Risk assessment pdf仕事
サンプルと似たような雰囲気のデザインを作っていただきたいです。 サンプルにある「MOUNTAIN ROCK」という文字を「MOUNTAIN GRAVEL」に変更します。 日本語の部分できれば「ニューマウンテンロック」を「マウンテングラベル」に変更します。できないなら空白にしてください。 最終入港はoutlineされた状態で.aiか.pdfでお願いします。
SASS Centrum, Inc(サスセントラム)代表の川尻と申します。弊社は海外から講師を招聘した様々なセミナーや講演会の企画運営を行っております。今回は下記の内容の講演会を企画しており、そのための広告宣伝用チラシの作成をお願い致します。 ”MLB最高のサポートチームのチームビルディングの秘密” 講師:Ken Crenshaw(MLBアリゾナダイアモンドバックス、ヘッドアスレチックトレーナー) 日時:11月10日(土)10時〜11時半 場所:TKP新宿カンファレンスセンター カンファレンスルーム6B プリントアウトしての配布もしますが、PDFファイルによる添付ファイルでの配信が中心になるかと思います。 SASS Centrum Inc. ホームページ
...・英語、日本語がネイティブであること ・ワークシフトでのプロフィールや評価がしっかりしていること ・日本語、若しくは英語でのコミュニケーションがこまめに取れる方 ・採用時に本人確認書類を入れていただく可能性があります- Profile (language skills) ・Native English and Japanese speaker ・Substantial and completed Workshift profile ・Applicant who can be in touch frequently in Japanese or English. ・Personal identification verification may be asked during recruiting process. ■納品ファイルの形式 / Delivery Form 納品形式のPDFファイルをお送りします。 We will send an PDF file . ■禁止事項 / Prohibition ・既存のコンテンツや既に提出した内容をそのまま転用する行為 ・自動翻訳ツールやソフトで翻訳・作成したものをそのまま転用する行為 ・業務詳細内容を、第三者へ転載/漏洩する行為 盗作は犯罪にあたり、コピー&ペースト等が発覚した際は契約の打ち切り及び法的手続を取る場合があることを御認識ください。 ・Copying or rewriting of any existing content or article already submitted ・Submitting products that copied from any result from automatic translation tools or software ・Repri...
...・英語、日本語がネイティブであること ・ワークシフトでのプロフィールや評価がしっかりしていること ・日本語、若しくは英語でのコミュニケーションがこまめに取れる方 ・採用時に本人確認書類を入れていただく可能性があります- Profile (language skills) ・Native English and Japanese speaker ・Substantial and completed Workshift profile ・Applicant who can be in touch frequently in Japanese or English. ・Personal identification verification may be asked during recruiting process. ■納品ファイルの形式 / Delivery Form 納品形式のPDFファイルをお送りします。 We will send an PDF file . ■禁止事項 / Prohibition ・既存のコンテンツや既に提出した内容をそのまま転用する行為 ・自動翻訳ツールやソフトで翻訳・作成したものをそのまま転用する行為 ・業務詳細内容を、第三者へ転載/漏洩する行為 盗作は犯罪にあたり、コピー&ペースト等が発覚した際は契約の打ち切り及び法的手続を取る場合があることを御認識ください。 ・Copying or rewriting of any existing content or article already submitted ・Submitting products that copied from any result from automatic translation tools or software ・Repri...
...・英語、日本語がネイティブであること ・ワークシフトでのプロフィールや評価がしっかりしていること ・日本語、若しくは英語でのコミュニケーションがこまめに取れる方 ・採用時に本人確認書類を入れていただく可能性があります- Profile (language skills) ・Native English and Japanese speaker ・Substantial and completed Workshift profile ・Applicant who can be in touch frequently in Japanese or English. ・Personal identification verification may be asked during recruiting process. ■納品ファイルの形式 / Delivery Form 納品形式のPDFファイルをお送りします。 We will send an PDF file . ■禁止事項 / Prohibition ・既存のコンテンツや既に提出した内容をそのまま転用する行為 ・自動翻訳ツールやソフトで翻訳・作成したものをそのまま転用する行為 ・業務詳細内容を、第三者へ転載/漏洩する行為 盗作は犯罪にあたり、コピー&ペースト等が発覚した際は契約の打ち切り及び法的手続を取る場合があることを御認識ください。 ・Copying or rewriting of any existing content or article already submitted ・Submitting products that copied from any result from automatic translation tools or software ・Repri...
...・英語、日本語がネイティブであること ・ワークシフトでのプロフィールや評価がしっかりしていること ・日本語、若しくは英語でのコミュニケーションがこまめに取れる方 ・採用時に本人確認書類を入れていただく可能性があります- Profile (language skills) ・Native English and Japanese speaker ・Substantial and completed Workshift profile ・Applicant who can be in touch frequently in Japanese or English. ・Personal identification verification may be asked during recruiting process. ■納品ファイルの形式 / Delivery Form 納品形式のPDFファイルをお送りします。 We will send an PDF file . ■禁止事項 / Prohibition ・既存のコンテンツや既に提出した内容をそのまま転用する行為 ・自動翻訳ツールやソフトで翻訳・作成したものをそのまま転用する行為 ・業務詳細内容を、第三者へ転載/漏洩する行為 盗作は犯罪にあたり、コピー&ペースト等が発覚した際は契約の打ち切り及び法的手続を取る場合があることを御認識ください。 ・Copying or rewriting of any existing content or article already submitted ・Submitting products that copied from any result from automatic translation tools or software ・Repri...
(1)相談内容 その1:新潟県内に特化した求人サイトの構築。 ================= 参考サイト: ワイヤフレーム:見積もり依頼1:求人サイトワイヤーフレーム.pdf 機能一覧:見積もり依頼1:機能一覧.xlsx ※ワイヤーフレームと機能一覧に基づきお見積りをお願いいたします。 参考サイトをもとに作成しておりますが、会員登録やログインなど記載していない 機能はお見積りから除外していただいて結構です。 ■「見積もり依頼1:求人サイトワイヤーフレーム.pdf」「見積もり依頼1:機能一覧.xlsx」の資料(下記からダウンロードして下さい) (依頼範囲) ワイヤーフレームに基づいた詳細設計・開発・テストとなります。 デザイン・HTMLコーディングは当社で対応する予定のため含みません。 (開発条件) PHP5.2 MySQL5.1 フレームワーク:symfony1.4 対応デバイス:PC、スマホ (納期) 3月末
*ワイン輸入・販売会社のウェブサイト。 *小売りはしておらず対象は酒問屋、卸業者、レストラン等。 *オンライン販売も無し。 *基本的に現行ウェブサイトの内容をそのままリニューアルしたいが、現在FFFTPとDreamweaverでの編集なのでもっと簡単に管理できるようにしたい。 *見た目を新しくスタイリッシュに変えたい。 *定期的にアップデートするカタログをもっと分かりやすい場所でだれでもダウンロードできるようにしたい(現在はNEWSページでアップデートの都度掲載)。 *会社ロゴ、ワイナリーロゴ、ボトルショット、カタログデータ(PDF)などの画像やデータは提供可能。 *その他もっと良くするためのアドバイスがほしい。 *ページ詳細 ABOUT US: 会社案内 NEWS:休業やカタログ情報など WINE:国別・ブランド別に掲載し価格変更や取り扱いブランドの追加・変更・削除など CONTACT US:コンタクト情報 LINKS:国別の取り扱いブランドへのリンク NEWSやWINEページは比較的頻繁なアップデートが必要。
...人依頼する場合もあります。 Each region of the world (Europe, North America, Asia, etc.) will be assigned to the person for each. However, you may want to ask more than one person in the same area. ■手順 ■ Step ①企業リストをもとに定型文をIR部署にメール。印刷物を請求する。 ① mail the original to the standard sentence the companies listed in the IR department. It claims the printed matter. ②PDFデータはダウンロードしておき、共有するグーグルドライブにUP。 ②PDF data leave download, UP to Google drive you want to share. ③印刷物が手元に届いたら、まとめて私たちがオフィスを構える日本(東京)に発送。 ③ When the printed material is delivered on hand, together we set up the office and shipped to Japan (Tokyo). ■期間 ■ period 契約開始後、1か月以内に日本へ発送完了を目安とする contract after the start, as a guide the completion of dispatch to Japan within one month 【報酬について】 [Remuneration] ...
virtuemart3のショッピングカートのカスタム支払いモジュールが必要です。この支払いモジュールは、ローカル支払プロセッサのAPIと統合されます。すべて必要なファイルを開発者に提供します。 Joomla、Virtuemart3.0.9、PHP5.5を3.4.1 APIプロセッサはヤマトクロネコ「クロネコwebコレクト」。API方式のマニュアルは日本語で書いております。 APIのPDFマニュアルがとても大きかったですが、アップロード出来ませんでした。宜しければ送りします。
会社案内及び活動、商品案内のホームページ作成を依頼します。災害備蓄燃料の販売を していますので、PDFなどをもとに作成してください。
台湾及びシンガポールの投資家さんに日本の物件を紹介する物件概要A4一枚の翻訳。 不動産の知識は特に不要、一般的な賃貸用語がわかればできます。 写真と図面がほとんどなので、文字数少なく1,2時間もかからないで完了する仕事です。 ちなみに、元情報はPDFしかないので、イラストレータがあればできますが、もしなければエクセルやワードに訳した文章を記載して頂ければ結構です。 よろしくお願いいたします。 もし英語か中国語片方しかできないということであれば、教えてください。英語・中国語別々のプロジェクトにします。
Il progetto prevede la traduzione di un testo ITALIANO di circa 4000 parole (9 pagine) in INGLESE, SPAGNOLO e GIAPPONESE. Vedere il PDF allegato. The project involves the translation of an italian text of about 4000 words (9 pages) in english, spanish and japanese. See the attached PDF. El proyecto consiste en la traducción de un texto italiano de alrededor de 4000 palabras (9 páginas) en Inglés, español y japonés. Ver el PDF adjunto プロジェクトは、英語、スペイン語、日本語で約4000ワード(9ページ)のイタリア語の文章の翻訳を必要とする。 添付のPDFファイルを参照してください。
...traffic to your site while ensuring it thrives with no risk of penalties from search engines. Our Monthly SEO Goals Include: ✅ Enhanced Google Rankings ✅ 200+ Quality Backlinks ✅ Increased Traffic & Conversion Rates ? On-Site Optimization: 1. Title Tag Optimization 2. Meta Description Tag Optimization 3. H1 & H2 Tag Optimization 4. URL Optimization 5. Italic/Bold Tag Optimization 6. Non-index Attribute Analysis 7. Optimization 8. Image Alt Optimization 9. External Link Optimization 10. Broken Link Analysis 11. Page Content Optimization 12. Canonical Error Fixing 13. Sitemap Optimization ? Off-Site Optimization: ✔ Backlinks from DA 40+ Sites ✔ Social Bookmarking ✔ Article Submissions ✔ Classified Ads Posting ✔ PDF & Image Sharing ✔ Business Li...
Title: 3D Designer Needed for 1-Minute Dental Implant Simulation Description: We are looking for a skilled 3D designer to create a 1-minute 3D simulation showcasing the process and functionality of a dental implant. Project Details: The simulation should visually explain the key steps and benefits of the dental implant procedure. We will provide a detailed PDF storyboard to guide the design and animation process. The final output should be high quality, suitable for presentations and marketing purposes. Requirements: Proven experience in 3D design and animation. Expertise in creating medical or anatomical simulations is a plus. Ability to deliver a professional and engaging video within the agreed timeline. Deliverables: A fully rendered 1-minute 3D simulation video. Revisions...
Job Description We are in search of highly competent individuals to fill the positions of Defence and Geopolitical Risk Analysts on our team. The chosen candidates, working remotely from within the US, will be tasked with providing critical and inclusive analysis within the defence and geopolitical spheres. Main Duties - Remotely and part-time, produce high-quality analysis reports on a regular basis. - Employ diverse research methodologies to offer novel and predictive insights on global, regional, and national issues. - Deliver impact evaluations and confidential briefings, and customize consultancy for leaders and governments to assess emerging trends. - Utilize data, official documents, and expert opinions to formulate practical policy suggestions for decision-makers....
The objective of this ... software development, mechanical engineering, etc.] 2. **Key Requirements:** - High proficiency in both Spanish and English. - Familiarity with industry-specific terminology. - Clear, precise, and culturally appropriate translation. - Consistent formatting with the original document. 3. **Deliverables:** - Translated document in English in [specific format, e.g., PDF, Word]. - Glossary of technical terms, if applicable. - Submission by [specific deadline]. **Target Audience:** [Describe the audience, e.g., English-speaking engineers, technicians, or end-users.] **Additional Notes:** - The translator should use tools like SDL Trados or MemoQ if possible for consistency. - Revisions may be required based on...
I'm looking for someone to help me with typing and data entry tasks. The project involves working with text documents, specifically PDFs. Your main tasks will include: - Typing out the content from PDF documents - Ensuring the data is entered accurately and consistently Ideal Skills and Experience: - Excellent typing skills - Attention to detail - Proficiency in English - Experience with data entry and typing tasks - Familiarity with PDF documents
...and "Foto av Råtun 3"). Key Requirements: - Seamless integration of the glass enclosure with the existing photo to maintain a natural and realistic appearance. - The glass should be depicted as clear, without any design details or patterns. - The rendering should represent a morning or mid day scene, providing a realistic look for that time of day. Deliverables: - High-resolution images in both PDF and PNG formats. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong proficiency in Photoshop or similar software. - Previous experience with photorealistic renderings. - Excellent attention to detail to ensure a seamless integration. - Ability to understand and implement specific design requests. Which Balcony? - The left balcony is the one that needs the glass edit. The glass...
I am creating a marketplace where lawyers can sell digital legal documents (e.g., .docx, .pdf, .excel) and are seeking a skilled Shopify designer and developer to design and build the platform. The platform should support multiple vendors, each with a dashboard to manage products, sales, and payments. It must be secure, mobile-responsive. Key Features: Vendor Registration: Lawyers must verify their credentials (e.g., Bar Association). Product Upload: Vendors can upload documents, add descriptions, and specify preview options. Payment Management: Integrate PayPal and credit card payments on Shopify. Single-use Downloads: Documents should be available for download only once after purchase. Preview: Buyers can preview document content before purchasing. Multivendor Dashboard: Vendors...
...as VRAM allocation and smart memory usage. Modify CUDA-System Fallback Policy settings in the NVIDIA/AMD Control Panel (or relevant GPU settings). Apply the latest best practices for configuration. Testing and Validation Test the functionality of ComfyUI to ensure proper installation. Run sample workflows to verify stability and performance. Documentation and Maintenance Provide a comprehensive PDF guide, including: A detailed summary of the tasks performed. Step-by-step instructions for installation and configuration. Screenshots for understanding key settings. Recommendations for future upgrades or maintenance. Alternative Cloud Solution (Optional): If local installation is not feasible, please describe an approach to implementing ComfyUI on cloud-based platforms such as: RunP...
...withstand Category 4 cyclone winds. Earthquake-resistant design, suitable for seismic activity in Tonga. Experience in modular reinforced concrete design. Familiarity with sustainable building practices. Ability to integrate provided measurements and design specifications into the modular framework. Clear communication and willingness to make revisions based on feedback. Deliverables: Site Plan: A PDF and editable format showing building locations, access roads, and parking. Modular Design Documents: Detailed drawings showing module dimensions and layout. Specifications for reinforced concrete modules that meet AU/NZ Building Code and resilience standards. 3D Renderings: Visualizations of the lodge and café. Sustainability Plan: A brief explanation of the integrated susta...
Job Description We are in search of highly competent individuals to fill the positions of Defence and Geopolitical Risk Analysts on our team. The chosen candidates, working remotely from within the US, will be tasked with providing critical and inclusive analysis within the defence and geopolitical spheres. Main Duties - Remotely and part-time, produce high-quality analysis reports on a regular basis. - Employ diverse research methodologies to offer novel and predictive insights on global, regional, and national issues. - Deliver impact evaluations and confidential briefings, and customize consultancy for leaders and governments to assess emerging trends. - Utilize data, official documents, and expert opinions to formulate practical policy suggestions for decision-makers....
I'm looking for a freelancer who can help me with typing data from digital text PDFs into an SQL database. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in typing and data entry - Familiarity with SQL databases - Attention to detail - Ability to meet deadlines
Main Duties - Remotely and part-time, produce high-quality analysis reports on a regular basis. - Employ diverse research methodologies to offer novel and predictive insights on global, regional, and national issues. - Deliver impact evaluations and confidential briefings, and customize consultancy for leaders and governments to assess emerging trends. - Utilize data, official documents, and expert opinions to formulate practical policy suggestions for decision-makers. - Gather pertinent information from a wide array of internal and external sources and conduct accurate and timely analysis. Key Requirements - Professional background and experience: candidates should possess professional experience in relevant field such as geopolitical, international relations, defence polices and militar...
Hi, We need a logo for an Airport Car Parking Company in UK. (its a group of companies logo keep in mind) -"Airport Parking Bristol"- will be the logo text, use domestic plane, car, tyre, airport or parking sign or related icon to make it. You can draw anything an...mind) -"Airport Parking Bristol"- will be the logo text, use domestic plane, car, tyre, airport or parking sign or related icon to make it. You can draw anything and we can approve it. - Text based - Cartoonic - Stunning I want you to use nice colors, dont copy paste existing company's logo. and please dont approach us directly or call us we shall not entertain you. Deliverables: PNG,JPG,PSD,PDF,AI (proper layered files) NOTE: 90% OF LOGOS IN THIS NICHE ARE CREATED BY US, IF SOMEBODY COPI...
Mahesh, I need a recalculation on door prices on the website glass doors you did earlier. This includes new starting price calculations and optimizing glass pricing to be adjustable at the category level, with support for two glass thickness options. Will send you PDF file with configuartion once approved
Job Description We are in search of highly competent individuals to fill the positions of Defence and Geopolitical Risk Analysts on our team. The chosen candidates, working remotely from within the US, will be tasked with providing critical and inclusive analysis within the defence and geopolitical spheres. Main Duties - Remotely and part-time, produce high-quality analysis reports on a regular basis. - Employ diverse research methodologies to offer novel and predictive insights on global, regional, and national issues. - Deliver impact evaluations and confidential briefings, and customize consultancy for leaders and governments to assess emerging trends. - Utilize data, official documents, and expert opinions to formulate practical policy suggestions for decision-makers....
Hello! This is my old blog as a Copywriter: I will ensure work is done with utmost precision and in a timely manner using agile methodology with Scrum, whilst using typing speed (41 WPM) to your advantage. Choose me and consider your task complete.
I'm looking for a skilled professional to create technical specification sheets for my products. Key Responsibilities: - Transform existing spreadsheet data & images into comprehensive, clear, and visually appealing spec sheets. - Use of InDesign to design the spec sheets. The ideal candidate should have: - Proficiency in InDesign and PDF creation. - Ability to understand and translate product specifications into technical documents. Instruction manual is attached. This is a simple data entry role with some graphics design elements. We do not need a full graphics designer for this task.
Please Bid, If you can take up the work immediately. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: Banner – 1: Flex Design Size : 6[H] X 3[W] Feet CONTENT: SP #Susrita #Pradeep Dash Family Welcome's you to the Reception of Subham & Sillky REFERENCE DESIGNS - attached INSTRUCTIONS: • Use Original Photo • U...INSTRUCTIONS: • Use Original Photo • Use proper Font and Design Banner – 2: Flex Design Size : 5[H] X 3[W] Feet CONTENT: SAVE THE DATE 22nd January 2025 AT 06:30PM Subham weds Sillky Celebrate the laughter and our Happily Ever After. REFERENCE DESIGNS: - Attached INSTRUCTIONS: • Use Cartoon Photo / Doodle Photo which resembles Us • Use proper Font and Design DELIVERABLES: 1. High quality PDF Files for Printing 2. Original Source Files ...
Please Bid, If you can take up the work immediately. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: Banner – 1: Flex Design Size : 6[H] X 3[W] Feet CONTENT: SP #Susrita #Pradeep Dash Family Welcome's you to the Reception of Subham & Sillky REFERENCE DESIGNS - attached INSTRUCTIONS: • Use Original Photo • U...INSTRUCTIONS: • Use Original Photo • Use proper Font and Design Banner – 2: Flex Design Size : 5[H] X 3[W] Feet CONTENT: SAVE THE DATE 22nd January 2025 AT 06:30PM Subham weds Sillky Celebrate the laughter and our Happily Ever After. REFERENCE DESIGNS: - Attached INSTRUCTIONS: • Use Cartoon Photo / Doodle Photo which resembles Us • Use proper Font and Design DELIVERABLES: 1. High quality PDF Files for Printing 2. Original Source Files ...
I need a freelancer to help me copy a 2D room plan. I have the plan on PDF as a whole building and I need to make a seperate plan of just one of the rooms. The room in red circle on the attached file... I need it on CAD and PDF Quick and easy project MAX BUDGET 20 USD
DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: FLEX – 1: Flex Design Size : 6[H] X 3[W] Feet CONTENT: SP #Susrita #Pradeep Dash Family Welcome's you to the Reception of Subham & Sillky REFERENCE DESIGNS - attached INSTRUCTIONS: • Use Original Photo • Use proper Font and Design FLEX – 2: Flex Design Size : ...INSTRUCTIONS: • Use Original Photo • Use proper Font and Design FLEX – 2: Flex Design Size : 5[H] X 3[W] Feet CONTENT: SAVE THE DATE 22nd January 2025 AT 06:30PM Subham weds Sillky Celebrate the laughter and our Happily Ever After. REFERENCE DESIGNS: - Attached INSTRUCTIONS: • Use Cartoon Photo / Doodle Photo which resembles Us • Use proper Font and Design DELIVERABLES: 1. High quality PDF Files for Printing 2. Original Source ...
...Deliverables (Milestone 1) A short Requirements Specification Document (PDF/Word). Conceptual Drawings (PDF/PNG) showing at least two design options. A brief Feasibility Analysis (pros/cons of each concept). Phase 2: Detailed 3D CAD Model Preliminary 3D Modeling Create the main assembly in 3D CAD software (SolidWorks, Fusion 360, or similar). Include major components: engine block placeholder, gearbox, clutch (if applicable), differential, chassis frame, wheels. Refinement of Layout Check for clearances, ergonomics (operator seat position), and weight distribution. Make adjustments based on feedback. Deliverables (Milestone 2) 3D CAD Assembly File (native format) with all major components. Exploded View Renderings (JPG/PNG/PDF) of the assembly from va...
I need a Python developer to automate sending test reports via WhatsApp with attachments. The reports are generated by our hospital management software and stored in a database as PDFs. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Python - Experience with WhatsApp API - Familiar with database management - Understanding of PDF handling in Python I am looking for a professional who can work with me to streamline this process, making it efficient and reliable.
...extracting specific numerical data from tables in .pdf files, and subsequently importing these data points into an Excel sheet. The Excel sheet will also require some statistical calculations. Given the nature of this task, the ideal freelancer should possess: - Proficiency in Python and GenAI techniques, particularly for data extraction and manipulation - Strong statistical analysis skills with experience in Excel - Ability to work with diverse and inconsistent data formats The PDF files vary in structure, hence the freelancer must be adaptable and capable of handling a mix of varying formats. Please note that the focus is solely on numerical data extraction. Please see attached a few examples of what needs to be extracted from the .pdf files (in yellow) and ho...
...customized trading experience. - Symbols Mapping & Prefix/Suffix. This feature enables customize trading by mapping pairs to the correct symbols, ensuring accuracy and preventing errors in execution. - Custom Strategies per Channel. Unique money manager for each channel or group, optimizing performance. - Bypass Copy Restrictions. - Unique Money manager. Different options to choose. Preferred risk percentage %, fixed amount(can reduce automatically after % growth), martingale calculation system. - Time Filter Control. Enable or disable specific trading hours for the copier. - Possibility change payout % range when Bot execute trades or not. - Software can execute multiple trades at once, possible change on settings how many. - Working IOS and Windows - The level o...
...fillable PDF form for internal business processes. The form should include a combination of text fields, checkboxes and drop-down menus. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PDF editing software (e.g., Adobe Acrobat) - Experience in creating fillable PDF forms - Attention to detail Responsibilities: - Design and create a user-friendly fillable PDF form tailored for internal business use - Implement a mix of text fields, checkboxes, and drop-down menus as specified - Ensure the form is easy to use and visually appealing. أنا في حاجة إلى محترف ماهر يمكنه إنشاء نموذج PDF قابل للملء لعمليات الأعمال الداخلية. يجب أن يتضمن النموذج مزيجًا من حقول النص، وصناديق الاختيار والقوائم المنسدلة. المهارات المثالية: - الكفاءة في برامج تحرير PDF (على سبيل المثال ، A...
I require an experienced web developer with strong CSS skills to add my logo as a watermark on an HTML report. This watermark needs to be placed in the center of every page of the report. Key Req...the report. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in CSS/Bootstrap - Experience working with HTML reports - Ability to ensure watermark logo across all pages of the report - Ensure the watermark logo visible behind the table or other text - Basically user will print(crtl + p) the page and i want to the watermark to appear on every page. Watermark is using school logo. You can see the sample output(PDF). I need the school logo as the watermark behind the report every page of the report using css. See the sample code and improve based on the given code. Show me the working code and I will ...
...long and the short forms could include associtaed music, chants, sounds, medicinal foods/nutritional programs, systemic classical and modern herbology and targeted DNA and Element based macro/micronutrients for specific healing benefits. Other positive Life Style practices could be included as well as modern and ancient longevity practices. All recommendations can individually based upon the assessment and association of the identified weak or imbalanced Element and organ systems within the individual. This is a revolutionary drug free approach to health care and wellness with no side effects. I will add an example of the Bay Gua From by way of shortened video with my next edit. Key Responsibilities: - Syncing video and audio into a cohesive presentation - Transferring...
Max 1 hour job. My Google Play Console account is at risk of closure due to inactivity. I need to re-publish an update to an existing URL based Flutter App on Google Play to remedy this situation. As the project is time-sensitive, I am looking for an experienced developer with a proven track record in updating URL based Flutter apps on the Google Play Store. I can provide the source code or necessary files for the app update.
I need a modern, minimalistic, and unique theme design for Kuwait national day/ Ramadan themed photoshoots in the studio. I need backdrop designs or ideas of what props I may need to include or have made - with clear sizes/pdf files so that I could have things made locally.
As a company that specializes in painted canvases, we are ...stunning visuals that capture our vision - Design digital art files specifically for print Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in art and design, particularly digital art - Experience in creating print-ready digital files - Excellent attention to detail - Ability to understand and translate our concepts into appealing designs - Passion for art and design Deliverables: - High-quality PDF files for our canvas prints Please note, the primary theme for the canvas prints and the dimensions for the prints have not yet been determined. We are open to suggestions and creative input from the designer. If you're a talented designer who can deliver stunning visuals and appreciates the value of detail, we want to...
...processes for document automation, enhancing efficiency in our drug development. Deliverables: - Comprehensive Strategy Overview - Recommended Data and Technology Stack - Detailed Data, Analytics, and AI Roadmap - Step-by-step Implementation Plan - Thorough Risk Management and Compliance Plan - Data Products and Data Mesh Deliverables Ideal Freelancer: - Proficient in AI and GenAI - Experienced in Pharma product development - Skilled in creating data-driven strategies - Familiar with document automation processes - Knowledgeable in risk management and compliance in the pharmaceutical industry Please note, we are starting this project from scratch, with no existing data or systems. Your ability to create a robust, scalable strategy from the ground up will be crucial for ...
I'm looking for a skilled typist to transcribe reports from PDF into Google Docs. The reports typically range from 11 to 50 pages and may contain tables, but mostly consist of text. Experience with data entry and formatting is essential.
I'm seeking a talented designer to create a premium, modern and minimalistic logo for my clothing and apparel manufacturing company. The logo should reflect an elegant style and use bold and vibrant colors. A combination of both symbolic and typography elements in the logo is desired. Logo Name : R S Clothings & Apparels Area of work: Fashionable Cclothing and apparel Manufac...particularly for clothing and apparel - Proficient in design software (e.g. Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, coral) - Excellent understanding of color theory and design principles - Ability to create a balance between elegance and modern minimalism. The logo should be modern yet minimalistic, with a touch of sophistication. Need this logo in illustrator, Photoshop (with all layer), also need in png and p...
...sales management, course administration, internship tracking, and more. Key Features: - Sales Management: The dashboard must provide insights into revenue, number of sales, and best-selling courses. - Course Management: Ability to add, edit, and remove courses. - Internship Oversight: Manage internship listings and student applications. - Student Support: Track and resolve student doubts. - Assessment Management: Create, edit, and publish quizzes. - Profile Management: Update admin profiles and credentials. - Order Oversight: Manage student and trainer orders. - User Engagement: Monitor user wishlists for trending items. - Attendance Tracking: Keep track of student and trainer attendance. - Class Oversight: Oversee ongoing classes. - Assignment Management: Upload and review ass...