I'm an expert in developing iOS/Android-based mobile apps with more than 8 years of experience in Objective-C, Swift, C/C++, Java, as well as implementing web services, architecture design and enterprise mobile environments.
• Native mobile app development for iPhone, iPad, Android
• Creating UI with Storyboards, XIB or code-made UI
• Development languages: Objective-C, Swift 3.0, C/C++, Java
• Database: MySQL, SQLite, Realm
• EAV model (Core Data, OrmLite)
• Social network integration: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+, etc
• Chatting protocol: XMPP
• Geolocation services: GPS, Google Maps, OpenStreetMap
• Payment services: PayPal, In-App Purchase
• Version control: Git, Subversion
• Analytics services: Flurry, Google Analytics
• Distributing and crash reporting services: TestFlight, Crashlytics
• Design Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Sketch
Is there anything I can help you with in regards to mobile? I'd be happy to get a chance to collaborate with you.