I worked hard and turned freelancing into my main source of income...after many efforts I was eligible for the Preferred Freelancer Program... entering the program I saw significant growth in my client acquisition rates.
Maria Guillermina B. @Guillerminab
スキル - クリエイティブな文章、翻訳、校正
Recruiters connecting you to clients and recommending you for relevant and high paying projects is just the tip of the iceberg. Since joining PFP, my revenue has increased by 400%.
Waseem H. @waseemdhatoo
スキル - マーケティング、データの視覚化、ピッチデッキ、パワーポイントの作成
Deloitte Consulting hired Matthew to research the national broadband landscape and solutions for the specific state and community of Troy, Montana. He delivered a 70 page report for $1500 in 2 weeks.