Welcome to Orange Techsol IT Software Solutions!
Orange Techsol is a certified IT company based in India and has been in the IT industry in the last 7 years.
Our Services:
Android | iOS | PhoneGap | ionic | SEO | PHP | Magento | Shopify | .Net | WordPress | Bootstrap | HTML | WordPress | Maya3D | Unity3D | Angular JS | Node JS |Ruby On Rails| ReactJS |React Native | Odoo | Sharepoint |SQL & Oracle Support 24/7 | SQL Development | Game Development and many more..
25 Team Members
350+ Project completed
85+ Websites Ranked in Top 10
100+ Clients Severed from all over the world
24*7 Support
Real Estate | Online Store | Travel & Transport | Food,Beverage | Accounting & Financial , Manufacturing and many more..
Terms of Service
o100% Customer Satisfaction
oPerfect 5 star reviews!!
oGood communication availability 24/7
oLong-term Relationship
o100% Growth Friendly
o100% productivity
oBest value Convenience
oQuality Service
oNo Hidden Cost
We deliver the best of breed solution from mature and proven technology. Orange Techsol's creative development teams have experienced in developing solution using various platform such as Objective C, Android,iOS,web,Game,Animation, Java, PHP, Perl and Python. Databases such as MySQL,SQLite deployed on top of superb application server and operating system that have been successfully integrated in our solution to meet our clients' needs.
1月, 2014 - 現在
Gujarat University
2004 - 2007
2004 - 2007
iOS Developer
Orange Techsol
Got the Certification For iOS Developer From Orange techsol includes Android SDK & Eclipse(Programing Tool)
Android Developer
Orange Techsol
Got the Certification For Android Developer From Orangetechsol includes Android SDK & Eclipse(Programing Tool)
Domain Registration &,Web Hosting
Orange Techsol
Technically speaking, a domain name (or 'domain') is "a realm of administrative autonomy, authority, or control in the Internet, based on the Domain Name System (DNS)". Practically speaking, it is a way to assign an alphanumeric name to a website / set of e-mail addresses / other network services, without requiring those utilizing those resources to know the numerical IP address of the server hosting those resources.