Write short article travel magazine仕事
...ます。 もし、不備がある場合、こちらから連絡差し上げます。 不備を修正して完成してくださった方にも8ドルお支払い致します。 報酬: アンケートを完成してくださった方全員に8ドルお支払い致します。 Native Japanese Amazon Users for Video Survey We need native Japanese Amazon users to participate in a short video survey. The survey results will be used for Japanese Amazon market research. You will get 8$ upon completion of the survey. Requirements: * At least 18 yrs old * Japanese * Live in Japan * Amazon user * Webcam or phone camera Procedure: 1st, there will be a short screening questionnaire to check if you match the requirements. 2nd, you will be asked to complete a short video survey about your Amazon use (10-15 min). 3rd, we will check if you completed the survey as requested. If yes, we will pay you 8$. If there is any missing info, we ask you ...
...in Japanese or English. ・Personal identification verification may be asked during recruiting process. ■納品ファイルの形式 / Delivery Form 納品形式のPDFファイルをお送りします。 We will send an PDF file . ■禁止事項 / Prohibition ・既存のコンテンツや既に提出した内容をそのまま転用する行為 ・自動翻訳ツールやソフトで翻訳・作成したものをそのまま転用する行為 ・業務詳細内容を、第三者へ転載/漏洩する行為 盗作は犯罪にあたり、コピー&ペースト等が発覚した際は契約の打ち切り及び法的手続を取る場合があることを御認識ください。 ・Copying or rewriting of any existing content or article already submitted ・Submitting products that copied from any result from automatic translation tools or software ・Reprinting or leaking of any contents to a third party Plagiarism is crime, and please be aware that there is a case of termination of the contract and legal procedures when such act including "copy and paste" would be discovered.
...in Japanese or English. ・Personal identification verification may be asked during recruiting process. ■納品ファイルの形式 / Delivery Form 納品形式のPDFファイルをお送りします。 We will send an PDF file . ■禁止事項 / Prohibition ・既存のコンテンツや既に提出した内容をそのまま転用する行為 ・自動翻訳ツールやソフトで翻訳・作成したものをそのまま転用する行為 ・業務詳細内容を、第三者へ転載/漏洩する行為 盗作は犯罪にあたり、コピー&ペースト等が発覚した際は契約の打ち切り及び法的手続を取る場合があることを御認識ください。 ・Copying or rewriting of any existing content or article already submitted ・Submitting products that copied from any result from automatic translation tools or software ・Reprinting or leaking of any contents to a third party Plagiarism is crime, and please be aware that there is a case of termination of the contract and legal procedures when such act including "copy and paste" would be discovered.
...in Japanese or English. ・Personal identification verification may be asked during recruiting process. ■納品ファイルの形式 / Delivery Form 納品形式のPDFファイルをお送りします。 We will send an PDF file . ■禁止事項 / Prohibition ・既存のコンテンツや既に提出した内容をそのまま転用する行為 ・自動翻訳ツールやソフトで翻訳・作成したものをそのまま転用する行為 ・業務詳細内容を、第三者へ転載/漏洩する行為 盗作は犯罪にあたり、コピー&ペースト等が発覚した際は契約の打ち切り及び法的手続を取る場合があることを御認識ください。 ・Copying or rewriting of any existing content or article already submitted ・Submitting products that copied from any result from automatic translation tools or software ・Reprinting or leaking of any contents to a third party Plagiarism is crime, and please be aware that there is a case of termination of the contract and legal procedures when such act including "copy and paste" would be discovered.
...in Japanese or English. ・Personal identification verification may be asked during recruiting process. ■納品ファイルの形式 / Delivery Form 納品形式のPDFファイルをお送りします。 We will send an PDF file . ■禁止事項 / Prohibition ・既存のコンテンツや既に提出した内容をそのまま転用する行為 ・自動翻訳ツールやソフトで翻訳・作成したものをそのまま転用する行為 ・業務詳細内容を、第三者へ転載/漏洩する行為 盗作は犯罪にあたり、コピー&ペースト等が発覚した際は契約の打ち切り及び法的手続を取る場合があることを御認識ください。 ・Copying or rewriting of any existing content or article already submitted ・Submitting products that copied from any result from automatic translation tools or software ・Reprinting or leaking of any contents to a third party Plagiarism is crime, and please be aware that there is a case of termination of the contract and legal procedures when such act including "copy and paste" would be discovered.
記事の執筆 旅に役立つ情報や旅関連の情報の記事を作成してほしいです。 旅人に使えるガジェットや旅を収益に結びつける方法など専門的な事の方がよりいいです。 海外から情報発信を行なっている様に記事書いて頂きたいです。
こんにちは itsdaniyalshah、あなたのプロフィールを拝見しました。私のプロジェクトをオファーしたいです。詳細についてはチャットで話し合うことができます。hi!please accept this.1article 1 doolor and 20 article limit is !:)
こんにちは itsdaniyalshah、あなたのプロフィールを拝見しました。私のプロジェクトをオファーしたいです。詳細についてはチャットで話し合うことができます。hi!please accept this.1article 1 doolor and 20 article limit is !:)
こんにちは rhizzha1120、あなたのプロフィールを拝見しました。私のプロジェクトをオファーしたいです。詳細についてはチャットで話し合うことができます。please do 14 article left!thanks!
◆概要 作業手順、チェックリスト、Todoリストの作成と、それを紹介する1200文字以上の記事を作成して頂きます。質の高い記事を作成してくださった方には、月に10~20の記事を依頼します。終了時期は定めず、数年間続く予定です。 ◆価格 入稿して頂く記事の品質(クオリティ)が高ければ、単価もアップします。 良文で、長文であるほど、単価をアップします。 スタートの単価は、1000文字以上で、1文字1円です。 上限単価は定めてませんが、1文字5円まではあると考えてください。 良い記事を継続的に得ることがもっとも最優先です。 そのため、記事の下部には、ライターのプロフィールを掲載し、Lancersやその他のクラウドソーシングサイトでの顧客獲得につながるように、微力ではありますが貢献することも可能です。 ◆作業手順、チェックリスト、Todoリストの要件 皆さんの仕事でも手順が決まっている仕事ってありますよね。 例えば何か新しい案件を受注した場合に、 売上を売上表に記入 受注指示 先方に電話して取材日をフィックス 別の部署に報告 チェックシートを修正 チェックシートを先方に提出 開始を先方に連絡 みたいな感じである程度フローが決まっている場合って多いと思うんですよね。 書いていただきたいのは、このようにGTDに準拠した「タスクの実行を具体的にイメージできるレベルまで細分化したリスト」を募集しています。 ◆注意事項 ・文字数は1200字以上です。 ・誤字脱字に注意してください。 ・コピペは厳禁です。(15文字以上連続で他サイトから引用しないでください) ・見出し、小見出し、本文は関連性を持たせてください。 ・個別の企業・店舗にフォーカスしないでください。 ・求人情報をのせないでください。 ・敬体(ですます調)にて執筆...
I am looking for a freelancer with great Enslish writing skill to introduce originally created 「New English Pronuncation Symbols」to the world. English native prefered. The prospective ariticle will be on my HP with your name (nickname can be accepted).
海外からの旅行者に向けた日本の観光紹介記事を、英語で書いて頂ける方を募集します。英語のライティングがネイティブレベルであること、英語でのSEO対策も行えることが必要となります。多くのコンテンツを必要としているため、1記事だけではなく継続して複数記事を書いて頂ける方にお願いしたいと考えております。宜しくお願い足します。(*お仕事を依頼させて頂く前に一度記事サンプルを頂き、確認後にご依頼させて頂きます。) We need who can write articles on Japan in English for tourists from foreign countries. Native English skill (especially writing) and SEO skill are essentials. We would like to offer who can continue to create contents for a long period. And before working, you have to submit a sample article for checking your skill.
We need a web designer for a Japanese travel company. So, the individual also needs to speak native-level Japanese
I would like a native Japanese to write 10 articles explaining English grammar in Japanese. The articles will be used as blog content. An example of an article would be "The difference between "will" and "be going to". 母国語が日本語の方に、日本語で英語の文法説明文を10通り書いていただきたいです。記事はブログに使われます。例えば「willとbe going toの違い」など英文法をわかりやすく日本語で説明した記事を書いて下さい。
【毎月の定期的な収入にいかがですか?】スマホコーディング(20ページ前後) すでにあるブログのようなPCサイト(20P前後)があって、 それをスマホ化するコーディングする案件があります。 (ただの流し込みページも多く含まれます) 毎月定期的に3~5件ほど受注しているので、 定期的な収入に良いと思います。 計測タグを入れたり、細かいルールがあり、 最初はルールを憶えるのに少し大変ですが、 1~2件こなすと慣れると思いますので楽だと思います。 細かい仕事なので、正確で迅速にご対応していただける方を探しております。 多数のウェブエンジニア・プログラマの方からのご連絡・ご応募お待ちしております。
すでにあるブログのようなPCサイト(20P前後)があって、 それをスマホ化するコーディングする案件があります。 (ただの流し込みページも多く含まれます) 毎月定期的に3~5件ほど受注しているので、 定期的な収入に良いと思います。 計測タグを入れたり、細かいルールがあり、 最初はルールを憶えるのに少し大変ですが、 1~2件こなすと慣れると思いますので楽だと思います。 細かい仕事なので、正確で迅速にご対応していただける方を探しております。
=== project summary === Emails from Google Alert are registered on a table of MySQL everyday. We need PHP script that read these emails via cron, and auto post as wordpress article. On front-page, the website should have 30 new articles. And other article's link are needed on pages that have 30 links. We also need sitemap of all articles for visitors and google (xml). For design, wordpress default template is OK. But we need responsive design, we'll check under 320px, 640px and PC's resolution of width. === required pages === Front page New articles from 31 to 60 New articles from 61 to 90 (From 91, follow these URL) Article's detail Sitemap
日本語の母語話者だけ。外国人に翻訳された短い調査をより自然、適当な日本語で書き直す仕事です。字数は約2500-3000だ。締め切りは水曜日の午前8時までです(日本時)。For Japanese native speakers only.
こんにちは、日本の皆様、現在香港で住んでいる。Freelancerです。 今、私はBrand Buyer(Sales)とか、Display Designとか、Travel Writerとか、日本関係あるの仕事を探している。 もし興味あれば、是非連絡してください。 こちらは私の日本語BLOGです。[[Posting of contact information is prohibited by Site Administrators.]] 宜しくお願い致します。ありがとうございます。
SEOマーケティング(オフページ)のスペシャリスト募集 旅行関連サイトのオーソリティ構築を担当してくれるSEOのプロを募集しています。日本語サイトから当社サイト複数ページへの質の高いリンク獲得をお手伝いしていただく仕事です。 必要なスキル:日本語のネイティブで、かつ当社担当者と英語でコミュニケーションができる方。コンテンツの制作、リンク構築、キーワード調査ができ、日本のインターネット業界に精通していること。 条件・予算:1ヵ月約3,000~5,000 豪ドル (経験により応相談)。6ヶ月の試用期間がありますが、長くお仕事をしてくださる方を募集しています。 Quality Off-Page SEO Ad: We are looking for an SEO professional that can help us build the authority of our travel website in Japan. Someone that can help us build diverse and high quality links from relevant Japanese websites pointing to different pages of our site. Skills required: Native Japanese speaker, good English, Content writing, Link building, Keyword research, In depth knowledge of the Japanese Internet landscape. Conditions and Approximate budget: $3000 - $5000 AUD on a mont...
As a travel company, we are in need of a bespoke CRM software that will primarily focus on booking management. This software should be capable of assisting us in tracking and managing our bookings, ensuring efficient operations and excellent customer service. Key Features Needed: - Centralized Booking Management: The software should enable us to manage all our bookings in one place. - Customer Tracking: It should also have the capability to track customer interactions and feedback. In terms of sales and marketing, our primary channels include: - Email Campaigns: We regularly reach out to our customers and potential clients via email. - Social Media: We have a strong presence on various social media platforms. - Phone Sales: Our sales team also relies heavily on phone sales. There...
I'm seeking a skilled 2D animator...strong background in anime-style animation. The project involves designing and animating characters for a short film. Key Responsibilities: - Character Design: Create appealing, anime-style characters that fit within the narrative of the short film. - Animatic: Bring these characters to life through animatic. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in 2D animation with a portfolio showcasing anime-style work. - Experience in character design. - Previous work on short films highly desirable. - Ability to understand and interpret story-related character requirements. If you have a passion for anime and animation, and can deliver quality work within a deadline, I would love to hear from you. Please write "This is for me"...
I'm looking for someone to scour the web and find me some of the most incredible online gambling win videos on YouTube. Requirements: - Video Format: All videos must be in MP4 format. - Video Length: Each video should be on point with YouTube/IG shorts length. -Video Footage: All clips should start just a couple short moments before the most exciting part of the gambling moment in the video. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in video searching on YouTube. - Familiar with online gambling content and popular influencers. - Able to compile and deliver in specified format. If you want to stand out in the listing, choosing a YouTube channel listed below and making sample clips of their gambling highlights would be perferred. - Vegasmatt -TOGI -cabrzy -StevenBridges
I am looking for a resource with following JD (please read the JD properly and the geo location of the candidate) , do let me know if any one interested. Candidates from Bangladesh only, the project has Bangla spoken skills . It might also need a travel to Malaysia and Singapore onsite where needed. Job Summary: We are seeking a highly skilled Senior Flutter Developer with 7–8 years of professional experience in mobile application development, including extensive expertise in Flutter and Dart. The ideal candidate will possess a strong portfolio showcasing proven work in developing complex, high-performance mobile applications. This role requires in-depth knowledge of cross-platform development, leadership in project delivery, and a passion for creating seamless user experie...
Want to program a trading strategy for ninjatrader8 KK STRATEGY FOR NINJATRADER 8 Overview 1.1 1. On dashboard need ON / OFF switch To turn ON and OFF the strategy 2. Need switch Dashboard to go LONG or SHORT or AUTO which pick up trade in both direction 3. Need a switch to move SL to breakeven or plus a couple of ticks. Trail switch which when click change to Swing Trail or Bar Trail 4. Need News Filter Switch on dashboard. If this switch ON strategy should not enter a trade 2 min before and after any News and same on each market open. 6 ENTRIES 4a) AUTO A - Reversal Bar Entry: Enter trade when there is a REVERSAL Candle appears with SL and TP as Per Entry 1 MAIN Settings on Top Of This Page 4b) AUTO B - TOP and BOTTOM of Bar Entry: Enter a trade on ...
...web developer to build a classic and professional PHP website for my travel agency. The site should include a comprehensive package booking system and an admin panel. Key Requirements: - Real-time availability checking: The booking system should be able to show real-time availability of travel packages. - Package customization options: Users should be able to customize their travel packages. The site should have a classic and professional user interface. It needs to be user-friendly and easy to navigate. Please note, I do not require any payment methods to be integrated at this time. Instead, I need an enquiry and booking form. Ideal Skills: - Strong proficiency in PHP and web development. - Experience in creating travel agency websites or booking systems....
I'm looking for a video editor who can create 5 short, professional video clips from a 2 hour zoom session. The clips will be posted on Instagram and should highlight key talking points from the session. Ideal Skills: - Video editing - Social media content creation - Understanding of professional tone Experience: - Prior work with creating content for Instagram - Experience with editing Zoom sessions - Demonstrated ability to highlight key points in videos
Job Description: We are seeking experienced photographers located in North America, Australia, or Europe to capture 5,000 high-resolution images of construction sites, workers, and equipment. The images will be used for an AI hazard identification system and must showcase diverse construction sc...Project Details: • Scope: 5,000 unique photos per region, delivered in organized batches • Budget: Negotiable based on experience and project scope. • Timeline: Immediate start, with flexible delivery deadlines. How to Apply: Please submit the following: 1. A portfolio showcasing relevant industrial or construction photography. 2. Your location and confirmation that you can work locally (no travel required). 3. Your pricing structure. 4. Any questions or suggestion...
I'm seeking a skilled PHP developer with experience in working with MySQL and Cassandra. The task involves creating a succinct PHP script that can: - Continuously read user data from MySQL and write it into Cassandra. - Read user data from Cassandra and write it back into MySQL. The environment for testing is already set up locally, and the task is expected to be completed within 2 hours. The data transfer process does not require any transformations; the user data will be directly transferred without adjustments. Given the short time frame and nature of the task, I appreciate freelancers who have prior working experience with this kind of project. Your understanding of both databases and PHP is key to the success of this project. Looking forward to your bids.
I run a gaming server networking "company" called bedside and I'm in need of a short, minimalistic logo animation. The logo features a bed, representing 'bedside', with the 'i' looking like a person. The animation should encapsulate our company ethos and be suitable for a gaming audience. I have a short storyboard outlining my vision for the animation. Key Requirements: - Animation style: Minimalistic - Color scheme: Neutral and calming - Emphasis: The bed design and the person should be the most prominent aspect of the animation. - Sound: I'm looking for short sound effects (I have ideas) to accompany the animation. - Output: The final product should include a background and a png. Ideal candidates should have experience in cr...
A short video editing project here’s the TnC for this project ya • 2 days editing • 2 revision max • File output 1 (.mp4) Full HD • Duration +- 6 min • Final Full HD export send after payment
...Recommendations: Incorporate these findings into paramedic training programs. Visuals Graphs/Charts: Survey results, comparison of confidence levels. Images: Training scenarios, role-play sessions. Diagrams: Study design, data collection process. References Cite all sources used in your research. Design Tips Layout: Follow a logical flow from left to right, top to bottom. Text: Use bullet points and short paragraphs for clarity. Font: Use a sans-serif font like Arial or Helvetica; ensure readability from a distance. Colors: Use a simple, consistent color palette with good contrast. White Space: Leave enough space between sections to avoid clutter. Additional Sections (if space allows) Ethical Considerations: Address risks and ethical approval. Limitations: Discuss potential biase...
Looking for a software solution that can manage high volume transactional emails effectively. We are a small business with a database of around 20k contacts. We've used basic email-hosting so far but aren't able to send out enough emails at a time. We have an automating system to actually send out the emails but our servers are constantly out of capacity and dont allow us to send out in short periods of time. as we send out a very high volume of emails, our email end up in spam too often which we'd like to get fixed. We're also looking for an effective alternative for Mailchimp. Ideally, we would keep our existing email-addresses (5 email addresses) and "transfer" to a system that can handle more volume. So we don't need a software really, but...
I'm seeking a skilled writer to craft a compelling, narrative-style article about the 1989 Sheila Young alien abduction. The article should be structured in chronological order, providing a clear, step-by-step account of the events. The primary aim of this article is to inform readers about the abduction, so it should be thorough and factual, whilst maintaining an engaging tone throughout. Key Requirements: - Excellent command of the English language - Proven experience in writing narrative-style articles - Ability to structure content chronologically - Strong research skills to ensure factual accuracy - Commitment to original content - no AI usage tolerated.
Location: Acacia Ridge (Hybrid work available) Contract Length: 2 weeks (38 hours per week), with potential for extension We are seeking a resilient and results-driven Telemarketer/Appointment Setter to join our team for a short-term contract role. This is an exciting opportunity for someone with proven experience in cold calling and appointment setting, particularly within the HR and Recruitment industries. As our sole telemarketer, you will play a key role in driving our recruitment and HR services across three essential functions: labour hire and temp recruitment, permanent recruitment, and HR services. Key Responsibilities: Cold Calling: Reach out to potential clients and candidates to set appointments, engaging them with professionalism and enthusiasm. Objection Handling: Us...
Looking for an Airbnb Property Manager to help me optimize my property listings and pricing. The ideal candidate should be experienced in managing listings for 1-2 properties and able to handle daily guest inquiries and issues. Services required include listing optimization and pricing. You will work 1 hour a day at $4/hour for training and hours will increase as you learn! I have 2...optimize my property listings and pricing. The ideal candidate should be experienced in managing listings for 1-2 properties and able to handle daily guest inquiries and issues. Services required include listing optimization and pricing. You will work 1 hour a day at $4/hour for training and hours will increase as you learn! I have 20 other positions available as well, from event planning to travel...
I'm looking for a reporter to cover a lawsuit at the courthouse. The report should be written in an objective and factual style, focusing on the background of the case and the involved parties. Ideal Skills: - Excellent reporting and writing skills - Ability to present complex legal matters in an understandable way - Strong understanding of journalistic ethics and objectivity - Experie...background of the case and the involved parties. Ideal Skills: - Excellent reporting and writing skills - Ability to present complex legal matters in an understandable way - Strong understanding of journalistic ethics and objectivity - Experience in covering legal proceedings - Ability to meet tight deadlines Please, only apply if you can deliver a high-quality, factual and well-structured written ...
...both luxury and lifestyle items with confidence. • Portfolio Required: Please provide digital or physical photos or videos that demonstrate your modeling abilities. • Team Player: A positive attitude and willingness to collaborate with photographers and the creative team. • Long-Term Commitment: Interest in becoming a consistent face for our brand and growing with us. Willingness to potentially travel to other cities in India for a photo shoot. Interview Process: 1. Part One: Meet us over coffee on January 30th to discuss the role and evaluate alignment with our vision. 2. Part Two: Participate in a test shoot the following week where you’ll model 2–3 different outfits to demonstrate your professionalism and ability to collaborate with our photograph...
I'm working on a poignant student short film about an artist trying to keep his daughter's memory alive through painting. I need a talented 2D animator to help tell this emotional story. What I need from you: - Subtle, Digital 2D animation where a painting appears to draw itself, with lines and colors gradually coming to life to reflect the emotion of the scene. - A visually simple but impactful approach, suitable for a low-budget project. What I offer: - A creative collaboration on a touching project, with considerable artistic freedom. - An opportunity for your work to be showcased on screen and contribute to a powerful narrative. - Compensation that fits within a student budget, to be discussed. This project is primarily about conveying the emotion of sadness throug...
...work. - Dependability and Trustworthiness: We need someone with integrity. Deliver what you commit to. - Collaborative Attitude: Ability to work well with models, stylists, and a team to achieve outstanding results. - Detail-Oriented Professionalism: A sharp eye for composition, lighting, and aesthetics. - Long-Term Commitment: A genuine interest in growing a business. Willingness to potentially travel to other cities in India to lead photo shoots. Interview Process: 1. Part One: Meet us over coffee on January 30th to discuss the role, share your photography & videography portfolio, and ensure our personalities and goals align. 2. Part Two: The following week, participate in a test shoot where you’ll photograph 2–3 models in different attire (up to 20 images) w...