
    2,000 photo contest site 見つかった仕事

    WordPress Site Issue & Enhancement Request Document for Outsourcing Below is the revised version of your request in a clear and structured format for easier outsourcing. --- 1. Household Income Tab Not Displaying Options (★★★) Issue: On Android devices, tapping the "Household Income" tab does not display any options. Request: Investigate and resolve the issue. Page: [Specify the relevant URL] --- 2. Disable Automatic Profile Entry When Logging in with Google Issue: When users log in via Google, their profile name is automatically entered. Request: Prevent the automatic entry of profile names upon Google login. Page: [Specify the relevant URL] --- 3. Email Language Issue – Remove Default English Version Issue: When a user creates an account usin...

    $152 Average bid
    $152 平均入札額
    56 入札

    Olá, Estamos recrutando redatores para entrar no nosso time! Você irá compor artigos de curadoria para um site sobre sonhos, espiritualidade, e esoterismo. Tudo já foi definido pela gente, e a estrutura dos artigos já está até montada: você só precisa escrever! Além disso, é você que escolhe quanto quer escrever! Confira os requisitos e os detalhes: Você é: ・Uma pessoa disponível para contato frequente; ・Responsável com prazos; ・Possui facilidade com o pacote Office (Excel, Word); ・Um redator que domina a língua portuguesa; E contribuirá em um projeto que: ・Publica artigos de 1000 a 4000 palavras; ・Paga aproximadamente R$20 a cada 1000 palavras (valor definid...

    $345 Average bid
    $345 平均入札額
    10 入札
    Dating site
    終了 left

    昨今の時代背景から垣間見える課題点を踏まえ 将来的に必要不可欠となるオンライン化へ切り替える サービス提供は結婚を目的とした出会いを求めている人向けに 新規オンラインシステムのサービスとしての各種必要になる システム機能や構成デザイン等をお願いしたい。 【発注の詳細】 ・Web&スマホ対応。(全国エリア対応) ※ご不明な点等、ご提案いただきました後に、ご説明いたします。 ・開発:各種システム機能の開発 ・開発種別:WEB系 ・システム内容:●参考サイトと同等レベルを希望。 ・必須機能:参考サイトと同じレベルの機能とデザインを希望。 ・類似サイト: ・利用ユーザー(ターゲット): 社外向け(BtoC) ・想定規模:数百人~数万人程度でもOK ・対応デバイス: モバイル デバイス、PC  ・指定のサーバー:超格安でも内容が充実しているサーバーを希望 ・画面遷移図/仕様書/設計書: 無 ・予算内訳: 初期開発 / 保守費用 / マーケティングROI費用 ・金額の根拠: 参考情報あり(他社見積り等) ・決裁権: あり ・重視するポイント: 費用 【商談情報】 ・打ち合わせ方法:メール希望 【予算】 ・予算希望金額 イニシャルコスト:サイト参考見積額にて検討 (システム機能開発、設計、デザイン、保守、マーケティングROI、等含む) ・補足 (参考サイト全体の内容規模と構成と見積額の内訳書により検討)   【見積もり時期】なるべく早く。 【納期】可能であれば年内。 【その他詳細】 WEB開発(スマホ対応)・システム開発、設計、デザイン、各種機能等、 記載内容にてご対応できる企業様・個人様を希望。 ※(一部、外注でも可能) ※(男女問いません) お手数をお掛け致しますが、 お見積りのご提案を頂けますと幸いで御座います。 ※お見積りの詳細項目内容ですが、一式表...

    $3871 Average bid
    $3871 平均入札額
    12 入札

    SDL is Product and Service Public Company. Over the past 25 years we’ve delivered transformative business results by enabling powerfullynuanced digital experiences with customers around the world. We are looking for passionate, collaborative and creative people to join our team. We are spreadacross 55 offices in 38 countries yet we still manage to keep a small company feel. About Us - SDLアメリアは、ソフトウェアテスティングサービスのリーディングカンパニーです。 ただいま、ソフトウェアのQAテスターを急募しています。様々なデバイスを使って、ソフトウェアのQAテストを担当していただきます。都内のグローバルIT企業のオフィスでのお仕事です。 雇用形態:契約社員(契約延長の可能性あり) 勤務地:東京 モバイルデバイスのテスト経験がある方、幅広い種類のデバイス、アプリ、メディアに対応できる方からのご応募をお待ちしています。 <求める経験、スキル> • モバイルデバイス、クラウド、ウェブ、テレビ/ビデオ等のテスト経験、または開発経験がある方(2年以上) • iOS、Android、Mac OSの使用経験がある方 • 分析力、トラブルシューティングのスキルをお持ちの方、細部に注意を払える方、新しいことを学びすばやく吸収でき...

    $52 / hr Average bid
    $52 / hr 平均入札額
    31 入札
    Trophy icon Kawaii style robots
    終了 left

    ...art can be hand drawn or digitally created, The final work will be in vector or psd, vector preferred. I need 2 total art works for the final submission. Art must be original and in vector format. Target Market: Apparel for Japanese and American Kawaii fans (young adults ages 18 - 25) Submission: Submit your entry as a 1 page overview. Final work may need additional edits after end of contest. Post any questions in the discussion forum. ----------------------- Translation of above post in Japanese: 付属品を参考にしてください。 新しいアパレルキャンペーンのために作成された8文字が必要です。 Kawaiiスタイルのロボットを考えてみましょう。参照を参照してください。 あなたの創造性を使ってKawaiiスタイルのロボットを想像してください。芸術はシンプルで複雑なものにすることができます。 芸術は手描きまたはデジタルで作成することができます。最終的な作業はベクターまたはPSDで行い、ベクターを優先します。 私は最終的な提出のために芸術作品ごとに最大4色のアートワークを必要とします。アートはオリジナル...

    $60 Average bid

    この度はお世話になります。 東京都中央区で開業しております歯科クリニックでございます。 延期、延期になり、皆様へは大変ご迷惑をお掛けいたしましたが、この度、外国人への認知の向上、来院者数の増加を狙い、デンタルクリニックのWeb siteの英語簡略版のWebsite制作をすることになりました。 詳細は以下の通りですのでご覧ください。 尚、ご提案頂ける様でしたら、その際に、過去の実績を何点か 拝見させて頂けましたら非常に幸いでございます。 以上、ご協力いただけます様、宜しくお願い申し上げます。 記 1、 某デンタルクリニックのWeb siteの英語簡略版のWebsite制作 現サイト   ・Site構成:①TOP、Why Japanなのか? ②医院紹介 ③歯医者紹介 ③治療紹介 ④クリニック内紹介 ⑤アクセス ⑥問い合わせ等 + 予約画面へのリンク ・英語のテキストは全てこちらから提供 ・骨格はこちらから指定しますので、デザインを主にしてくれる方を希望 2、上記クリニックの多言語版ランディングページ ・Site構成:1ページ。内容は上記のサマリー見たいなもの。1ページを4,5個のセクションに分ける。 ・トップに「お知らせ」や強調ポイントを何枚かのスライド風に流したい。 正直な話、プロジェクトとしての数字が未定であり、レスポンスの反応を見る為に作成致します。よって、少額の予算しかつきませんので、何卒、ご理解いただいたうえで、ご連絡頂けましたら、大変助かります。 希望予算を明治の上、ご連絡願います。 皆様、お忙しい中恐れ入りますが、宜しくお願い致します。

    $876 Average bid
    $876 平均入札額
    2 入札

    fifteenhex様 お世話になります。 依頼内容は同じです。 よろしくお願いします。 アンドロイド向けのツールアプリなのです...して簡単に使用できるものです。 詳細は添付の仕様書をご確認ください。 参考にしたアプリをお伝え致します。 Angel Browser OneClick Scroll - root iOSアプリですが RotoView RotoView Photo Magnifier 開発の一助になれば幸いです。 このご縁が繋がることを心よりお待ちしております。 何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。

    $1000 Average bid
    $1000 平均入札額
    1 入札

    fifteenhex様 お世話になります。 前回も同じ内容で依頼していたSMArt新町と申します。 メールでも問い合わせした件で...して簡単に使用できるものです。 詳細は添付の仕様書をご確認ください。 参考にしたアプリをお伝え致します。 Angel Browser OneClick Scroll - root iOSアプリですが RotoView RotoView Photo Magnifier 開発の一助になれば幸いです。 このご縁が繋がることを心よりお待ちしております。 何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。

    $1000 Average bid
    $1000 平均入札額
    1 入札

    ifteenhex様 はじめまして、 日本人のSMArt新町と申します。 日本在住とのことであなた様に興味を持ち、レヴューを拝見...して簡単に使用できるものです。 詳細は添付の仕様書をご確認ください。 参考にしたアプリをお伝え致します。 Angel Browser OneClick Scroll - root iOSアプリですが RotoView RotoView Photo Magnifier 開発の一助になれば幸いです。 このご縁が繋がることを心よりお待ちしております。 何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。

    $1000 Average bid
    $1000 平均入札額
    1 入札

    fifteenhex様 はじめまして、 日本人のSMArt新町と申します。 日本在住とのことであなた様に興味を持ち、レヴューを拝...して簡単に使用できるものです。 詳細は添付の仕様書をご確認ください。 参考にしたアプリをお伝え致します。 Angel Browser OneClick Scroll - root iOSアプリですが RotoView RotoView Photo Magnifier 開発の一助になれば幸いです。 このご縁が繋がることを心よりお待ちしております。 何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。

    $1000 Average bid
    $1000 平均入札額
    1 入札

    Services  Professional Photos, Images, Pictures editing  Data Entry & Data Processing  Logo Designing & T-shirt Designing  Any work with Ms. WORD, Ms. Excel, Ms. PowerPoint  Architecture  HTML, CSS, PHP  FB Cover Photo, Banner Designing

    $24 Average bid
    $24 平均入札額
    8 入札

    ...illustrations traced from photos. Around 6 people per month, may change accordingly. Please see the attached file for sample. When hired, 1_Photo will be sent by mail. 2_Using Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, please trace the photo according to the sample attached here. 3_Zip the file and send back by mail. -Save file as Adobe Illustrator (ai) file. -Version needs to be CS5 or under. -Object color is one color (C 50, M 50, Y 70, K 0) -Do not take outline of pass. !! Please attach a sample when bidding (both the photo and the illustration) !!...

    $16 Average bid
    $16 平均入札額
    3 入札

    ...illustrations traced from photos. Around 6 people per month, may change accordingly. Please see the attached file for sample. When hired, 1_Photo will be sent by mail. 2_Using Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, please trace the photo according to the sample attached here. 3_Zip the file and send back by mail. -Save file as Adobe Illustrator (ai) file. -Version needs to be CS5 or under. -Object color is one color (C 50, M 50, Y 70, K 0) -Do not take outline of pass. !! Please attach a sample when bidding (both the photo and the illustration) !!...

    $15 Average bid
    $15 平均入札額
    7 入札

    Cria um site com reviews de produtos de maquiagem, nomeadamente as marcas mais conhecidas/usadas.

    $137 Average bid
    $137 平均入札額
    20 入札

    Uncover your artistic side with my AI-powered Face Style Transformation service. Your face photo is morphed into various iconic art styles, as showcased in my portfolio. Each transformation is a testament to a seamless blend of your unique features with the essence of diverse artistic movements, creating a personalized piece of digital Highlights:Diverse Styles: Explore a range from Impressionism to Modern Fusion: Blend styles for a unique aesthetic.High-Res Outputs: Receive sharp images for various Attention: Authentic style :Expertise: Blending AI and Turnaround: Quality service, promptly : Competitive rates for artistic Guaranteed: Revisions until vision

    $50 Average bid
    $50 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I'm in need of a skilled photo editor who can expertly integrate a provided head onto a portrait photo of mine. The head should appear to be shouting, requiring the mouth to be adjusted into an 'ohhhh' shape. Key Requirements: - Seamless integration of the head onto the portrait, maintaining a realistic style - Adjusting the mouth of the added head to express a shout - Color matching of the added head to the original photo - Maintaining the original plain background of the portrait The ideal freelancer for this project would be someone with substantial experience in photo editing, particularly in head integration and realistic style adjustments. Attention to detail is crucial, as the final product should be a believable and cohesive portrait.

    $22 Average bid
    $22 平均入札額
    66 入札

    I need an Instagram photo edited. The attached PNG signature should be overlaid on the photo with the text "Pleased to join the Lakkhi Foundation" in the same font. The top right corner of the image should have the attached PNG logo. Ideal skills for this job: - Proficient in photo editing software (like Photoshop) - Attention to detail (matching font and sizing) - Understanding of Instagram photo sizing requirements.

    $20 Average bid
    SEO Expert Needed for Next.js Site
    6 日 left

    I'm looking for an SEO professional with proven experience working on websites. My primary goal is to increase organic traffic to my site, so expertise in driving traffic from Google is crucial. Implementing SSR or ISR

    $66 Average bid
    $66 平均入札額
    35 入札

    I need some minor photo editing done. Specifically, I'm wearing spectacles and it needs to be removed. Key Details: - Format: The photos are in JPEG format. - Quantity: I need spectacles removed from 1 photo. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in photo editing software. - Attention to detail. - Ability to follow specific instructions for photo alterations.

    $6 Average bid
    $6 平均入札額
    20 入札

    I'm seeking a minimalistic book cover for "Break Free from Anxious Attachment". My subtitle is "Let Go of Self Doubt, Eliminate Fear of Abandonment, and Build Healthy, Long Lasting Relationships with Ease". The author name is "Elevate Press" which I want in small print at the bottom of the book. This project will be a contest among various designers, and I'm keen to see a wide array of creative interpretations. The example I have contains a border around the book that was designed on Ideogram. I was told that it was best to not have a border so I don't want the border. I am interested in seeing various designs with a bold title where the title is a good contract with the cover color. I am attaching a cover that I like, but I want to ...

    $150 Average bid
    126 エントリー

    I'm seeking a web developer with expertise in React and NextJS to further develop my community website hosted on Google Cloud. The site needs to be optimized for performance, improved for UI/UX, and integrated with new features. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in React and NextJS - Experienced in Google Cloud hosting - Skilled in UI/UX design - Knowledgeable in performance optimization techniques - Capable of developing and integrating new features The successful freelancer will be tasked with enhancing the existing platform to better serve our community. Bids from professionals with a proven track record in similar projects will be prioritized.

    $34 / hr Average bid
    $34 / hr 平均入札額
    152 入札
    Trophy icon GGB Ascend Logo Design Contest
    2 日 left

    Freelancer Logo Design Contest Brief – GGB Ascend Project Title: Logo Design for GGB Ascend – Elevating Brands Across Industries Company Overview: GGB Ascend is the dedicated social media and digital marketing division of Global Gourmet Brands (GGB), specializing in elevating brands across multiple industries including restaurants, hospitality, real estate, and the gaming industry. Our mission is to help businesses stay relevant, engaging, and ahead of the competition through high-impact social media strategies, brand positioning, digital advertising, and creative content solutions. Logo Requirements: Modern, Bold, and Professional – Should convey trust, innovation, and premium quality. Minimalist Yet Impactful – Avoid overly complex elements, aim for a cl...

    $50 Average bid
    336 エントリー

    My WordPress site is experiencing design/layout issues. The site has been copied to a test bed as the live WordPress site version is outdated. The test bed site has been upgraded from WordPress 4.9.26 to 6.7.1 and we are finding we are unable to edit pages, with a "Critical error" showing. We believe we have localised the issue down to the plugins WP Bakery and Visual Composer. I need a skilled WordPress developer to diagnose and repair these problems so that my site is once again editable and stable. We use Ninja Forms and have had their support to get their plugin working but requires editing a page available to confirm this. Currently, the site is accessible, both front and back end, but cannot edit pages, when both WP Bakery and Vi...

    $181 Average bid
    $181 平均入札額
    166 入札

    functionality to enable product bundling, allowing customers to choose different sizes and colors for bundled items with a maximum limit per product (e.g., 5 items). Customers can only proceed to the next product once the limit is reached, and after selecting all items, they can add the entire bundle to their cart at a fixed price.

    $650 Average bid
    $650 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I'm looking for a skilled photo editor to help with a simple task. The project involves removing a leash from a photograph of a monkey and replacing it with a suitable background.

    $16 Average bid
    $16 平均入札額
    63 入札

    I need a skilled Photoshop expert to edit a photo of a baby in the hospital. The job involves: - Removing: All tubes, monitoring stickers, and bandages from the baby's body. - Background: Keep the original background without any changes. - Skin Tone: No enhancements are needed, just keep it original. The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience in photo editing and retouching images using Photoshop. I send you a second photo i put in a cycle the stuff i want you to remove

    $18 Average bid
    $18 平均入札額
    66 入札

    I need a skilled photo retoucher to enhance over 15 photos for my professional portfolio.

    $179 Average bid
    $179 平均入札額
    83 入札

    I need a website where i can upload .bin files up to 10mb in size. Each product will have a specific name (Car brand, model, engine, horsepower, file software version, ecu type version). I also have additional plugin that need to be incorporated into the site more specifics in PM) File Management: Store the ECU binary files securely on the server or a cloud storage service (e.g., AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage). Use a relational database to index metadata (e.g., software version, part number, etc.) for fast searching. Search Functionality: Allow customers to search for files based on specific criteria (e.g., SW version, ECU model). Use full-text search or indexing for fast lookups (e.g., Laravel Scout with Elasticsearch). E-Commerce: Integrate a payment gateway (e.g., Stripe, PayPa...

    $511 Average bid
    $511 平均入札額
    76 入札

    I'm looking for a seasoned PHP developer with extensive WordPress experience to help me create a new website. Key Skills: - PHP - WordPress - Website creation Call me if you are in zirakpur , Chandigarh, on site 8360603646 - E-commerce knowledge would be a plus - Shopify, Webflow understanding for future projects

    $43 / hr Average bid
    $43 / hr 平均入札額
    39 入札

    I need a professional to help me crop 4 photos to remove the background and leave me with just the headshots. The final images should be in JPEG format and suitable for casual use on social media. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in photo editing, particularly in background removal. Proficiency in using photo editing software is a must.

    $140 Average bid
    $140 平均入札額
    90 入札

    I'm in need of a professional with experience in ...in deploying full stack websites. I have the code and accounts for the deployment sites, and you can choose where to deploy. This is a simple gambling site that I've modified for my Discord community from free source code on GitHub. The site is now working fine in local host. Key Requirements: - Deploy the site on your chosen platform. - Ensure all functionalities work correctly. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Node.js and JavaScript, as these are the primary languages used in the site's code. - Prior experience in deploying full stack websites, preferably gambling or gaming sites. - Good understanding of the functionalities included in the site. Please note, the code is ready and I just need a ...

    $136 Average bid
    $136 平均入札額
    33 入札

    Bonjour je desir ajouter une page Web sur mon site dans le domaine de la cyberSécurité

    $129 Average bid
    $129 平均入札額
    62 入札

    I need a redesign of my Wordpress site to reflect a modern style. Please include the following feature: Responsiveness.

    $106 Average bid
    $106 平均入札額
    117 入札

    I'm seeking a professional photo editor with a strong background in image restoration and advanced manipulation, specifically in compositing multiple images. The primary goal is to overlay images seamlessly. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in image restoration techniques - Experienced in compositing various images - Able to overlay images in a seamless manner - Proficient in using advanced photo editing software - Detail-oriented with a keen eye for visual aesthetics

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr 平均入札額
    11 入札

    I'm seeking a professional web developer to create a vibrant, service-oriented e-commerce website for my web development business. This site needs to be both captivating and user-friendly, with full e-commerce functionality, secure Gpay integration, and a mobile-optimized design. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive e-commerce capabilities - Engaging, colorful, and user-friendly interface - Secure Gpay integration - Mobile-optimized design

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr 平均入札額
    66 入札

    I'm seeking professional photography editors specializing in glamour shots. The project requires an extensive range of editing enhancements, including but not limited to: - Skin Smoothing: Ensuring a fl...not limited to: - Skin Smoothing: Ensuring a flawless complexion. - Color Correction: Balancing tones and enhancing vibrancy. - Background Alteration: Changing the backdrop as necessary. - Blurring Tattoos: Making them less visible. - Blurring Faces: For privacy or artistic purposes. - Body Contouring: Subtly enhancing the subject's physique. The ideal candidate will possess strong skills in photo editing software, particularly Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. Prior experience in editing glamour shots will be a significant advantage. Please include examples of similar wo...

    $37 Average bid
    $37 平均入札額
    57 入札

    I'm looking for a designer to h...couples magazine. The magazine will be 24-32 pages long and celebrates a significant milestone in a relationship. Key Responsibilities: - Design a clean, minimalist magazine layout - Incorporate provided photos and messages into the design - Create engaging photo collages - Feature quotes and sayings about love prominently - Design an eye-catching cover page that sets the tone for the magazine. - Ensure a consistent theme is used throughout the magazine. Ideal Skills: - Prior experience in magazine design - Strong ability to work with photo collages - Excellent design skills in modern minimalistic style - Ability to meet tight deadlines I will provide all photos and messages that need to be included in the magazine. The deliverab...

    $59 Average bid
    $59 平均入札額
    27 入札

    I need the emojis removed from the attached photo without distorting the image/face or shoes as much as possible. The emojis are primarily located on the face. Do NOT remove the other person!! I am asking for the emojis to be removed only. Not the person behind the lady in the photo. Please pay attention to the contest description and details. And STOP adding fake heads and photoshop images to the photo! That is NOT what I am asking for! I said remove the emoji so that I can see the original face behind the emoji! If you don’t know how to do that then don’t submit an entry because it’s getting rejected. Ideal Skills: - Photo Editing - Photoshop Expert - Image Restoration - Color Correction - Attention to Detail Expectations: - Hig...

    $10 Average bid

    I'm looking for an experienced Wowonder expert who can integrate a few of the newest Comment features in to our already customized WoWonder script. It's the areas in the Timeline social feed of my existing custom site. Really just adding the folders and files to our server and integrating the functionality with our UI. There's only like 3 things: - Post AI Comments - Generate AI Posts - Upload AI images and allow user to draw. - Uploading Reels THE FUNCTIONALITY IS ALREADY THERE, I DO NOT NEED any programming or new coding work done. But because I have a very customized WoWonder script, I have to do updates like these 1 at a time and NOT upload their script Key tasks include: - Integrating video posts, AI generated comments, AI posts, AI comments, and reels int...

    $184 Average bid
    $184 平均入札額
    74 入札

    I'm looking for a seasoned web developer with experience in creating robust WooCommerce E-commerce sites. Key Features: - Payment Gateway Integration: The site should support secure and seamless transactions. - Product Reviews and Ratings: I want to encourage customer interaction and feedback on products. - Inventory Management: The site should have an efficient system to track stock levels. - Customer Account Area: Provide users with an account area to view their purchase history and profile. Skills and Experience Required: - Proficiency in WooCommerce - Strong understanding of E-commerce best practices - Experience in implementing secure payment gateways - Knowledge in creating user-interactive features - Proficiency in inventory management systems. Please provide...

    $276 Average bid
    $276 平均入札額
    86 入札

    I need two specific forms set up on my website, , using WPForms: a Contact form and a Registration form. Contact Form: - Basic contact information only Registration Form: - Name and email - Phone number and address - Basic information Please, do not reach out if you cannot complete within my stated budget and timeframe, as it will only waste both of our time. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience with WPForms and WordPress.

    $74 Average bid
    $74 平均入札額
    41 入札
    E-book Wordsmith Site with Sales
    6 日 left

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a wordsmith site primarily featuring E-books, with sales capabilities for digital downloads. The site should allow public purchasing of E-books. Key Requirements: - E-commerce: The site should have secure and user-friendly E-commerce functionality for selling digital downloads. - Wordsmith Features: The site should have features typical of a wordsmith site, including the capacity to host and display E-books. - Public Access: The site should be accessible to the public for purchasing E-books. Skills and Experience: - Proficient in e-commerce site development. - Experience with digital product sales platforms. - Understanding of content-rich site creation.

    $174 Average bid
    $174 平均入札額
    139 入札

    I'm looking to re-build a professional business website that is based on the Avada WordPress theme. The site uses Avada's layout technology. It showcases our services, features client testimonials, contains a contact form, a mega menu, and a blog. Key requirements include: - Avada theme - mega menu - Avada layouts for main pages, subpages, and blog posts. If interested - send URL of websites you built with Avada, using layouts and mega menus

    $176 Average bid
    $176 平均入札額
    120 入札

    My Squarespace site has undergone an audit and it's been flagged with numerous errors impacting my Google ranking. It's crucial to address both the site issues and improve my site's visibility on Google. Scope of Work: - Review and correct all CSS in the backend - Fix all HTTP images leading to Mixed Content Errors - Identify and remove dodgy backlinks that have a high toxic score Ideal Candidate: - Master in Squarespace - Experienced with CSS - Knowledgeable in SEO - Able to troubleshoot and fix Mixed Content Errors - Skillful in identifying and managing backlinks Your bid will be prioritised if you can demonstrate your ability to both fix my site and improve my Google ranking.

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr 平均入札額
    95 入札

    ...Default the IP Adress will load the local territory. Ability to Upgrade to multiple languages and currencies Buyers select from the drop down list and mention their budgets and sellers will send their offers to buyers. Buyers select a seller and send message. The main modules of the system will be: 1. Registration and Login a. User types: Buyer, Seller and Admin b. Buyers and Sellers register on the site using Email and password. 2. Buyer Module a. Sign up and login to their dashboard b. List products - select from the Drop down menus c. calculates establishment costs d. List Budgets for the products e. View offers from sellers for the RFQs. f. Buy It Now option g. Listing Generates Listing Fee as Percentage of Budget 3. Seller Module a) Search and view li...

    $1150 Average bid
    $1150 平均入札額
    83 入札

    I'm seeking a talented digital artist or photo editor proficient in Photoshop or similar software, with a meticulous eye for detail and realism. The task is to create a seamless and lifelike transformation by blending the facial features of three provided images. Key Requirements: - Expertise in advanced photo manipulation - Ability to maintain original lighting and textures - Ensuring accurate proportions for a smooth transition The final output should be highly realistic, with no traces of digital alteration. Please share your portfolio or previous work samples that demonstrate your ability to deliver high-quality, realistic results.

    $45 Average bid
    $45 平均入札額
    3 入札

    ...seeking a professional WordPress developer with e-commerce experience to help complete my cookie bakery website built with XStore theme. Key Responsibilities: - Finish the Product pages, Checkout process, and About Us page. - Setup and configure necessary plugins, including Payment gateways, SEO plugins, and Security plugins. Ideal Skills: - Strong WordPress and XStore theme experience. - E-commerce site development expertise. - Proficient in setting up and configuring plugins. - Capable of creating engaging Product pages and a smooth Checkout process. Please note, the design style for the remaining sections has not been defined yet, so a modern and clean style is preferred but not mandatory. I am open to suggestions. Your ability to balance functionality with an appealing d...

    $750 - $1500
    $750 - $1500
    145 入札

    Hi Bilal, Can we please use a previous project and change the photo, along with changing the amount of dot points from four to three, change the logo to vex group, change matt's phone number to Graeme's, and under we are Hiring change the job to WORKSHOP TRADE ASSISTANT. Change the dot points to: Competitive Pay Rate Immediate Start Monday to Friday Roster Graeme : 0450 101 032 Thank you

    $6 Average bid
    $6 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I'm seeking a seasoned digital marketer to drive traffic to my eCommerce website. The goal is to convert this traffic into business. Key Responsibilities: - Implement a variety of traffic generation methods, including SEO, Social Media Marketing, and PPC. - Tailor strategies to attract global customers. The ideal candidate: - Has proven experience with eCommerce websites. - Demonstrates a deep understanding of global market trends. - Possesses strong skills in SEO, PPC, and Social Media Marketing. The budget for this project is $100. The objective is to observe measurable outcomes within the first target timeframe to see measurable results." Our target timeframe to see measurable results is any. We aim to see measurable results within any timeframe. We aim to achieve any meas...

    $54 Average bid
    $54 平均入札額
    70 入札