Price 100 word articles仕事
日本のアニメ・ニュース関係の記事を翻訳していただきます。 また、日本人がそのニュースに対して頂いた感想等も翻訳してください。 ■おすすめポイント 慣れれば1記事1時間もかからず終わります。 ■言語について 日本語が正確に書けなくても問題有りません。機械翻訳等を駆使して行っていただいても大丈夫です。 ただし、やり取りは日本語で行いますので、多少話せる方を募集いたします。 英語は正確・自然な形で記載をお願いします。 ■納品方法について wordpressのIDを発行しますので、そちらに記載をお願いします。 ■報酬について 10記事110usd程度を考えています。
応募資格: 全てのやり取りが日本語である事。英語でメールして来た方には一切返信しません。プロ意識の高い方。ブランド立ち上げ、オーディエンス拡大の経験がある方優遇 仕事内容は各プラットフォームで視聴者を増やす事 方法は多少の自由を与えますが、結果が出なければお金は支払えませんので(ノルマは合計で毎月視聴者が100人増える事)、実績と自信がありさらに日本語が堪能な方の応募をお待ちしております。 宣伝用のソーシャルメディアアカウントの作成も仕事内容に入ります ポッドキャストのコンテンツのアップロードは私がやります。 宣伝費のバジェットは別途で用意してます。
【 依頼内容 】 ・S/4HANAの新規導入にあたり、プロジェクトメンバーをFICO, MM, SD各モジュール1名。 ・案件内容確定済み ・月額単価:スキル見合い 【稼働率 】 ・100%期間2020年2月〜5月までの3ケ月(延長可) 月50万〜70万円 【商流制限】 ・無し(個人事業主歓迎) 【作業場所の詳細】 ・多摩川地区 【選考プロセス】 ・面談回数 1〜2回 人材要件 【必須スキル】 ・SAP 経験2〜5年。 ・S/4HANA導入経験(1回以上) ・FICO, MM, SDモジュール/業務の経験がある方 ・FICO, MM, SDコンサルタント→いずれかのモジュールの知見(要件定義or基本設計から対応可能な方) ・日本語ビジネスレベル, 英語ビジネスレベル 【尚可スキル】 ・基幹システム導入の経験 ・カスタマーマスターの要件定義の経験 ・製造業界に関する知見 ・外国国籍可能。
I have some translation projects and am looking for translators who can establish a long-term relationship. It's best for those who are beginners and want some experiences for your resume. Since the task is basically easy and long term, the rate will be $0.012 - 0.015 per word. Please leave your bid with your specialized field if you have. I'll contact all but agents. Thank you! 翻訳プロジェクトがいくつかあり、長期間協力していただける方を探しています。 翻訳業を始めたばかりの方や、履歴書に書ける経験をされたい方にぴったりの業務です。 内容は基本的に簡単で、長期ということもあり1単語$0.012 - 0.015で考えております。 コメントいただければこちらからお問い合わせさせていただきます。 専門分野や専門にしたい分野があればコメントに書いてください。 よろしくお願いします。
100%利益を出すバイナリーオプション、FXのシステムを作って頂きたいです。 世の中に存在してるらしく、それを作れる方お願い致します。
■まとめ ・フィンテックサマリーに関するニュースから技術解説などのニュースコンテンツを作成する。 ・複数のテーマの中から、欲しいものを書き、書きたい ■おすすめポイント ・最初のリクエストから注文を続けます ・スキルと実績に応じて料金を引き上げます ・ 'Fintech'を勉強しながらお金を稼ぐことができます。 ■記事のタイトルについて ここで指示を出します。 ■画像について あなたが自分で作ったものか、無料のものを使うようにしてください。 ■記事作成について 必ず参考リンクを付けてください。 ■配送形態 GoogleドキュメントリンクまたはWordで配信してください。
記事のトピックは私の製品になります。 すべてのコンテンツは100%固有のものでなければならず、私は物事をより簡単にするための非常に詳細な指示をあなたに提供します。 これは商品リンクです。 製品の詳細 素材100%ボンファイバーボンファイバーレールT700 NOVA NOVATEC AS(AS511SB / FS522SB) スポーツSapim CX RAY仕様スポーツ 25mm 2年間保証 コンテンツの目的: 顧客に製品の購入を促す 対象読者: ロードバイク愛好家、ロードバイク専門家/アマチュアレーサー あなたが自転車の分野で豊富な経験を持つ作家であることを確認してください。 経験の浅い作家は拒否されます。 ありがとう!
概要:現地に本社を置く、広告代理店または、テレビ・新聞・インターネットによるプロモーション関連の事業を行う会社を10社から15社リストアップしてください。WPPのような世界的に有名な会社ではなく、現地で比較的有名または実績のある会社をお願いします。 対象国:韓国、台湾、ベトナム、フィリピン、タイ、マレーシア、インドネシア、シンガポール 、フィリピン、オーストラリアの10カ国 調査内容:現地にある、広告会社またはPR会社のリストアップ。10カ国すべて。 納品言語:英語 納品ファイル:テキストファイル、excelまたはword ※参考にしたwebサイトのURLを記載しておいてください。 手順:googleまたは対象国の検索サイトにて調べてください。企業がまとめられたサイトを発見すればとても早く終了すると思います。 報酬:固定 例) <日本> 1、企業名:SUNNY SIDE UP Inc. WEB: 2、企業名: 3、企業名: 参考サイト:
We are looking for EN>JP translators for our project. Field: medical, life science pricing manner: per EN word requirements: Freelancer (not the agency) native Japanese speaker at least two years in a translation firm or department Good at medical translation simple test as acceptable Please contact us if you are available
◆概要 作業手順、チェックリスト、Todoリストの作成と、それを紹介する1200文字以上の記事を作成して頂きます。質の高い記事を作成してくださった方には、月に10~20の記事を依頼します。終了時期は定めず、数年間続く予定です。 ◆価格 入稿して頂く記事の品質(クオリティ)が高ければ、単価もアップします。 良文で、長文であるほど、単価をアップします。 スタートの単価は、1000文字以上で、1文字1円です。 上限単価は定めてませんが、1文字5円まではあると考えてください。 良い記事を継続的に得ることがもっとも最優先です。 そのため、記事の下部には、ライターのプロフィールを掲載し、Lancersやその他のクラウドソーシングサイトでの顧客獲得につながるように、微力ではありますが貢献することも可能です。 ◆作業手順、チェックリスト、Todoリストの要件 皆さんの仕事でも手順が決まっている仕事ってありますよね。 例えば何か新しい案件を受注した場合に、 売上を売上表に記入 受注指示 先方に電話して取材日をフィックス 別の部署に報告 チェックシートを修正 チェックシートを先方に提出 開始を先方に連絡 みたいな感じである程度フローが決まっている場合って多いと思うんですよね。 書いていただきたいのは、このようにGTDに準拠した「タスクの実行を具体的にイメージできるレベルまで細分化したリスト」を募集しています。 ◆注意事項 ・文字数は1200字以上です。 ・誤字脱字に注意してください。 ・コピペは厳禁です。(15文字以上連続で他サイトから引用しないでください) ・見出し、小見出し、本文は関連性を持たせてください。 ・個別の企業・店舗にフォーカスしないでください。 ・求人情報をのせないでください。 ・敬体(ですます調)にて執筆...
日本語を話せるマーケティングアシスタントを募集しています。 仕事内容 特定ジャンルで人気のウェブサイトを複数(50~100)を探し出し、ウェブサイト名、URL、宛名、メールアドレス(なければコンタクトフォームがあるページのURL)をエクセルにまとめる仕事です。 「人気ウェブサイト」の条件は、後ほど連絡します。 長期的なパートナーシップを求めておりますので、半年以上働ける方のみ、連絡先当たりの単価を記載して入札してください。 よろしくお願いします。
Word pressを使用して音楽サイトを構築します。 サイトの骨子は私が作成するつもりですが、どのようなプラグインを使用したらよいのか分からないため、やりたい事に対して、どのようなプラグインを使用すれば、またはどのように構築すればよいのか、相談させていただき、アドバイスをいただきたいと考えています。 できれば直接お会いし、相談したいと考えています。 ロケは名古屋が希望ですが、大阪、京都、東京近辺でも相談させていただきます。 サンプル音源のリスニング環境の構築 カートの設置(ダウンロード販売) 会員システム アンケート イベントやライブを検索しMAP上に表示 多言語化 モバイルアプリの制作 などの機能を構築したいと考えています。
I would like the calendar to display the price using the data from the Excel document. This is part of the fixed price , in order to cover all the latest tables. Currently I am using PHP Excel, to migrate to MySQL if possible. MySQL 5.5 PHP 5.2 Basically: I want to display the captured data in XLS (Excel) to MySQL in calendar form. PS. if there is the necessary support, we can do this monthly PPS. For the test site , I can prepare it in the same server. ---------------------------------------------------------------- エクセルファイルのデータを使って料金をカレンダー表示したい。 料金を一部変えることは無く、最新のシートですべて上書きする。 現在はPHPExcelを使っている。 できればMySQLに移行したい。 MySQLは5.5 PHPは5.2 ・XLSをMySQLに取り込む ・取り込んだデータをカレンダー状に表示する 月を区切るためにエクセルになにか追記が必要な場合対応可能。 テストサイトは、同じサーバーで用意できます。
ストックフォトサイト( および に販売する「ストックCG動画素材」の制作依頼です。 以下のスペックを満たすものを制作してください。 <動画素材のスペック> ・形態:CG動画 ・コンテナ形式:mov ・尺:10〜20秒(MAX 60秒)/ 素材あたり ・バリエーション:バリエーション(4〜5色展開)での制作 ・納品点数:1プロジェクト100点 ・権利:成果物の著作権は当社に譲渡する ・報酬:5USD / 1素材あたり → 5USD × 100素材 = 500USD <サンプル> <バリエーションのサンプル>
...RZVWs/edit Corporate Brochure: WEB: This is the job to research on our new business models prior to their launch in regards to market trends and competitons with strong analysis especially based on data and numbers. -Job Descrption *Creating reports with PowerPoint and Word about the services and companies we specify. *The quality of the reports must be professional business presentation and close to professional Business Analysts’ level. -Compensation $300-$1000/month *Please provide us your request as a proposal -Requirements/Experiences/Skills *Being able to write/read/speak Japanese is a MUST *Experience as a business planner(Desired) *Experience as
●マレーシアの情報発信サイトへの記事投稿 ●日本人のみ応募可 内容:マレーシアの情報発信サイトの記事の編集とウェブサイトへの投稿 Website: (1) 書く内容をWordファイルにて、原稿と写真を協力者に送付。 (2) 協力者は、原稿(お役立ち情報)をより読者にわかりやすく編集し、ウェブページとしての見栄えと体裁(デザイン)を整えて、 弊社のウェブサイト管理画面にてアップロード。 (ウェブサイトの管理画面は英語ですが、利用方法はSkypeなどでお教えしますので、ご安心ください) ブログ投稿によく似た仕事です。 発信対象者は裕福層ですので、正しい日本語、丁寧な文章での記述になり、 読み手によって役立つようリライト(書き直し)していただくことになります。 ボリューム: 週に記事(ウェブページ1ページ程度)が3件程度です。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。
...Alert are registered on a table of MySQL everyday. We need PHP script that read these emails via cron, and auto post as wordpress article. On front-page, the website should have 30 new articles. And other article's link are needed on pages that have 30 links. We also need sitemap of all articles for visitors and google (xml). For design, wordpress default template is OK. But we need responsive design, we'll check under 320px, 640px and PC's resolution of width. === required pages === Front page New articles from 31 to 60 New articles from 61 to 90 (From 91, follow these URL) Article's detail Sitemap for visitors
I'm seeking a skilled mobile app developer to create an e-commerce app for both iOS and Android. The app will feature a countdown on product pricing from maximum retail price to a hidden minimum retail price, all managed from a backend system. The app's UI has already been designed and will be provided. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in either native iOS/Android development or Flutter, with no strict preference for either. - Experience in developing e-commerce mobile applications. - Ability to implement a backend-controlled countdown pricing feature. - Capacity to develop an all-in-one product category app. Ideal candidates will have a strong portfolio of similar projects, excellent communication skills, and a keen attention to detail. I look forward to your prop...
Project Title: Write 20 Engaging Use Case-Based Tutorial Articles in Data Science (No AI Content) Description: We are looking for an experienced writer to create 20 engaging, use case-driven, and search engine-optimized tutorial articles on specific, real-world data science applications. The content must be manually written without AI assistance, well-researched, and highly practical, appealing to both beginners and intermediate-level data science enthusiasts. Project Requirements: (Each article should focus on solving a specific problem): - Predicting Customer Churn Using Logistic Regression - Sentiment Analysis for Movie Reviews Using NLP Techniques - Fraud Detection in Financial Transactions with Random Forest - Optimizing Delivery Routes with K-Means Clustering - Fore...
I am in search of three skilled affiliate marketers with a strong focus on social media marketing to help promote my educational course on how to become a billionaire. This project offers a lucrative commission structure and a chance for a significant bonus. Key Details: - Course Price: $20 - Commission: 20% per sale - Target: 50 sales per marketer within 15 days - Bonus: $300 for 100 sales within 8 days Requirements: - Primary use of social media for marketing, primarily Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. - No requests for additional marketing resources or content creation will be entertained. - A tracking link for sales is preferred. The success of this project hinges on your creativity and expertise in engaging with potential buyers and converting them into sales. All ne...
I'm searching for an experienced writer who has ADHD to pen articles from a personal perspective. The content should resonate with adults living with ADHD, drawing on personal experiences, insights, and understanding of the condition. Ideal skills and experience include: - Living with ADHD: Personal, first-hand experience is crucial. - Writing: Ability to articulate thoughts clearly and engagingly. - Understanding of the Audience: Content should cater specifically to adults with ADHD. - Empathy: Understanding of the struggles and triumphs of living with ADHD. Please share your writing samples and personal experiences with ADHD.
These days a freelancer wanted to create a custom caching plugin for my site, but all he did was tamper with it completely. Now the site only shows up fine if I am logged in. There so o various problems: 1. the home page from non-logged in is banged up (photo 1) 2. The settings to block spam comments no l...wanted to create a custom caching plugin for my site, but all he did was tamper with it completely. Now the site only shows up fine if I am logged in. There so o various problems: 1. the home page from non-logged in is banged up (photo 1) 2. The settings to block spam comments no longer work (the freelancer had made changes to Akismest, but they seem to be gone - photo 2) 3. The last published articles show up only if I am logged in, and if I am not logged in they show up after a...
I'm seeking a professional transcriber to help with my meeting audio files. The meetings are typically 30 to 60 minutes long. Your task will be to transcribe these files verbatim, capturing every single word. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Prior experience with audio transcription - Excellent listening and typing skills - Ability to accurately transcribe verbatim without missing any details - Familiarity with transcription software would be a plus.
...deep learning (e.g., YOLO). If no logo is detected, the user can manually mark it. - **Property Recognition:** Automatic extraction of critical information such as material, surface finish, and tolerances. Extracted data will be highlighted in the drawing and presented in a structured format (e.g., JSON). Users can review and adjust the data manually. - **ERP Integration:** Create new articles in the ERP system **Acumatica X360** based on the extracted information, including attaching processed drawings. - **Export and Storage:** Save processed drawings as vector-based PDFs with an additional page containing the extracted information. - **Duplicate Check:** Automatically verify whether a new article already exists in the ERP system by comparing relevant at...
I'm looking for a dedicated sports content writer, specializing in wrestling, for a long-term engagement. Your primary task will be to write daily 500-word articles focused on match reviews and analyses. Key Requirements: - Profound understanding of wrestling - Exceptional writing skills - SEO knowledge and experience - Ability to deliver content daily Your role will be crucial in enhancing our site's visibility and attracting wrestling enthusiasts. Prior experience in sports writing and content SEO is highly desirable.
Report on a (business) management challenge you have faced and 3-4 SPECIFIC strategies for addressing the challenge(s). (2000 words, APA reference style). I also provide key articles to be referenced and cited in the text. Feel free to choose the challenge, but I provide the strategies below: The strategies: Developing and implementing clear goals and objectives: This can help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals. Communicating effectively with your team: This can help to build trust and rapport, and ensure that everyone is aware of what is expected of them. Delegating tasks effectively: This can help to free up your time to focus on more important tasks, and it can also help to develop the skills of your team members. &n...
I'm seeking a skilled magazine writer to create engaging feature articles for a lifestyle magazine, with a specific focus on fashion and beauty. Key Responsibilities: - Research and write feature articles that are topical, interesting, and in line with the magazine's voice and target audience. - Conduct interviews with industry experts and influencers as necessary. - Meet tight deadlines and be open to feedback and revisions. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience as a magazine writer, particularly in the lifestyle sector. - Excellent writing, editing, and research skills. - Ability to generate original ideas and angles. - Strong understanding of current fashion and beauty trends. - Experience conducting interviews and comfortable doing so.
...Article on "How Hilarious The World Is" Are you looking to gain valuable experience as a content writer? Join us for a one-time project to write a fun and engaging article titled "How Hilarious The World Is." This remote opportunity is ideal for individuals seeking to build their portfolio, improve their writing skills, and gain exposure to content creation. Compensation for this project is INR 100. Job Description: As a content writer, your task will be to create an article that explores the humorous side of the world, showcasing how everyday life is filled with hilarious moments. You will draw on examples from different cultures, personal experiences, and global events to illustrate the light-heartedness of the world. Responsibilities: Write an entertai...
...of opportunities to connect businesses with the right solutions. This is a retainer-based opportunity with generous commissions and recurring bonuses for meeting sales targets. What We’re Offering: 1. Monthly Retainer: • Receive a $300/month retainer to get started. 2. Commission: • Earn 20% of subscription revenue for up to 12 months for every paying client you secure. • Example: For a $100/month subscription, you earn $20/month for up to 12 months (or the subscription duration). 3. Monthly Bonuses: • Achieve 10 clients/month = Earn an additional 5% of the total subscription revenue from those clients for that month. • Achieve 15 clients/month = Earn an additional 7.5% of total revenue. • Achieve 20 clients/month = Earn an additiona...
I'm looking for a minimalistic, monochrome logo for my brand, 'Virti'. Key requirements: - The logo should incorporate the word virti with an optional icon. - The design should be clean and simple, adhering to a minimalistic style. - it is for a construction training school it can include truck, cranes, forklift or heavy machinery icons. Ideal skills for the job: - Proficiency in graphic design software. - Experience in creating minimalistic designs. - Strong understanding of typography and iconography. Please include your portfolio with relevant examples of previous work. I look forward to seeing your designs!
...specifications (trim, engine type, features) using APIs like NHTSA. 3. Market Value Insights: Display trade-in, private party, and dealer retail values from trusted sources (KBB, NADA). 4. Comparable Sales Data: Show 10 comparable vehicle listings within 50 miles of the area code of my clients. If cannot produce 10, search in a larger area in increments of 50 miles. For example, 50 miles, then 100 miles, then 150 miles from area code, etc. This can be achieved by online searching utilizing our most popular car listing websites. For example, , , craigslist, Autotrader, etc. This is a key step in my application and is a required feature for my vision. This alone makes my formula different from other auto appraisal applications. 5. A vehicle conditions report. This can be achie...
I am a WordPress developer specializing in website design and development services for cannabis and weed-related businesses. I am looking to gather 100 leads of potential customers who may need these services. If you're interested in helping, please bid on this project. I require detailed customer information, such as: - Name - Email - LinkedIn profile - Website link - Any other relevant contact information for connecting with them. Looking forward to working with someone who can assist me in building this lead list efficiently!
I need someone to review my text articles. The checks will mainly be for grammar and spelling errors. The use of a VPN will be required for this task.
I am an intermediate programmer seeking a tutor proficient in Python and Embedded C programming, specifically for microcontrollers. I prefer a hands-on project-based learning approach. Should be inclined to power electronics firmware roles. Key Requirements: - Proficient in teaching Python and Embedded C programming - Extensive experience with mi...hands-on projects - Capable of tailoring lessons to an intermediate level I will spend atleast 8 hours weekly. Only on Saturday and Sunday. I need to learn programming by 5 months. I should get good confidence in programming. I know basics of C and nothing in python. I am good math and logic. Looking for a low cost and trustworthy relation. If I get a good grip on programming, I can pay you extra 100 usd in the end. Only serious bidde...
I'm seeking a skilled writer to create engaging and insightful articles aimed at the general public. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional writing and editing skills - Ability to create engaging and informative content - Understanding of SEO principles - Experience in writing for the general public Experience: - Proven track record of published articles - Experience in writing on a variety of topics - Familiarity with digital content creation and social media promotion
I'm looking for an experienced WordPress developer, proficient in using the Divi Theme & Builder. The goal is to create a sleek, professional business website. Key Pages: - Home - About Us - Services - Careers - Articles - Contact Us Essential Functionalities: - Contact Form: This will allow potential clients and partners to reach out to us easily. - Live Chat: A must-have for real-time customer interaction and support. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience in WordPress and Divi Theme & Builder. - Previous portfolio of business-oriented websites. - Strong understanding of user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) principles. - Experience in implementing contact forms and live chat functionalities.
Project Title: Write 20 Engaging Use Case-Based Tutorial Articles in Data Science (No AI Content) Description: We are looking for an experienced writer to create 20 engaging, use case-driven, and search engine-optimized tutorial articles on specific, real-world data science applications. The content must be manually written without AI assistance, well-researched, and highly practical, appealing to both beginners and intermediate-level data science enthusiasts. Project Requirements: (Each article should focus on solving a specific problem): - Predicting Customer Churn Using Logistic Regression - Sentiment Analysis for Movie Reviews Using NLP Techniques - Fraud Detection in Financial Transactions with Random Forest - Optimizing Delivery Routes with K...
...needs to be 100% fully vectored without rasterization, blurring or jagged lines etc, then you showcase the finished work via a desktop video recording with all layers unlocked inside illustrator, you zoom in and out with the magnifying glass. so i can see that it doesn't pixelate 4k, 12k etc, it never pixelates. if you can prove its genuine and you can do the work. if you succeed you will receive $50 for this logo designed, then we can negotiate a larger commission afterwards. with a budget of $500AUD. every logo i commission needs to be 100% fully Vectored they're all Videogame Logos & Decals of Characters, creative commons No Rasterization, no pixels, Not Blurred, no bad form, perfect lines, Bezier Curves, accurate beveling of edges, no oblong shape...
Hi I'm looking at improving (by a lot) the graphics of a page based on the adminlte template. i'll give you access to the gui, you should save the page in html and improve it while taking notes of what you changed (because i'll need to integrate it back with the server-side code) It needs to be much more usable and pretty and also great on mobile. Max bid 100 euros. Thank you.
Hi I'm looking at improving (by a lot) the graphics of a page based on the adminlte template. i'll give you access to the gui, you should save the page in html and improve it while taking notes of what you changed (because i'll need to integrate it back with the server-side code) It needs to be much more usable and pretty and also great on mobile. Max bid 100 euros. Thank you.
...delegating effectively. Learn to say "no" to distractions and focus on high-priority, high-impact tasks. 3. The Importance of Training Regular training is the key to building a high-performing team. Repetition is crucial—train your team on core skills frequently. Emphasize continuous improvement in areas like sales techniques, customer service, and product knowledge. 4. The Dream 100 Strategy Identify your top 100 ideal clients and focus all your marketing and sales efforts on nurturing these relationships. Build a systematic outreach plan to convert these "dream" clients into long-term customers. 5. Market Data and Education-Based Marketing Use market data to position yourself as an expert in your industry. Share insights, research, or data that ...
I'm looking for an experienced developer to create a Prestashop module that integrates with the Trendyol Marketplace API. The module should support product listing, inventory management , message management and order synchronization. Key Features: - Product Listing: Seamless integration for listing products on Trendyol - Inventory Management: Real-time inventory syncing reflecting on the marketplace and prestashop - Order Synchronization: Automatically syncing orders from Trendyol to Prestashop Additionally, the module must support: - Multiple Languages: To cater to the diverse Trendyol customer base - Different Currencies: As Trendyol operates in various currency zones Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficient in Prestashop module development - Experience with Trendyol ...
IMPORTANT: Start your proposal with the word "LAUNDRY" to show you've read this completely. Description: We need an expert in AI voice generation and optimization to create an exceptionally natural-sounding female narration for our 30-second commercial. This is NOT a job for human voice actors - we specifically want AI voice generation with professional enhancement to sound completely natural. What We Need: - Premium quality AI female voice narration - Natural emotional inflections and pacing - Professional editing and optimization Technical Requirements: 1. AI Voice Enhancement: - Tempo/speed optimization - EQ adjustments (treble/bass balance) - Natural pause insertion - Emotional emphasis tuning - Removal of robotic artifacts 2. Deliverables: ...
Editar un documento Word profesional con las indicaciones que ha dado el cliente
Tengo un documento Word el cual estoy realizando un Ebook, pero quiero corregir sus estructura, ortografía, redacción, realizar un índice, acomodar el margen y quitar colores indeseados.
...organizers, and influencers. Required Marketing Services: - Social Media Marketing (SMM) - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok - Community engagement & content creation (memes, guides, event promos) - Paid advertising campaigns (Facebook Ads, Google Ads) - SEO & Content Marketing - Blog posts & website SEO optimization - Keyword research for TCG & RPG niches - Press releases and guest articles on gaming websites - Influencer & Partnership Outreach with gaming stores & tournament organizers - Email Marketing & Retargeting - Event Promotion Budget & Timeline: - Initial Campaign Duration: 3-6 months - Budget: Open to proposals (phased approach preferred) - Performance Metrics: Sign-ups, engagement rate, event participation Ad...