Ui designer vacancies coimbatore tamil nadu仕事
参考サイトと同一のサイトを作成して欲しい。 内容としては10ユニット法というシステムべッティングの自動計算サイトとなります。 他にも該当サイトにはシュミレーターがありますが、必要なのは10ユニット法のみとなります。 対外的なものではないのでUIへのこだわりはありません
皆さんこんにちは、 私たちはゲームに情熱を持つ2人のマーケティングの専門家であり、新しいモバイルゲームのエキサイティングなアイデアがあります。私たちは、Kickstarterや類似のプラットフォームで資金を募るために使用できる、コーディングの必要がない2Dモバイルゲームのゲームプレイをシミュレートするビデオプロトタイプを作成するのに役立つ非常に資格のある2DエフェクトアニメーターおよびUIアニメーターを探しています。 プロジェクトに関する主要な情報: ゲームは、多くの呪文、粒子、エフェクトなどがあるファンタジーアクションRPGです。カメラは「Cooking Madness」と似ており、2Dグラフィックスと静止したカメラがありますが、より速く、よりダイナミックなゲームプレイ要素があります。非常に応答性が高く、高速なタッチシステムが必要です。望ましいグラフィックはアニメスタイル(例:原神)で、鮮やかな色彩が特徴です。ストーリーは最小限で、主人公は1人です。 返信と提案: 上記の分野で経験豊富なコンサルタントからの返信を歓迎します。提案、経験、可能であればポートフォリオ、および初回の相談のためのご利用可能な時間を示してください。サービスに関連するコストとタイムラインの見積もりを提供してください。 協力の機会に関する注意: この初期の相談フェーズで専門知識とコミットメントを示すコンサルタントとの長期的な協力を検討しています。プロジェクトが必要な資金を受け取った場合、プロトタイプを作成し、その後ゲームを効果的に開発するためのものです。強力なパートナーシップの価値を認識し、ビジョンとゲームへの情熱を共有するプロフェッショナルとの長期的な協力の機会を探ることに興奮しています。 予算はプロジェクトの実際の報酬を示すものではありません。これは交渉段階で決定されます。プ...
開発したアプリのUI/UXの分析をお願いします。 SNSのアプリでして、主に 1、ショッピングにつなげる機能 2、ユーザーが商品をすすめることで報酬が得れる機能 3、オンラインサロン機能 がありまして、その検証をお願いします。 また、基本的な登録や操作性に関しても 分析をお願いしたいです。
Project overview: 1. Language pair: English to Japanese 2. Field: UI industry 3. Project type: remote part-time job Project requirements: 1. Japanese native language; 2. Must have experience in UI industry translation, and can accept trial translation; 3. High degree of cooperation, timely response and stable daily output.
...ニアチームの貸し出しサービスです。 今回はオンラインで日本企業とインド工科大のITエンジニアの間に入り、 顧客ヒアリングからITエンジニアチームのディレクションをできる方を探しています。 日本の力になりたいという方、サービスの立ち上げフェーズにご興味ある方、 お気軽にご応募ください。お待ちしております。 弊社情報: ■依頼詳細 ・一案件:5万円/月(時給:5000円換算)〜 ※余裕がある方には、複数の中長期案件を同時にお任せします。 例)ある海外在住のバイリンガルブリッジSEの場合 3ヶ月以上の案件を6社分担当:5万円×6社=30万円/月 ・期間:3か月(継続あり)〜 ・想定稼働時間:一案件10時間/月 ※複数案件依頼の可能性があります。 ・業務内容: 顧客ヒアリング/提案・要件定義/設計・プロジェクトマネジメント・UI翻訳 ※基本的に企業様とインド工科大生とはSlack、zoomでのコミュニケーションになります。 ・開始時期:即日 ■重視する点 ・SE歴3年以上 ・日本語と英語のコミュニケーション力がある方 ・語学レベル(日本語:ネイティブ・英語:ビジネスレベル) ・レスポンスが早い方 ・相談しながらお仕事すすめられる方 ・モチベーションの高い方 ・海外エンジニアとやり取りした経験がある方 ■その他 ・簡単な自己紹介や実績をご提示ください。 ご質問等ありましたら、気軽にお問い合わせください。 ご応募をお待ちしております!
当方、コンサルティング会社を新規設立します。 今回、コーポレートサイト制作をお願いします。他社のコンサルティング会社のホームページを参考にして一般的な内容で作成を希望しています。テキスト、内容はお任せします。新規設立する会社の信用構築のためのホームページです。 ・依頼工程:デザイン、コーディング、レスポンシブ対応、SEO対策 ・作業ボリューム:3−5ページ程度 など ・ワイヤー、ラフ案:なし(相談したい) ・画像、文章等:なし(相談したい) ・サーバー、ドメイン: 相談したい
当社FXの教育系Webサイトの総括マネジメント、およびディレクションをしていただける方を募集いたします。 今回、FXの初心者のための教育系Webページを作成するにあたり、そのサイトの管理者(コンテンツライティングを含む)を探しています。 具体的な作業内容 ーWebページのチェック、コンテンツ追加・変更 ー全体的なマーケティングのサポート (UI/UXや、SNSアカウントマネジメントなど) ーブログ記事の管理、ディレクション (すでにコンテンツは存在しますが、その管理や追加記事の作成など) 参考までにWebページのイメージで近いものを載せておきます。 参考URL(あくまでも例となります) ビデオ面接、簡単な小課題を出させていただき、決定したいと考えております。 継続的なお仕事をさせていただきたいため、継続していただける方を優遇します。また丁寧に作業していただける方からのご応募をお待ちしておりますのでよろしくお願いいたします。 ▽納期 ・依頼から約1週間ごとに進捗報告 ▽重要視する点・経験 ・Webサイトのディレクションの経験がある方優遇 ・ブログ記事をSEOバリューを意識して作成をした経験があると良し ・過去の実績を具体的なデータで見せていただけると良し ・企業とのコミュニケーションに慣れていること ・FX関連の記事作成の経験がある方 ▽注意点・禁止事項 ※他で登録されている文章、デザインや商標の転用など、他社の知的財産権を侵すこと ※他のクライアントへ既に提案した内容の転用など 業務の範囲 サイトのマネジメント、ディレクション (一部キャッチコピー・コンテンツライティング)
...ゲームのグラフィックデザインを担当した経験をお持ちの方 英語が流暢な方(※オプションです。) アニメ系のデザインに特化したスキルをお持ちの方 フリーランス経験のある方 締め切りを守れる方など 【Job description】 We are currently looking for a Japanese graphic designer who can help us create some graphic design for our Japanese game review site! it would be ideal if you are experienced self-motivated can create Japanese anime-themed comical designs would like to be a freelancer 【Details】 Job title: Japanese graphic designer (Freelancer) Certification: experienced. Place of work: Unspecified work hours: Unspecified Salary: Negotiable but it depends on the experience level 【Work Contents】 We currently have an open position for a Japanese graphic designer who can help us out create web designs for our Japanese game review site. what you would be doing is pr...
Oracle BI 11gを使用してダッシュボード作成をしているのですが、初心者のため機能を十分に理解できておらず、効率的に利用できずにおります。 ダッシュボード作成の依頼ではなく、使い方やTipsについて教えて頂きたく存じます。 特に最近のBIツール(TableauやQlik Sense)に見られるような、分かりやすくキレイなUIをOracle BI上で実現するのが目標です。
We a looking for someone to develop an bitcoin payment gateway like gocoin ( ). The features are simple, including Forms, Notifications, admin, and payment etc. UIUX skilled is a plus. Opportunity for long term relationship and additional work.
iOSデバイス向け「動画ダウンローダー」の企画をしています。 基本機能の開発をお手伝い頂ける方を探しています。 【概要】 ・ブラウザ機能(サファリと同等のもの?) ・インターネット上にある動画・音声ファイル向け、ダウンローダー機能 ・ダウンロードしたコンテンツの管理機能 ・プライベート関連の機能(パスワードロック、フォルダロック、履歴削除等) 参考アプリがあり、基幹システムとしてそれと同等のものを開発していただきます。 【条件】 ・X-code(Objective-C or Swift)での開発をお願いします。 ・基本機能を開発し、X-codeシミュレータで動く状態の物を納品頂きます。 ・X-codeプロジェクト(Frameworkも含む、スクリプト全て)を納品頂きます。 ・最終的にはUIやデザインの調整を行います(私たちが行います)。開発中はデザインを度外視して頂いて構いません。 【その他】 ・受注者さまは予算・納期の兼ね合いで選定させて頂きます。 ・今回登録している予算等は目安としてお考え下さい。ご相談に応じることも可能です。 ・細かい仕様書・設計書が「無い」状態から受けられる方、大歓迎です。
MYSQLサーバーと連携させて、twitterクローンアプリの制作。 実装する機能はtwitterの持つ機能+αです。 UIのデザインはこちらで用意致します。システム部分の構築をお願い致します。
In our company, we are looking for a system engineer. About Us: it is a company We are doing a hardware development there Your job Overview: Have you responsible for the application development that corresponds to the Internet. <Work scope> Of the front-end requirements definition - Specification of the front-end functions and UI In addition, the following work will be made out of scope. 1. programming 2. Description of the test code 3. Test specification created Non_Japanese and GLOBAL community System Engineers are requested kindly to check the Attachment Files which signifies the REQUIREMENT for this ROLE. Assumed operating time: XXX contract period: XXX Such as the necessary skills and experience: - Business application requirements definition and...
弊社では、システムエンジニアを募集しております。 弊社について: 弊社はあるハードウェア開発を行っている企業です お仕事概要: Internet of Things(以下IOT) に対応したアプリケーション開発(フロントエンド部分)をご担当いただきます。 具体的には、弊社独自開発のホームセキュリティH/WデバイスをiPhoneなどのスマートフォンで操作・管理するアプリケーション開発で、次の作業を実施頂くことを想定しております。尚、現在既に一部要件・仕様が決定し進んでいる部分もございます。 <作業スコープ> ・フロントエンドの要件定義 ・フロントエンドの機能やUI(画面イメージやワイヤーフレームなど)の仕様決定 ・最終的に決定した仕様の取りまとめ(簡易的な仕様書作成) ・バックエンドなど他チームとのやり取り(必要に応じて) ・実装(プログラム開発者)や試験(テスト担当者)からの仕様などに関する質問等の回答 また、以下の作業はスコープ外とさせていただきます。 ・プログラミング ・試験コードの記述 ・試験仕様書(テストケース)作成 ・試験(テスト) 想定稼働時間: XXX 契約期間: XXX 必要なスキル・経験など: -業務アプリケーションの要件定義や設計の経験 -iOSやAndroidのスマートフォンアプリケーション開発の経験 (IOTに対応したアプリケーション開発経験があればさらに可) -プロジェクト管理ツール(例 Basecamp) -チャットツール(例 Flowdock、Slack) -表計算ツール(例 Excel、Google Spreadsheet) -英語の読み書きに抵抗がないレベル (ビジネス英語レベルは必須ではありませんが、...
...我が国が抱えている課題である、地方活性化や女性活用にも貢献する、社会的意義の高いものでもあり、そのことは当社で働くスタッフのモチベーションにもつながっています。 私たちの取り組みに共感し、このビジネスモデルを日本中に広めたいという熱い志を持った方のご応募をお待ちしています! このたび、当社の新規ビジネスとして、派遣事業を開始することに伴い、在宅派遣スタッフとしてiOSエンジニアを募集します! 【派遣先企業】 O2Oプラットフォームサービスを展開する企業です。 【仕事内容】 ・O2Oアプリ(iOS)の開発 ・記事投稿を驚くくらい簡単にする 【必要なスキルや経験】 ・iOS向けネイティブアプリケーションの開発経験 【歓迎するスキルや経験】 ・大規模ユーザーを持つネイティブアプリの開発・運用経験・自分で企画をしてアプリを開発 ・運用した経験 ・UI/UXの設計の経験 ・iOS標準標準ライブラリやフレームワークについての知識 ・パフォーマンス最適化についての知識
...活性化や女性活用にも貢献する、社会的意義の高いものでもあり、そのことは当社で働くスタッフのモチベーションにもつながっています。 私たちの取り組みに共感し、このビジネスモデルを日本中に広めたいという熱い志を持った方のご応募をお待ちしています! このたび、当社の新規ビジネスとして、派遣事業を開始することに伴い、在宅派遣スタッフとしてAndroidエンジニアを募集します! 【派遣先企業】 O2Oプラットフォームサービスを展開する企業です。 【仕事内容】 ・O2Oアプリ(Android)の開発 ・アプリへの記事投稿を驚くくらい簡単にする 【必要なスキルや経験】 ・Android向けネイティブアプリケーションの開発経験 【歓迎するスキルや経験】 ・大規模ユーザーを持つネイティブアプリの開発・運用経験 ・自分で企画をしてアプリを開発・運用した経験 ・UI/UXの設計の経験 ・Android標準ライブラリやフレームワークについての知識 ・パフォーマンス最適化についての知識 ※勤務時間、時給等詳細はお問い合わせください。 ご応募お待ちしております。
We need a web designer for a Japanese travel company. So, the individual also needs to speak native-level Japanese
What We Need 90 Seconds continues to expand rapidly around the globe, and the backlog of website tweaks, improvements and new builds is outpacing the rate at which we can add them. We are therefore looking for an experience Web Designer to join the Japan team as a freelancer, or on a fixed term contract to help improve the Japan website faster. You will be working alongside the Local Japan team as well as the Global Customer Experience and Online Growth teams. Requirements - Bilingual (Japanese and English) - Highly polished, creative portfolio - with clear examples of wireframing, web design, HTML CSS and wordpress builds - Experience in UX and/or web design for Web and mobile - Experience with Bootstrap - Experience with Wordpress - Keyword research SEO performance ...
I'm seeking a talented designer to create captivating and engaging content for my clients' social media platforms - specifically Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. The primary focus will be on designing Posts, Stories, and Reels, all aimed at enhancing brand visibility and recognition. Key Requirements: - Proficient in creating designs for Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn - Experienced in designing social media content, particularly Posts, Stories, and Reels - Understands and can create content tailored to enhancing brand awareness - Capable of delivering high-quality, engaging, and visually appealing designs - Knowledge of current design trends and social media best practices Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in social media design - Strong portf...
I'm seeking a developer to create a command-line interface bot that interacts with the Raydium SDK to remove liquidity from a specified wallet. The bot should be able to do this without the need for the Raydium UI. Key Requirements: - Command-Line Interface: The bot must be operated via a command-line interface. - Detailed Logging: The bot needs to maintain comprehensive logs, tracking all transactions and debug information. This will be crucial for monitoring the bot's performance and troubleshooting any potential issues. - Linux Compatibility: The bot should be designed to run on a Linux operating system. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in using the Raydium SDK. - Experienced in creating command-line interface bots. - Strong understanding of Linux operating s...
I'm looking for an experienced Android app developer who can create an app with the following features: - Audio: Integrate a ...Implement multiple choice quizzes with a timer. The app will also require backend development including: - Payment Integration: Set up a payment channel that supports Credit/Debit Card, Mobile Wallets, and Bank Transfer. - Maintenance and Updates: Plan for regular updates and maintenance. - Storage: Ensure appropriate storage solutions are in place. Additionally, a strong focus on user interface (UI) development is crucial for this project. Please note, my budget for this project is between 8000 to 10000 Indian Rupees. for referance about context and pattern: visit this notion page
...seamless booking and service transactions. The platform features a robust backend, secure payment integration, and responsive, user-friendly design. Core Technologies Frontend: 14, React 18, TailwindCSS Backend: API Routes, MongoDB Atlas Authentication: Payment Processing: Stripe Identity Verification: ComplyCube Deployment & Cloud Services: Vercel, AWS S3 UI Components: Radix UI, Headless UI State Management: React Context + Hooks Form Handling: React Hook Form Current Features User Features: Multi-provider authentication (Email, Google, GitHub). Service browsing and advanced search. Service booking and payment processing. User profile management and booking history. Expert Features: Expert profile creation and management. Identity verification through Comp...
I'm in need of a skilled Frontend (React, Vue.js) and Shopify developer for a web project. Key Responsibilities: - Assist with State Management in the React project. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in React and Vue.js. - Experienced with Shopify and Webflow. - Strong knowledge of State Management techniques. - Previous work with UI/UX Design and Component Development is a plus. Please note that the specific state management library is not predetermined, we can discuss together what's best for the project.
Here’s a project description tailored for Freelancer.com based on your needs: --- Project Title: Landing Page Design for Low-Ticket Product on GoHighLevel Project Description: I am looking for an experienced web designer/developer to create a high-converting landing page for my low-ticket product using GoHighLevel. The landing page design should be inspired by Russell Brunson's style: clean, persuasive, and optimized for conversions. Project Details: Platform: GoHighLevel (knowledge of this platform is required). Content Provided: All text, images, and content will be supplied by me. Design Requirements: Similar structure and style to Russell Brunson’s landing pages. Clean, mobile-friendly design. Persuasive layout focusing on conversions (e.g., clear cal...
I am looking for a talented professional who can redesign my website with the primary aim of boosting product sales. Key Tasks: - Website Design & Revamp: I need a fresh, user-f...converting visitors into buyers. - Improve User Experience: The revamped website should have an enhanced user experience, encouraging longer visits and repeat purchases. - Increase Sales or Conversions: The ultimate goal of this redesign is to significantly up my product purchase rate. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in e-commerce website design and revamp - Strong understanding of UX/UI principles - Experience in designing websites that boost product sales - Proficiency in SEO and digital marketing principles will be an added advantage I am looking forward to seeing your proposa...
We need to uWe need to update and modify the existing front-end UI code in the following GitHub repository and add new pages along with some development work. The primary front-end framework for this project is React.js, and the backend is built with Golang. The design has already been completed by our design team on Figma, including all required UI updates and interaction details (partial screenshots attached, the complete design file will be shared below). GitHub Link: Please Note: All pages must be fully updated according to the latest Figma design, ensuring no outdated logos, names, or brand elements remain. All elements must reflect the latest design and brand style, ensuring Figma every page in the project is implemented. The updated project
The project involves creating an e-commerce platform using Shopify integrated with a marketing site designed on Webflow. The ideal freelancer should have: - Extensive experience in both Webflow and Shopify and other CMS platform. - Proficiency in e-commerce setup, custom coding, and web design. - Skills in SEO, UX/UI design, and responsive web design. - Plus Front-end(react, vue.js) - Location: Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay, Mexico I am seeking a professional who can take charge of the design, layout, and technical aspects of this project, ensuring a seamless integration between the two platforms. The ability to work independently and deliver on time, while maintaining high-quality standards, will be key to our collaboration.
I'm looking for a mobile app developer who can help me create an app aimed at increasing sales. The primary focus of the app will be its ability to send push notifications for promotions. Skills and Experience Required: - Proficient in mobile app development. - Prior experience with e-commerce apps is a plus. - Understanding of implementing push notifications. - UI/UX design skills to ensure the app is user-friendly.
...This system should be accessible to both our customers and our internal team. Key Features: - Collecting Product Reviews: The platform should allow customers to share their thoughts on our products. - Service Ratings: We want to gauge customer satisfaction with our services. - General Suggestions: A space for customers to provide their thoughts and recommendations. Ideal Skills: - Experience in UI/UX design for customer-facing platforms. - Proficient in developing secure, accessible web interfaces. - Knowledge of data analytics for interpreting customer feedback. Please note that the primary purpose of this platform is to facilitate communication between our customers and the internal team, with the ultimate goal of enhancing our product and service quality. More details...
I need a professional web developer to create a lead generation webpage similar to a given reference. The main goal of this webpage is to capture potential leads. The website should be similar to this with the same functions that are in the form on the front page. The website should be responsiv...in the form on the front page. The website should be responsive on laptop, mobile and ipad. Key Requirements: - The webpage should have a contact form aimed at gathering leads. The form needs to be well designed and easy to use. Skills and Experience: - Proficient in web development, preferably with experience in creating lead generation sites. - Good understanding of UX/UI principles. - Able to design an intuitive and user-friendly contact form.
Must have build a Provability fair game before and can provide demo of previous games. I'm looking for a skilled Unity d...provide demo of previous games. I'm looking for a skilled Unity developer to help with my crash game. Your role will encompass game mechanics development, backend integration, and UI/UX design. Key Responsibilities: - Developing engaging game mechanics - Integrating a robust backend for real-time communication - Designing a user-friendly UI/UX The backend will primarily involve real-time communication. Experience in this area is crucial. I prefer using an SQL-based database for this project. Please, bring your expertise in database management and game development to the table. Your ability to design intuitive UI/UX will be key in dr...
Development of a blown glass lamp. Simple project. Tasks: - Internet search. Shopping list. - Basic 3D sketchup modeling. Development of a blown glass lamp. Simple project. Tasks: - Internet search. Shopping lists. - Basic 3D sketchup modeling. Further development of the executive for a steel luminaire. - Drawing up production plans under the direction of the team's designer - autocad. - Developing a package solution for the product: shipping and assembly of the product made easy, delivery of the package solution online for secure shipment of the part. Ideal profile: - ability to specify the best lamp solution. - Detail oriented. The functional and aesthetic quality of the finish matters a lot. - Works closely with a team - excellent communication and responsive. - Proficien...
I'm looking to build a robust e-commerce website that primarily caters to the freelance industry. The site will offer a platform for freelancers to showcase their services and for clients to procure these services. Key Requirements: - Design a user...payment gateways to handle transactions. - Implement features such as service listings, user profiles, review systems, and a customer support interface. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in e-commerce website development. - Proficiency in web programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. - Familiarity with e-commerce frameworks and platforms. - Understanding of UX/UI principles for e-commerce. - Experience in implementing secure payment systems. - Knowledge of SEO and digital marketing strategies ...
...seamless booking and service transactions. The platform features a robust backend, secure payment integration, and responsive, user-friendly design. Core Technologies Frontend: 14, React 18, TailwindCSS Backend: API Routes, MongoDB Atlas Authentication: Payment Processing: Stripe Identity Verification: ComplyCube Deployment & Cloud Services: Vercel, AWS S3 UI Components: Radix UI, Headless UI State Management: React Context + Hooks Form Handling: React Hook Form Current Features User Features: Multi-provider authentication (Email, Google, GitHub). Service browsing and advanced search. Service booking and payment processing. User profile management and booking history. Expert Features: Expert profile creation and management. Identity verification through Comp...
I have hand-drawn UI elements, wireframes, and Photoshop files that need to be accurately and pixel-perfectly recreated in Figma. The primary purpose of my UI design is for Graphic Design. I have images of my designed UI that will serve as the reference point for this project. Key requirements: - Expertise in Figma with a deep understanding of its features for pixel-perfect design. - Ability to maintain layout consistency across all elements. - Strict adherence to my design guidelines and brand standards. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in graphic design and UI. Prior experience in translating hand-drawn designs into Figma will be highly advantageous.
I'm looking for a graphic designer who can create a compelling homepage banner for my website. The designer should have experience in creating web visuals and a keen eye for aesthetics that can capture a website's essence and engage its visitors. TECH DESIGNS BACKGROUND NEEDED!! Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Prior experience with webpage visuals - Strong understanding of web design principles - Ability to create visually compelling graphics - Excellent attention to detail
I need someone who is working on his own and ready to develop a mobile app in 4 5 hours using UI kits available online. Let me know if you can create a mobile app in 4 5 hours. I have the backend and api ready.
Project Name:Happy Mistr Looking for a UI Designer for a Mobile App Project Description: We are developing a mobile app for [ happy Mistr dating app social platform] and need an experienced UI designer. Details: • The app will have [примерное количество экранов, например: 5-10 screens]. • Design for both iOS and Android platforms. • Tools like Figma, Sketch, or Adobe XD preferred. • The design should be clean, user-friendly, and modern. What we expect from freelancers: • A portfolio showcasing similar projects. • Clear communication and iterative feedback process. • Ability to deliver within [3-4weeks]. Deadline: ASAP Purpose: For business use, starting a new project.
I'm seeking a talented female singer for a bulk project of multilingual rhymes. The primary aim of these rhymes is to entertain toddlers (1-3 years) in languages like Bengali, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Oriya, and Bhojpuri. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in singing multilingual rhymes in the aforementioned languages. - Ability to convey emotion and engage the young audience. - Access to a professional studio for high-quality recording. Ideal Skills: - Background in music and early childhood education. - Experience in creating content for toddlers. - Knowledge of the cultural nuances of the target languages. This is a bulk project, so the ability to deliver high-quality, studio-recorded content consistently is crucial. Please provide samples of your previous work i...
I'm in need of a seasoned motion graphic designer to create compelling social media content aimed at promoting a product. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in motion graphic design - Proven track record in creating social media content - Ability to design engaging and persuasive content for product promotion Please provide examples of your previous work that aligns with this project.
Please note. AI-generated proposals that don't follow the requirements will instantly be rejected. Thank you. We're seeking a product designer familiar with premium tea designs to make a suite of designs for our upcoming tea. For the paper box and paper jar: - ivory matte with minimal components. - reusable template accross all tea types (different teas will be designated on an attached sticker, not on the box/jar itself) - the sticker that will be attached will be color coded to match the color of the inner tea bags. For example if a tea bag is light green, the sticker will either be the same light green or some darker shade lf green. - the sticker will be applied to the edge of the main panel of the box and will wrapped around two more panels. - the box and jar both ...
For our second project, we need to modify the UI of an existing GitHub repository that isn’t ours. We already have a Figma design【】 prepared (some screenshots are attached, and detailed files will be shared during our discussions). The front-end technology stack is React.js. After updating the UI, the modified project should first be deployed on the developer’s own test server for evaluation. Once everything is confirmed to be functioning correctly, it will then be deployed to our server. Please ensure that the front-end and logo remain consistent, with no appearances of the old logo or name upon refresh. The GitHub repository can be found here:
...to help to improve upon my Streamlit web application. The ideal candidate should have extensive experience with Streamlit and web application development, with a strong focus on identifying and resolving bugs efficiently. You can find the current application at This application is being made for dermatological AI research purpose. I want to : 1. Improve upon the UI design. 2. Create reusable streamlit elements using react/javascript which can be used by research scientists in python easily. a few more pages with simple functionality 4. Revamp the code 5. Currently the data being generated by the application is being stored in my google drive. I want you to store the data at some better place. 6. The data being generated needs some better management
Central Illinois Doodles is looking for a skilled graphic designer who can work with photos to create visually appealing website graphics. The specific components I need designed are: - Banners: These will need to be eye-catching and convey the intended message clearly - Header images: These need to be well-composed and set the right tone for the website Ideal candidates should have experience in graphic design, particularly with creating website graphics. Proficiency in photo editing and using graphic design software is essential. Please include samples of your previous work in your proposal. Attached are a few examples of the type of header images we are seeking.
A UI Designer with knowledge in Figma and Style Guide.
I'm looking for a skilled React Native developer to create some user interface and data fetching components for my application. Key Requirements: - Development of user interface components - Building of data fetching components - Both mobile and tablet compatibility I have detailed design specifications ready, so you won't need to assist with design. The ideal candidate should be proficient in React Native and have experience working with both mobile and tablet screen sizes. Please include examples of similar projects you've worked on in your proposal.
I'm looking for an experienced web developer to create a dynamic e-commerce we...developer to create a dynamic e-commerce website for me. The site should cater to both physical goods and digital products. Key Requirements: - Proficient in e-commerce website development - Capable of creating an interface for both physical and digital products - Knowledgeable in SEO and responsive design - Experience with implementing secure and user-friendly payment gateways - Understanding of UX/UI principles Please note, the payment methods have not been specified yet, however, the developer should be well-versed with integrating various payment options, including Credit/Debit Card, PayPal, and Cryptocurrency. Your bid should reflect your experience and capability to deliver a top-notch e...
I'm in need of a talented React and JavaScript developer who can unit and integration test the entire application. Ideal candidates should: - Be well versed in testing React/Javascript apps. - Have a strong background in React and JavaScript - Be able to quickly identify and solve frontend ...need of a talented React and JavaScript developer who can unit and integration test the entire application. Ideal candidates should: - Be well versed in testing React/Javascript apps. - Have a strong background in React and JavaScript - Be able to quickly identify and solve frontend issues - Be skilled in UI updates and enhancements Freelancers should be prepared to demonstrate their previous work with React applications, particularly their experience with frontend bug fixing and ...
I am looking for a skilled developer ...for three stores. The developer will work with this data for implementation. Deliverables: • A fully functional React-based tool. • Clean, well-structured code hosted in a GitHub repository. • A visually appealing, responsive design. Required Skills: • Proficiency in React and Node.js. • Experience with data visualization libraries (e.g., , D3.js). • Strong understanding of CSS and UI/UX principles. • Familiarity with JSON data integration. Submission Guidelines: • Upload the completed project to a GitHub repository and share the link. Deadline: Provide an estimated timeline and availability for this project. If you are a motivated developer with a passion for clean code and great design, I&...