Writing articles online for money仕事
日本のアニメ・ニュース関係の記事を翻訳していただきます。 また、日本人がそのニュースに対して頂いた感想等も翻訳してください。 ■おすすめポイント 慣れれば1記事1時間もかからず終わります。 ■言語について 日本語が正確に書けなくても問題有りません。機械翻訳等を駆使して行っていただいても大丈夫です。 ただし、やり取りは日本語で行いますので、多少話せる方を募集いたします。 英語は正確・自然な形で記載をお願いします。 ■納品方法について wordpressのIDを発行しますので、そちらに記載をお願いします。 ■報酬について 10記事110usd程度を考えています。
Toefl iBT の writing 問題 (Integrated 及び Independent 両方) において高得点獲得確実ななスキルの伝授。条件は ・テンプレート必須(必要な種類を全て揃える、文・表現方法・単語など全て) ・当方では、スキルに従い2、3回しか練習しない(それ以上の努力は全くしない) ・自身で満点またはそれに準ずる点をとった実績必要 ・結果的に当方が22点未満であれば半額以上返金
, steady and deep voice about 700-1000 Japanese words, the final script is still being writing record a demo below: 政治制度を改革し、ベルトや道路のイニシアティブとインターネットの発展の新しい時代には3つの主要な座標系を構成している。 第19回cpc国民会議は、人々の生活に集中し、心の人々に貢献することを目的としたもので、人類の将来についての共有によるコミュニティを作成し、その値として。 議長xi業界とインターネットの統合されるインターネット・プラスを再定義し、大きな重要性の大きいデータ産業に付随して、インターネット産業のための方向をハイライトし、新しい時代へのトレーサビリティの産業。
... ■不具合詳細 戦国ものシミュレーションゲームを運営しているのですが、ユーザーから多数、クラッシュ後にデータが消えてしまい、最初のチュートリアルからとなっていまったとのメールを受け取っています。(殆どがAndroidユーザーからの報告です) 機種やOSに傾向は見受けられません。 ゲーム内容: ■データ保存方法 データ保存にはPlayerPrefsを拡張したプラグイン、「」を使用しています。 PlayerPrefsのSave()同等のFlush()メソッドは都度実施しているため、ファイル書き込みはされています。 再現も難しく、解決するのに時間がかかっており、有識者に確認していただきたいと思っており、今回依頼をさせていただきました。 宜しくお願いいたします。
...person for each. However, you may want to ask more than one person in the same area. ■手順 ■ Step ①企業リストをもとに定型文をIR部署にメール。印刷物を請求する。 ① mail the original to the standard sentence the companies listed in the IR department. It claims the printed matter. ②PDFデータはダウンロードしておき、共有するグーグルドライブにUP。 ②PDF data leave download, UP to Google drive you want to share. ③印刷物が手元に届いたら、まとめて私たちがオフィスを構える日本(東京)に発送。 ③ When the printed material is delivered on hand, together we set up the office and shipped to Japan (Tokyo). ■期間 ■ period 契約開始後、1か月以内に日本へ発送完了を目安とする contract after the start, as a guide the completion of dispatch to Japan within one month 【報酬について】 [Remuneration] ①報酬は1社300円を想定(日本への発送料は別途支給)。 ① reward assumes 300 yen per company (shipping charges separately pro...
(English follows Japanese) 私(外国人)が添付されているメールニュースを作成しました。日本人のネーティブチェックしていただきたい。内容と文法はおかしくないかどうか。ワードの修正機能を使用して納品していただきたい。よろしくご検討ください。 I am not Japanese but I wrote the attached Japanese-language email newsletter. I am looking for a NATIVE Japanese person to check the content and grammar are written correctly. I am not seeking a bilingual non-native speaker of the language. Checking should be done using the correction function of Microsoft Word, and showing the corrections so I can see where the changes have been made.
◆概要 作業手順、チェックリスト、Todoリストの作成と、それを紹介する1200文字以上の記事を作成して頂きます。質の高い記事を作成してくださった方には、月に10~20の記事を依頼します。終了時期は定めず、数年間続く予定です。 ◆価格 入稿して頂く記事の品質(クオリティ)が高ければ、単価もアップします。 良文で、長文であるほど、単価をアップします。 スタートの単価は、1000文字以上で、1文字1円です。 上限単価は定めてませんが、1文字5円まではあると考えてください。 良い記事を継続的に得ることがもっとも最優先です。 そのため、記事の下部には、ライターのプロフィールを掲載し、Lancersやその他のクラウドソーシングサイトでの顧客獲得につながるように、微力ではありますが貢献することも可能です。 ◆作業手順、チェックリスト、Todoリストの要件 皆さんの仕事でも手順が決まっている仕事ってありますよね。 例えば何か新しい案件を受注した場合に、 売上を売上表に記入 受注指示 先方に電話して取材日をフィックス 別の部署に報告 チェックシートを修正 チェックシートを先方に提出 開始を先方に連絡 みたいな感じである程度フローが決まっている場合って多いと思うんですよね。 書いていただきたいのは、このようにGTDに準拠した「タスクの実行を具体的にイメージできるレベルまで細分化したリスト」を募集しています。 ◆注意事項 ・文字数は1200字以上です。 ・誤字脱字に注意してください。 ・コピペは厳禁です。(15文字以上連続で他サイトから引用しないでください) ・見出し、小見出し、本文は関連性を持たせてください。 ・個別の企業・店舗にフォーカスしないでください。 ・求人情報をのせないでください。 ・敬体(ですます調)にて執筆...
I am looking for a freelancer with great Enslish writing skill to introduce originally created 「New English Pronuncation Symbols」to the world. English native prefered. The prospective ariticle will be on my HP with your name (nickname can be accepted).
海外からの旅行者に向けた日本の観光紹介記事を、英語で書いて頂ける方を募集します。英語のライティングがネイティブレベルであること、英語でのSEO対策も行えることが必要となります。多くのコンテンツを必要としているため、1記事だけではなく継続して複数記事を書いて頂ける方にお願いしたいと考えております。宜しくお願い足します。(*お仕事を依頼させて頂く前に一度記事サンプルを頂き、確認後にご依頼させて頂きます。) We need who can write articles on Japan in English for tourists from foreign countries. Native English skill (especially writing) and SEO skill are essentials. We would like to offer who can continue to create contents for a long period. And before working, you have to submit a sample article for checking your skill.
We have an online store that have been running more than 5 years. Our cart provider upgraded system without back up and our orijinal integration with payment gateway was to be seemed broken. However, our orijinal engineer for programming is not reachable anymore. I would like to fix or get it back to original. I have chosen prefered language as Japanese but both English and Japanese are ok.
Hello, We are a Japanese owned Los Angeles Based Apparel Online store company. We are looking for someone who can update the website everyday. -No Need to Be able to read HTML -Each task is about 5 to 10 minutes. -You have to be able to READ Japanese but not able to Write or Speak -If you dont Read Japanese but high IT Literacy so that by our tellling you which part corresponds to which part, then you can do the job. JOB This is the job to update the items that comes to the toppage of our 2 online stores. the management system is already set up so yo do not need to use HTMLat all. You just select the item code from our website and set into the system everyday. SKILLS REQUIRED Ability to arrange items in a meaningful, atttractive manner. Lets s...
I would like a native Japanese to write 10 articles explaining English grammar in Japanese. The articles will be used as blog content. An example of an article would be "The difference between "will" and "be going to". 母国語が日本語の方に、日本語で英語の文法説明文を10通り書いていただきたいです。記事はブログに使われます。例えば「willとbe going toの違い」など英文法をわかりやすく日本語で説明した記事を書いて下さい。
...す。 現在好評につき受注が多く、ライター様の手が足りない状況でございます。 金額は1文字0.3〜3円と幅広く扱っており、 ライター様のレベルに合わせてお仕事を振り分けさせて頂きます。 後々にライター様の仕事の速度、レベル、信頼、に伴い高額案件をお任せしたいと思っております。 今回、是非ともご応募いただければと思いご連絡差し上げました。 【記事内容】 地域の生活情報などをリサーチしていただき、600文字〜800文字程度で執筆していただきます。 不動産記事になりますので、読みやすくて、その地域に住みたい!と思うような文章を作成してください。 金額300〜600円 1記事 本数10〜30本 一週間 (それ以下でも大丈夫です。ご相談下さい) 一ヶ月36000〜72000円 応募されたい方は以下のテンプレートを御記入の上、t1.writing@迄 メールをお願い致します。 【お名前】 【住所】※最後まで必ずご記入ください 【性別】 【年齢】 【メールアドレス】 【得意ジャンル】 【月のペース(文字数)】 【電話番号】※確認の為こちらから掛ける場合があります 【過去に執筆した】 【簡単な自己紹介】 以下の人は募集をお控えください。 〇自己判断で記事を作成する方。 〇仕事に責任感の無い人。 〇納期の守れない人 〇18歳未満の方 〇著作権の放棄ができない方 〇委託契約書の結べない方。 〇連絡の取れない方。 〇コピペを多用する方。 〇オリジナル文章が書けない方。 〇高額の案件だけを求める方。 (キャリアのある方でも、高額案件を最初にお任せする事はありません。 高額案件は実力が無くても、信頼のある方へお任せしております。) ※【特に記事の履行...
... and auto post as wordpress article. On front-page, the website should have 30 new articles. And other article's link are needed on pages that have 30 links. We also need sitemap of all articles for visitors and google (xml). For design, wordpress default template is OK. But we need responsive design, we'll check under 320px, 640px and PC's resolution of width. === required pages === Front page New articles from 31 to 60 New articles from 61 to 90 (From 91, follow these URL) Article's detail Sitemap for visitors Sitemap for Google Webmaster tool === required skill === wordpress
...、お客様に、現地のお金で現地の銀行口座に振り込み頂き、それを引き出して、Western Unionまたは、Money Gram で本社まで送金する方法をとっています。 さて、今後、日本とも取引を行うに際に、日本のローカルスーパーバイザーを募集します。 ローカルスーパーバイザーの業務内容 • メールで取引内容を確認する • お客様から日本の銀行口座に支払いを振り込み頂き、それをすぐ引き出して、Western Union または、Money Gram を使って、またそのお金を送信する。 • 月間レポートを必ず提出する。(すべて英語になります) • 勤務時間、日数は特に決まっていませんが、一ヶ月に、3回~5回、平日に取引があります。取引のあった場合は、必ず同日中にお金を返送することが必要です。 • 給与は取引額の5%(コミッション)なので、取引額によって変わりますが、平均一回の取引額は50万から70万、取引回数は1ヶ月3回から5回となります。なお、銀行取引や送金の際の手数料はすべて会社側が負担します。 ローカルスーパーバイザーの応募資格 • 日本在住(日本国内であれば、場所は問いません) • 年齢21歳以上 • eメールを使って、英語でやりとりができる • 英語で毎月レポートを作成できる。 • 電話やSkypeを使って、英語でやり取りができる • 銀行、Western Union の支店、または、Money Gram指定の銀行などが近くにある。(以下のサイトで調べてください) Western Union → Money Gram→
...、お客様に、現地のお金で現地の銀行口座に振り込み頂き、それを引き出して、Western Unionまたは、Money Gram で本社まで送金する方法をとっています。 さて、今後、日本とも取引を行うに際に、日本のローカルスーパーバイザーを募集します。 ローカルスーパーバイザーの業務内容 • メールで取引内容を確認する • お客様から日本の銀行口座に支払いを振り込み頂き、それをすぐ引き出して、Western Union または、Money Gram を使って、またそのお金を送信する。 • 月間レポートを必ず提出する。(すべて英語になります) • 勤務時間、日数は特に決まっていませんが、一ヶ月に、3回~5回、平日に取引があります。取引のあった場合は、必ず同日中にお金を返送することが必要です。 • 給与は取引額の5%(コミッション)なので、取引額によって変わりますが、平均一回の取引額は50万から70万、取引回数は1ヶ月3回から5回となります。なお、銀行取引や送金の際の手数料はすべて会社側が負担します。 ローカルスーパーバイザーの応募資格 • 日本在住(日本国内であれば、場所は問いません) • 年齢21歳以上 • eメールを使って、英語でやりとりができる • 英語で毎月レポートを作成できる。 • 電話やSkypeを使って、英語でやり取りができる • 銀行、Western Union の支店、または、Money Gram指定の銀行などが近くにある。(以下のサイトで調べてください) Western Union → Money Gram→
I'm looking for a talented creative writer to help me craft a compelling narrative centered around a character named Viola who finds herself involved in a diamond heist. Key requirements: - Strong skills in creative writing, with a knack for crafting engaging stories. - Ability to portray complex characters and build suspenseful plots. - Experience in writing for radio, with a good understanding of how to create soundscapes and use audio to enhance storytelling. Please note, the primary focus of this project will be character and plot development. The target audience is primarily adults, so the writing should be sophisticated and engaging. If you have a passion for storytelling and can bring this heist to life with vivid characters...
...technical details, and creating content that resonates with your vision for the business. Why not hire an expert? As a seasoned copywriter who listens to your needs, I pour my heart and soul into crafting copy that you will love. What You Get: 1 Homepage, 1 About Us, 1 Service/Landing Page + 3 Blogs Package 800 words 's Included:Multiple revisionsCompetitor analysisDeep target audience researchSEO keyword analysis and SEO-friendly contentNo AI writing (if required)Grammarly premium-checked content—all my offerings don't perfectly fit your requirements, I'm happy to discuss and create a personalized quote just for you. Let’s chat! OFFER: Book NOW for a FREE website audit where I’ll provide suggestions for impr...
I'm looking for a creative individual or team to help generate and brainstorm unique life mottos using emojis only. Key Tasks: - Generate your new and unique life mottos using emojis - Revamp existing life mottos with a creative twist Ideal Skills: - Strong creative writing skills - Experience with social media content - Ability to think outside the box Example: - Your creativity will help inspire and engage my social media audience.
Social Media Manager for Electrical Contracting and Generator Installation Business Description: We are a well-established electrical contracting and generator installation business seeking an experienced and creative Social Media Manager to enhance our online presence on Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms. The ideal candidate will have a proven track record in managing and creating content for service-based businesses, with a specific focus on: Generac generator installations Quotes, maintenance, and repairs Electrical contracting (residential, commercial, and industrial sectors) This role will involve strategy development, content creation, posting, engagement, and performance tracking. Scope of Work: Account Setup and Branding: Create and optimize new acco...
...technical details, and creating content that resonates with your vision for the business. Why not hire an expert? As a seasoned copywriter who listens to your needs, I pour my heart and soul into crafting copy that you will love. What You Get: 1 Homepage, 1 About Us, 1 Service/Landing Page + 3 Blogs Package 800 words 's Included:Multiple revisionsCompetitor analysisDeep target audience researchSEO keyword analysis and SEO-friendly contentNo AI writing (if required)Grammarly premium-checked content—all my offerings don't perfectly fit your requirements, I'm happy to discuss and create a personalized quote just for you. Let’s chat! OFFER: Book NOW for a FREE website audit where I’ll provide suggestions for impr...
As we seek long-term work, I am seeking value for money, so please provide your lowest possible bid. We are looking for a WordPress expert with strong server management skills and Linux knowledge to work on long-term projects. The ideal candidate will have expertise in the following areas: Key Responsibilities: 1. Website Migration Repair: o Fix issues with websites that have been migrated but are not functioning properly. o Ensure smooth and error-free performance after migration. 2. Malware Cleanup and Restoration: o Restore websites that have been compromised by hacking. o Clean and secure websites, ensuring that they function optimally. o Utilize available backups for complete restoration. 3. Client Backend Restoration: o Rebuild and restore the backend admi...
Dibutuhkan / dicari jasa pembuatan website slot/casino/judi online, yang sudah berpengalaman dalam pembuatan website slot/casino online, atau yang sudah menyediakan dengan white lable Tolong lampirkan juga portofolio website slot/casino online yang sudah pernah dibuat Di utamakan dari Indonesia Terima kasih
I'm looking for a creative, talented novelist to help bring my vision of a thrilling heist narrative set in FJ City to life. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in novel writing - Experience in crafting suspenseful and thrilling narratives - Familiarity with heist and mystery genres - Ability to create engaging characters and settings - Strong understanding of pacing and plot development As this is a mystery heist novel, you would need to have an understanding of how to build suspense and maintain tension throughout the story. You should be able to create twists and turns that keep the reader guessing until the very end. With your skills, we can captivate the target audience, which is primarily adults. I am open to your interpretation of the tone of the novel,...
I'm looking for someone with a knack for writing and storytelling. The project is somewhat ambiguous at the moment, but it definitely leans towards creative writing. Ideal Skills: - Excellent command of the English language - Strong storytelling ability - Creative thinking Experience: - Previous work in writing and storytelling - Experience in crafting fiction will be a plus Please note that the type of writing needed may be primarily creative and artistic in nature.
I'm seeking assistance in identifying and applying for suitable business grants for my non-profit organization. Your role will include: - Comprehensive search for relevant business grants tailored for non-profit organizations. - Writing and submitting compelling grant applications to maximize our chances of success. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience with grant writing and applications. - Familiarity with business grants for non-profits. - Excellent research skills to identify suitable funding opportunities.
I need a PowerPoint presentation of 2 slides. For the below content * LMS [LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM] Is a software platform that facilitates the administration, delivery, and tracking of educational courses and training programs. * E-Learning [ATLAS/COURSERA] a platform offering a wide range of online courses and educational resources across various subjects, enabling users to learn at their own pace. * ASK HC [ASK HUMAN CAPITAL] a system that provides an employee ticketing system for enquiries, allowing staff to easily submit questions or issues for prompt resolution and support. * Dashboard [Training demand management progress reporting system] a platform that visualises training results, and analyses training needs progress across an organisation,...
I'm looking to create a technology-focused magazine, specifically dealing with consumer electronics. The magazine will need to have a product review section, and it would also be great to incorporate some industry news and tutorials as well. Skills and experience needed: - Excellent writing and editing skills - Strong knowledge of consumer electronics - Experience in magazine content creation - Ability to stay updated with industry news - Skills in creating easy-to-understand tutorials.
I'm seeking an expert in Natura...Sources: The sentiment analysis will be based on a variety of textual data, including social media posts, news articles, and company reports. Experience with these types of sources and their respective NLP challenges would be advantageous. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in NLP techniques and tools - Strong background in financial data analysis - Experience with sentiment analysis - Familiarity with interpreting social media posts, news articles, and company reports - Knowledge of Python This project could provide valuable insights into the sentiment surrounding specific financial trends or events, and how that sentiment correlates with market movements. I'm looking for a freelancer who can deliver this analysis ...
I'm seeking a talented writer to help me craft a motivational book. The ideal candidate should have experience in writing books, particularly in the motivational genre, and have the ability to adopt a conversational tone. Key tasks include: - Assisting in the creation of a detailed book outline - Writing engaging, motivational content in a conversational style - Collaborating with me throughout the process to ensure my vision is realized Skills and experience required: - Proven track record in book writing - Experience in the motivational genre - Excellent command of the English language - Ability to write in a conversational style - Good listener and able to work collaboratively
I'm the owner...social media content creation. My focus is primarily on Instagram and TikTok, under the name Tima skin clinic. I want to generate more leads and sales through effective marketing strategies. A significant part of this involves creating engaging, educational content about skincare. Therefore, I need someone who can help me develop and post informative articles and infographics that will attract and engage potential clients. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proven experience in social media marketing, particularly on Instagram and TikTok - Exceptional content creation skills, with a focus on informative, educational content - Understanding of the skincare industry would be a plus - Ability to develop and implement effective marketing strategies to gen...
I'm looking for a talented poet to craft a deeply Romantic and Passionate love poem for personal use. The poem should resonate with the theme of love, capturing the essence of romance with an engaging and heartfelt narrative. Ideal skills and experience: - Exceptional writing and poetic skills - Prior experience in writing romantic poetry - Ability to understand and convey deep emotions through words - Creativity in crafting unique and personal love poems
Trabajo remoto. Desde responder emails a grabar videos. Diseño web. Trabajo con herramientas de inteligencia artificial.
I'm in need of a seasoned screenwriter to help bring my detailed con...seasoned screenwriter to help bring my detailed concept to life as a movie script. Key Responsibilities: - Transform my detailed plot into a compelling, well-structured screenplay. - Infuse the script with comedic elements in line with the specifications of the genre. - Ensure the screenplay is engaging, with well-developed characters and captivating dialogue. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in writing movie scripts, particularly in the comedy genre. - Exceptional understanding of comedic timing and delivery in written form. - Strong ability to develop and flesh out characters and plotlines. - Excellent command over screenplay formatting and structure. Please provide samples of your previous work in th...
I need product descriptions for a pizza menu that are mouthwatering as well as informative. Key Elements: - Ingredients and flavors: Highlight the unique ingredients and flavors of each pizza. - Cooking method and authenticity: Describe the cooking method and the authenticity of the pizza. Please note, the descriptions should not include customer reviews or testimonials. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional writing skills - Experience in food writing - Ability to write engaging and informative content - Understanding of cooking methods and authenticity in food I am looking for a freelancer who can blend mouthwatering descriptions with informative content. Please include samples of your previous food writing in your proposal.
I'm seeking a General Practitioner with strong academic writing skills. You will be tasked with: - Conducting detailed medical research - Writing high-quality, peer-reviewed academic papers Ideal candidates would have: - Extensive experience in the medical field, particularly as a General Practitioner - Proven academic writing skills, with published papers in reputable medical journals - Strong research skills, with the ability to analyze and interpret complex medical data
Robô Cassino Roletas AO VIVO Podendo ser em qualquer casa de aposta. Preciso que o Robô monitore 24 horas todas as Roletas AO VIVO dos sites tipo Bet365, LeoVegas, 888 Casino e faça.: 1º - Tenha um arquivo de configuração para as 13 estratégias que ele vai monitorar 24 horas. Onde em cada estratégia eu defino o número de sequencias mínimas que ele deve começar a gravar e até qual nível foi a sequência Exemplo.: Estratégia Sequência de cores Quando der 10 número da mesma cor o Robô começa a REGISTRAR No arquivo de configuração eu coloco o horário de início e fim e quantas entradas por dia ele deve fazer, assim eu possa...
I need assistance in preparing an academic report based on a transcript. The report should include a thematic analysis, findings, and recommendations. The primary subject area is General Management. Key Components: - Conduct a comprehensiv...should include a thematic analysis, findings, and recommendations. The primary subject area is General Management. Key Components: - Conduct a comprehensive thematic analysis of the provided transcript - Prepare an academic report with all necessary elements, including a literature review and data analysis and results Ideal Skills: - Strong background in General Management - Excellent report writing and thematic analysis skills - Experience with academic report preparation - Familiarity with conducting literature reviews - Proficient in dat...
I'm looking for a talented writer for a personal project focused on Technology and Gadgets. The articles should be informative and educational, catering to readers who want to learn about the latest in tech. Ideal Skills: - In-depth knowledge of technology and gadgets - Exceptional writing skills - Experience in writing for a magazine - Ability to convey complex concepts in an easy-to-understand manner. If you are passionate about tech and have a knack for writing in an informative and educational tone, I would love to hear from you.
I'm looking for a responsible and self-motivated full-stack .NET developer with strong knowledge of C#, ASP.NET MVC, Angular, AWS. The role involves working on multiple projects that use various technologies and languages, with tasks ranging from adding new features to developing new applications. This position is perfect for full-time developers looking to make some extra money. You must be able to make consistent progress on the project on a daily basis and be available for meetings between 8 PM and 10 PM Eastern. Familiarity with GIT (Bitbucket) is essential, and experience with Web Forms is a plus. Candidates must also be very familiar with LINQ and Entity Framework. Familiarity with Terraform is a plus, as some projects may involve infrastructure aut...
I'm seeking a skilled Python developer to enhance my existing Telegram bot. This bot reads weather data from a JSON fil...file and summarizes them in one message when prompted in my private Telegram group. Key tasks: - Optimize the performance of the current bot - Enhance the existing code to prevent failed requests from being returned - Build a second bot that can take pictures from a camera I have and post them in the group Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in Python, particularly in writing and optimizing code for bots - Experience with Telegram's bot API - Familiarity with handling JSON data - Ability to create a second bot with similar functionality I frequently encounter failed requests, so a coder who can enhance the code to not retur...
I'm in need of a complete Nebosh IG2 risk assessment report for the any industry. The report should thoroughly address key hazards such as falls from heights, hazardous materials, and machinery operations. Ideal Skills: - NEBOSH certification and experience in risk assessment - Strong report writing skills - In-depth understanding of construction industry hazards Experience: - Previous risk assessment reports - Familiarity with NEBOSH IG2 standards and guidelines - Experience dealing with specific hazards such as falls, hazardous materials, and machinery operation I already attack one file this exmple for how it must be looks like i need details like this.
I'm seeking a software solution that utilizes AI for generating blog content. The primary focus of this software should be on content generation. Key Features: - High Customization: The software should allow for highly customized content to be generated. This could involve tailoring content based on specific themes, tones, or target audiences. Ideal Skills and Experience: - AI Development: The freelancer should have a strong background in developing AI software, particularly in content generation. - Blog Writing: Experience in writing and understanding of what makes a successful blog post would be beneficial. - Software Development: The ability to develop user-friendly software is crucial.
I'm in need of a talented and experienced developer to build a large language model (LLM) primarily focused on generating unique and highly creative text. The model should be capable of creating imaginative pieces such as stories and poems. K...Expertise in machine learning, particularly in developing LLMs. - Proven experience in text generation models. - Ability to create a model that can produce highly creative and unique content. Ideal Skill Set: - Proficiency in Python and relevant ML libraries (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch). - Strong background in NLP (Natural Language Processing). - Experience with creative writing or story generation models is a plus. I'm looking for a professional who can deliver a cutting-edge model that exceeds my expectations in terms of ...
I need my CV updated to include a new job in the Work Experience section. I have all the details ready and just need a professional touch to make it stand out. The ideal freelancer should possess: - Exceptional English writing skills - Experience in CV writing - Attention to detail - Ability to work under a tight deadline I am looking for someone to help me with this task urgently.
I'm looking for a talented medical content writer to develop educational materials for undergraduate medical students, focusing on Anatomy and Physical Examinations. The materials will primarily be in text document format and will need to cover the musculoskeletal system. The primary aim of these materials is to enhance practical skills. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in Anatomy and Physiology - Experience writing educational content for medical students - Ability to simplify complex concepts without losing accuracy - Knowledge of engaging and interactive content creation - Excellent command of English and medical terminology
I'm looking for a skilled AI developer to create software that can generate casual and friendly lifestyle blogs, specifically focused on health and wellness. Key Requirements: - The AI should be capable of writing in a tone that is casual and friendly, emulating the style of popular lifestyle bloggers. - The software should be able to cover a variety of health and wellness topics. - The AI should be able to generate content that is engaging, informative, and suitable for a lifestyle blog. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in AI and machine learning. - Excellent understanding of lifestyle blogging, particularly in the health and wellness niche. - Experience in developing AI for content creation. Please include examples of similar projects you've wor...
I need a skilled Python programmer to help me automate the order placement on Interactive Brokers. Key Requirements: - Automate the placement of Market orders, Limit orders, and Stop orders - Strong proficiency in Python - Experience with Interactive Broke...Automate the buy sell order, It has lots requirment I have attached excel file to fetch and update data, and automate trade, I can choose any interval, It need to fech candle data, more detaiil i wll give if you can provide result with my budget, Not your Expectation If you accept my term apply this task: Budget:Rs 900 I will give good review, if you complete my budget, Dont expect more money, Money will paid after complete the job successfully, dont waste your time and bid If you have experiece in trade automati...
I'm in need of a dedicated and creative individual to manage my beauty blog for 30 days. The primary focus will be on daily product reviews of various makeup products. Key Responsibilities: - Generate and post fresh content and imagery daily for a month. - Conduct in-depth reviews of makeup products, focusing on their ingredients and benefits, user testimonials, and comparisons with similar products. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in beauty blogging or product reviewing is highly preferred. - Strong understanding and passion for makeup products. - Excellent writing skills with a knack for creating engaging and insightful content. - Ability to create appealing and relevant imagery. - Experience in comparing products and articulatin...