
    2,000 www google com games 見つかった仕事

    【長期契約のフリーランサー募集!】 ゲームの魅力を伝える翻訳者を募集!/Tencent ● 私たちについて: TencentのILC(Infinite Localization Center)フリーランサー人材採用チームです。ILCはTencent Games Globalにおけるローカライズを専門としており、これまで下記を含む50タイトル以上のローカライズに携わってきました。 ・Assassin's Creed: Jade ・V Rising ・Call of Duty: Mobile ・Honor of Kings ・PUBG Mobile ・勝利の女神:NIKKE ・その他の未発表タイトルなど ● 業務内容: 翻訳、校正、LQAなどの多様なローカライズ業務。 ●求めている人材: 長期契約が可能なフリーランスの方。 ● 募集中の言語ペア: ・簡体字中国語→日本語/英語/韓国語/繁体字中国語(台湾) ・英語→日本語/韓国語/ドイツ語/フランス語/ロシア語/トルコ語/アラビア語/ラテンアメリカスペイン語/ブラジルポルトガル語/タイ語/インドネシア語/マレーシア語/ビルマ語 ご応募を心よりお待ちしております。 ILCフリーランサー人材採用チーム

    $3750 Average bid
    $3750 平均入札額
    2 入札

    私たちは、経験豊富なGoogle広告コンバージョントラッキングスペシャリストを募集しています。理想的な候補者は、Google広告のコンバージョントラッキング、Googleタグマネージャー、およびGoogleアナリティクスの設定と管理に豊富な経験を持っている必要があります。主な責任は、オフラインコンバージョンを含むコンバージョントラッキングを設定することにより、クライアントのGoogle広告キャンペーンを強化することです。これには、コンバージョンの金銭的価値の追跡と、キャンペーンの効果をさらに向上させるために顧客のメールをGoogleに送信することが含まれます。 主要な責任: クライアント向けにGoogle広告のコンバージョントラッキングを設定および管理し、強化されたコンバージョントラッキングに注力します。 正確なデータ収集と報告を確保するために、GoogleタグマネージャーとGoogleアナリティクスを実装および設定します。 金銭的価値と顧客メールを含むオフラインコンバージョンを追跡し、Google広告にフィードバックします。 必要なデータを収集し、適切なトラッキングメカニズムが確立されていることを確認するために、クライアントと協力します。 コンバージョンデータを分析し、キャンペーンのパフォーマンスを向上させるための実行可能な洞察と推奨事項を提供します。 最新のトレンドとGoogle広告、Googleタグマネージャー、およびGoogleアナリティクスのアップデートを常に把握し、ベストプラクティスを確保します。 資格: Google広告のコンバージョントラッキング、Goo...

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr 平均入札額
    7 入札

    Google マップの仕組みを増加させたいです。現在4名のお客様のGoogle マップを対応しています。日本で対応可能な方いましたらご連絡ください。

    $72 Average bid
    $72 平均入札額
    17 入札

    ...帳戶,包括內容創建、發佈和與關注者的互動 - 實施有效的策略以提高品牌知名度並吸引更多關注者 - 監控和分析關鍵指標以衡量行銷活動的成功 - 與我合作開發和執行創意和引人入勝的營銷活動 技能和經驗: - 在管理Instagram帳戶和取得可衡量的結果 - 深入瞭解 Instagram 的演算法、最佳實踐和最新趨勢 - 對社交媒體行銷原則和策略有深刻的理解 - 精通內容創作和平面設計 - 出色的溝通和協作技巧 - 跟蹤和分析關鍵績效指標的分析思維 預算: - 我這個專案的預算在 500 美元到 1000 美元之間。如果你有技能和經驗來支援我的Instagram行銷工作,我很想聽聽你的意見。請提供您以前工作的範例,並讓我知道您如何説明我實現我的社交媒體營銷目標。 所需技能 網路行銷 社交網路 臉書行銷 社交媒體行銷 -- Project Description: Social Media and Google Marketing Support I am looking for a skilled freelancer who can provide support for my Instagram marketing efforts. Must speak Chinese and English fluently. Platforms: - Instagram Responsibilities: - Management of my Instagram account, including content creation, posting, and engagement with followers - Implementing effective strategies to increase brand visibility and ...

    $1500 - $3000
    $1500 - $3000
    49 入札

    ...Confira os requisitos e os detalhes: Você é: ・Uma pessoa disponível para contato frequente; ・Responsável com prazos; ・Possui facilidade com o pacote Office (Excel, Word); ・Um redator que domina a língua portuguesa; E contribuirá em um projeto que: ・Publica artigos de 1000 a 4000 palavras; ・Paga aproximadamente R$20 a cada 1000 palavras (valor definido por palavra, variando com a cotação do dólar), com bônus de até 20% por produtividade e qualidade de artigo; ・Tem demanda constante de artigos! Caso tenha interesse, pedimos para mencionar em quais dias da semana estará disponível para contato, quantos artigos estima que conseguirá escrever por semana, e por quanto...

    $345 Average bid
    $345 平均入札額
    10 入札

    找在地台灣人做外匯在 google上的sem 及設定GA 需有相關經驗 有基本關鍵 詞提供

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr 平均入札額
    6 入札

    http://hit-888.com:8880/play 上記のようなサイトが制作します。 お願いしたい部分はサーバー側でグラフーを書いていただきたいです。 ゲームの方法は30秒に一度グラフーが作成されます。 ユーザーはその前に例えば100円を掛けます。 グラフーが右型上がりで書かれると倍数が表示されます。 グラフーが止まる前にユーザーが先にストップすればユーザーの勝利になり ユーザーがストップする前にグラフーが止まればユーザーの負けとなる単純がゲームです。 サンプルサイトは韓国語ですが何度かグラフーの動きを確認していただければ幸いです。

    $188 Average bid
    $188 平均入札額
    4 入札

    掲示板昨日を持った会員制サイトの制作 メディカル関連の情報配信サイト。 歯科医師向けにニュース配信などを行う、m3.comに近いサイトの制作

    $2587 Average bid
    $2587 平均入札額
    3 入札

    ...対面は有りませんので、依頼はオンラインで完結出来る内容のみです。 【求めている人物像】 ・秘書経験者 ・日本語、英語のバイリンガル ・カスタマーサポート経験者 ・営業事務、アシスタント経験者 ・Webの知識が豊富な方  →システム的な意味では無く、「情報収集」や「検索力」 【必須条件】 ・ADSL以上のインターネット環境 ・skypeなどが問題無く動作するレベルのPC 【提出書類】 選考に進まれる場合は、履歴書及び職務経歴書のご提出をお願い致します。 ※個人を特定する情報の記載は必須ではございません。 また、下記の質問事項のご回答と、タイピングテスト(無料)の受検結果のスクリーンショットも併せてご提出お願いたします。 ◆タイピングテスト(3000円コースをお選び下さい:無料) ://neutral.x0.com/home/sushida/ ◆無料簡易テスト ◆質問事項 1)DROPBOXは使われていますか? 2)チャットワークは使われていますか? 3)Googledriveは使われていますか?その場合はどのような使い方をされていますか? 皆様からのご応募、お待ちいたしております。

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr 平均入札額
    1 入札

    Google Play Developer API ???????????????????????????????????????????? (1) ?????? A. Google Play Developer API ?????????????????? ??????????????????Google play Store????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????????(????????https/ajax??) ? ??????????????????? B. A??????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? C. ??????????????? Google Play Store???????????????APK??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????????APK/???????????? ? ????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????? (2) ?????????????? ???????A/B/C???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????(1)????????????????????? ? ???????????...

    $170 - $1018
    $170 - $1018
    0 入札

    Google Play Developer API ???????????????????????????????????????????? (1) ?????? A. Google Play Developer API ?????????????????? ??????????????????Google play Store????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????????(????????https/ajax??) ? ??????????????????? B. A??????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? C. ??????????????? Google Play Store???????????????APK??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????????APK/???????????? ? ????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????? (2) ?????????????? ???????A/B/C???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????(1)????????????????????? ? ???????????...

    $170 - $1018
    $170 - $1018
    0 入札

    ・新規にドメインを取得、メールアドレス10個程度取得 ・会社ロゴの作成 ・Websiteの新規作成(シンプルなトップページから、会員用のサイトに入り、そこで http://www.platinum1000.com/ のような、会社概要やビジネスの情報を見せるサイトにする)

    $398 Average bid
    $398 平均入札額
    2 入札

    ヤフオクYahoo Api を使用するウェブサイトの作成が必要。 このサイト(fromjapan. co. jp)と同様なシステムをつくるのは目的。デザインはこのサイトopennippon. comと同様なもの。 ヤフーオークション(Yahoo Auction)の情報を他国語に翻訳、カテゴリーの参照ができる、コスト(送料・手数料など)計算、ユーザーのアカウントページ、パイパルとカード(日本国内システム)の支払いを可能にするモジュール、お勧めカテゴリー、顧客の意見のモジュール、各国語のポップアップお問い合わせフォーム。 既存の出来上がったシステムがあれば、一番いいです。今後のサポートも別料金で依頼します。

    $1974 Average bid
    $1974 平均入札額
    3 入札

    ...----------- 1.氏名 2.年齢 3.性別 4.スカイプID(お持ちであれば) 5.ライティング経験(なしでも可) 6.PR(得意分野(脱毛器,美顔器,化粧品,作曲など)など) 7.1週間に書ける記事数(目安) 8.選考テスト記事(500文字前後) 美顔器の「エステナードソニックローズ」の紹介記事を500文字でお書きください。 次のURLを見て、商品情報を集めてから、人に紹介するような感じでお書きください。 (※記事は、選考のみに使用致します。選考テスト記事に対する報酬はありません) -------------------------------------- ■連絡先 HP: http://nodazaitaku.web.fc2.com/

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr 平均入札額
    1 入札

    ...だきたいと思います。 例えば、「化粧品」といった商品ですと、 口紅やファンデーションなど、幅が広すぎてしまいます。 そうではなく、「口紅」や「ファンデーション」など 細かいジャンルで応募していただきたいと思います。 「口紅」の中でさらにジャンル分けして商品を紹介できるとなお好ましいです。 上記のように複数の商品について詳しく書けるというのでも構いませんし、 1~5個ぐらいの商品について、とことん詳しく複数の記事を書けるというのでも構いません。 外注の皆様から頂いた記事を参考に、下記のようなサイトを作りたいと思っております。 参考までにチェックしていただければと思います。 ・おすすめシャンプー解析サイト ・シミ・そばかすを消すコスメ・化粧品 http://シミそばかす対策コスメ.com/ ※必ずしも上記のようなサイト(記事)を作るとは限りません。 どのような記事を作るかは外注の皆様とお話をして決めて行きたいと考えております。 「サービス」というのは、食材宅配やライブチャット・エステなどの 物販ではないようなサービスを指します。 こちらも書いていただく記事は、それらサービスの体験談などになります。 こちらもジャンルは出来る限り絞っていただけるのが好ましいです。 たとえば、「エステ」というよりも、「男性向けエステ」や「美顔エステ」など ジャンルがより細かいほうが好ましいです。 「メンズTBC」など具体的ならなお良いです。 サービスに関してもそのジャンルの複数のサービスについて記事を書くというのでもいいですし、 1~5個ぐらいのサービスをとことん詳しく書くというのでも構いません。 外注の皆様から頂いた記事を

    $169 Average bid
    $169 平均入札額
    1 入札

    === project summary === Emails from Google Alert are registered on a table of MySQL everyday. We need PHP script that read these emails via cron, and auto post as wordpress article. On front-page, the website should have 30 new articles. And other article's link are needed on pages that have 30 links. We also need sitemap of all articles for visitors and google (xml). For design, wordpress default template is OK. But we need responsive design, we'll check under 320px, 640px and PC's resolution of width. === required pages === Front page New articles from 31 to 60 New articles from 61 to 90 (From 91, follow these URL) Article's detail Sitemap

    $357 Average bid
    $357 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I'm seeking a talented video editor for my YouTube gaming channel. The primary focus will be on editing tutorial and walkthrough style videos. The ideal candidate should have experience with this type of content and understand how to make it engaging and informative for viewers. Key Responsibilities: - E...transitions between scenes. The final video should be delivered in MP4 format. Please incorporate a fast-paced and dynamic editing style in the videos. Thumbnails should follow a bold and colorful theme. The editing schedule requires the creation of one video per week. Please incorporate related media clips as B-roll. The primary focus will be on GTA, The Last of Us, Uncharted, First Person Action games,etc." Please include custom intro and outro sequences to make the v...

    $80 Average bid
    $80 平均入札額
    1 入札

    Busco un especialista en implementación de herramientas de seguimiento y medición para múltiples sitios web. La tarea incluye: ✅ Configuración de Google Consent Mode para cumplimiento con normativas de privacidad. ✅ Implementación del Pixel de Meta con conversiones mejoradas. ✅ Configuración de Conversiones Mejoradas de Google en Google Ads y Google Analytics. Es imprescindible experiencia demostrable con estas herramientas y conocimientos en etiquetas (Google Tag Manager) y privacidad de datos. Indica en tu propuesta ejemplos de trabajos previos similares. ? ¡Espero tu propuesta!

    $422 Average bid
    $422 平均入札額
    16 入札

    *** Only a freelancer who can provide me 1 design for free can apply this project**** If you agree to offer a free design, please write "I will provide you 1 page of free design for free" in application form -Creating android app using exist web(Similar as freelancer.com) -New design -Adding push alert feature -Push on/off feature by set time -Upload app on google play store

    $492 Average bid
    $492 平均入札額
    32 入札
    6 日 left

    BRAZI LIAN IM CHAT OPERATOR  Descrição da Empresa A New Media Services Pty Ltd é uma empresa global de BPO especializada no fornecimento de serviços de terceirização inteligentes por meio de uma combinação de aprendizado de máquina e atividades orien...suporte de bate-papo IM freelance, remoto e em outro idioma (BRASIL) requer experiência profissional na Itália, além de excelentes habilidades de comunicação. Como especialista em suporte por bate-papo IM em idioma não inglês (BRASIL), espera-se que você construa e mantenha relacionamentos duradouros com nossos clientes. Qualificações Deve ser brasileiro local ou ter conhecimento profissional da l&iac...

    $7 / hr Average bid
    $7 / hr 平均入札額
    12 入札

    I need a professional to manage my Google PPC campaign aimed at increasing traffic to my website. The campaign will be targeting both the Search and Display Networks, and will solely consist of text ads. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record of successful Google PPC campaigns - Expertise in both Search and Display Networks - Proficient in creating and managing text ads - Strong analytical skills for tracking and optimizing campaign performance

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr 平均入札額
    52 入札

    I'm looking for a web scraping expert who can extract Over/Under lines (all lines , not only the main one) for all MBL (Baseball) and NHL (Hockey) games from the past 5 seasons. The data should be delivered in an Excel (XLSX) format. Key Requirements: - Expertise in web scraping - Proficient in data handling and Excel - Familiarity with MBL and NHL data - Ability to extract specific betting lines The ideal freelancer for this project would be detail-oriented, with a proven track record in web data extraction, particularly in the sports and betting domain. The ultimate goal is to get comprehensive, clean data for analysis.

    $125 Average bid
    $125 平均入札額
    49 入札

    ...Description: We are seeking a skilled developer with experience in Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to extract and process text from images and scanned documents. The objective is to develop or integrate a solution that converts these files into structured data with high accuracy, specifically leveraging Google Document AI. Requirements: - Proven experience in developing OCR solutions, with a strong preference for expertise in Google Document AI. - Familiarity with OCR tools such as Tesseract, Google Vision, AWS Textract, ABBYY, or similar is a plus. - Proficiency in Python, OpenCV, TensorFlow, Pytesseract, or related technologies. - Ability to clean, enhance, and structure extracted data. - Experience in image processing and optimizing OCR accuracy. - Experien...

    $28 / hr Average bid
    $28 / hr 平均入札額
    77 入札

    I'm looking for a seasoned SEO professional who can help elevate my website's visibility on Google globally. I want a highly experienced and most importantly Results Oriented expert who can prove me with results. If I am paying and investing, then I need to see the result. I want some one to do detailed competitor analysis, plan good strategies and show me result. Offpage must be done on high DA minimum (60+) , PA (60+), Spam Score must 6% below, and it must be mostly Dofollow and must be dominant. Strictly Pure organic and no Blackhat. No illegal techniques. I want my website to be top ranking on , .ae, and in Australia Look at my website and let me know Regards

    $110 Average bid
    $110 平均入札額
    77 入札

    I'm looking for an expert who can integrate the Google Address Autocomplete feature into a search feature of my Oracle Visual Builder application. Google Maps API will be provided to the successful freelancer Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Oracle Visual Builder - Experienced in integrating Google APIs - Familiarity with address-based location systems - Understanding of internal employee-focused applications - Ability to enhance user interface for efficiency

    $24 Average bid
    $24 平均入札額
    5 入札

    ...gerenciamento de pacientes, marcação de consultas, envio de notificações e integração com sistemas médicos existentes. Nosso objetivo é criar soluções eficientes e intuitivas para facilitar a gestão de clínicas médicas, proporcionando uma melhor experiência para médicos, equipe administrativa e pacientes. Procuramos um freelancer que tenha experiência no desenvolvimento de aplicativos móveis para Android e iOS, utilizando tecnologias modernas e seguindo as melhores práticas do setor. Detalhes do Projeto: Trabalho 100% remoto. Modalidade freelancer com pagamento por entrega de fases do projeto. Possibilidade de participação em projeto...

    $380 Average bid
    $380 平均入札額
    15 入札

    I'm in search of skilled developers from Brazil who can interact with our API. A thorough understanding of Brazilian games across all platforms is crucial. Key Responsibilities: - Access and operate our API - Apply knowledge of Brazilian games to enhance interaction and engagement Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in working with APIs - Deep understanding of Mobile, PC, and Console games, especially those popular in Brazil - Experience in game development or related fields Please note: Specific tasks related to the API and its primary purpose will be discussed in detail post-selection.

    $36339 Average bid
    $36339 平均入札額
    34 入札

    Preciso criar um módulo para uma ramo específico e precisa ter integração com outros módulos já instalados, gostaria de saber se tem experiência e habilidade para executar esse projeto? Documentação da criação para analisar em anexo.

    $470 Average bid
    $470 平均入札額
    15 入札

    Necesito un experto en AI Recommendations de Google CLoud para configurar un motor de recomendaciones para mis datos de películas. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es aumentar las ventas y los alquileres de películas. Requisitos clave: - Experiencia en la configuración del motor de recomendaciones de inteligencia artificial de Google Cloud. - Experiencia trabajando con datos de películas o conjuntos de datos similares. - Capacidad para adaptar el motor de recomendaciones para impulsar las ventas y los alquileres. - Desarrollar el API en PHP que se conecte a Google CLoud para obtener la información de recomendaciones El profesional independiente ideal para este proyecto tendrá una sólida formación en intel...

    $524 Average bid
    $524 平均入札額
    21 入札

    I have a software website where I sell Windows activation keys and Office suites activation keys. I want to promote these products exclusively in the sponsored shopping section of Google, with the sole objective of increasing sales. I intend to use existing content for these ads. Ideal Skills: - Experience in Google Shopping Ads - Understanding of e-commerce and software market - Proven track record of increasing sales through online advertising - Ability to optimize ad performance for maximum ROI - Proficiency in conducting keyword research to target the right audience. India The target market for these ads is exclusively India. The budget for this campaign is $6. The campaign will run for one month. The campaign will target keywords that I have already provided. Please e...

    $90 Average bid
    $90 平均入札額
    10 入札

    Necesito transferrir dominios, arreglar problema con correo empresarial y consolidar hosting

    min $50 / hr
    緊急 シール
    min $50 / hr
    6 入札

    Kausar, please take off the email us web form from www youneedanewwebsite.com. I'm getting 100's of nonsense emails.

    $50 Average bid
    $50 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I'm looking for assistance in transitioning my Google Workspace from a standard business setup to a non-profit configuration. Key Requirements: - Transfer of Email accounts - Migration of Drive storage - Moving Calendar events - Configure security settings to meet non-profit organizational policies. I need a professional who has experience with Google Workspace and understands the non-profit setup. Proficiency in data migration and excellent organizational skills are crucial for this job. The current Google Workspace involves transitioning for 11-50 users. The transition needs to be completed within the summer. Ensure compliance with standard non-profit security policies. No post-migration support is needed. Please provide weekly updates on the transition progr...

    $552 Average bid
    $552 平均入札額
    10 入札

    I am seeking a seasoned Google Ads expert to set up our In-App Action Campaigns. The primary objective of this campaign is to boost in-app purchases by targeting new users. Key Tasks: - Set up a Google Ads campaign aimed at increasing in-app purchases. - Target the campaign towards new users specifically. - Establish conversion tracking for in-app purchases, as this is currently not set up. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in setting up successful Google Ads campaigns, specifically In-App Action Campaigns. - Experience with targeting new users in campaigns. - Proficient in setting up conversion tracking for in-app purchases. - Strong understanding of strategies to boost in-app purchases. - Excellent analytical skills to assess campaign performance...

    $71 Average bid
    $71 平均入札額
    18 入札

    I'm in need of a LUDO multiplayer game that is ready to use, with full code transfer. Please do not send me links to scripts on codecanyon, as I am fully aware of those resources. I'm looki...interaction. - Personalization: The game should feature user profiles to keep track of individual player statistics and preferences. - Monetization: Inclusion of in-app purchases for added game features or enhancements. Game Environment: - The game should be designed in a 2D environment. Ideal Skills: - Game Development: Proficiency in creating and customizing mobile games. - Cross-Platform Development: Experience in developing games for both Android and iOS. - Understanding of Game Monetization: Knowledge in integrating in-app purchases. Please only bid if you can transfer...

    $345 Average bid
    $345 平均入札額
    8 入札

    ...create a full-fledged sports betting website with a simple and clean user interface. The website should cover a variety of sports including cricket, football, tennis, horse racing, and more. Key Requirements: - Core Betting Features: The site needs to support live betting sessions, display odds accurately, and cater to a wide variety of sports. - Additional Games: It should also integrate popular casino games, the Aviator game, and Poker games. - User Interface: The overall design of the site should be simple and clean, prioritizing user ease without compromising on functionality. Ideal candidates should have previous experience in creating similar betting websites, demonstrating an understanding of both the sports and casino gaming world. Proficiency in creatin...

    $411 Average bid
    $411 平均入札額
    20 入札

    I have an Excel with 5 soccer leagues and I would like the games and the position in the classification of each team to be updated every day. It would be to associate Excel with the Internet and refresh the sheet with a button. My budget is 15 euros.

    $18 Average bid
    $18 平均入札額
    29 入札
    Necesito clases de Google ads
    6 日 left

    Hola! Necesito aprender hacer campañas mas rentables para mi empresa em google ads.

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr 平均入札額
    21 入札

    I need urgent help with my Shopify store's Google Merchant Center. My account has been deactivated due to misrepresentation issues, specifically related to misleading product information and inaccurate contact details. I only currently provide an email address as contact information. Key Requirements: - Diagnose the specific misrepresentation issues and rectify them. - Update my Shopify store contact information to comply with Google's requirements. - Reactivate my Google Merchant account. Given the urgency of the situation, I am looking for a professional with prior experience dealing with Google Merchant Center issues, particularly in relation to Shopify stores. Payment will be made upon successful reactivation of my account. Please only apply if you can ...

    $110 Average bid
    $110 平均入札額
    24 入札

    ...ideal candidate will have experience with Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and LinkedIn outreach to generate leads for various industries, including real estate, coaching, and services. Responsibilities: Set up and manage paid ad campaigns on Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn. Optimize campaigns to ensure high-quality leads and reduce cost per lead. Create effective ad copies and landing pages for maximum conversions. Track campaign performance and provide detailed weekly/monthly reports. Communicate directly with clients regarding lead quality and campaign adjustments. Implement email nurturing campaigns to follow up on generated leads. Required Skills: Proven experience in lead generation and running paid ads. Expertise in Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and LinkedIn Outreach....

    $327 Average bid
    $327 平均入札額
    31 入札

    I am seeking a seasoned Roblox developer to create an engaging, full-fledged adventure/exploration game. The game should come equipped with a r...full-fledged adventure/exploration game. The game should come equipped with a robust combat system and dynamic multiplayer features, providing an exciting gameplay experience for users. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive knowledge of Roblox game development - Expertise in integrating combat systems - Proficiency in implementing multiplayer features - Experience in creating adventure/exploration style games The game needs to be optimized for both PC and mobile platforms. So, a strong understanding of cross-platform compatibility in game development is crucial. Creativity, attention to detail, and a passion for game development will be high...

    $612 Average bid
    $612 平均入札額
    21 入札

    ...get a game-topup website where I can API games from an admin dashboard myself. I have references for this project. Key Features: - The website should support mobile and PC games for top-up. - It should offer payment methods including Credit/Debit Card and Paynow/Paylah. - The design should be minimalist and clean. - The website should allow users to create and manage accounts. - The system should send email notifications for successful top-ups. - Users should be able to view their top-up order history. - Integrating discount coupons for promotional offers can increase user engagement. - Implementing a live chat feature for customer support. Ideal Skills: - Experience in e-commerce website development. - Familiarity with API integration for games. - Strong underst...

    $333 Average bid
    $333 平均入札額
    93 入札

    I'm looking for an experienced game tester for my mobile action/adventure game. The focus of the testing should primarily be on character leveling and abilities. Key requirements: - Thorough understanding of action/adventure games - Experience in testing mobile games - Ability to provide detailed feedback on character leveling and abilities Please include any relevant experience you have in your proposal.

    $211 Average bid
    $211 平均入札額
    10 入札

    ...excluir chaves Pix existentes e cadastrar novas chaves Pix do Yopmail no Mercado Pago, pegando os endereços de uma planilha do Google Sheets. 1️⃣ Fluxo da Automação Acessar o Mercado Pago, que pode já estar logado ou solicitar credenciais. No arquivo de configuração irei setar a quantidade de chaves pix email (de 1 a 5) que deverão ser cadastradas por vez. Excluir as chaves Pix existentes (de 1 a 5 chaves cadastradas). Acessar a seção de Minhas Chaves Pix. Percorrer a lista de chaves cadastradas. Se houver chaves, excluir todas antes de prosseguir. Acessar a planilha do Google Sheets e obter a lista de e-mails para cadastro. Criar o e-mail temporário no Yopmail com o endereço informado na ...

    $525 Average bid
    $525 平均入札額
    6 入札

    I'm seeking a Google Ads expert to manage a call-only campaign focused on generating local leads for skincare business. for example: competitors (vcare, oliva, kaya) Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement a Google Ads campaign targeting local customers in the skincare, haircare industry. - Optimize for lead generation, primarily through phone calls. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven track record with Google Ads, specifically call-only campaigns. - Experience in the healthcare sector is a plus. - Strong understanding of local SEO and targeted ad placement.

    $74 Average bid
    $74 平均入札額
    22 入札

    I'm looking for a Google Sheets specialist who can assist me with creating simple mathematical formulas. The tasks will primarily involve: - Using random letters, - Counting option and similar Ideal candidates should: - Have extensive experience in Google Sheets. - Possess strong skills in formula creation, particularly for mathematical calculations. - Be able to provide efficient and effective solutions to my needs. Please let me know if you can help. Thank you. The task is simple. The budget is 30 USD

    $23 Average bid
    $23 平均入札額
    25 入札

    I am seeking a seasoned professional in Google Ads and Social Media Marketing to assist in setting up and managing my online campaigns. The ultimate goal is to drive targeted traffic, enhance brand visibility, and generate leads through a blend of paid advertisements and organic social media tactics. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and execute comprehensive Google Ads campaigns aimed at achieving specific objectives. - Implement effective social media marketing strategies across selected platforms. - Promote various types of content through social media channels. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven track record in managing successful Google Ads and Social Media Marketing campaigns. - Strong understanding of different social media platforms and their marketing pot...

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr 平均入札額
    21 入札

    I'm looking for an experienced Unity game developer to create a tactical PC game reminiscent of IGI and IGI2, set in forest/jungle/Urban environme...cooperative team play. -Before starting any missions will play a intro to describe the mission objective. Wll set the video on mission design on game editor. User can skip this video. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Unity game engine - Previous experience in creating tactical or military-themed games - Strong understanding of game design and mission creation - Experience with implementing multiplayer functionality in games - Knowledge of gun management systems in games Other customizations and features are welcome, and will be considered a plus. Please ensure your bid reflects your ability to deliver a...

    $670 Average bid
    $670 平均入札額
    8 入札

    ...challenging, with multiple levels. - The main objective will involve collecting keys, specifically 8 keys to unlock the finish line which is a door which will say you can now stay up!. - The visual style needs to be cartoonish, appealing and cute. - The perspective of the game should be a top-down view. Ideal Candidates: - Should have experience in designing adventure games. - Proficient in creating top-down view, cartoonish games. - Previous work with key collection mechanics would be a plus. - Can deliver a fun and engaging game....

    $225 Average bid
    $225 平均入札額
    29 入札