroundings and by a set of boxes for tolerance calculation.
Registered and logged in users can save their routes but any user can search a route even if he is not logged in.
It allows saving and searching three types of routes: permanent, casual and auto/cab share. The processing of all routes is exactly the same, but they are saved along with different types of parameters
[login to view URL]
This is Web based Parts Management System developed using MVC Code Igniter framework which contains two sections Search tool and Services section.
Search tool will match the parts from the database of over 400,000 [login to view URL] Services section manages the distributors, retailers, and [login to view URL] section also manages the user's complaints relating to the part quality and shipping as well.
Sample code: [login to view URL]
Looking forward hearing from you
Thanks and Regards,