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...Se podrá brindar una breve explicación adicional vía teléfono en caso de dudas. Si eres una persona organizada, sigues instrucciones y buscas trabajos sencillos sin requerir conocimientos técnicos avanzados, ¡este proyecto es para ti! Por favor, postula si estás interesado y dispuesto a cumplir con el plazo establecido Title: Creation and Reordering of Panels on the Legacy Platform Project Description: We are looking for a freelancer to perform a simple task on the Legacy platform. The work involves: Copying and Reordering Panels: Use an existing panel as a reference (see: :10mockupv2), which must remain unchanged. Copy the content of this panel and replicate it in another (see: ). Reorder the widgets, titles, and descriptions ...
...--------------------- Project Description We are looking for an expert in PHP and Drupal 7/11 with proven experience in complex Drupal migrations to complete the migration of a sports event website from Drupal 7 to Drupal 11. The project is partially completed but presents inconsistencies in data migration, content structures, and entity relationships. The selected candidate will be responsible for reviewing, correcting, and completing the migration using optimized data transfer methods. Candidate Requirements Minimum 5 years of experience in PHP and Drupal (must provide examples of similar projects). Experience in migrating from Drupal 7 to Drupal 11 using API-based methods and Migrate API. Advanced knowledge of Drupal e-commerce (Commerce 2.x and product management). ...
...within a week - Icons and visuals to illustrate each step, emphasizing speed and efficiency. - Call-to-Actions (CTAs): - Clear buttons encouraging customers to explore service packages or contact the team. 2. Services Section: - Package Options (WooCommerce Integration): - Customers can choose between three service packages (Starter, Growth, and Premium) with: - A brief description of each package. - Monthly subscription pricing (recurring payment setup in WooCommerce). - Direct purchase button allowing clients to subscribe instantly. - WooCommerce Features: - Monthly subscription options with secure payment integration. 3. IA for your business - Explanation on how we use the IA, and other tools to solve your technical needs. - We pro...
...de ruta (valores según `getRoutes`). - `music_on_hold`: Código de música en espera (valores según `getMusicOnHold`). - `allowed_codecs`: Lista de Codecs permitidos, separados por punto y coma (Ejemplo: `ulaw;g729;gsm`). - `dtmf_mode`: Código de modo DTMF (valores según `getDTMFModes`). - `nat`: Código de modo NAT (valores según `getNAT`). - **Parámetros Opcionales:** - `description`, `password`, `ip`, `callerid_number`, `canada_routing`, `allow225`, `record_calls`, `sip_traffic`, `max_expiry`, `rtp_timeout`, `rtp_hold_timeout`, `ip_restriction`, `enable_ip_restriction`, `pop_restriction`, `enable_pop_restriction`, `send_bye`, `transcribe`, `transcription_locale`, `transcription_email`, `internal_...
I'm looking for a male or a female or both to sing my song for the lyrics I have translated. And of course if you do have the the singers I would like to be able to have a sound bite to listen to to hear the the quality of their voice. they have to sign off on it so that I own it legally totally.
...---------------------- Project Description We are looking for an expert in PHP and Drupal 7/9 with proven experience in complex Drupal migrations to complete the migration of a sports event website from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9. The project is partially completed but presents inconsistencies in data migration, content structures, and entity relationships. The selected candidate will be responsible for reviewing, correcting, and completing the migration using optimized data transfer methods. Candidate Requirements Minimum 5 years of experience in PHP and Drupal (must provide examples of similar projects). Experience in migrating from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 using API-based methods and Migrate API. Advanced knowledge of Drupal e-commerce (Commerce 2.x and product management). Ad...
...publish button should open a modal similar to the second box on page 3 with the text “¿Está seguro de que desea publicar?” and two buttons, “Sí” and “No.” Both buttons should close the modal without taking any further action. The title field in the “Crear nueva encuesta” section should have a limit of 140 characters. Placeholder text should be used for all input fields as shown in the design. The description field should have a limit of 180 characters, and a character counter should be displayed in the bottom-right corner. The trash icon should clear the user’s input and restore the placeholder text. If the toggle “Recopilar datos del usuario” is enabled, a second toggle labeled “Solicit...
Descargar, instalar bd y arrancar el proyecto: 1 hora Añadir campos Category Name, Description y Enabled y poder importarlos: 3 horas Leer el campo categoria en la hoja Products: 2 horas Total 6 horas. Tarifa 20€ la hora Precio total 120€
..._________________________________ I'm looking for a Google Ads expert to create a campaign specifically for my wholesale e-commerce site targeting the Argentinian territory. The primary goal of this campaign is to increase sales. Key Requirements: - Focus on specific categories, namely, Clothing and Apparel. - Targeting should be strictly limited to within Argentina. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven track record in e-commerce focused Google Ads campaigns. - In-depth understanding of the Clothing and Apparel market in Argentina. - Capacity to create sales-driven campaigns. ____________________________________________________...
Hiring a driver in CDMX that has their own car or motorcycle to pick up our daily shipments for orders in Estado De Mexico and deliver them to our customers in both Estado De Mexico and Ciudad se Mexico. The shipments are small shipments of clothing all with a average weight of 0.20 KG. We'd need you to deliver around 30 packages a day. The compensation would be $40 per day. -------------------------------- ESPAÑOL Contratando un conductor en CDMX que tenga su propio automóvil o motocicleta para recoger nuestros envíos diarios de pedidos en Estado de México y entregarlos a nuestros clientes en Estado de México y Ciudad de México. Los envíos son pequeños paquetes de ropa con un peso promedio de 0.20 KG Necesitar&ia...
Quien me ayuda con este ejercicio de automatizacion en Power Automate o Automation Anywhere: X Empresa sus servicios de consusltoria para una compañia telefonica la cual quiere Automatizar mediante una solucion RPA el proceso de comparacion de productos tecnologicos entre 3 diferentes tiendas. El area de "Compras" de la compañia de forma no periodica durante el dia envia correos con encabezado, cuerpo y destinatarios estructurados y definidos. El cuerpo del correo electronico contiene un texto en formato JSON en la siguiente extructura: { "DiaTMR": "DD/MM/YYYY", "Productos": [ { "Producto": "Prodcuto1" }, { "Producto": "Prodcuto2" }, { "Producto": "ProdcutoN" } ] } Xbox seri...
Descripción General de Experiencia:** Soy un profesional con más de 1 años de experiencia en marketing digital, especializado en campañas de email marketing. He trabajado con diversas empresas en el diseño y ejecución de campañas efectivas que han alcanzado a millones de destinatarios. ### Proyectos Relevantes: 1. **Campaña de Lanzamiento de Producto:** - Diseñé y ejecuté una campaña para el lanzamiento de un nuevo producto en el sector [indicar sector], enviando más de 5 millones de correos electrónicos. Utilicé técnicas de segmentación avanzadas y personalización del contenido, logrando una tasa de apertura del 80% y una tasa de clics del 70% 2. **Promoci&o...
...temperature and making adjustments to ensure all photos look like they belong to the same collection. Unifying the colors of clothing and accessories in the photos based on my brand’s color palette: Shirt/Blouse: #F3F5F7 Pants: #161D30 Credential lanyard: #161D30 Visible badge on the credentials: #161D30 Note: The hex colors are for reference and should be realistically adjusted based on exposure, lighting, and shadows. Making the background environment consistent, ensuring the data center elements (e.g., server racks and equipment) appear uniform. Any visible cables should be black or grayscale. Adding my brand logo to the chest (upper-right area) of the clothing and on the visible credentials. The logo should look natural, blending seamlessly with the lighting ...
This project involves developing and integrating an interactive virtual try-on tool for the website of my men's fashion brand (the website is not yet developed). The tool must allow customers to visualize how upper garments (t-shirts, hoodies, shirts) and lower garments (pants, joggers, shorts) will look on them using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality (VR). Specific Features of the Tool: Real-Time Virtual Try-On: Use of the mobile phone's camera to scan the user's body and show how the selected garments fit. Dynamic garment movement based on the user's motions to provide a more realistic experience. Photo-Based Alternative: For mobile devices not compatible with real-time scanning, users will be able to upload a photo that allows for body type analysi...
...valor del arancel el costo por kilo el tipo de cambio Development of a Plugin for Tax and Shipping Calculation in WooCommerce Project Description: We are looking for a WordPress developer with WooCommerce experience to create a plugin or make specific adjustments in WooCommerce to accurately calculate import taxes and shipping costs based on the volumetric weight of the cart for a site selling imported products in Argentina. Requirements: Tax Calculation: Up to $400: Only 21% VAT. For amounts exceeding $400: Apply VAT on the excess amount. Add an additional X% import duty on the excess over $400 (the X% is an example and must be configurable). Each Product have a specific duty % The calculation must seamlessly integrate into the WooCommerce checkout flow. Tax rates ...
...in google). In total there are 16 countries, which together add up to a total of 40 cities. You can see a screenshot of how this info would be organized in the listing (A). At the same time we need that inside the scraping also download the information about the fairgrounds, with its photo and description. Here you can see how the fairgrounds would look like (C) 2- You will send to us the excel (not csv so we can check it easy with clumns set) with all scrapped data including scrapped description of each show and we will return it to you modified by chatgpt to avoid duplicated content. So we will need some days to modify descriptions. To see the info we need to scrapp check(G1,g2,g3) 3- The resulting information must be stored in a google sheets file, we will provide...
--- Project Title: "Development of Live Chat with Admin Live Panel and Real-Time Interactive Features (Budget: $111 USD, 1 Week)" --- Project Description: We are looking for an experienced freelance developer to create a live chat system with an interactive admin panel. This system should facilitate efficient communication between users and operators while providing real-time management and visualization of interactions. Main Project Goals: 1. Provide a functional and user-friendly live chat for users. 2. Create an Admin Live Panel with graphical tools for efficient system management. 3. Enable real-time communication with interactive features for admins and operators. --- Project Features: 1. Live Chat for Users: Real-Time Communication: Implementation...
As a health and sports brand, we are on the lookout for a talented designer to create some advertising posters for our retail stores. These posters need to be vibrant, eye-catching, and effectively communicate the health benefits of our new product. The tone of the posters should be energetic and lively, reflecting our brand's ethos. Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design - Advertising - Brand Development - Health and Sports Knowledge - Energetic and Lively Style Adaptation The copy needs to be in Spanish below is the copy ¡Deje que su cuerpo se recupere! Tecnología SkyTech™ Clínicamente probado para aliviar la fascitis plantar y mejorar la función del pie. Beneficios clave: Arco de soporte integrado: Proporciona estabilidad y reduce la pr...
Estoy preparando mi e-commerce de venta de merchandising personalizado, y no tengo ni formacion ni tiempo para desarrollar los productos con Fancy Product Designer. Necesito un especialista que me ayude a lanzarlo
Se pretende realizar un proyecto para premiar la lealtad de los client...additional benefits. Determine the equivalent Boolean function of a truth table. To show the results, it is necessary to design a circuit that shows the information of the total percentage obtained from all possible combinations. Use the truth table and determine the equivalent Boolean function. That is, if they are a client of the product, it takes the value 1, if they are not, the value 0 is assigned. According to this result, add the percentages: ● Clothing 15%. ● Furniture 20%. ● Afore 25% ● Bank 25% ● Digital 15%. To show the results, it is necessary to design a circuit that shows the information of the total percentage obtained from all possible combinations. **The truth table is already avai...
Hola, estoy desarrollando un sistema de notificaciones y necesito ayuda para continuar el desarrollo, estoy en el inicio. Las tecnologias a usar son: FastAPI Redis Docker Kubernetes PostgresSQL. El desafío es: The product department requires a system to notify them when a customer requests assistance from a bot. The bot will send an HTTP request containing the topic (either "sales" or "pricing") and a description of the problem. The system needs to expose an API endpoint to receive this request and forward it to the appropriate channel (Slack or Email). The architecture must support future expansion to include more topics and channels. El diseño de la arquitectura: La idea es primero presentarte el proyecto. Luego, presentarte un problema
...The expected deadline for the project is the time needed. The store should support multiple languages for diverse markets. The store should include live chat support. We prefer using a variety of tools for these integrations. "Based on the references selected in the description, we will proceed with a similar theme or template. We also welcome any other themes or templates that you believe would best suit our needs." Prioritize user experience with a focus on intuitive navigation and fast loading times. Each product description should be concise, focusing on key features and benefits without overwhelming the user. Please ensure the store design adheres to our brand's color palette....
A gift to nourish the soul: holistic courses for personal growth and transformation. DISCOUNTED FEE READ CAREFULLY THE ENTIRE DESCRIPTION, YOU HAVE BEEN GUIDED, THIS IS YOUR PATH AND YOUR TIME IS NOW! YOU WILL FIND INFINITE OPPORTUNITIES HERE! THE TIME HAS COME TO RE-ENCOUNTER YOUR BEST VERSION. Enlightened beings, we offer you these holistic therapies, so that you can receive all the vital light of your soul, in connection and love. It is a time of acceptance, of gratitude for a great transformation and liberation. I invite you to have a moment of gratitude, of love, of reunion, of harmony through the different holistic therapies. The frequency of this moment is special to share with all of you once you enter this holistic therapy system, it changes the reality and the cosmic vib...
Custom Odoo development for trade show booth quotes with specific calculation logic Project Description: We need an experienced Odoo developer to replicate our trade show booth quoting system. Our current system is based on an Excel spreadsheet with a specific structure that we need to implement in Odoo. A- Summary of Needs: The quotes we create are for projects that we don't know will be approved. Therefore, quotes should not consider production hours or materials, but are based on prices obtained from our suppliers' price lists, who will ultimately carry out the construction work if the stand is built. This implies that we need to be able to dynamically access supplier price lists for each item on the stand (carpentry, painting, electricity, lighting, furniture, etc.) ...
Necesito la creación de un render donde se pueda ver el producto, y se pueda ver como queda instalado en el perro y cuando el perro lo usa. Preferiblemente en movimiento.
Necesito una solucion para importar mis anuncios de ebay a mi web en woocommerce con la opcion tambien de hacer esto con otras plataformas publicas de venta como todocoleccion en españa. Despues ya seria ver la solucion tambien para seguir aumentando y controlando el catalogo de la forma mas automatizada posible
Se adjunta documentacion de API. Crear plugin wordpress que cumpla con los siguientes puntos. Importar productos con costos, categorias, sku, marca, codigo de barras, los precios estan en dolares pero debe existir la posibilidad de que en la web se vea en pesos agregando una seccion donde se pueda colocar un multiplo que seria el impuesto, otra seccion que luego multiplique por la ganancia y luego la seccion tipo de cambio. Tener esta regla de precios para las diferentes categorias padre configurable independiente. Tambien se debe tener en cuenta que sea posible colocarle precios rebajados a los productos manualmente y que el plugin al actualizar precios no modifique estas rebajas. Tener la opcion de bloquear codigos sku para que el plugin no los importe mas. Importar las imagenes de...
...contables, incluyendo su jerarquía y características como código, nombre y tipo. Bank: Gestión de cuentas bancarias. GeneralLedger: Registros contables de mayor, relacionados con cuentas y transacciones. Transaction: Gestión de transacciones contables. Company: Gestión de empresas. Partner: Gestión de socios comerciales (clientes y proveedores). InventoryMovement: Gestión de movimientos de inventario. Product: Gestión de productos y servicios. Invoice: Gestión de facturas y cuentas por cobrar/pagar. InvoiceItems: Gestión de ítems dentro de las facturas. Payment: Gestión de pagos relacionados con facturas. Warenhouse: Gestión de bodegas y almacenes. Alcance: Implementación de f...
...tales como el menú y la tarjeta de los videojuegos. El menú debe tener 5 elementos: Más populares Más descargados Próximamente Agregar Salir Cada elemento debe hacer uso de la directiva routerLink, excepto el elemento Salir. La tarjeta debe contener: • Título • Fecha de lanzamiento • Descripción • Clasificación (rating). Propiedades que contendrá la interfaz para las tarjetas: { title: string; description: string; releaseDate: string; image: string; rating: number; downloads: number; comingSoon: boolean; } 5. Listado de videojuegos En el servicio correspondiente al listado de los videojuegos, se deben tener al menos 3 métodos para obtener los videojuegos con base en el elemento del men&uacu...
...donde los freelancers podrán ofertar su precio para completar el trabajo. No se trata de un proyecto con recompensa fija; estamos interesados en evaluar las diferentes propuestas de acuerdo con la experiencia y el costo. Si tienes las habilidades y estás interesado en trabajar con nosotros, esperamos tu propuesta. Link para Planos: English Version: Project Description: We are looking for a designer specialized in Revit to integrate different architectural, structural, and utility plans (sanitary, gas, electricity, and data network) and generate a complete BIM model for a project in Colombia. Additionally, we require rendering of both the exterior and interior of the building to visualize the design in detail. Currently, we have the architectural and structura...
...password, in case the user has forgotten his password, resetting it to the default one. The data that is needed to know about the user is the following: Username: The username with which the user will log in to the system. Password: Password with which the user will log in. Name: The name or names of the user. Last name (optional): The last name or surname of the user. Gender (optional): M = Male, F = Female… Date of birth (optional) Email: User's email, this will be used to send him system notifications. Type of user: there are only two types “administrator” and “normal user” Department (catalog, optional): A value that indicates where the user is from; it is not mandatory because he may not yet have a defined department because he has not bee...
(nota para admin)Due to the required brainstorming session having all spanish speaking members in the group, Spanish is REQUIRED.. Therefore the description will be in spanish. Como experto en su campo, usted será responsable de proporcionar información valiosa y estrategias para ayudar a destacar en el mercado Latino America. Su experiencia en el desarrollo de planes de marketing únicas y estrategias de comunicación efectivas será fundamental para impulsar el éxito de esta red social nuevamente introducida en Universidades de LATAM. Si usted tiene un historial comprobado de éxito en esta área y posees excelentes habilidades de comunicación via contenido conjunto fuerte conocimientos respeto a la psycologia en forma de ...
(nota para admin)Due to the required brainstorming session having all spanish speaking members in the group, Spanish is REQUIRED.. Therefore the description will be in spanish. Busco a un/a estratega de Contendido digital con experiencia de uso para resultados de objetivos (esto sera para ayudar a lanzar un nuevo tipo de plataforma de red social, que sera introducido por primera vez en Universidades por todo Latino America y cual lo que se tiene que hacer popular es la comunidad exclusiva dentro del plataforma y la comunicacion distinta que tendran al poder estar dentro). Como expertx en su campo, usted será responsable de proporcionar información valiosa y estrategias para ayudar a destacar en el mercado Latino America. Su experiencia en el desarrollo de planes de ...
...adicional que puedan tener. ¡Gracias! --- **Recomendaciones adicionales para el desarrollo:** - Implementar un diseño responsive para asegurar que el software sea accesible desde dispositivos móviles. - Considerar la escalabilidad del software para futuras expansiones y actualizaciones. - Integrar herramientas de análisis y monitoreo para rastrear el rendimiento y uso del sistema. ### Project Description: Energy Bill Comparison Software Development **Objective:** Develop a software application to compare energy bills, featuring user login, adjustable energy and power prices, and storage of comparison results. The system should allow super administrators to view all comparisons while sales agents can only see their own. Additionally, the system must ...
...alternativa de exportación, la aplicación permitirá generar un archivo Excel o un documento de texto con los datos recopilados, que se podrá enviar a través de WhatsApp a un contacto. Limitaciones y Consideraciones: ● En esta fase inicial, el desarrollo se enfocará exclusivamente en el conteo de plantas, dejando fuera el cálculo de la distancia entre plantas. --- Project Scope Description: Tomato Plant Counting Application Objective: Develop a mobile application for devices Android, which performs image recognition for counting tomato plants on trays in real time. Main Features: 1. Image Recognition for Plant Counting: ○ The application will use voice recognition technology images to identify and count tom...
Integration Description for Shipment APIs **Objective:** Integrate the shipment creation API from `` into your shipping platform, enabling your users to create shipments directly through your system. **Endpoint:** `POST ` **Parameters and Description:** 1. **token (Required)** - **Description:** Authentication token for the API. - **Details:** It must be sent in the header. - **Example Value:** `OF4XbUwuQ0yj2bSO2Ejyg8PcllMGKzyRr0nA3W62JCLWi8siNk0IxwgUDNzDCopy` 2. **Shipment[type] (Required)** - **Description:** Type of shipment. - **Allowed Values:** `1` (Pickup) / `2` (Drop off) 3. **Shipment[branch_id] (Required)** - **Description:** ID of the branch. - **Allowed Values:** `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `5`, `6`, `7`
...carried out, the migration to a virtual private server (VPS) will be carried out. Once the project has been confirmed and accepted, a file will be sent with all the detailed information for the import of products, codes, barcodes, parent categories, daughter categories 1, daughter categories 2, prices, staggered prices, VAT, minimum quantities, maximum quantities, order point, inventory, product descriptions, product images, etc. 2. Activation, Configuration and Customisation of the different Odoo 17 applications that we need for the correct functioning of the company (Sales, Invoicing, CRM, Website, Inventory, Accounting, Purchasing, Point of Sale, Project, E-commerce, Manufacturing, Email Marketing, Studio, Documents, Employees, POS Payment Configuration, POS Products M...
...carried out, the migration to a virtual private server (VPS) will be carried out. Once the project has been confirmed and accepted, a file will be sent with all the detailed information for the import of products, codes, barcodes, parent categories, daughter categories 1, daughter categories 2, prices, staggered prices, VAT, minimum quantities, maximum quantities, order point, inventory, product descriptions, product images, etc. 2. Activation, Configuration and Customisation of the different Odoo 17 applications that we need for the correct functioning of the company (Sales, Invoicing, CRM, Website, Inventory, Accounting, Purchasing, Point of Sale, Project, E-commerce, Manufacturing, Email Marketing, Studio, Documents, Employees, POS Payment Configuration, POS Products M...
Estoy buscando un diseñador experimentado para crear un rediseño simplista de mi gama de productos actual, con el objetivo de mejorar las ventas. El proyecto implica aplicar el nuevo diseño a varios productos, incluyendo, entre otros, camisetas, gorras y otros artículos. Deberes clave: - Desarrolla una estética minimalista en las actualizaciones - Aplicar el diseño revisado a una amplia gama de productos Las habilidades ideales incluyen: - Dominio del diseño gráfico minimalista - Experiencia previa en diseño y comercialización de productos - Comprensión de las tendencias del mercado para maximizar el potencial de ventas Este proyecto es una excelente oportunidad para mostrar sus habilidades en el diseñ...
...lanzarla en la tienda oficial de Samsung. Tareas: Desarrollar y lanzar una aplicación OTT para dispositivos Samsung. Implementar una arquitectura de aplicación que permita agregar más secciones y videos en el futuro. Asegurar que el contenido de la aplicación se alimente dinámicamente a través de archivos JSON. Realizar pruebas y asegurar la calidad de la aplicación antes del lanzamiento. Job Description We are looking for an OTT Platform Developer to develop an OTT application for Samsung devices and release it on the official Samsung store. Tasks: Develop and launch an OTT application for Samsung devices. Implement an application architecture that allows for adding more sections and videos in the future. Ensure the applica...
...with a carousel effect - Slide banner where we put 5 outstanding photos, with a brief description and a button that takes us to the article or page for more information. - Footer where the logo appears, submenus, telephone numbers and social networks. - A button to return from where we are on the page and take us to the beginning by just clicking it. 2ND STAGE: (LATER WHEN THE 1ST STAGE IS ALREADY FUNCTIONAL) - Payment gateway will be implemented: Culqui, IziPay or another location in Peru. - Virtual Library (1st stage); An option to sell digital documents must be implemented; Which the subscriber or visitor can purchase a book or document in PDF, authored by the author. It could be a link to the product or adding it to the shopping cart for later payment and for it to be...
...tiempo que capture la esencia de mi diseño y despierte el interés de potenciales clientes. English I am seeking a distinguished freelancer with advanced Blender skills to create realistic renders of an electronic product. Project requirements: Two renders of the main device and one render of the sensor, based on the .blend files I will provide. The images should reflect a glossy finish for the main device, and a matte finish for the sensor, unlike the prototypes shown. Delivery of the final .blend files for both the main device and the sensor. Previous experience in electronic product renders is appreciated but not mandatory. I expect an efficient and timely job that captures the essence of my design and piques the interest of potential customers. Estas de...
Voiceover / Voz mujer para mini documental (menos de 200 palabras): $15 USD
...postulantes deberán presentar ejemplos de trabajos similares y su propuesta detallada. La experiencia en gestión de datos geográficos será un diferenciador clave. IMPORTANTE Para responder a esta oferta, incluir al principio de la frase "He leido la propuesta y tengo interés en ella" ENGLISH VERSION Title: European Toll Station Geographic Data Collection Project with Sample File Included Description: We are seeking a professional or team skilled in geographic data collection for a project aimed at identifying and recording the geolocation coordinates of toll stations across various European countries. The success of this project hinges on the accuracy and reliability of the data collected, which will be crucial for optimizing the r...
Telemarketer for Dynamic Team Summary: We are looking for an enthusiastic and professional telemarketer who is fluent in English and Spanish to join our team. Preferably based in Latin America or the Philippines to align with our working hours. Detailed Description: We are seeking a telemarketer with excellent communication skills in English and Spanish to make outbound calls and handle inbound inquiries. The ideal candidate should have previous experience in telemarketing or sales, be able to work independently, and have a results-oriented approach. Requirements: Fluency in English , Spanish is a plus. Previous experience in telemarketing or sales roles. Access to a stable internet connection and the necessary equipment to make VoIP calls. Availability to work hours that coi...
...físico. El plugin que utilizo actualmente para la sincronización del stock en las tiendas espejo no actualiza el stock si se realizan cambios directamente desde el ERP (Terceros), Solo si reduce el stock desde woocommerce directamente (con una compra o manual), lo que significa que mis tiendas espejo no reflejan con precisión el stock real de mi tienda principal. Plugin actual: WooCommerce API Product Sync with Multiple WooCommerce Stores (Shops) **Requisitos para mi nuevo plugin de WordPress:** 1. **Sincronización en tiempo real del stock**: el plugin debe garantizar que cualquier cambio en el stock de mi tienda principal se refleje automáticamente en las tiendas espejo, ya sea debido a una venta en línea, una venta en el punto f&i...
I need someone experienced to code a scraper in Python. Do you have one script already coded and working? I will purchase it Please, read to the end before bidding. Project must be delivered in 3 days as much. Specifications: 1. It must scrape companies data from...better performance). 3. It must use a proxy service to avoid being blocked. No APIs. No third parties but proxy provider. 4. It must have a web interface that allows importing search terms (or copy + paste), configure proxies API and starting tasks. 5. Data will be saved in a MySQL table. 6. All available data must be collected: Name, address, zip, city, longitude and latitude, phone, services, description, URL, email, etc. 7. Maximum delivery: 3 days. Please do not bid if you are not an experienced coder in Python and...
Buscamos un "Product Research" dedicado y proactivo para impulsar el éxito de nuestro Ecommerce. Tu principal responsabilidad será realizar testeos diarios de productos, identificando y seleccionando productos ganadores para nuestras tres tiendas online. Responsabilidades: Realizar investigaciones diarias para identificar productos con potencial de venta. Testear 6 productos al día distribuidos entre nuestras 3 tiendas. Analizar datos de rendimiento para evaluar la viabilidad y rentabilidad de los productos. Colaborar con el equipo de marketing para desarrollar estrategias efectivas de lanzamiento. Reportar hallazgos y tendencias relevantes a la gerencia. Requisitos: Experiencia comprobada en investigación de productos y Ecommerce. Habilidad ...
Necesitamos crear una etiqueta para un producto, por delante y por detrás, damos el logo, una imagen y hay que poner frases usando colores dorados (oro). Necesitamos alguien creativo, trabajaremos con unos datos que posteriormente sean cambiados. Necesitamos que se trabaje con .ai (illustrator) para su posterior impresión. Tamaño de la etiqueta 23 x 6 cm Las palabras exactas del proyecto no son las de la etiqueta que hemos adjunto. Agrego un ejemplo, necesitamos un trabajo original, creativo y poder hacer pruebas de impresión.
Desarrollador experto en Java, Frameworks Spring, Hibernate, EJB3, Primefaces. Para migración de web de eventos desarrollada en PHP y convertida a Java. Si desea que contacte contigo. Por favor, cuando te inscribas a la oferta, responde estas preguntas: 1. ¿Eres programador independiente o trabajas con un equipo? 2. ¿Con qué lenguaje te sientes más cómodo trabajando? 3. ¿Cuál consideras el mejor framework para la capa de cliente de un proyecto desarrollado en Java 4. ¿Cuál es tu disponibilidad diaria en horas? 5. ¿Has estudiado ingeniaría informática? 6. ¿Trabajarías para de Seryson Consulting como freelance? Podrías seguir trabajando en otros proyectos de Freelancer