Terms and conditions contract for virtual assistant仕事
日本のファッション系ECサイト・BUYMA()にて、ラグジュアリーブランドの商品を輸入販売しています。 今回、 ・出品商品のリストアップ 1日10件程度 ・仕入れ価格計算、販売価格決定 ・商品登録パートナー(ミャンマー法人・英語OK)とのやり取り などを行っていただく方を募集します。 平日・1日3時間程度のお仕事必須。 日本語できる方優遇、英語のみの方もご連絡お待ちしています。 お仕事開始前に、[Removed by Freelancer.com Admin for offsiting - please see Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions] にて概要説明・スケジュールの確認などを行います。 長期的に一緒にお仕事いただける方のご応募をお待ちしておりますね。
SDL is Product and Service Public Company. Over the past 25 years we’ve delivered transformative business results by enabling powerfullynuanced digital experiences with customers around the world. We are looking for passionate, collaborative and creative people to join our team. We are spreadacross 55 offices in 38 countries yet we still manage to keep a small company feel. About Us - SDLアメリアは、ソフトウェアテスティングサービスのリーディングカンパニーです。 ただいま、ソフトウェアのQAテスターを急募しています。様々なデバイスを使って、ソフトウェアのQAテストを担当していただきます。都内のグローバルIT企業のオフィスでのお仕事です。 雇用形態:契約社員(契約延長の可能性あり) 勤務地:東京 モバイルデバイスのテスト経験がある方、幅広い種類のデバイス、アプリ、メディアに対応できる方からのご応募をお待ちしています。 <求める経験、スキル> • モバイルデバイス、クラウド、ウェブ、テレビ/ビデオ等のテスト経験、または開発経験がある方(2年以上) • iOS、Android、Mac OSの使用経験がある方 • 分析力、トラブルシューティングのスキルをお持ちの方、細部に注意
...000単語の日本語文章を日英語に翻訳していただきたいです。 Want to translate Japanese to English. about 6,000 letters. ▽仕事の目的・概要(purpose・Overview) 【ビジネス内容を紹介する書類】 【Business Contract notice】 ■業務詳細 / Description ・文字数:約6,000 words(英語) ・ビジネス文書と理解できる翻訳 ・応募者の中で、適任者と思われる人には、事前に翻訳内容の一部をお見せします ・Amount: About 6,000 words ・Business translation and familiar expressions. ・Before hiring we will send parts of the target translation content to those freelancers who are considered to be the best candidates. ■採用条件 / Hiring Conditions ・英語、日本語がネイティブであること ・ワークシフトでのプロフィールや評価がしっかりしていること ・日本語、若しくは英語でのコミュニケーションがこまめに取れる方 ・採用時に本人確認書類を入れていただく可能性があります- Profile (language skills) ・Native English and Japanese speaker ・Substantial and completed Workshift profile ・Applicant who can be in touch frequently ...
...000単語の日本語文章を日英語に翻訳していただきたいです。 Want to translate Japanese to English. about 6,000 letters. ▽仕事の目的・概要(purpose・Overview) 【ビジネス内容を紹介する書類】 【Business Contract notice】 ■業務詳細 / Description ・文字数:約6,000 words(英語) ・ビジネス文書と理解できる翻訳 ・応募者の中で、適任者と思われる人には、事前に翻訳内容の一部をお見せします ・Amount: About 6,000 words ・Business translation and familiar expressions. ・Before hiring we will send parts of the target translation content to those freelancers who are considered to be the best candidates. ■採用条件 / Hiring Conditions ・英語、日本語がネイティブであること ・ワークシフトでのプロフィールや評価がしっかりしていること ・日本語、若しくは英語でのコミュニケーションがこまめに取れる方 ・採用時に本人確認書類を入れていただく可能性があります- Profile (language skills) ・Native English and Japanese speaker ・Substantial and completed Workshift profile ・Applicant who can be in touch frequently ...
...000単語の日本語文章を日英語に翻訳していただきたいです。 Want to translate Japanese to English. about 6,000 letters. ▽仕事の目的・概要(purpose・Overview) 【ビジネス内容を紹介する書類】 【Business Contract notice】 ■業務詳細 / Description ・文字数:約6,000 words(英語) ・ビジネス文書と理解できる翻訳 ・応募者の中で、適任者と思われる人には、事前に翻訳内容の一部をお見せします ・Amount: About 6,000 words ・Business translation and familiar expressions. ・Before hiring we will send parts of the target translation content to those freelancers who are considered to be the best candidates. ■採用条件 / Hiring Conditions ・英語、日本語がネイティブであること ・ワークシフトでのプロフィールや評価がしっかりしていること ・日本語、若しくは英語でのコミュニケーションがこまめに取れる方 ・採用時に本人確認書類を入れていただく可能性があります- Profile (language skills) ・Native English and Japanese speaker ・Substantial and completed Workshift profile ・Applicant who can be in touch frequently ...
...000単語の日本語文章を日英語に翻訳していただきたいです。 Want to translate Japanese to English. about 6,000 letters. ▽仕事の目的・概要(purpose・Overview) 【ビジネス内容を紹介する書類】 【Business Contract notice】 ■業務詳細 / Description ・文字数:約6,000 words(英語) ・ビジネス文書と理解できる翻訳 ・応募者の中で、適任者と思われる人には、事前に翻訳内容の一部をお見せします ・Amount: About 6,000 words ・Business translation and familiar expressions. ・Before hiring we will send parts of the target translation content to those freelancers who are considered to be the best candidates. ■採用条件 / Hiring Conditions ・英語、日本語がネイティブであること ・ワークシフトでのプロフィールや評価がしっかりしていること ・日本語、若しくは英語でのコミュニケーションがこまめに取れる方 ・採用時に本人確認書類を入れていただく可能性があります- Profile (language skills) ・Native English and Japanese speaker ・Substantial and completed Workshift profile ・Applicant who can be in touch frequently ...
...the most important in terms of the work, thoroughly collect what first is better some of the design in the world, it is to analyze. 仕事の契約をした際には、私たちの会社の名前もお伝えします。 At the time of the contract of work, it also tells the name of our company. 【仕事内容について】 みなさまに協力してほしいことは、世の中にある優れたデザインを集めてほしいです。 About Job Description] that you want to cooperate with everyone is, I want to collect excellent design in the world. 世界中の大手企業のアニュルレポート、CSRレポート、サスティナビリティーレポート、会社案内を収集したいです。 Leading companies in the A Nurburgring reports around the world, CSR report, Sustainability report, we want to collect the company guidance. 世界の各地域(ヨーロッパ、北米、アジアなど)ごとに人をアサインします。ただし、同じ地域に複数人依頼する場合もあります。 Each region of the world (Europe, North America, Asia, etc.) will be assigned to the person ...
私たちは手書き出来るAndroidアプリを探しています。 よいAndroidアプリをご提案くださった方を採用します。 求めるアプリの条件 1: LINUXまたはAndroidOSである 2: それは画像保存できる 3: Android対応(iosは不可) 紹介できるアプリをご存じでしたら連絡ください。 ありがとうございます。 【google翻訳】 We are looking for an Android application which can input handwriting. We will adopt those who suggested a good Android application. Required application conditions 1: It is LINUX or AndroidOS 2: It can save images 3: Android compatible (ios not allowed) Please contact us to know which app you can introduce Thank you very much.
...弊社営業兼MDとして、世界のお客様に喜んで頂けるアイテムを開発する業務です。 【主な業務内容】 ・新規ブランド開発 ・各種資料などの作成 ・グループサポート業務 【必要な資格・経験・スキル】 ・ファッション・ライフスタイル・ビューティMD/バイヤー/営業業務経験3年以上 ・エクセル、ワードの基本的なスキル 【歓迎される経験・スキル・資格など】 ・WEBショップ/ECサイトの運営管理等の経験 【こんな仲間と働きたい】 ・主導的に仕事ができる方 ・コミュニケーション能力の高い方 ・複数の案件を同時に確実にこなせる対応力のある方 ・臨機応変かつスピーディに対応できる能力のある方 【お問い合わせ】 [The administrator removed this message for encouraging communication outside Freelancer.com, which breaches our Terms and Conditions - Section 13: Communication With Other Users.] ※本社が海外における為、フリーランサーとしての勤務となります。 ※成果によるインセンティヴあり 雇用形態: 派遣社員 給与: 12,000円 /日給
この修正と機能追加をお願いします。 I am asking for a person speaks Japanese. 日本語での対応が必須です。(メール・チャット程度) 継続的に長くお付き合い出来る方を希望します。 ①ユーザーがログインIDとパスワードを認証後アクティブな状態でログインIDとパスワードを入力してもユーザーパネルへ移動しない不具合の修正 (ユーザーパネルのソースはあるかとおもいます。) ②Youtubeが投稿しても反映されない不具合の修正 ③Webサイトへの共有ボタンの設置、正常に動作するように作業していただきたいです ④携帯画面にPCへのリンクを貼る ⑤投稿した際の認証を不要にする 問題箇所のファイルを添付しました。 [The administrator removed this message for encouraging communication outside Freelancer.com, which breaches our Terms and Conditions - Section 13: Communication With Other Users.]かteamviewerでやり取りできる方希望します。 こちらのサイトになります。 http://zazaby.com/
I need a person who can take up calls for me. I'm a psychologist and have a private practice. I want a Japanese/English speaking assistant who can answer prospective clients' questions, take up their info, and set up an initial appointment. 日本語と英語をしゃべれるバーチュアルアシスタントを探しています。電話・メールでのアポイントメントのセットアップ、基本的な質問に答える、コーラーの情報を得る、などのシンプルなタスクを正確に、優しい声でしてくれる人を探しています。
...company, we are looking for a system engineer. About Us: it is a company We are doing a hardware development there Your job Overview: Have you responsible for the application development that corresponds to the Internet. <Work scope> Of the front-end requirements definition - Specification of the front-end functions and UI In addition, the following work will be made out of scope. 1. programming 2. Description of the test code 3. Test specification created Non_Japanese and GLOBAL community System Engineers are requested kindly to check the Attachment Files which signifies the REQUIREMENT for this ROLE. Assumed operating time: XXX contract period: XXX Such as the necessary skills and experience: - Business a...
What We Need 90 Seconds continues to expand rapidly around the globe, and the backlog of website tweaks, improvements and new builds is outpacing the rate at which we can add them. We are therefore looking for an experience Web Designer to join the Japan team as a freelancer, or on a fixed term contract to help improve the Japan website faster. You will be working alongside the Local Japan team as well as the Global Customer Experience and Online Growth teams. Requirements - Bilingual (Japanese and English) - Highly polished, creative portfolio - with clear examples of wireframing, web design, HTML CSS and wordpress builds - Experience in UX and/or web design for Web and mobile - Experience with Bootstrap -...
...000~5,000 豪ドル (経験により応相談)。6ヶ月の試用期間がありますが、長くお仕事をしてくださる方を募集しています。 Quality Off-Page SEO Ad: We are looking for an SEO professional that can help us build the authority of our travel website in Japan. Someone that can help us build diverse and high quality links from relevant Japanese websites pointing to different pages of our site. Skills required: Native Japanese speaker, good English, Content writing, Link building, Keyword research, In depth knowledge of the Japanese Internet landscape. Conditions and Approximate budget: $3000 - $5000 AUD on a monthly basis (negotiable depending on experience and proposal). Although we would start with a 6 months trial period. We are looking for a long term relationship.
...**CodeIgniter** and **Flutter** to work on our educational platform, which is based on the **EduAppGT Pro School System** Over the years, the platform has been heavily customized, and we aim to further enhance it while integrating it with a newly developed mobile application. #### Scope of Work: 1. **Mobile Application Development (Flutter)**: - Develop a completely new mobile application using **Flutter**, fully integrated with our existing educational platform (for student Users Only). - The app will provide key features such as student and teacher dashboards, interactive learning tools, notifications, and more. 2. **Ongoing Platform Development (CodeIgniter)**: - Customize, enhance, and maintain our existing
...'humanized' and it must pass Turnitin's AI detector. The most important aspect of this task is maintaining the essence of the paragraphs and phrases within the thesis. The original meaning cannot be changed or paraphrased too drastically. • Subject Area: The thesis is in the field of Science and Technology, specifically focusing on Artificial Intelligence. • Technical Detail: The text should maintain a medium level of detail, incorporating some simplified terms, but not oversimplifying to the point of losing essential technical content. The ideal candidate for this project should have a strong understanding of artificial intelligence and science and technology, as well as experience in academic writing ...
...appealing, and well-structured proposal template specifically designed for pitching my WordPress website development services to potential clients. Key Features: - Design: The template should sport a clean, modern, and professional aesthetic. It should consistently utilize a cohesive color scheme (Purple #800180 and Blue #0047AB ) and typography, while also providing ample space for my branding elements like logo and contact details. - Sections: Essential parts of the template should include a Cover page (with title, logo, and client name), Project Overview/Scope, Deliverables (e.g., responsive design, SEO, integrations), Timeline and Milestones, Pricing/Cost Estimate, Terms and Conditions, and ...
...expertise in **CodeIgniter** and **Flutter** to work on our educational platform, which is based on the **EduAppGT Pro School System** Over the years, the platform has been heavily customized, and we aim to further enhance it while integrating it with a newly developed mobile application. #### Scope of Work: 1. **Mobile Application Development (Flutter)**: - Develop a completely new mobile application using **Flutter**, fully integrated with our existing educational platform. - The app will provide key features such as student and teacher dashboards, interactive learning tools, notifications, and more. 2. **Ongoing Platform Development (CodeIgniter)**: - Customize, enhance, and maintain our existing web-based
I'm looking for a meticulous financial news reporter transcript maker focused on stock market updates for my YouTube channel. Key Responsibilities: - Reporting on stock market updates - Creating full verbatim transcripts of the news Ideal Skills: - Strong understanding of the stock market - Excellent reporting skills - Proficiency in creating full verbatim transcripts - Ability to identify speakers by name Experience: - Prior experience in stock market reporting and transcript creation - Experience with YouTube content creation is a plus This is a great opportunity for those with a passion for finance and content creation. The job steps are very easy, it's a routine job that you need to do for long-term period. Please check ...
...Shortlist Favorite Packages Users can add plans to a “Favorites” list for quick future purchase. o Choose a Package Once finalized, users can select a plan to proceed with purchase. Subscription Purchasing o Form Users fill in details like: First Name Last Name Occupation etc o Booking Confirmation: A summary of the booking is displayed, showing: Long Term Call o Users can see the long-term call regarding the stock market generated by admin This involves buying and holding securities for a long period of time, usually several months to years. App Name – Stock Tip Sharing Live Call o Users can see the Live call regarding the stock market generated by admin This involves buying and holding securities for a long perio...
...Marketplace Mobile App (E-Hailing Model for Loans) Project Description: We are seeking an experienced and highly skilled app developer (or development team) to create a loan marketplace mobile app. The platform will connect loan seekers and lenders, facilitating short-term loans (1-2 months). The app should have a user-friendly interface, robust security features, and efficient matching algorithms to ensure seamless interactions. Think of it as an “Uber for loans,” but focused on financial transactions. If you have experience in building fintech applications, marketplaces, or similar platforms, we want to hear from you! Key Features: 1. User Registration & Authentication: • Borrowers and lenders sign up via email, pho...
...to create a small program for automating fire response. Program Requirements: - The input (fire start) will be set to true when a fire is detected. - The program will set the variable cmdRate to different values at different time intervals: - 1500 after 20 seconds - 2500 after 30 seconds - 3500 subsequently - The output firesol Boolean will be used to signal when the above is complete. Program Operation: - This program will run continuously until it's manually stopped. - Start and stop of the program will be based on specific conditions, not manually controlled. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with CFC Codesys programming - Ability to create automated systems based on conditional parameters - No specific error handling or safety checks are required...
...Overview Objective: Build a robust backtesting pipeline for options trading strategies using AI/ML techniques. The pipeline will incorporate: GDFL 1-minute OHLCV data. Level 2 order book data (market depth). Computed Greeks (Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, etc.). AI/ML models for generating trading signals and evaluating performance. Scope: Acquire, clean, and store the relevant data. Calculate and integrate Greeks for each option contract. Engineer features from OHLCV, Level 2 order book, and Greeks. Develop AI/ML models for predictive signals or strategy optimization. Backtest and analyze strategy performance. Provide documentation, deliverable code, and a final report. 2. Key Deliverables Data Management &...
I'm looking for a talented developer to build a bespoke AI agent for our DeFi protocol. This agent will autonomously handle staking and bond rewards, as well as minting tasks. An important aspect of this role is also to ensure the AI interacts with our community on Twitter, sharing updates and insights. The ideal freelancer should: - Have a deep knowledge of DeFi mechanics and AI development - Be proficient in Rust and familiar with the Solana blockchain - Have prior experience in creating bots for financial protocols - Understand the intricacies of staking and bonding mechanics - Be able to integrate with the Twitter API seamlessly - Have skills in smart contract development If you're passionate about DeFi and...
Web Developer for ETH Mixer dApp with Staking and Rewards Features We are building an innovative Ethereum Mixer dApp designed to provide users with enhanced privacy and anonymity for their transactions. Our platform offers additional features that make it stand out in the crypto space. These include: Core Functionality: ETH Mixer Users can anonymize their Ethereum transactions by sending ETH to the mixer, which uses smart contracts to obfuscate the source and destination addresses. The platform charges a small service fee for this functionality. Staking and Rewards System Users can stake our native platform token, MXR, into a secure smart contract to earn rewards over time. Rewards are calculated based on the staking duration and...
...developer with a strong background in artificial intelligence, facial recognition, and augmented reality technologies to create a unique mobile application. The app should analyze users' facial features and offer personalized recommendations to enhance their appearance. Key Features: 1- In-depth facial feature analysis, going beyond just face shape and skin tone. 2- Tailored suggestions for hairstyles, clothing colors, and cosmetics. 3- An immersive virtual try-on experience using Augmented Reality. 4- A modern, intuitive, and user-centric interface. Deliverables: 1- A seamless, fully integrated application for both iOS and Android platforms. 2- A precise AI system for facial feature evaluation. 3- An appealing...
I need a web application for scraping mobile numbers from LinkedIn. The primary purpose of the scraped mobile numbers is for sales leads. Therefore, the application should be able to extract not just the mobile numbers, but also the names, job titles, and email addresses of the individuals. The extracted data should be formatted as a CSV file. Ideal Skills: - Web development - CSV file handling - LinkedIn API (if applicable) - Python, JavaScript or similar programming languages. Please note, this project should strictly adhere to LinkedIn’s terms of service and respect user privacy.
I recently recovered an AWS EBS and attached it to a new EC2 instance, then swapped in elastic IP to get back to a mostly working setup with the same external WAN IP. I do not know how the following errors occurred. Please advise if you can help me with the repair of my WHM instance. If you are not familiar with this level of WHM maintenance and repair please be honest - I don't want to make things worse. I've spent a lot of time trying to make sure the SSL certificates were reissued properly - but that might be worth checking. This fixed some of the CGI-sys errors "IP address might have been changed, server misconfiguration, or site may have been moved to a different server"" I have an AWS EC-2 Linux instance with Centos 7 as the OS running W...
I'm seeking a professional with Azure and DevOps expertise to help implement automatic provisioning of web servers, database servers, and application servers in Azure through an HTTP endpoint. Key Project Requirements: - Configuring virtual machines with specific CPU and RAM specifications, operating systems, and storage requirements. - Utilizing Azure DevOps exclusively for this project. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Azure and DevOps. - Proficient in configuring virtual machines. - Strong understanding of web, database, and application server provisioning.
...long-term working relationship through a one-year contract. The ideal candidates should meet the following criteria: - Minimum of one year of relevant experience in QA/User Experience Design - Native speakers with fluency Cantonese - Ability to respond to tasks within a week - Proficiency in English for communication Responsibilities: - Perform manual testing based on provided instructions and testing plan - Identify and report bugs and issues Additional Information: - Candidates will undergo a screening process - A small testing case will be provided as part of the evaluation - Tasks will be assigned as needed throughout the contract period - Compensation will be based on an hourly rate for tasks completed If you meet these qualifica...
...Title Virtual Assistant to Manage Scheduling and Client Bookings Position Type Part-Time Working Hours Available between 10 AM and 7 PM EST. Compensation $2–5/hour Job Description We are looking for a reliable and detail-oriented Virtual Assistant to manage scheduling and booking requests for our music and tutoring business. The ideal candidate will have excellent organizational skills, strong communication abilities, and the initiative to handle tasks independently. Responsibilities: Daily Tasks Check and respond to booking requests. Update and maintain the calendar with confirmed appointments. Send appointment reminders to clients. Handle rescheduling or cancellations promptl...
I'm seeking a developer to create a virtual therapy website focused on emotional regulation. The primary feature of this platform will be self-guided exercises, specifically meditation techniques delivered through audio guides. Key Features: - Self-Guided Exercises: Users should be able to navigate through various self-paced, therapeutic exercises independently. - Meditation Techniques: The platform will primarily offer meditation techniques. These should be designed to aid emotional regulation and presented in an engaging, user-friendly manner. - Audio Guides: All meditation techniques will be delivered as audio guides. These should be high-quality, soothing, and professionally produced. The ideal candidate for this project should have experience in web ...
I am in...Azure technologies. Your primary role will be designing and implementing cloud solutions that are scalable, secure, and high-performance. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement Azure cloud solutions. - Draft and develop IT policies, particularly around cybersecurity. - Ensure compliance with standard IT policies. The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience in Azure architecture. - Strong understanding of IT policies, especially cybersecurity policies. - Familiarity and compliance with standards such as ISO, CCSP, CISM, and ITIL. Please note, this project does not currently focus on specific Azure services or have a defined primary goal, however, an understanding of Azure Virtual Machines, Azure Kubernetes Ser...
I'm seeking a voiceover artist with a clear, professional Australian accent to record scripts for a chatbot. The primary purpose of the chatbot is to provide formal, professional customer support. Key Requirements: - Voiceover recordings need to be in a formal and professional tone. - Experience in voiceover work, particularly for customer service or chatbot scripts, is highly desirable. - Ability to deliver high-quality audio files, free of background noise or distortion. Please note that the majority of the scripts are yet to be written, but the ideal freelancer will be able to assist with script development, particularly in terms of tone and delivery.
...Title Virtual Assistant to Manage Scheduling and Client Bookings Position Type Part-Time Working Hours Available between 10 AM and 7 PM EST. Compensation $2–5/hour Job Description We are looking for a reliable and detail-oriented Virtual Assistant to manage scheduling and booking requests for our music and tutoring business. The ideal candidate will have excellent organizational skills, strong communication abilities, and the initiative to handle tasks independently. Responsibilities: Daily Tasks Check and respond to booking requests. Update and maintain the calendar with confirmed appointments. Send appointment reminders to clients. Handle rescheduling or cancellations promptl...
...need of a seasoned blockchain developer to create a secure and trustworthy blockchain escrow system. The project will encompass both front-end and back-end development, as well as design. The utmost priority for this project is the security and trustworthiness of the escrow system. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a secure blockchain escrow system on the many different coins platform - Design a user-friendly front-end - Build a robust back-end - Ensure the system incorporates essential security features such as multi-signature transactions, smart contract auditing and two-factor authentication Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in blockchain development, specifically on the Ethereum platform - Proficiency in front-end ...
I'm looking for a skilled Android app tester to conduct functional, usability, and performance testing on my app. The ideal candidate for this project should: - Have extensive experience in Android app testing - Be able to assess the usability of the app from an end-user perspective - Be proficient in evaluating the performance of the app under various conditions I will provide test cases for the functional testing. The app needs to be tested on the latest Android version, as well as multiple previous versions. Your role will be crucial in ensuring the app is not only functional but also user-friendly and performs well across different platforms.
I'm looking to create an AI wardrobe with a primary function of virtual try-ons. This project will involve: - Customizing outfit suggestions based on user preferences, the weather, and current trends/styles. - Incorporating additional features such as integration with shopping sites, style tips and recommendations, and a logging/history of outfits. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in AI development, e-commerce integration, and user-centered design. Creativity and a passion for fashion tech are a plus!
...of contract. I have the necessary documentation to support my claim, including a written contract and email communication. This issue started with having my ADA Rights and Civil Rights violated by a Hilton hotel. I have the legal justification for a federal claim but have past the statute of limitations because of trying to settle outside of court. My original demand letter was for $195k and I signed a contract at the last minute to settle for just $3k, which doesn't cover the $10k in legal fees I have already paid. The hotel has 7 days to pay me in September and to date hasn't. I received email confirmation that they were going to pay but they never did. I wrote a new demand letter informing them of ...
...build a modern and sleek professional website for me. This project involves designing the site, which will host various features including: - Blog section: Ideally powered by WordPress, but I'm open to other suggestions if you have a preferable alternative. - Donation page: This is crucial, as it will need to support recurring donations, one-time donations, and include donor recognition features. - Contact Us page -Eventpage - Portfolio page, where we can show profiles for members, such as name, designations etc. - Home page and other necessary pages - Shopping, WooCommerce. The original website was using this theme So the design will be based on the theme. Image handling is also part of this project, involving both creating new visuals an...
I need a seasoned legal professional to draft a job offer letter for a role in our UK private equity firm. The letter should be comprehensive, legally compliant, and tailored to our firm's standards. Key aspects to include: - Understanding of and adherence to UK employment law - Incorporation of non-compete clauses, termination conditions, and confidentiality agreements - No reference to probationary period terms Ideal candidates will have: - Extensive experience in legal drafting, particularly with employment contracts - In-depth knowledge of the private equity sector in the UK - Exceptional attention to detail and ability to customize the letter based on our firm's standards
...immersive AI patient simulator tailored for medical training. This project involves crafting interactive scenarios, specifically emergency responses and routine check-ups, using realistic AI-generated voices and possibly animation. Key Components: - Interactive Scenarios: The core of this project revolves around developing engaging, realistic scenarios that medical students and specialists can interact with. - Emergency Responses & Routine Check-ups: The simulator should facilitate practice in a variety of situations, from emergencies to routine examinations. - AI-Generated Voices: The use of realistic, AI-generated voices is crucial to enhance the authenticity of the training experience. The simulator should also cover specific medical conditions...
...am looking for an expert in Django, Python, and Google Sheets API to help automate some tasks. Key Requirements: - Task Automation: Primarily focusing on automating data processing tasks. - Data Transformation & Formatting: This will involve manipulating data into a suitable format for analysis. - Develop an automation script using Python - Utilize the Google Sheets API to synchronize data for our Django website Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Python - Extensive experience with the Google Sheets API - Strong background in automation and scripting - Understanding of data synchronization processes - Skill in Django is bonus Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Django and Python: Essent...
...Creative Assistant, you’ll be responsible for: Photoshop Product Images: - Enhancing product images for our website and e-commerce listings. - Removing backgrounds, retouching, and adding creative touches to make our products stand out. Facebook Ad Creatives: - Designing eye-catching and conversion-focused ad creatives for Facebook campaigns. - Collaborating with the marketing team to test and optimize designs for performance. Email Creatives: - Creating engaging visuals and layouts for email campaigns. - Ensuring designs align with brand identity and resonate with our target audience. E-commerce Listings: - Assisting in creating and updating product listings with optimized visuals. - En...
...blueprint using its standard modules: PDF tools, OpenAI, and Microsoft Word. The goal is to build a system that allows a user to upload a PDF, have its contents reviewed by an OpenAI assistant, and then receive recommendations for changes from another OpenAI assistant. The final output should be an updated Word document that applies the formatting suggested by the OpenAI assistant. Key tasks: - Create a blueprint using modules that can be selcted from within make. - Enable the system to extract all text from the uploaded PDF. - Implement OpenAI assistants for content review and modification suggestions. - Ensure the final output is a Word document with the recommended formatting form the OpenAi assistants. I will provide the pro...
Qualifications for participation in development 1. Developers who can communicate without problems using a translator because they cannot communicate in English 2. Developers who have developed and have a shopping mall solution in the past 3. Developers who can develop immediately and complete development within a short period of time Only developers who meet the above three conditions are encouraged to participate Must develop with web app PWA Do not participate if you do not meet the above conditions It is a waste of time for both parties
I'm seeking an expert in proxy server settings and routing to set up a dedicated proxy on my server. The proxy should be tailored for Instagram and the authentication method must be IP-based. Key Requirements: - Set up a proxy on my dedicated server with IPv6/32 - Proxy should be designed specifically for Instagram - Use of IP-based authentication method If the initial proxy setup proves successful, I will contract you for the creation of additional proxies on the server. Ideal candidates should: - Have extensive experience with proxy server configuration - Be knowledgeable about Instagram's functionalities - Provide high-quality service within a reasonable timeframe Anyone who sends a message to this project, I will come to you pr...
I have a ring video I need to enhance. When I zoom in, the video is blurry and I need to have it clear. This is important because if it’s my wife and she’s cheating, then we’re through. Ideal skills for this project include video editing, video enhancement, and possibly some experience with security footage analysis. I'm looking for someone who can specifically sharpen the faces in the video as much as possible. The footage was recorded in daylight at a resolution of 1080p, so you won't be working with low light conditions or a lower resolution. Please, bid only if you can professionally enhance the video without making it look artificially altered.
I'm looking for a window wrap design for my chiropractic office. The primary goal of this design is to increase brand awareness in a way that's friendly and welcoming, appealing to potential clients who walk by. Key Aspects: - The design should reflect a modern and sleek style, but with a friendly and welcoming undertone. - It should incorporate my brand palette, but I'm also open to suggestions for complementary colors. - Ultimately, the design should help promote my brand in a positive light and attract more clients to my practice. Ideal Skills: - Graphic design with experience in branding - Ability to create visually appealing, professional-grade designs - Understanding of color theory and brand alignment - Exper...