I am a professional web developer with rich front end development experience. I have strong knowledge of web development using Angular, Laravel, NodeJS. In addition, I also have good experience with JS frameworks such as React, Vue
My knowledge and skills:
- Angular, Node.js, Angular Directive development ,
- Payment Method Integration(paypal, stripe, Iban,payku, checkout2 etc...)
- Software Architecture
- NodeJS with (but not limited to) MEAN, MERN stack, eCommerce
- MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL
- Sequelize (ORM for Relational DBMS)
- EJS, HAML, SLIM (template engines)
- Passport (authentication middleware, include social networks authentication)
- JWT (token-based authentication for RESTful API)
- PHP (Wordpress, Laravel, Codeigniter)
- AWS EC2, Elasticbeanstalk, RDS, Lambda, API Gateway, etc
If you give me a chance to help you, I can give you good results in the time you want.
Let's discuss more details .I will look forward to hearing from you.
Best & Regards