Vbscript data mysql server web page仕事


    2,000 vbscript data mysql server web page 見つかった仕事

    リモートワーカー向けの求人サイトのシステムを開発したいと考えており、 システムエンジニアの方々を募集します。 お仕事の詳細: ▽システム開発依頼の目的・概要 リモートワーカー向け求人サイトを新規で立ち上げたいと考えております。 デザイン制作は当社の方で用意いたしますので、 システムの設計から、構築までお願い致します。 ▽参考システム(サイト) サイトURL: ▽システム開発に利用するプログラミング言語 ・使用言語: PHP など ・MYSQL等データベース技術 ・サーバ構築、管理の技術(クラウドサーバーなど) ▽重要視する点・経験 ・業務用のシステム開発・システム設計の経験 ・フレームワークによる開発/ライブラリ開発の経験があると尚可 ・拡張性・生産性の高いコーディング力 ・クライアント企業とのコミュニケーションに慣れている方 ・秘密保持契約を結べる方 ▽注意点・禁止事項 ※開発したシステムに関する情報を第三者に漏洩すること ▽その他コメント ※実際のシステム開発の進め方・別途詳細は、メッセージでやりとりして決められればと思います。 ※このお仕事以降も、継続的に追加で開発依頼をさせていただくことも可能です。 たくさんのシステムエンジニアの方からのご連絡・ご応募お待ちしております。 ********************************************************** ボリューム感としては 参考サイトに記載したURLのサイトと同等のモノを作成したいと考えております。 ざっくりですが、 ・求人情報表示 ・求人検索 ・ユーザー管理 ・企業側ユーザー管理 ・企業側求人作成 ・企業側求人管理 ・企業ーユーザー間の連絡管理

    $1385 Average bid
    $1385 平均入札額
    11 入札

    【 Androidアプリ開発者募集 】 Android向けに開発したいと考えており、 エンジニア・プログラマの方を募集します。 お仕事の詳細: ▽使用するプログラミング言語 ・Javaのスキル ・MySQL / PostgreSQLなどのデータベース技術 ・サーバサイドの技術があれば尚可(vps、クラウドサーバーなど) ▽重要視する点・開発経験 ・Android SDK、Javaでのスマートフォンアプリ開発経験 ・Android端末に対する深い理解(特にGalasySシリーズなどのメジャーなスマートフォン) ・AndroidOSに関する理解 ・クライアント企業とのコミュニケーションに慣れている方 ▽注意点・禁止事項 ※他で登録されているデザインや商標の転用など、他社の知的財産権を侵すこと ※他のクライアントへ既に提案した内容の転用など ▽その他コメント ※実際のAndroidアプリ開発の進め方・別途詳細は、クラウドワークスのメッセージでやりとりして決められればと思います。 ※ご希望があれば、このお仕事以降も、Android版の開発など継続的に追加で依頼をさせていただく可能性もあります。 たくさんのエンジニア・プログラマの方からのご連絡・ご応募お待ちしております。

    $2707 Average bid
    $2707 平均入札額
    17 入札

    Please to recover the 500 Internal Server Error that occurred in the construction sites in Magento. 500 Internal Server Error is now displayed in normal operation to have a site that has been built with magento. I do not remember such as changes to the file. Only the 500 Internal Server Error front end of the site is displayed. Back office is normal operation and normally displayed. Also with reference to the existing DB by installing a new magento files become 500 Internal Server Error. I will be get 500 Internal Server Error in DB creation time when I try to fresh installation with the new DB and file. I tried it. Change permissions using the magento-cleanup.php. Installation condition confirmation using the magento-check.php. Delete of .h...

    $76 Average bid
    $76 平均入札額
    12 入札

    ... We are continue to develop CS system, MS SQL +SSIS ,SSRS of server side and PHP front with IIS. All MS solution based. We have Server side engineer in house. we have test server with dummy data, you can try from remote. development can do english based with skype, github,mail and so on. We hope to good offshore appications. Thanks now we are searching below project enginner. 1 upgrade SQL server SSIS import program2005 to 2012 SSIS side is improt form CSV to DB, job lancher is C# based. Req Skill C# 2000, SSIS, SQL 2 upgarde SSRS program 2005 to 2012 small customizing upgarde checking. over 100 report should upgarde 3 php with sql add new searching view etc stored exec, view,dbo, will be made by server side so you onl...

    $320 Average bid
    $320 平均入札額
    3 入札

    MYSQLサーバーと連携させて、twitterクローンアプリの制作。 実装する機能はtwitterの持つ機能+αです。 UIのデザインはこちらで用意致します。システム部分の構築をお願い致します。

    $14 Average bid
    $14 平均入札額
    2 入札

    ...対応したデータが取得できること 3. 海外ゲームタイトルであっても取得可能であること 4. 1日に1回バッチを回した際、以前に取得したことがない記事をリストとして取得できること 5. 記事のタイトル・サムネイル・記事本文の一部を取得すること ■ システム要件 1. PHP + MySQLで構築すること 2. PHP5.3で推奨されていない表現を用いないこと 3. Cronによって動作すること 4. プログラムを動かすサーバー OR dbサーバーに対して必要以上の負荷をかけないこと ■ 納品物については以下の通りとなります 1. プログラム本体の納品(PHP) 2. データの格納先DB-Tableの納品(SQLクエリ) ■ 応募条件 1. 応募時にどのような方法で実現する予定なのかを簡潔に明記してください (Ex. TwitterSerch API と Bing Serch APIを用いて実現します、など) ▽参考Webサイト サイト名:スマートニュース/newspicksなどのバックエンド ▽使用するプログラミング言語/ツール/特殊技術(テクノロジー) ・PHP(5.3) ・MySQL ▽注意点・禁止事項 ※ 他で登録されているデザインや商標の転用など、他社の知的財産権を侵すこと ※ 商用利用できないライセンスのプログラムを用いること ※ ▽その他コメント ※実際のWebサイト開発/アプリケーション開発の進め方・別途詳細は、  クラウドワークスのメッセージでやりとりして決められればと思います。 ※マイルストーン払いにも対応いたします。

    $179 Average bid
    $179 平均入札額
    2 入札


    $315 Average bid
    $315 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I would like the calendar to display the price using the data from the Excel document. This is part of the fixed price , in order to cover all the latest tables. Currently I am using PHP Excel, to migrate to MySQL if possible. MySQL 5.5 PHP 5.2 Basically: I want to display the captured data in XLS (Excel) to MySQL in calendar form. PS. if there is the necessary support, we can do this monthly PPS. For the test site , I can prepare it in the same server. ---------------------------------------------------------------- エクセルファイルのデータを使って料金をカレンダー表示したい。 料金を一部変えることは無く、最新のシートですべて上書きする。 現在はPHPExcelを使っている。 できればMySQLに移行したい。 MySQLは5.5 PHPは5.2 ・XLSをMySQLに取り込む ・取り込んだデータをカレンダー状に表示する 月を区切るためにエクセルになにか追記が必要な場合...

    $393 Average bid
    $393 平均入札額
    10 入札

    ...今回のみ、開発をお願い致します。 ECサイトの出店先 独自サイト 参考サイト 希望する色 赤系 重視する点 予算、クオリティ、業務経験・知識、実績評価 希望開発言語 PHP、JavaScript CMS導入 特に希望はありませんので、相談して決めさせていただければと思います。 補足説明 ▽利用するECカート 現在はCakePHPを使用しております。 SEOに強い新しいフレームワークに移行をしたく ご提案を希望します。 サーバーはできればクラウドサーバーを使用したく メリットとデメリットもあわせてご提案をお待ちしております。 ▽ECサイト/ネットショップの制作に使用するプログラミング言語 ・PHPなどのプログラミングスキル ・HTML / CSSなどのコーディングスキル ・MySQLなどのデータベース技術 ・JavaScript(jQuery)の技術 ・サーバ構築、管理の技術があれば尚可(VPS、クラウドサーバーなど) ▽重要視する点・経験 ・Skypeのビデオ面談に対応していただけるかた(必須)<=最初に ・Skypeもしくはチャットワークスで連絡が取れる方(必須) ・納期をしっかりと守っていただける方 ・クライアント企業とのコミュニケーションに慣れている方

    $2296 Average bid
    $2296 平均入札額
    14 入札

    求人サイト制作。 PHP・MySQL必須 ユーザー登録と閲覧者登録機能

    $170 - $510
    $170 - $510
    0 入札

    現在、弊社ではユーザー直、代理店案件含めまして、受託、常駐案件ともに多数ございます。 PHP、Java、Oracle、C#、Ruby、SAPが中心ですが、事業拡大に伴い現在、パートナーを探しております。 SAP案件、Java、PHP案件、LAMP(Linux、Apache、MySQL、PostgreSQL)案件、VC++、C言語案件、VB、C#.NET、COBOL、Ruby案件、PM(プロジェクトマネージャー)、PL(プロジェクトリーダー)など受託、常駐で開発案件のご協力をして頂ける方の募集で御座います。 制御系・組み込み系から企業の情報システム、基幹システム、業務システム開発、ウェブシステム、サイト構築まで。 現在、ユーザー直の受注案件で具体的な案件内容も提示できますので、宜しければ、一度お会いしてご相談させて頂ければと思っております。

    min $3398
    min $3398
    0 入札

    ...・コメント(各ユーザーの掲示板でのやり取り数)ランキング 口コミユーザー会員 ・Facebook/Twitterアカウントログイン ・ユーザーのマイページ 留学期間、受講プログラム、学校、 留学前(TOEIC400、中学生レベルなど)、留学後(上級クラス、またはビジネス知識の習得など)、 帰国後の状態(学生、出版業界に従事、教師として勤務など) ・ユーザー同士でメッセージをやり取りできる機能 ・ユーザーへのQ&A掲示板 企業ユーザー会員 ・企業ユーザー(レビューされる側)ログイン ・企業ページの編集可能 ■必要な対応項目 ・システム開発 ・データベース構築 ・ウェブデザイン ・コーディング ・ドメイン/サーバーの取得はこちらで行いますので、設定をお願いします。 ・SEO (可能であれば) ■使用言語 WordPressを想定しているので、PHP, MySQL ■ 重視する点/検討基準 ・実績 ・クオリティ ・予算 ■その他 サイトのコンテンツ、素材などは弊社にて用意致します。 ある程度ユーザーを獲得できた後、SNSシステムの強化を考えているので、 拡張性のあるシステムをお願いします。 設定している予算や納期は目安です。必要に応じてご提案いただけますと幸いです。 またWordPress、PHPなどを考えていますが、他に良い方法があれば、 ご提案いただければ検討致します。 提案にあたり不明点があれば、お気軽にご質問ください。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    0 入札

    WEBシステム開発のお仕事です。 (求められるスキル) ・PHP ・WEBデザイン ・グラフィック ・MySQL ・HTML (ジャンル) ・教育 ・ジョブマッチング ・ソフトウェア ・エンターテイメント ・医療

    $369 Average bid
    $369 平均入札額
    5 入札

    === project summary === Emails from Google Alert are registered on a table of MySQL everyday. We need PHP script that read these emails via cron, and auto post as wordpress article. On front-page, the website should have 30 new articles. And other article's link are needed on pages that have 30 links. We also need sitemap of all articles for visitors and google (xml). For design, wordpress default template is OK. But we need responsive design, we'll check under 320px, 640px and PC's resolution of width. === required pages === Front page New articles from 31 to 60 New articles from 61 to 90 (From 91, follow these URL) Article's detail Sitemap

    $357 Average bid
    $357 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I'm seeking a skilled copywriter who can help me craft an engaging, casual tone for our 'About Us' page. This is primarily website copy, and the purpose is to connect with our audience on a personal level. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven experience in website copywriting, particularly for 'About Us' pages - Exceptional understanding of casual, relatable tone - Ability to convey business values in a friendly, accessible way - Strong editing and proofreading skills - SEO knowledge is a plus

    $390 Average bid
    $390 平均入札額
    49 入札

    ...simple, one-page website that collects basic information from potential investors. The page will feature my logo at the top and a few sentences that I'll provide. Key Requirements: - Collect information such as Full Name, Email Address, and Investment Amount from investors (specific fields can be discussed) - Show a confirmation message after an investor submits their information - Adhere to my branding guidelines for the design Ideal Skills and Experience: - Web Development: Experience in creating simple, user-friendly web pages - UX/UI Design: Ability to design a page that aligns with my branding guidelines - Understanding of form handling: Knowledge of how to collect and manage user-submitted data Please note, the specifics of the inf...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I am looking for a developer to create a crypto gateway server application. The purpose of this application is to convert M0 funds to USDT on the Global Server. Key Requirements: - Experience in crypto server application development. - Knowledge of currency conversion processes. - Familiarity with global server systems. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in server-side programming languages. - Strong understanding of cryptocurrency and digital funds. - Excellent problem-solving and troubleshooting skills. Please note, the specifics of the platform and security features have not been determined yet. Your input on these aspects will be valuable. Also, the payment methods the server should support for this conversion will need to be discussed further.

    $523 Average bid
    $523 平均入札額
    39 入札

    يتطلب مشروع تصميم صفحة هبوط مخصصة لجذب الزوار وتحفيزهم على اتخاذ إجراء معين مثل الاشتراك أو شراء منتج ويجب صفحة تكون عصرية وسهلة الاستخدام الاهداف الأساسية تصميم جذاب ومتجاوب تحقيق الهدف الأساسي سرعة تحميل تحسين تجربة المستخدم

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr 平均入札額
    19 入札

    ...simple, one-page website that collects basic information from potential investors. The page will feature my logo at the top and a few sentences that I'll provide. Key Requirements: - Collect information such as Full Name, Email Address, and Investment Amount from investors (specific fields can be discussed) - Show a confirmation message after an investor submits their information - Adhere to my branding guidelines for the design Ideal Skills and Experience: - Web Development: Experience in creating simple, user-friendly web pages - UX/UI Design: Ability to design a page that aligns with my branding guidelines - Understanding of form handling: Knowledge of how to collect and manage user-submitted data Please note, the specifics of the inf...

    $36 Average bid
    $36 平均入札額
    27 入札

    I'm looking to develop a comprehensive mobile and web application for B2B freight forwarding networking. This subscription-based platform, with a unique 'coins recharge' system, will facilitate global meetings for individuals representing various companies. Key Features: - Video Conferencing: This will enable face-to-face interactions and discussions, mimicking real-world meetings. - Messaging System: An integrated messaging system for instant communication and coordination. - Event Scheduling: A user-friendly event scheduling feature for planning and organizing meetings. The ideal developer for this project should have extensive experience in building interactive mobile and web apps, with a particular focus on B2B platforms. A strong understanding of integr...

    $637 Average bid
    $637 平均入札額
    13 入札

    I'm looking for a professional to help me set up my restaurant's TripAdvisor page from scratch. All content is ready, including detailed descriptions and customer service scripts. What I have at my disposal is a series of high-quality photos of the restaurant, its dishes, and its staff, but no videos. Skills and experience that would be ideal for this job include: - Prior experience with creating business profiles on TripAdvisor. - Knowledge of SEO and online visibility strategies. - Excellent understanding of customer interaction management on TripAdvisor. - Proficiency in curating visual content for an appealing, professional page. Your task will be to create an engaging, attractive TripAdvisor page that accurately represents my restaurant and attracts p...

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr 平均入札額
    11 入札

    1-Page Website for Metal Scaffolding and Construction Company Key Features: Professional Design showcasing services, expertise, and contact info. Client, Contact Details, Simple Forms, Blog & Events, Projects, About & Services Sections. Google Maps Integration for location. Fully Responsive (desktop & mobile-friendly). SEO Optimized for better search visibility. Looking forward to your response!

    $13 Average bid
    $13 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I need a Shopify expert to modify the code of my custom theme. I want to display 50 products per page on my collections pages, instead of the current limit of 30. This change only needs to apply for collection pages; search results or other pages do not require this adjustment. Ideally, you should: - Have extensive experience with Shopify and its coding language. - Be able to navigate and modify custom themes. - Understand how to apply changes to specific sections of a site. Please note that my collections pages do not have any custom filters or sorting options, which should simplify your task. I look forward to your proposals.

    $23 Average bid
    $23 平均入札額
    38 入札

    I need a single page website that serves as an informational hub for specific finance industry professionals . It is a placeholder for a page for my insight solution before I launch The page is extremely simple and will mimic the format of below. I will provide a page with exact wording, logo, style guide etc. it should have a where people can register their interest and get in touch similar to below Key Details: - The website should be tailored to cater to finance industry professionals, hence it should include industry-specific language, data, and insights to engage this audience. - It should be designed and developed with a clean, professional aesthetic that reflects the standards and expectations of the finance sector. - SEO optimization and mo...

    $146 Average bid
    $146 平均入札額
    92 入札

    Maximum Budget: 30 USD Please refrain from bidding if you do not agree with the budget. Secondary Project: Update an existing landing page, convert it to HTML with a plugin, and upload it to cPanel. This task is minor and will be included as part of the main project. Main Project: Create a simple landing page and present it for approval before finalizing. Additionally, configure the email to send and receive messages using the domain. Platforms to be used: Ionos, cPanel, and WordPress.

    $46 Average bid
    $46 平均入札額
    49 入札

    I am looking for freelancers from Spain to complete a simple task involving a landing page. Here are the details: Once selected for the job, I will provide you with a landing page link. You need to visit the landing page and complete tasks by clicking on three links provided on the page. Survey work, submit a pin, Apple iOS Pin-Submit The task must be done using an Apple iOS device only. Desktop or Android devices are not allowed for this task. Requirements: You must be a resident of Spain. Use an Apple iOS device to complete the task. Proof of completion (e.g., screenshots) must be submitted. Budget: $6 for the entire task. If you're interested, please apply, and I will provide further details upon selection.

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 入札

    mysql sma & ema Stored Procedure for Financial Metrics

    $41 Average bid
    $41 平均入札額
    1 入札

    will create a complete about us page for your website in less than 24 hours for only 5000 INR

    $115 Average bid
    $115 平均入札額
    1 入札

    mysql sma & ema Stored Procedure for Financial Metrics

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I'm seeking a MySQL specialist to help optimize my database primarily to reduce storage usage. The database is currently storing both text and numeric data. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with MySQL database optimization - Proficient understanding of data storage techniques Key Responsibilities: - Analyze the current database structure and usage - Implement effective strategies to reduce storage requirements without compromising data integrity

    $19 Average bid
    $19 平均入札額
    14 入札

    ... Job Title: Full-Stack Developer (Symfony, Angular, PHP, MySQL, Go) Job Description: We are looking for a skilled and passionate Full-Stack Developer to join our growing team. As a developer, you will work on designing, building, and maintaining high-quality, scalable, and robust web applications. You will collaborate closely with other developers, designers, and stakeholders to deliver features that meet both functional and technical requirements. Responsibilities: Design, develop, and maintain web applications using Symfony, PHP, Angular, and Go. Develop efficient and secure backend systems, including APIs and business logic. Build dynamic, responsive, and user-friendly frontend interfaces with Angular. Manage and optimize MySQL databases for performance,...

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr 平均入札額
    32 入札

    ...mobile-friendly and responsive design to ensure the website looks great and functions well on all devices. 7. SEO Optimization: Basic SEO optimization to improve the website's visibility on search engines. *Technical Requirements:* 1. Content Management System (CMS): We prefer a custom-built CMS or a popular CMS like WordPress. 2. Programming Languages: PHP, JavaScript, and HTML/CSS. 3. Database: MySQL or a similar relational database management system. 4. Hosting: We will provide hosting or can discuss options with you. *Timeline and Budget:* We are looking to launch the website within the next 4 TO 5 weeks. We are open to negotiations and would appreciate a detailed breakdown of your costs. *Next Steps:* If you are interested in this project, please reply with the f...

    $575 Average bid
    $575 平均入札額
    31 入札

    Description: We are looking for a skilled and reliable web developer to work with us on a daily basis for 6 to 8 hours. The role involves adding new functionality to existing websites and creating new web applications as needed. Requirements: • Proficiency in HTML, CSS, jQuery, and PHP • Experience with MySQL • Ability to develop and integrate additional features into existing websites • Knowledge of creating new web applications from scratch • Strong problem-solving and debugging skills Responsibilities: • Collaborate with our team to understand project requirements. • Implement additional features to enhance existing websites. • Build new web applications as needed. • Ensure cross-browser compatibi...

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr 平均入札額
    21 入札
    customize web page
    6 日 left

    I have a web page made. I just need to edit the content. Google ADS

    $33 Average bid
    $33 平均入札額
    50 入札

    1. Coloring Page for the Whitepaper (SafeHaven Initiative Section) Objective: Create a kid-friendly, engaging coloring page that aligns with the SafeHaven Initiative. Breakdown: Concept Design (2-3 hours): Brainstorm ideas (e.g., children helping others, community-building themes, or SafeHaven’s logo creatively integrated). Rough sketch and finalization of a design concept. Digital Illustration (5-7 hours): Create the artwork digitally using tools like Adobe Illustrator. Ensure it’s detailed but simple enough for children to color. Whitepaper Integration (1-2 hours): Format the coloring page for proper placement in the whitepaper. Ensure it’s downloadable or printable for parents and children. Total Estimated Hours: 8-12 hours

    $500 Average bid
    $500 平均入札額
    1 入札

    ...of the backend system, ensuring scalability and efficiency. Develop and maintain APIs using GraphQL and optimize database queries for MySQL. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to define technical requirements and translate them into architecture. Ensure code quality through best practices, testing, and peer reviews. Handle data modeling, migrations, and schema design for optimized database performance. Integrate third-party services and APIs as needed. Identify and address potential performance bottlenecks and security concerns. Requirements: 4-5+ years of experience in backend development with a strong focus on Nest JS and TypeScript. Proficient in MySQL database design, optimization, and management. Hands-on experience with Graph QL API development and schem...

    $1712 Average bid
    $1712 平均入札額
    8 入札

    I'm looking for a f...looking for a freelancer to create a landing page for me that focuses on lead generation. Key Requirements: - The landing page must include a contact form that captures the name and email of visitors. - The page should be optimised for lead generation with strategic placement of call-to-action buttons (though I don't want these to be overly aggressive or detract from the overall user experience). - The design should be clean, professional, and in-line with current web design trends. Ideal Skills: - Web design and development - Experience with creating lead generation landing pages - Knowledge of UX/UI principles - Proficient in creating and integrating contact forms Experience: - Proven track record of successful landing...

    $232 Average bid
    $232 平均入札額
    87 入札
    WordPress Blog Page Formatting Fix
    6 日 left

    I need a WordPress expert to help correct various formatting issues on my blog. The problems are mainly occurring on the individual blog posts and the main blog page. Specific Issues: - Text alignment problems - Image placement issues - Inconsistent font styles The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience with WordPress troubleshooting and formatting. They should be able to ensure a consistent and professional appearance across all my blog content. Please only apply if you have a proven track record with similar projects.

    $13 Average bid
    $13 平均入札額
    44 入札
    Deploy 3 CMS Sites on Linux Server
    6 日 left

    I'm looking for an expert who can deploy three PHP-based CMS sites on a Linux server for me. Key Requirements: - Proficient with Linux server management - Extensive experience with PHP-based CMS - Able to configure and optimize sites for performance Ideal Skills: - Linux system administration - PHP development - CMS deployment and management Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed. Your bid should reflect your understanding of the task and your level of expertise.

    $137 Average bid
    $137 平均入札額
    52 入札

    We are looking for a skilled and experienced WordPress developer to design a professional and user-friendly web page dedicated to investor subscriptions for our project. This platform will serve as a central hub for ambassadors-investors and potential shareholders, allowing them to: • Learn more about our project. • Review detailed investment opportunities. • Easily submit their subscription information through an interactive form. Simple menu structure including: • Home • About the Project • FAQ • Pitch Deck • Subscription • Contact The page will be in French, and we will provide all the necessary text content and detailed project information.

    $57 Average bid
    $57 平均入札額
    81 入札

    ...for a Landing Page and Ads Creative tailored for Meta Ads, primarily using Canva. The ideal candidate should understand local cultural nuances, be able to create persuasive copy in Bahasa Indonesia, and design visually appealing creatives that resonate with the Indonesian audience. Project Requirements: 1. Landing Page (Canva) - A professional, conversion-focused, and responsive design. - Clear and prominent CTAs. 2. Ads Creative (Canva) - 3 design variations for A/B Testing. - Visually appealing with persuasive text. - Consistent with product branding. Qualifications: 1. Proficient in Canva. 2. Experienced in designing for Meta Ads. 3. Understanding of conversion elements in Landing Page and Ads Creative. 4. Can speak Indonesian fluently Output: 1 Ready-to-use...

    $2126 Average bid
    $2126 平均入札額
    32 入札

    I am seeking a professional web content writer to develop a concise yet impactful 'About Us' page for my corporation. This page should primarily focus on our company history, written in a succinct manner. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in corporate content writing - Strong understanding of professional tone and style - Ability to distill complex information into clear, concise messaging - Experience writing 'About Us' pages or similar corporate web content - Understanding of web content best practices

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr 平均入札額
    31 入札

    I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer with experience in creating brochures, specifically for product showcases targeted at business partners. Key Requirements: - Design a 24-page brochure primarily aimed at promoting our physical products to potential business partners. - The design needs to be professional, engaging, and informative, highlighting the key features and benefits of our products. - Experience in product brochure design is a plus. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Brochure Design - Product Presentation - Visual Communication - Adobe Creative Suite Proficiency I'm looking for a freelancer who can create a high-quality, branded brochure that will effectively capture the interest of our business partners. Please provide samples of similar work in your bid.

    $66 Average bid
    $66 平均入札額
    11 入札

    Need help switch my email server to new IP Adresse We are blocked on gmail with our ip address ... we don´t know why but we need to be able to send to gmail addresses emails. So we need for our own email server a new ip address

    $120 Average bid
    $120 平均入札額
    13 入札
    56-Page Company Profile Redesign
    6 日 left

    I need a professional freelancer to help me redesign my company profile, which consists of 56 pages. I have some information that needs to be edited, and the current PDF file is not suitable for my needs. - Text Updates: The majority of the edits will involve updating the text content. I have the updated text ready to be inserted, so you won't need to create new content. - Modernization: The primary goal of this redesign is to modernize the look and feel of the document, as well as improving its readability and organization. - Skills and Experience: Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in graphic design and document formatting. A strong eye for detail and design is crucial, as well as proficiency in using PDF editing software. Please provide examples of simil...

    $59 Average bid
    $59 平均入札額
    52 入札

    I'm looking for a creative designer to help me design a 24-page promotional brochure aimed at my business partners. Key Requirements: - The brochure should be visually appealing and professionally designed to reflect a corporate image. - It needs to clearly communicate our value proposition and key messages to our partners. - Since we don't have an existing brand style guide, the designer will have the creative freedom to establish a suitable design language. - A good understanding of business-to-business (B2B) marketing principles would be a plus. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Brochure Design - Business Understanding - Creativity - Attention to Detail

    $62 Average bid
    $62 平均入札額
    20 入札

    I need a secure login page that authorizes users with a username and password. The page should implement Two-factor authentication (2FA) via SMS. The login system should provide access for 'User' role, while 'Admin' and 'Guest' roles will not have access. Key Requirements: - Proficient in developing secure login systems - Experience with implementing Two-factor authentication (2FA) via SMS - Ability to create a user role based access system Ideal Skills: - Web Development - Cybersecurity - User Role Management

    $16 Average bid
    $16 平均入札額
    12 入札

    I'm seeking a skilled Figma designer who can create an engaging HUD for my Landing page Key Points: - The designer will need to adhere to an existing style guide that I have. - While the specific elements of the HUD have not yet been defined, the design should be flexible enough to incorporate a variety of standard gaming HUD components, such as health and status indicators, minimaps, and weapon and ammo information. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Figma and experience with HUD design for gaming interfaces. - Ability to follow a style guide and integrate with existing design assets. - Creativity and flexibility to design a versatile HUD.

    $13 Average bid
    $13 平均入札額
    14 入札

    I'm looking for a web developer to create a multi-page website for my group, showcasing the products we deal in. Key Requirements: - Multi-Page Layout: The website will need to be structured across multiple pages, as opposed to a single-page or e-commerce layout. - Pages: The website should incorporate a Home Page, a Products Page and a Contact Us Page. - Products Page Functionality: The Products Page should contain detailed product descriptions and images. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in web development with a strong portfolio in multi-page website design. - Experience in creating visually appealing and user-friendly product pages. - Understanding of SEO principles to help boost the website&#...

    $258 Average bid
    $258 平均入札額
    41 入札

    I'm seeking a talented manga artist to create a 6-slide manga page in a traditional manga style. - Character Design: I have some character designs ready, but I need assistance in designing the main characters. - Artistic Style: The manga must be illustrated in a traditional manga style, not chibi or realistic. - Experience: Prior experience in manga creation is a must, and a portfolio showcasing similar work will be highly regarded. Please ensure your bid reflects your understanding of these requirements. I look forward to your proposals.

    $57 Average bid
    $57 平均入札額
    21 入札