Hi, I have used to be business trainer/ facilitator and I am very good with Kotlin and Android Native. My first thought is to propose you a program like the below, but we could and SHOULD have it tailor made for your needs based on your experience/ preferences to learn more specific subjects. I would suggest 1 hour of interactive video training a day + homework for you and continuos support through chat during homework execution (I assume another 1-2 hours), thus around 2-3 hours/ day and in 10 days you are up and running with Kotlin Android Native.
Creating your first Kotlin projects.
Android Studio SDK features/ Project structure (Android Manifest, Core code, Resources)
Layouts creation
Working with emulator
Saving current state/ surviving rotation change
As you go you will create small apps and start working on some bigger app.
Understanding Kotlin specifics (since you are experienced in other languages that should be fast):
Variables, Constants, Types, Conditionals
Anonymous functions, Lambdas
Null Safety
Strings, Numbers, Standard functions.
Collections (list, set, map)
Classes, inheritance, Objects, Interfaces, Generics, Extensions
Functional Programming
Learning best Google Practices
Material Design
MVVM architecture
Androidx Jetpack
Room Database
Connect to Internet