Metadata file dll could not be found visual studio 2017仕事


  • metadata file dll could not be found visual studio 2017
2,000 metadata file dll could not be found visual studio 2017 見つかった仕事

...hunting can be a little time consuming and you're probably keen to find out what's on offer, so we'll get straight to the point. -Where and how you can work Our flagship campus is in Sydney, Australia but we engage our Contractors and Freelancers all over the world to help us meet our crazy big goals. As a Contract or Freelancer at Canva you can work remotely in the country listed on this job ad, meaning you have ultimate flexibility. Wherever works for you, works for us. -What you’d be doing in this role As a Copywriter at Canva, it’s your mission to create content that makes complex things simple and to give ordinary people the ability to make extraordinary things. We place a strong emphasis on the success of our users, and content in all f...

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr 平均入札額
6 入札

I am looking for someone who could potentially become the COO of my digital marketing company, starting off working freelance first. They need to be a native Japanese speaker, also living in Osaka, so we can have a hybrid work flow of in persona and remote 職務詳細: - 会社の日常運営を監督し、すべての部署が効果的に協力して会社の目標を達成することを確保する - CEOやその他の幹部チームメンバーと緊密に協力し、成長・成功戦略を開発・実行する - 会社の事業計画の開発・実行を監督 - 部署長やチームを管理し、目標・ターゲットを達成するために動機付ける - 効率・生産性を向上するためのプロセス改善を特定し実施する - 市場動向・競合状況を監視・分析し、競争優位を維持する - 重要な顧客・パートナーとの関係を維持・開発する - 会社が財政的に安定・利益を上げるための財務・予算管理プロセスを管理する - マーケティング・広告キャンペーンの開発・実施を監督する - 社員にリーダーシップ・指導を提供する - 業界イベントやネットワーキング機会で会社を代表する 必要なスキル・属性: - 素早く学習することができる - 自己主導型 - 高いコミュニケーションスキル - 新しいソフトウェアや技術を学び使用することを好む 必要なスキル・属性: - 素早く学習することができる - 自己主導型 - 高いコミュニケーションスキル - 新しいソフト...

$7500 Average bid
$7500 平均入札額
3 入札 site! it would be ideal if you are experienced self-motivated can create Japanese anime-themed comical designs would like to be a freelancer 【Details】 Job title: Japanese graphic designer (Freelancer) Certification: experienced. Place of work: Unspecified work hours: Unspecified Salary: Negotiable but it depends on the experience level 【Work Contents】 We currently have an open position for a Japanese graphic designer who can help us out create web designs for our Japanese game review site. what you would be doing is propose web designs when we are in need. Regarding the style of design, We would like some Japanese-themed comical designs. Although there is no restriction on where or when you work, we would appreciate if you could meet the deadlin...

$14 / hr Average bid
$14 / hr 平均入札額
3 入札

■お仕事の内容 一流旅館・ホテルの予約サイトrelux()の旅館、ホテルの情報を英語に翻訳したいと考えており、英語で文書を書くことが得意な方の募集を行います。作業としては、こちらから翻訳用のアカウントをお渡しするので、そこに記載されている旅館またはホテルの情報を翻訳して頂く形となります。 ▽Reluxについて 以下サイトをご覧くださいませ。 サイトURL: アプリ: ▽報酬金額 20,000円/10施設(システム利用料・税込み) ※10施設単位でのお支払いになります。 ※事前に源泉税を徴収の手続きをさせていただきます ▽翻訳の分量 弊社の予約サイト( )の各施設のページの中にある ・施設の名前 ・施設の紹介 ・宿泊プラン紹介(施設による数は変わります) ・部屋タイプ紹介(施設による数は変わります) ・アクセス ・レストラン ・お風呂 ・その他の施設情報 ・ご案内 ・注意事項 となります。文字の分量をご確認ください。 ▽応募条件 ・英語が母語の方 ・1週間10施設の翻訳を仕上げてくださる方。 ・英語のみでなく、日本語読解能力のある方(文言的な日本語がでてきます) ・定期的な進捗報告ができる方。 ▽選考および仕事依頼のフロー 【選考】 翻訳の品質を確認するため、短いテスト文面の翻訳を選考として行わせていただきます。 選考内容を答えた上で、ご応募してください 【仕事依頼のフロー】 選考を通過した方に一回目の契約はトライアルとして、1施設の翻訳のみとさせていただきます。 納品後作業のルール、内容と品質を確認した上で、問題ないようでしたら、正式に10施設をご依頼させていただきます。 ※トライアル翻訳(1施設分)の報酬は支払いますので、ご安心ください。 ▽期間 早くご応募いただけ...

$17 Average bid
$17 平均入札額
4 入札

■お仕事の内容 一流旅館・ホテルの予約サイトrelux()の旅館、ホテルの情報を英語に翻訳したいと考えており、英語で文書を書くことが得意な方の募集を行います。作業としては、こちらから翻訳用のアカウントをお渡しするので、そこに記載されている旅館またはホテルの情報を翻訳して頂く形となります。 ▽Reluxについて 以下サイトをご覧くださいませ。 サイトURL: アプリ: ▽報酬金額 20,000円/10施設(システム利用料・税込み) ※10施設単位でのお支払いになります。 ※事前に源泉税を徴収の手続きをさせていただきます ▽翻訳の分量 弊社の予約サイト( )の各施設のページの中にある ・施設の名前 ・施設の紹介 ・宿泊プラン紹介(施設による数は変わります) ・部屋タイプ紹介(施設による数は変わります) ・アクセス ・レストラン ・お風呂 ・その他の施設情報 ・ご案内 ・注意事項 となります。文字の分量をご確認ください。 ▽応募条件 ・英語が母語の方 ・1週間10施設の翻訳を仕上げてくださる方。 ・英語のみでなく、日本語読解能力のある方(文言的な日本語がでてきます) ・定期的な進捗報告ができる方。 ▽選考および仕事依頼のフロー 【選考】 翻訳の品質を確認するため、短いテスト文面の翻訳を選考として行わせていただきます。 選考内容を答えた上で、ご応募してください 【仕事依頼のフロー】 選考を通過した方に一回目の契約はトライアルとして、1施設の翻訳のみとさせていただきます。 納品後作業のルール、内容と品質を確認した上で、問題ないようでしたら、正式に10施設をご依頼させていただきます。 ※トライアル翻訳(1施設分)の報酬は支払いますので、ご安心ください。 ▽期間 早くご応募いただけ...

$14 Average bid
$14 平均入札額
5 入札

日本語の取扱説明書を校正お願いします。 よろしくお願いいたします。

$3 / hr Average bid
$3 / hr 平均入札額
14 入札

業務内容としてはPC上での簡単なデータのコピー&ペースト作業です。 1日 30分程度です。 これを毎日お願いします。 基本コピー&ペースト作業、初心者の方でも大丈夫です。 報酬に関しては 約月6000円ぐらいからと考えています。 ※1日にこなせる作業幅が増えた場合は昇給させていただきます。 ☆条件☆ ?パソコンを持っている方 ?毎日作業が出来る方 ?ライン等を使える方 ▽注意点・禁止事項 ※ノウハウやデータの内容を第三者に漏洩することは厳禁です。 ※入力したデータに誤りがあった場合や、 重複があった場合には、以降の作業を拒否することがあります。 お仕事をお願いする場合はこちらの情報をかなりお渡しすることになりますので 本当に信頼できる方にお願いしたいと考えております。 ご応募の際は、以下の質問への回答をお願いいたします。 【質問への回答がなかった場合は、内容や条件などのご確認頂けていないものとし、返信はいたしませんので、予めご了承くださいm(__)m】 Q、インターネットの閲覧、PC上でのコピー&ペーストはできますか? Q、1日に確保できる作業時間はおおよそどのくらいですか? Q、年齢、性別、ご職業、お住いの地域、簡単な自己紹介をお願いいたします。 仕事内容についてご質問等ありましたら、お気軽にご連絡ください。 よろしくお願い申し上げます。

$77 Average bid
$77 平均入札額
12 入札

業務内容としてはPC上での簡単なデータのコピー&ペースト作業です。 1日 30分程度です。 これを毎日お願いします。 基本コピー&ペースト作業、初心者の方でも大丈夫です。 報酬に関しては 約月6000円ぐらいからと考えています。 ※1日にこなせる作業幅が増えた場合は昇給させていただきます。 ☆条件☆ ?パソコンを持っている方 ?毎日作業が出来る方 ?ライン等を使える方 ▽注意点・禁止事項 ※ノウハウやデータの内容を第三者に漏洩することは厳禁です。 ※入力したデータに誤りがあった場合や、 重複があった場合には、以降の作業を拒否することがあります。 お仕事をお願いする場合はこちらの情報をかなりお渡しすることになりますので 本当に信頼できる方にお願いしたいと考えております。 ご応募の際は、以下の質問への回答をお願いいたします。 【質問への回答がなかった場合は、内容や条件などのご確認頂けていないものとし、返信はいたしませんので、予めご了承くださいm(__)m】 Q、インターネットの閲覧、PC上でのコピー&ペーストはできますか? Q、1日に確保できる作業時間はおおよそどのくらいですか? Q、年齢、性別、ご職業、お住いの地域、簡単な自己紹介をお願いいたします。 仕事内容についてご質問等ありましたら、お気軽にご連絡ください。 よろしくお願い申し上げます。

$91 Average bid
$91 平均入札額
6 入札


$23 Average bid
$23 平均入札額
29 入札

前回のプロジェクトに関連する進行中のプロジェクトがあります。designing logo'

$2 / hr Average bid
$2 / hr 平均入札額
1 入札

...4、音楽関係の経験がある方(もし歌詞翻訳、譜割りの経験がありましたら、もっと助かります。) ご応募する際に、履歴書(もしくはご作品のリングなど)を添付お願いいたします。或いは以下の情報を教えてください。 • Native language: • Country of Growing up: • Religion Background: • Education Degree & Major: • Technical Skill: • English Level: • How many experience do you have in lyrics translation or adaptation? And do you have some experience of music/ poetry? If so, it would be best if you could provide some materials that can show how good you are. • Other experiences or materials that can show you are suitable for this project. 当プロジェクトに対応できる方、ぜひ力を添えてお願い申し上げます。 ご返信お待ちしております。

$46 Average bid
$46 平均入札額
13 入札

8600 symbols. 7,5 pages. Text translated by foreign translator agency to Japanese. Need to check it and edit to Natural Japanese language (by native speaker). Mark all edited paces so we could see. Only Editor with native japanese is accepted. 文字数は8600字 ページ数は7,5ページ 外国人が通訳したテキスト(自動ソフトではありません) 自然な日本語に直してほしいです。不自然なところやわかりずらい所の訂正をお願いします。 訂正したすべてのところに色付けてください。 日本語のネーティブスピーカーのみに依頼しますので、ご注意ください。

$48 Average bid
$48 平均入札額
2 入札

...appications. Thanks now we are searching below project enginner. 1 upgrade SQL server SSIS import program2005 to 2012 SSIS side is improt form CSV to DB, job lancher is C# based. Req Skill C# 2000, SSIS, SQL 2 upgarde SSRS program 2005 to 2012 small customizing upgarde checking. over 100 report should upgarde 3 php with sql add new searching view etc stored exec, view,dbo, will be made by server side so you only made front side. need github and wrike regards MS製品のSQLとSSIS、SSRSをサーバサイドに使用し フロントサイドをPHP+IISのMSソリューションベースのCRMシステムを作成使用しています 継続的にお出しできる開発箇所がございますのでご応募お待ちしています サーバサイドエンジニアはおります(SQLのみ作成もらえればストアドの実装などは当方で行います) テスト環境はありますので、フロントサイドのみに専念できます 以下のエンジニアリング案件ございます 1 SSISの取り込みとランチャーexeの作成 2005から2012へのアップグレード案件、エクセル型式変更などの変更対応 2 SSRSのアップグレード レポート多...

$320 Average bid
$320 平均入札額
3 入札

Hi, I'm glad to see you again! I would like to post a project again. The job is same previous one, but it is larger number. survey about 4,000 building in chicago. Buildings: 3,892 , Budget: 150,000 YEN , Time frame : please submit the survey result by March 24, Steps: 4 steps by about 1,000 buildings Could you accept this? Regard.

$1142 Average bid
$1142 平均入札額
1 入札

Could be a long term partner. 長期合作⋯⋯

$24 Average bid
$24 平均入札額
6 入札

AREAS OF EXPERTISE  Adobe Creative Suite  Photoshop  In-Design  Illustrator  MAC CS4/CS5  Flash  3D animation PROFESSIONAL  Visual Commination  Creative Media PERSONAL SKILLS  Problem solving  Thinking creatively  Attention to detail  Communication skills TECHNICAL PROFICIENCY  Image Editing & Graphic Designing: Adobe Photoshop CS, Illustrator, Flash  Video Editing: FCP, AVID - Media composer,  Adobe Premiere Pro, VFX: Adobe After Effects, 3D Max  Sound Effects: Audacity, Cube Base 5, Nuendo, Protools.  Operating System: MS Windows (Word, Excel, Power point)  Camera Operation: Canon, Nikon  Music - Western Organ Keyboard, Melodica, Singing STRENGTHS Achievement accompanied with...

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr 平均入札額
1 入札

I'm looking for assistance in managing various Quran-related social media pages, and handling Quran recitation content on YouTube. The primary tasks will be: - Digitizing and organizing vedios for online distribution. - Editing and proofreading Quranic content to ensure quality and accuracy. - managing the pages to earrn a lot of follwers Ideal candidates should have experience with social media management, content editing, and proofreading. Familiarity with Quranic studies and understanding of the content would be highly advantageous.

$8 - $15 / hr
$8 - $15 / hr
0 入札

... - Size: 6" x 6" each. - Depicting the same group of children characters consistently across various engaging settings and scenarios. - Illustrations should be ultra-realistic, rich in detail, vibrant, and appealing to children. **Theme & Style:** - Ultra-realistic visuals capturing authentic expressions, detailed backgrounds, and lifelike environments. - The same children depicted in diverse locations and situations, promoting curiosity and learning. - Scenes should be warm, inviting, and highly engaging to young readers. **Requirements:** - Proven expertise in generating ultra-realistic AI artwork. - Ability to maintain visual consistency of characters across multiple illustrations. - Understanding of child-appropriate themes and storytelling t...

$93 Average bid
$93 平均入札額
57 入札

I'm seeking a talented individual who can create an engaging, visually stunning video using VFX (Visual Effects). The video will be based on a document I will provide, and your task will be to bring it to life in a way that captivates an audience seeking entertainment. Key Responsibilities: - Transform my document into an entertaining video using VFX techniques. - Incorporate character animations, special effects, and dynamic camera movements to enhance the visual experience. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in using VFX software and tools. - Experienced in creating 2D and 3D animations. - Skilled in character design and animation. - Able to create and integrate special effects seamlessly. - Knowledgeable in dynamic camera techniques and movements. I look forw...

$110 Average bid
$110 平均入札額
3 入札

...set up the metadata for my already-launched Solana token on mainnet. The necessary metadata JSON file and logo PNG are already uploaded on Pinata and we have an Arweave account set up. Key Requirements: - Configuration of the token metadata on mainnet. - Ensuring seamless integration with Solana's Token Metadata Program. - Verification of the metadata on Solscan and prominent Solana wallets, primarily Phantom Wallet and Solflare Wallet. This is the token metadata on Devnet, we want it like this on mainnet: (). I will send you the mainnet token URL via chat. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience with IPFS, Pinata, and Arweave. - Deep understanding of token metadata on the Solana

$146 Average bid
$146 平均入札額
22 入札

...implemented: 1. User Registration and Profiles Sign Up / Log In: Standard email/password or social logins. Profile Settings: Basic information, notification preferences, and language settings. 2. Flashcard Creation & Management Manual Creation: Users can manually add flashcards (front/back or question/answer) with formatting (bold, italics, etc.). Automated Generation: Users can upload a file or paste text, and the app should parse it to identify key concepts. Automatically create flashcards from that content (similar to or Vaia). 3. Flashcard Library Organized Sets: Users can group flashcards into themed sets or subjects (like Quizlet). Search & Filter: By title, subject, difficulty, or date created. Share Options (optional, if time permits): Let users share...

$588 Average bid
$588 平均入札額
59 入札

This I reckon is a quick job and can...impression in Google webmaster in the last 3 months or so, despite more than 4000 pages indexed. (1) The most pending problem right now is that I started adding blog posts but they are not showing when I tried to view them, there are only 4 blog posts, and the page is just not loading and returning a 524 error when I tried to view the page. I guess this may be a technical issue. (2) Secondly, despite zero traffic, I am constantly getting CPU resources limit reached. This task requires you to fix the blog post that are not loading, and but not necessarily issue with CPU, if you can give a guidance will be cool. NOTE: IF you can use your expertise to give me a wider review of the site, then I can guarantee y...

$25 Average bid
$25 平均入札額
63 入札

I'm in need of a talented video editor who can help me edit raw footage into fast-paced, energetic reaction-style videos for my social ...YouTube, TikTok, and Facebook. Key Responsibilities: - Edit raw video files into engaging, fast-paced content. - Incorporate text overlays and special effects as per the specifications. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience editing reaction videos is a plus. - Proficient in creating content for the specified social media platforms. - Excellent understanding of pacing, rhythm, and visual storytelling. - Skilled in using editing software to incorporate text overlays and special effects. If you have a knack for creating captivating, energetic videos and can help me take my social media presence to the next level, I would love to...

$101 Average bid
$101 平均入札額
47 入札
301 Redirection Setup for New URL
6 日 left

I need assistance configuring 301 redirection for my WordPress site. I've moved my old website to a new URL, and it's crucial that all links from Goog...moved my old website to a new URL, and it's crucial that all links from Google point to the correct pages on my new site. Key Requirements: - Set up 301 redirection for all pages from the old site to the new one. - Ensure the redirection does not interfere with my new website being hosted on the old domain, nor with my emails. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress - Experienced in setting up 301 redirections - Familiar with .htaccess file configurations. I’m unsure about access to my .htaccess file, so if you could check that for me, it would be appreciated. I’m looking fo...

$15 Average bid
$15 平均入札額
48 入札

I'm looking for a translator to translate a business proposal for a tender from English to Japanese. The document is approximately 30 A4 pages and must be completed by the firm deadline of Thursday 13th March. We have a deadline ourselves to submit the proposal to the client by 17th March. Since we are in the middle of writing the proposal from scratch now in English, ideally we would send you the sections for translation as they are ready (from 7th March onwards) This will help to comfortably meet the deadline and make any edits/adjustments as needed. We have a team member who can read / speak Japanese who will assist with proof reading and sharing any feedback with you. We would provide the final components document to you by Wednesday 12th March at the latest. This should...

$19 / hr Average bid
$19 / hr 平均入札額
27 入札
PHP File Upload & Download Script
6 日 left

I'm looking for a P...PHP developer to create a script for me. The script should allow me to upload various file types (Images, Music, Video, and all Excel extensions) to a folder on my hosting server. Subsequently, I should be able to download these files from a designated page. the project must be done in PHP and Html Key Requirements: - The script must support all types of files, specifically Images, Music, Video, and all Excel extensions. - I do not require a user-friendly graphical interface. Command-line interfacing is sufficient. - There should be no restrictions on file size. I want the ability to upload and download files of any size without limitations. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in PHP - Experience in creating file upload ...

$19 Average bid
$19 平均入札額
36 入札
Create a 5-Minute Mixed Video
6 日 left

I'm seeking a professional video creator to transform a provided document into an informative 5-minute mixed (animated and live-action) video. Key Requirements: - The video should be engaging and suitable for conveying the information in the document effectively. - The style of the video is a combination of both animated and live-action elements. - You are free to use your creativity as there are no specific visual elements or branding guidelines to follow. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in creating mixed style informative videos is a plus. - Strong understanding of animating and live-action video mixing techniques. - Excellent storytelling capabilities to turn the document content into an engaging video.

$66 Average bid
$66 平均入札額
7 入札

...tracking per product (CO₂ savings compared to traditional plastic products) ✔ Sustainability-focused, visually appealing design Scope of Work 1. Branding Development Logo Design → A clean, modern logo reflecting sustainability and trust. Color Palette & Typography → Earthy, natural tones, with a minimalistic aesthetic. Brand Guidelines → A structured guide for logo usage, colors, and typography. Visual Identity → Packaging mockups, marketing materials (social media banners, product labels, business cards). B2C vs. B2B Branding: B2C (Private Customers) → Friendly, appealing to environmentally conscious consumers. B2B (Companies) → Professional, focused on cost-effectiveness and sustainability benefits. 2. Website Development Custom-designed e-...

$3785 Average bid
$3785 平均入札額
26 入札

...upgrade my written PHP chat with audio-visual capabilities. This includes adding a 'Mike' feature and a camera+microphone to both private and public chats. Key requirements: - Audio-Visual Features: The camera and microphone should be accessible in both public and private chats. In private chats, the camera should function exclusively between the two individuals conversing. Conversely, in public chats, it should be available for all participants. Users should have the ability to click on the camera+microphone button next to their username, which will trigger a pop-up window for a live broadcast. - Moderation Capabilities: I require the ability to mute or block users as necessary with these new functionalities. - User Interface: The design should ...

$124 Average bid
$124 平均入札額
66 入札

...modern-styled company logo. The ideal candidate should be proficient in contemporary design trends and have a good understanding of minimalist aesthetics. Key aspects of the project: - Color: The logo should incorporate 'friendly' colors. While I haven't specified exact hues, I am leaning towards a palette that is approachable and warm rather than harsh or overly corporate. - Imagery: I want the logo to include elements from 'Camping, Caravan tents and Nature'. This could range from simple silhouettes to more abstract representations. Creativity and originality will be highly valued. - Text: Include the Text "Vorzelt Finder" into the logo. This is the name of brand. Don't post 3D rendered Logos! This is meant for a website ...

$86 Average bid
214 エントリー

...existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client. JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) SHARAWI CIRCLE STREET, 9020000, HEBRON, PALESTINE • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available during business hour...

$10 - $30
$10 - $30
0 入札

...turn research into relatable content, and bring a modern, charismatic tone to life. Please look over the project brief in detail (link removed) Key Responsibilities 1. Research & Insights: - Conduct weekly deep-dive research on trending beauty, skincare, and style topics (e.g., “This Makeup Mistake Makes You Look Older”). - Compile detailed reports with key insights, supporting data, and visual examples. 2. Content Writing: - Develop scripts for short-form (1–1.5 min) and long-form (8–15 min) videos. - Create captivating hooks, clear explanations, and engaging narratives aligned with Azio’s tone of voice. 3. Collaboration: - Work closely with our creative team to align scripts and content with visuals, animations, and overal...

$530 Average bid
$530 平均入札額
38 入札

I'm looking for a skilled videographer to shoot multiple short, 10-minute live-action videos in an indoor studio setting. Details: - The purpose of these videos is to prepare videos for a client of meditation and qigong practices. - All shooting will take place in an indoor studio. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Prior videography experience, particularly in a studio setting. - Experience shooting training videos or similar content. - Ability to work collaboratively to achieve desired video outcomes. The videographer should be in the Baltimore/DMV area. Thanks.

$750 Average bid
$750 平均入札額
1 入札

As a cell phone repair and sales company, I need a talented graphic designer to create two distinct flyers - one for our repair promotions and another for our sales promotions. Repair Promotions Flyer: - The primary message should focus on promoting our Sales Promotions Flyer: - This flyer should highlight our limited-time discounts on various products. Key Requirements: - Use of our company logo and colors. I am open to your creative suggestions. - Inclusion of necessary elements: Our contact information and social media handles. - The designs should be vibrant, eye-catching and appealing to our customers. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Knowledge of marketing design principles - Ability to create engaging visual content. Added AI mock images y...

$98 Average bid
$98 平均入札額
64 入札
Modern Landscape Design Creation
6 日 left

I'm seeking a licensed landscape architect with a strong portfolio in modern style designs. The project is creating landscape design for a four unit townhome in Nashville, Tennessee. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in modern landscape design. - Strong portfolio showcasing previous works. - Excellent understanding of visual aesthetics. - Creative and detail-oriented.

$329 Average bid
$329 平均入札額
120 入札

...large real estate agencies. The solution revolves around AI agents that work around the clock managing inquiries from Facebook, Instagram and via phone calls. ? Key Features: - Immediate response to potential clients. - Automatic lead qualification. - Direct scheduling into your CRM. - Personalized follow-ups without any manual input. ? Referral Program: Do you know any real estate agency that could benefit from this? If you refer an agency and we close a deal, you'll receive a direct commission. ? Feel free to reach out for more details or to schedule a free demo! Ayudamos a inmobiliarias medianas y grandes a multiplicar sus leads y cerrar más ventas con agentes de IA que atienden Facebook, Instagram y llamadas las 24/7. ? ¿Qué hacemos? Respuest...

$472 Average bid
$472 平均入札額
30 入札

I need to enhance an existing MATLAB script that sorts metadata from my image dataset. The script currently extracts details such as date, time, camera ID, and location. The new functionality should include species identification and population counting within the images. Specifically, I want to detect and count species like humans, Canada Goose, Egret, and Great Blue Heron. Requirements: - Incorporate a machine learning model for species identification - Develop necessary MATLAB functions for species detection and counting - Record identified species and their respective counts alongside the existing metadata - Save the compiled data into an Excel file for further analysis I do not currently have any training data for the machine learning model, but I can co...

$23 Average bid
$23 平均入札額
12 入札

We’re seeking a skilled Blog Monetization Specialist to help optimize and maximize revenue for a niche blog. Our goal is to generate consistent income through advertising, affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and digital products (ebooks & courses). This is a freelance/contract-based role, but successful collaboration could lead to long-term opportunities on future projects. --- Key Responsibilities: ✔ Ad Revenue Optimization Set up and optimize Google AdSense, Ezoic, or Mediavine for better earnings. Strategically place ads without disrupting user experience. ✔ Affiliate Marketing Strategy Identify and implement high-converting affiliate programs (Amazon, Udemy, Grammarly, etc.). Optimize blog content to increase affiliate sales. Track, analyze, and improve...

$287 Average bid
$287 平均入札額
1 入札
Infographic-Style Sales PPT Design
6 日 left

Purpose of the PPT & Graphical Representation We need a highly visual, infographic-style PowerPoint for our sales team to present during Zoom meetings with USA students. The goal is to sell our high-end IT training workshops by making the presentation engaging and easy to understand. Graphical Elements to Include: Infographics Instead of Text Use icons, charts, and visuals instead of long paragraphs. Example: Instead of writing "We offer visa assistance," show an icon of a passport & visa stamp. Flowcharts & Timelines Show the workshop journey in a step-by-step flowchart (from training to interview & visa assistance). Use a timeline graphic to represent course duration. Comparison Tables & Graphs Highlight the benefits of our workshop vs. competitor...

$64 Average bid
$64 平均入札額
13 入札

I'm looking for a skilled freelancer to help me create a Visio workflow diagram based on our Business Requirements Document (BRD). This diagram will primarily serve compliance and documentation purposes, and it's intended for our internal team. The workflow in question is predominantly decision-based, so experience with creating such's intended for our internal team. The workflow in question is predominantly decision-based, so experience with creating such diagrams in Visio is crucial. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in Microsoft Visio - Prior experience with creating workflow diagrams - Understanding of compliance and documentation needs - Ability to interpret and translate BRD requirements into a visual workflow - Experience with decisio...

$139 Average bid
$139 平均入札額
22 入札

I need a graphic designer to help me with a quick edit on an AI file. Specific Requirements: - Increase the spacing between certain logo letters - Thicken the letter 'S' Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Adobe Illustrator - Have keen attention to detail - Previous experience with logo editing This is a small and simple task for a skilled designer. Prompt completion is appreciated.

$26 Average bid
$26 平均入札額
106 入札

...Management : HR, Business Development, Finance Management , Main Admin Basic Employee Dashboard : The Following sections will be present in basic employee dashboards : 1. User Profile : Full Name Profile Picture Employee ID / Staff Code Date of Birth Gender Blood Group Contact Number Email Address Emergency Contact Details Job Title / Designation Department (HR, Sales, IT, etc.) Reporting Manager / Supervisor Employee Type (Full-Time, Part-Time, Contract) Employment Start Date Work Location / Branch ( Bangladesh Geo Coding) Shift Timing & Work Schedule Agent Booth Name 2. Attendance and Leave Management system : Already discussed the details. There will be a running time clock( current time in bd) in the dashboard . It will have 2 options. Check in/Out of office...

$203 Average bid
$203 平均入札額
22 入札

I need an easy script in php to export data froma a mysql table into a file xml

$22 Average bid
$22 平均入札額
61 入札

I'm seeking a talented graphic designer who can create a vector design for the phrase "Friends Don't Let". This design will be used for T-shirt printing, so it needs to be suitable and scalable for that purpose. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in vector graphic software (e.g., Adobe Illustrator) - Prior experience in T-shirt design - Strong understanding of typography and visual balance - Creativity in conceptualizing designs - Ability to deliver high-quality, print-ready files

$75 Average bid
$75 平均入札額
156 入札

I'm looking for a female model based in Jaipur for a studio e-commerce shoot. The model will be showcasing 4-5 kurtis products. Key Requirements: - The shoot will take place in a studio with a plain white backdrop - The model will need to display a range of casual wear clothing Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in studio e-commerce modeling - Ability to showcase clothing with poise and professionalism - Ideally, a resident of Jaipur for convenience

$7 - $17
$7 - $17
0 入札

I'm looking for an expert in Photopea who can teach me how to create product mockups for Etsy, specifically for print-on-demand posters. The goal is to leverage these skills to enhance my Etsy shop's visual appeal and ultimately boost sales. Key Requirements: - Extensive knowledge and experience with Photopea - Proven track record in creating product mockups, particularly for print-on-demand posters - Experience with Etsy's platform and understanding of its visual and market demands - Excellent teaching skills, able to break down complex processes into manageable steps - Strong understanding of design principles to create attractive and effective mockups

$108 Average bid
$108 平均入札額
56 入札

I'm in need of 10 to 32x 3" bolts for a unique application- a game! The bolts will be integral to a puzzle game I'm developing, a real test of mechanics and engineering. Ideally, you would be: - Experienced in automotive-grade components - Understand the intricacies of game mechanics - Able to produce durable, precision-engineered parts Please note, these bolts will not be used in traditional construction or machinery but rather as part of a 3D printed console. Your expertise could help make this project a success.

$20 Average bid
$20 平均入札額
33 入札

I'm currently working on a Blazor App linked to a solution project in C++. Using Visual Studio 2022, I've added new functionalities to my project. I need assistance on how to properly update my project DLL file without breaking any of the existing functionalities. Ideal skills and experience for this job includes: - In-depth knowledge of C++ and C#. - Extensive experience with Visual Studio 2022. - Familiarity with Blazor App development. - Proven track record of DLL management and updates.

$20 Average bid
$20 平均入札額
7 入札

...updated for compatibility with Delphi 12. The project can be found at the following link: What I need: - The finished project zipped up and sent back to me. This zip file should be able to be decompressed and opened in Delphi 12 without any issues. - The zip file must include all necessary .dll files, data files, or any other assets required to run the project. - The project should be compatible with Windows. There's no need for additional features or modifications. The main requirement is ensuring that the project is compatible with Delphi 12. I have no specific preference for the structure of the project files and folders within the zip file, so a standard Delphi project structure will be fine. Ideal skil...

$167 Average bid
$167 平均入札額
4 入札