Unity 3d sample games仕事
【長期契約のフリーランサー募集!】 ゲームの魅力を伝える翻訳者を募集!/Tencent ● 私たちについて: TencentのILC(Infinite Localization Center)フリーランサー人材採用チームです。ILCはTencent Games Globalにおけるローカライズを専門としており、これまで下記を含む50タイトル以上のローカライズに携わってきました。 ・Assassin's Creed: Jade ・V Rising ・Call of Duty: Mobile ・Honor of Kings ・PUBG Mobile ・勝利の女神:NIKKE ・その他の未発表タイトルなど ● 業務内容: 翻訳、校正、LQAなどの多様なローカライズ業務。 ●求めている人材: 長期契約が可能なフリーランスの方。 ● 募集中の言語ペア: ・簡体字中国語→日本語/英語/韓国語/繁体字中国語(台湾) ・英語→日本語/韓国語/ドイツ語/フランス語/ロシア語/トルコ語/アラビア語/ラテンアメリカスペイン語/ブラジルポルトガル語/タイ語/インドネシア語/マレーシア語/ビルマ語 ご応募を心よりお待ちしております。 ILCフリーランサー人材採用チーム
【事業紹介内容】 ベトナムの高い技術力と低コストのスキルを日本の中小企業に販売する 例 ・IT導入 AI映像解析で業務プロセス改善 注文書等の文書管理を電子化 製造現場からすぐにデータ入力できる製造日報アプリの導入 ・建築図面の作成 2D&3D図面作成・設計を外注 BIM/CIMオペレーターを外注 【成果報酬型】 受注数に応じて費用を支払う 成約:売上の50% 例: アプリ作成依頼の成立 100万円 営業代行報酬 50万円 【目的】 専門性・経験 定期的な進捗報告
...Engage in planned activities, occasionally prompting students to use learned words. - Add fun instructions like "Create something with red and yellow blocks" or "Let's make 2 snowmen! What colors do we need?" - Strike a balance between structured learning and creative enjoyment. 3. **Review (Approx. 5-10 minutes):** - Recap learned words, asking questions to check comprehension. Here is a sample video. 1. Minecraft English course (focus learning) 2. Let’s play Minecraft in English (focus playing) **Application Requirements:** 1. Individuals who enjoy engaging with children, prioritize their needs, and can empathize with the emotions of children. 2. Passionate individuals who love Minecraft
Hi Kazutaka, sorry it's my first time here. I have 6000 words to translate from Japanese to English, it's for a patent. deadline is 4-5 days if possible. below is a sample. Thank you ^^ 以下、この発明を図示の実施の形態に基づいて説明する。 [0027] 図1~図20は、この発明の実施の形態を示し、図1は、この実施の形態に係わる情報提供システム1を示す概略構成図である。この情報提供システム1は、広告情報や会社情報などのサブ情報をユーザUに提供するシステムであり、ユーザUのユーザ端末2と、ウェブサーバ3と、情報元サーバ4と、サービス提供サーバ(表示制御装置)5とが通信網NWを介して通信自在に接続されている。
Hi Toru O., sorry it's my first time here, please ignore the $10. I have 6000 words to translate from Japanese to English, it's for a patent. deadline is 4-5 days if possible. below is a sample. Thank you ^^ 以下、この発明を図示の実施の形態に基づいて説明する。 [0027] 図1~図20は、この発明の実施の形態を示し、図1は、この実施の形態に係わる情報提供システム1を示す概略構成図である。この情報提供システム1は、広告情報や会社情報などのサブ情報をユーザUに提供するシステムであり、ユーザUのユーザ端末2と、ウェブサーバ3と、情報元サーバ4と、サービス提供サーバ(表示制御装置)5とが通信網NWを介して通信自在に接続されている。
スマートフォンのゲーム用にキャラクターのアニメーションを制作したいと考えており、 2Dキャラクターのボーンアニメーションの得意な方を募集します。 お仕事の詳細: スマートフォンのソーシャルゲームに使用される2Dキャラクターのボーンアニメーションのお仕事です。 絵素材は全て、ボーンアニメーションに最適化されたパーツ分解されたものを支給させていただきます。 今回良い関係を築けそうな方には、継続してのお仕事依頼を考えています。 ▽動きの参考動画(実際のキャラクターのテイストは2、3等身のデフォルメキャラになります。) ▽求められるスキル Unity, Spine, Anima2D, SpriteStudio ▽重要視する点・経験 ・Spine等を使用した、2Dキャラクターのボーンアニメーションを制作した経験 ※ご応募の際にポートフォリオをお送りいただけるとありがたいです ・絵コンテや指示書から制作内容の意図を読み取る能力 ・クライアント企業とのコミュニケーションに慣れており、細かい修正点等にも対応していただける方 ・連絡をしっかり取れ、納期を守れる方 ▽注意点・禁止事項 ※他で登録されているデザインや商標の転用など、他社の知的財産権、著作権を侵すこと ※他のクライアントへ既に提案した内容の転用など ※今回の制作物を実績としてWebサイトやSNS等に投稿、掲載を行うこと(静止画、動画問わず) ▽その他コメント 制作して頂く内容についてご質問等ありましたら、お気軽にご連絡ください。 たく
■お願いしたいこと Unity C#にて不具合対策を一件お願いしたいです ■不具合詳細 戦国ものシミュレーションゲームを運営しているのですが、ユーザーから多数、クラッシュ後にデータが消えてしまい、最初のチュートリアルからとなっていまったとのメールを受け取っています。(殆どがAndroidユーザーからの報告です) 機種やOSに傾向は見受けられません。 ゲーム内容: ■データ保存方法 データ保存にはPlayerPrefsを拡張したプラグイン、「」を使用しています。 PlayerPrefsのSave()同等のFlush()メソッドは都度実施しているため、ファイル書き込みはされています。 再現も難しく、解決するのに時間がかかっており、有識者に確認していただきたいと思っており、今回依頼をさせていただきました。 宜しくお願いいたします。
お世話になります。 私は3Dモデリングを得意としております。 使用ソフトは主に blender や、ZBrush です。 ご興味のある方、ご連絡をお待ちしております。
Unityで作られたandroid アプリのファイルがあります。 グーグルプレイに乗せたいです。 リリースをお手伝いください。
日本の文様を3Dデータにモデリングしてください。 ひとつの文様のみ作成をお願いします。 とても急いでいるので、すぐに仕事に取りかかれる方を優先します。 今後、継続してお仕事を依頼する可能性があります。
Create a 3d model of the building like the one in the images
海外からの旅行者に向けた日本の観光紹介記事を、英語で書いて頂ける方を募集します。英語のライティングがネイティブレベルであること、英語でのSEO対策も行えることが必要となります。多くのコンテンツを必要としているため、1記事だけではなく継続して複数記事を書いて頂ける方に...す。多くのコンテンツを必要としているため、1記事だけではなく継続して複数記事を書いて頂ける方にお願いしたいと考えております。宜しくお願い足します。(*お仕事を依頼させて頂く前に一度記事サンプルを頂き、確認後にご依頼させて頂きます。) We need who can write articles on Japan in English for tourists from foreign countries. Native English skill (especially writing) and SEO skill are essentials. We would like to offer who can continue to create contents for a long period. And before working, you have to submit a sample article for checking your skill.
キャンドル制作のための原型を作成します。 今回は、リスを3Dモデリングしてくれる方を募集します。 提出データはSTLまたはOBJ形式を希望します。
フクロウの3Dモデリングをお願いします。 キャンドルを制作するための、原型として使用します。 よろしくお願いします。
プロダクトを商品化するにあたり、イメージをつかむための 3Dモデリングと、原型として使用できるような 3Dモデリングを制作できる方を募集いたします。 いただいたデータは3Dプリンタにて出力する予定です。 継続的にお付き合いできる方のご応募お待ちしております。 また、詳細はご応募いただいた方に追ってご連絡いたします。
...you accept the deal, if yes how much you charge? Please keep in mind its a huge project so tell me minimal so that client can also agree and work should not be given to other contractors. If yes please provide below info: - Rate Per Japanese Character: - Daily Output: Again i am telling you that its a very long project so please keep the amount as minimal as possible. please translate Sample Text: Make sure the quality should be excellent. "QD51 (高硬度耐熱耐蝕鋼)" SUS440C相当 アルマイト(白) ズブ焼き セラミック溶射 なし パーカーライジング ユニクロメッキ レイデント "低温黒色 クロムメッキ+特殊フッ素樹脂" 締付工具種類 調質 端部種類 高周波焼入(SUS440C相当 56HRC~) 高周波焼入れ 浸炭焼き 精度 両端おねじ 両端段付めねじ 片端おねじ片端めねじ 片端めねじ 熱処理 商品表示記号 焼鈍 使用用途 炭素繊維 位置決めシャフト 亜鉛メッキ 硬度 硬質アルマイト "硬質クロム メッキ" 右軸端形状 真空焼き 支柱 指定な...
AREAS OF EXPERTISE Adobe Creative Suite Photoshop In-Design Illustrator MAC CS4/CS5 Flash 3D animation PROFESSIONAL Visual Commination Creative Media PERSONAL SKILLS Problem solving Thinking creatively Attention to detail Communication skills TECHNICAL PROFICIENCY Image Editing & Graphic Designing: Adobe Photoshop CS, Illustrator, Flash Video Editing: FCP, AVID - Media composer, Adobe Premiere Pro, VFX: Adobe After Effects, 3D Max Sound Effects: Audacity, Cube Base 5, Nuendo, Protools. Operating System: MS Windows (Word, Excel, Power point) Camera Operation: Canon, Nikon Music - Western Organ Keyboard, Melodica, Singing STRENGTHS Achievement accompanied ...
画像を元にイラスト作成してください。 月に6人分を目安に長期でお願いします。 ※時期により制作していただく量が変...※応募される際は、サンプルをお送りください。(元画像とイラストデータどちらも) Need long-term illustrator to make illustrations traced from photos. Around 6 people per month, may change accordingly. Please see the attached file for sample. When hired, 1_Photo will be sent by mail. 2_Using Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, please trace the photo according to the sample attached here. 3_Zip the file and send back by mail. -Save file as Adobe Illustrator (ai) file. -Version needs to be CS5 or under. -Object color is one color (C 50, M 50, Y 70, K 0) -Do not take outline of pass. !! Please attach a sample when bidding (both the photo and the illustration) !!
画像を元にイラスト作成してください。 月に6人分を目安に長期でお願いします。 ※時期により制作していただく量が変...※応募される際は、サンプルをお送りください。(元画像とイラストデータどちらも) Need long-term illustrator to make illustrations traced from photos. Around 6 people per month, may change accordingly. Please see the attached file for sample. When hired, 1_Photo will be sent by mail. 2_Using Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, please trace the photo according to the sample attached here. 3_Zip the file and send back by mail. -Save file as Adobe Illustrator (ai) file. -Version needs to be CS5 or under. -Object color is one color (C 50, M 50, Y 70, K 0) -Do not take outline of pass. !! Please attach a sample when bidding (both the photo and the illustration) !!
I need a skilled 3D modeler to create a medium-detail 3D model from my 2D images for product visualization purposes. The model will be used to visualize the product in a three-dimensional space, so accuracy and attention to detail are key. Requirements: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software - Ability to translate 2D images into a 3D model - Experience with product visualization - Attention to detail and accuracy I have reference images available that will be provided to the selected freelancer. Please include samples of your previous 3D modeling work in your bid, particularly any that have been created from 2D images.
I'm in need of a skilled freelancer who can convert industrial blueprints into 3D models. The final deliverables should be in STEP format. I need a STEP (.stp) or 3D model of a discharge chute for a double-deck screen, based on drawings. Requirements: - Model the main chute structure, including flanges, perforations, and reinforcements. - Follow all dimensions, thicknesses, and angles as specified in the drawings. - Do not include bolts, fasteners, or unnecessary mechanical details. - Deliver a clean model, ready for DEM simulation. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software. - Experienced in creating industrial product models. - Familiar with STEP file format.
I'm seeking a skilled developer to modify the layout and functional...Shopify 'Flex' theme template. Summary of job. Duplicate the ‘custom’ product page features from current theme (live website) to the new Flex theme under development (using shopify 2.0). There are 4 product page custom features which need to be duplicated from current theme/website to new theme/website: 1. Truncated ‘full description’ 2. Safety & Privacy buttons 3. Tabs (expandable) 4. Show me in 3D button Simply duplicate exist code and replicate to ‘Default’ product page in new 'Flex' theme (shopify 2.0). Ideal candidates MUST have: - Extensive experience with Shopify 2.0 and editing theme templates - Strong skills in HTML/CSS and Liquid (Sh...
I'm looking for a video editor who can: 1. Turn my video attached into the same layout as the examples below 2. By adding relevant b-roll to the top half of the video 3. and add s...these videos: ***PLEASE include the word "panda" at the top of your submission so I know that you actually read this job description *If you are the lucky winner, my plan is to hire you to edit me 20 videos like this a month at ~$20 per video. Thank you :) The sample file is here since it was too big to attach (and no all the videos you edit for me in the future will not have the watermark haha):
...skilled developer with a passion for creating thrilling gaming experiences? We’re launching a next-gen online gaming platform where players can showcase their skills and win big! ? We’re looking for a full-stack developer to build a feature-rich, high-performance gaming website with a seamless gaming experience. ? What You’ll Be Working On: ✅ Game Development & Integration – Implement popular games like Mines, Aviator, Rocket, Spin, Poker, and more. ✅ Secure Payment System – Enable smooth deposits & withdrawals using multiple payment gateways. ✅ Live Gaming & Multiplayer Features – Real-time interactions, leaderboards, and social features. ✅ Provably Fair & RNG Mechanisms – Ensuring transparency and fairness in every gam...
...Fighter-inspired educational game where players select a character and battle opponents by answering multiple-choice math questions. The game features single-player, online multiplayer, unlockable characters, and story progression. What We’re Looking For: ✅ Exceptional animation skills with a strong sense of color and movement ✅ Ability to capture the bold, vibrant aesthetic of 80s/90s arcade games (Think Sonic 2, Street Fighter, and the Marble Zone from Sonic 1) ✅ Experience using a digital drawing pad for all designs ✅ A portfolio with at least 5 samples showcasing animation, character motion, or trailers ✅ Experience in one or more of the following software: Blender Adobe Animate Toon Boom Your Role: ✅ Create a 30-second animated trailer that combines: Game footage bl...
I'm looking for a professional-grade template for my invoice discounting website. The design style should be distinctly professional, steering clear of any overly flashy or trendy elements. This template should cater to a corporate audience, showcasing a sleek and polished aesthetic. Key Features: - Contact Us section - Header logo space for my firm - Specific fields for i...strong background in web design, particularly for financial services, and be adept at creating user-friendly, professional templates. when your design is selected as winner, you should prepare me a canvas website template. i will give you login credentials of my account. keep background design which suits my logo. i have attached my logo. all other images you can keep dummy. please also check sampl...
I'm in need of a talented individual to capture both photos and videos of cars related details and role will also involve editing these clips and images to create a dramatic and cinematic final product. Key Requirements: - Own high-quality shooting and editing equ...and cinematic final product. Key Requirements: - Own high-quality shooting and editing equipment (DSLR or mirrorless cameras, Laptop, wide-angle lenses, drones, etc.) - Proven experience in car photography and videography - Exceptional editing skills - Passionate freelancer or college student, ideally based in Ambala or nearby, able to come to the studio daily Please submit your portfolio or sample work if you fit this description and are interested. I look forward to collaborating with a creative professional...
I'm looking for a skilled professional to convert my .dwg house plans into a 3D model with walkthrough interactivity. The 3D model will primarily be used for home planning. Key Requirements: - Convert .dwg file into a 3D model - Ensure the model supports MacOS and does not require the purchase of additional software for viewing - Implement 'walkthrough' level of interactivity Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software compatible with MacOS. - Experience in creating interactive 3D models from .dwg files. - Understanding of home planning requirements in 3D modeling.
? Website Development for Desktop Application Sales ? Website Structure 1️⃣ Homepage Product slides showcasing the desktop application. Links to social media platforms. Clear explanation of the benefits and features. Call-to-action (CTA) buttons directing users to registration and payment. Note: I have a sample website as a reference. 2️⃣ Registration and Login Area Allow users to create an account with email and password. Implement secure authentication (bcrypt for password hashing). Email validation upon registration. 3️⃣ Payment Area Integration with secure payment gateways (Mercado Pago, Stripe, or PayPal). Option to purchase a 30-day license for application usage. After payment confirmation, the system must automatically generate a login and password for the user. 4️⃣ Automat...
I'm seeking a skilled 3ds Max/Vray professional for product rendering. Tasks: - Initial Mockup - Renders - Video Ideal candidates should have extensive experience in product rendering, particularly with 3ds Max and Vray. A portfolio showcasing similar work would be highly beneficial. The final deliverable should be a seamless, high-quality 360-degree view ready for presentation. Check attached images.
...seeking an experienced 3D artist/animator to create a realistic first-person walkthrough of a 3BHK apartment. The animation should feel immersive and smooth, simulating a human perspective as they explore the space. Project Details: The animation will begin with a lady entering the apartment. She will walk through the living area, kitchen, and each bedroom, showcasing them one by one. The last bedroom should be spacious enough to accommodate a heater in the corner. The walkthrough will pause here, highlighting that this room is perfect for the heater. After this, she will proceed to the veranda, where she will mention that this area is suitable for placing the main box. Requirements: ✅ Preferably created using Blender (other high-quality tools may be considered). ✅ Realistic ...
I'm looking for a professional who can create both 2D and 3D floor diagrams for my internal office booking system. Key Requirements: - Both 2D and 3D diagrams - Incorporation of furniture layout - Accurate room dimensions Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficient in design software for 2D and 3D modeling - Experienced in creating floor diagrams - Familiarity with office layouts and furniture arrangements Supported formats - jpg., png, or svg.
...a skilled 3D graphic designer/animator to create a lifelike animation sequence involving balloons and their deployment in a swarm. The sequence includes: 1) Components of a balloon being placed in a box, programmed to deploy from 25 boxes on pickup trucks into the field. 2) Buttons pressed to auto-open boxes, with balloons inflating and attaching drone-like propellers, a black box with instruments, and a hydrogen fuel cell. 3) An under-hanging hydrogen cylinder. 4) Sequence showing balloons rising into the sky in formation, featuring one queen balloon, then exchanging hydrogen cylinders and returning to position. 5) Final visual of four balloons high at 100m apart vertically, then changing to twelve balloons vertically followed by twelve horizontally. Must be done in realistic ...
I'm seeking a talented 3D modeler who can transform a schematic mechanical drawing into a basic 3D model using AutoCAD. The project entails focusing on only the specified components from the drawing. The final deliverable should be in STL format. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in AutoCAD with extensive experience in 3D modeling. - Proven track record of converting 2D mechanical drawings to 3D models. - Ability to accurately work with STL file formats. - Exceptional attention to detail and precision. - Strong understanding of basic 3D structures. Please note, the 3D model only needs to reflect basic structures. Components outside of the specified ones in the schematic drawing should not be included.
Busco colaborador/a para la realización de diseño y animación 2D en Spine, con integración en un juego desarrollado en Unity. Se valorará especialmente: Disponibilidad y proactividad. Portfolio o muestras de trabajos previos relacionados con la animación 2D y el uso de Spine. Si estás interesado/a, por favor, no dudes en contactar con nosotros.
I'm in search of a 3D video editor who's proficient in Blender to create a captivating 3D animated cartoon video featuring animal characters. Project Details: ✅ Video Length: 3 to 4 minutes ✅ Deadline: 1 week ✅ Style: 3D animated cartoon focusing on everyday life lessons ✅ Software: Blender (or similar tools for 3D animation) Requirements: ? Extensive experience in 3D animation & video editing ? Expertise in character animation ? Exceptional ability to create engaging and kid-friendly cartoon content ? Efficient workflow to meet deadlines ? Budget: Open to discussion based on experience & quality If you're interested, drop your portfolio and pricing in the comments or DM me! Let's bring creativity to life!
...lightweight enclosure that is slimmer and more modern than traditional lockboxes (e.g., Supra iBox BT LE). 3D-printable prototype with accurate tolerances for housing a Bluetooth module, battery, and locking mechanism. Incorporate a magnetic mounting system that allows secure attachment to an interior window, with the exterior portion releasing when tapped from the outside. Ensure durability and weather resistance for outdoor use. Provide CAD files (STEP, STL, etc.) for prototyping and manufacturing. Ideal Skills & Experience: Proficiency in SolidWorks, Fusion 360, AutoCAD, or similar software Experience designing enclosures for electronics, IoT devices, or security products Knowledge of 3D printing and injection molding best practices Ability to incorporate water-res...
I am in need of a professional to create stunning modern-style renders of a residential swimming pool. The visuals should incorporate outdoor lighting and minimalist landscaping, highlighting the features of the pool in an aesthetic and appealing manner. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in 3D rendering software (e.g., Blender, 3ds Max, SketchUp) - Strong understanding of modern design aesthetics - Experience with landscape and lighting design in renders Please showcase similar past projects in your proposal.
I am looking for a skilled 3D artist/animator to create a realistic first-person walkthrough of a 3BHK apartment. The walkthrough should feel immersive and smooth, simulating a human perspective as they explore the space. Project Details: The animation will start with a lady entering the apartment. She will walk through the living area, kitchen, and each bedroom, showcasing them one by one. The last bedroom should be spacious enough to accommodate a heater in the corner. The walkthrough will pause here, highlighting that this room is perfect for the heater. After this, she will proceed to the veranda, where she will mention that this area is suitable for placing the main box. Requirements: ✅ Realistic 3D modeling & texturing (modern apartment design) ✅ Smooth first-per...
Do you need a simple yet engaging puzzle game for Android or iOS? Look no further! I specialize in developing fun and addictive puzzle games that are perfect for both platforms.**What I Offer:**- Development of simple puzzle games tailored to your vision- Seamless compatibility with both Android and iOS- Intuitive and user-friendly interfaces- Engaging gameplay mechanics- Efficient and timely delivery**Why Choose Me:**- Experienced in mobile game development- Passionate about creating enjoyable gaming experiences- Committed to delivering high-quality projectsReady to bring your puzzle game idea to life? Contact me today!
I'm seeking a talented 3D animation artist to create a realistic animation for an upcoming product demonstration. This animation will be used primarily for marketing and advertisement purposes, so it needs to be compelling and engaging. We need run 3D advertisement on anamorphic 3D display. Key Requirements: - Expertise in creating realistic 3D animations - Experience in designing animations for marketing and product demonstrations - Ability to convey product features and benefits clearly and engagingly Ideal candidates will have a strong portfolio of similar work and a keen understanding of how to create an animation that can effectively promote a product.
...end_date='2025-01-31' python ``` - Verify outputs in `output/`. 2. **Test on Abyss** - Upload code to Abyss, ensure `` and `` is in root. - Fill interface fields, run “TEST RUN WIDGET.” - Check logs and `output/` in Abyss for correct generation. 3. **Deployment** - Once passing the test run, click “SHARE AND DEPLOY.” - Provide example outputs (sample CSV + chart) to demonstrate functionality. 4. **Ongoing Maintenance** - If you update logic (e.g., new weighting strategy), re-test and re-deploy. --- ## 7. Potential Error Handling & Debugging - **API Rate Limits / Connection Errors**: - Catch exceptions, retry or gracefully skip articles if an API fails. - **Memory Exceeded**: - Limit ...