Make left navigation menu magento仕事


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2,000 make left navigation menu magento 見つかった仕事

【 概要 】 このプロジェクトは将棋プレイヤー向けに棋力向上を支援するサービスを提供するアプリの構築を目的としています。 級位者~有段者~高段者など、将棋プレイヤーの棋力を診断した上で次の段級にステップアップするために必要な能力を分析し最適なトレーニング・自己学習の機会を提供することでプレイヤーの棋力向上を促進します。 第一段階としてこのプロジェクトではアプリ開発の環境整備と最低限の機能を実装したα版構築を目標とします。 【 依頼内容 】 ・開発内容:  1.iOSアプリ開発環境構築   -github上で複数人でのアプリ開発環境・ソースコード共有環境の構築   -iOSアプリ開発Developer 登録、 α 版アプリのApp Store 登録  2.棋力向上将棋アプリα版構築   ①Top Menu 画面構築    -トレーニングメニュー選択画面構築   ②将棋棋譜検討GUI構築    -将棋盤面GUI、将棋のルールに沿った指し手の動作機能構築    -コピー&ペーストによる棋譜入力(CSA形式)    -APIから受け取った指し手ごとの検討結果表示    -各局面における指し継ぎ、検討ボタンの実装   ③アプリからのサーバーAPI連携実装    -棋譜をAPI連携し検討結果の受け取り    -各局面をコード形式に変換しAPI連携、検討結果受け取り ・使用言語:Objective-C 【用意してあるもの】 ・仕様書:各画面のワイヤーフレーム・API仕様などを準備予定 ・サーバー、ドメイン: GCP Cloud Runを利用予定 ・デザイン:未定、デザイナーが必要であれば応相談

$987 Average bid
$987 平均入札額
6 入札

...recover the 500 Internal Server Error that occurred in the construction sites in Magento. 500 Internal Server Error is now displayed in normal operation to have a site that has been built with magento. I do not remember such as changes to the file. Only the 500 Internal Server Error front end of the site is displayed. Back office is normal operation and normally displayed. Also with reference to the existing DB by installing a new magento files become 500 Internal Server Error. I will be get 500 Internal Server Error in DB creation time when I try to fresh installation with the new DB and file. I tried it. Change permissions using the magento-cleanup.php. Installation condition confirmation using the magento-check.php. Delete of .htaccess...

$76 Average bid
$76 平均入札額
12 入札

Target blog: *** This blog is one of the site managed on WordPress multisite. Requirements: 1. Please develop customize the theme to AMP compatible WITHOUT using AMP WordPress Plugin. 2. Keep showing the current mobile design of the blog when user accesses it from non-AMP-enabled mobile browser. In other words, this site currently has 2 responsive designs which support desktop & smartphone, so that this time we want it to support AMP in addition. We'd like to see how would you remodel this blog to AMP compatible at your proposal. (if possible) Please provide your working experience of AMP development with URLs. (must) Thank you! Sayuri

$275 Average bid
$275 平均入札額
12 入札

こんにちは rhizzha1120、あなたのプロフィールを拝見しました。私のプロジェクトをオファーしたいです。詳細についてはチャットで話し合うことができます。please do 14 article left!thanks!

$14 Average bid
$14 平均入札額
1 入札

...and would like to build an e-commerce website based on Magento. We need a professional Magento team for building, design and maintenance. It will be great if you have experiences in what we need as following: 1. Magento Website setup & plan 2. Payment Model Install (PayPal, Credit Card...etc) 3. Front-End Template Design 4. Login Model (Facebook, Google...etc) 5. Language: Traditional Chinese 6. Maintenance Notice: 1. Please provide your related works. 2. Please provide your team information. 3. Please provide your detail quotation. Contact us Skype : jpyco168 Line : -------------------------------- 中文說明 -------------------------------- 本公司是食品、百貨批發、代購的公司,需要架設Magento購物網站。我們需要專業團隊協助開發以下需求: 1. Magento 架設規劃 2. 金流模組安裝 (信用卡 ...

$2380 Average bid
$2380 平均入札額
22 入札

本公司是食品、百貨批發、代購的公司, 希望以Magento系統來開發建構購物網站。 一、主要的需求: 1. 網站架設 (Magento系統) 2. 金流介接(信用卡 銀行匯款 第三方支付) 3. 前台範本(可提供模板選擇) 4. 後續維護(系統維護、BUG解決) 5. 教育訓練(製作操作系統手冊與可供諮詢的服務) 二、風格類似這幾種: 三、其他 1.需要手機,平板計算機自适應 2.三種語言:繁體中文 簡體中文 英文 3.目前尚不用第三方系統對接 4.運輸方式-貨運 快遞 5.登入方式 - google yahoo facebook 四、配合時間:可以討論 五、配合地點:不拘 注意事項: (a).有Magento開發經驗者為佳。 (b).希望能開立發票,無法開立發票也沒有關係。 (c).有處理過 Magento 經驗者尤佳。 (d).自家或自設公司、工作室 (e).此案件需個人或團隊有開發能力 (f).請email提供相關經歷及報價。詳細內容可再討論。

$2685 Average bid
$2685 平均入札額
2 入札

The task is to make tagline of product in Native level English. (hair care product). Based on the massage outline, submit 5 polished tagline for three line. We will pay $30(U.S) or 4000yen for this and the deadline is Noon of Dec.7th, in Japan time. Please apply by mail with your tagline work attached. Detail will be sent by e-mail. 商品のタグラインを考えていただくお仕事です。 日本語のアイディアを基に英語でタグラインを考えていただき、最良と思われる5案を提出頂きます。予算は5案で30ドルです。英語圏出身期限は12月7日の正午です。応募の際は、ご自身の書かれたコピーがわかる資料を添えてお送りください。依頼内容の詳細はメールにてお送りします。

$114 Average bid
$114 平均入札額
4 入札

Fix a magento error SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1205 Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction MagentoのSQLをバックアップ後に管理画面にログインしようとすると以下のエラーが表示されてログインできない。 SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1205 Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 希望: 問題の解決と原因の究明と説明、今後への対処の説明と実行をお願いします。 緊急です。 重要視する項目:金額、スピード、作業内容及び方法の説明 予想される作業内容:(あくまでも予想です) 未実行クエリの再実行または未実行クエリの削除 innodb_lock_wait_timeoutの値変更 50秒->180秒

$23 Average bid
$23 平均入札額
4 入札

I would like the calendar to display the price using the data from the Excel document. This is part of the fixed price , in order to cover all the latest tables. Currently I am using PHP Excel, to migrate to MySQL if possible. MySQL 5.5 PHP 5.2 Basically: I want to display the captured data in XLS (Excel) to MySQL in calendar form. PS. if there is the necessary support, we can do this monthly PPS. For the test site , I can prepare it in the same server. ---------------------------------------------------------------- エクセルファイルのデータを使って料金をカレンダー表示したい。 料金を一部変えることは無く、最新のシートですべて上書きする。 現在はPHPExcelを使っている。 できればMySQLに移行したい。 MySQLは5.5 PHPは5.2 ・XLSをMySQLに取り込む ・取り込んだデータをカレンダー状に表示する 月を区切るためにエクセルになにか追記が必要な場合対応可能。 テストサイトは、同じサーバーで用意できます。

$393 Average bid
$393 平均入札額
10 入札

...used more and <p> would be used less. for example : <p> 既存の高麗人参の皮を剥いた白参よりもサポニン成分含有量が多い。紅参製造機用により多く使用される。</p> <p> <br /> 原産地:韓国産</p> <p> 製品類型:乾燥高麗人参</p> <p> 内容量:300g</p> <p> 品質保持期間:製造日から3年</p> <p> <br /> 保管および使用の注意事項</p> <p align="left" style="margin-left:40pt;"> l  風通しの良い乾燥した場所に保管して使用して下さい。</p> <p align="left" style="margin-left:40pt;"> l  梅雨の時期や湿気の高い場所ではカビが生える恐れがありますのでご注意下さい。</p> <p align="left" style="margin-left:40pt;"> l  開封時に包装材で怪我することがありますのでご注意下さい。</p> <p align="left" style="margin-...

$3 / hr Average bid
$3 / hr 平均入札額
4 入札

過去のプロジェクトに関連する新しいプロジェクトがありますMake banners for websites part1 - repost'

$14 / hr Average bid
$14 / hr 平均入札額
1 入札

I'm looking for a professional web developer and designer to carry out a comprehensive update of our website. The work will involve changes to the design, content, and functionality. Key Responsibilities: - Design Update: The primary goal of this redesign is to modernize the look of the site. This will involve updates to the homepage, navigation menu, and the overall theme. - Content Update: Revamping the existing content and potentially adding new content. - Functionality Update: Improving the website's functionality to ensure a seamless user experience. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web design and development - Experience with content management systems - Strong understanding of user experience principles - Ability to modernize website design in line with curr...

$314 Average bid
$314 平均入札額
63 入札

...back with a quote, you will be reported and rejected* I'm looking for a developer to create a system that generates dynamic cleaning checklists based on values in a google spreadsheet. Key Requirements: - The system should allow me to select one or multiple rooms from a dropdown menu. - It will create cleaning checklists, ready to print on A4 paper. - Each checklist should include the room title, a list of tasks in checkbox format, a name section, a signature section and a date section. - It must be possible to make edits to the google spreadsheet to add/remove/amend rooms and add/remove/amend checklist items, with the rows being the checklist items, and the columns being the rooms. One checklist item can be applied to multiple rooms. - The checklists should be gene...

$268 Average bid
$268 平均入札額
13 入札

...experience. Key Requirements: • User Accounts: Two types of accounts (One-time users with social login via Facebook/Google and Business accounts with advanced features). • Product Listings: Users can post, edit, and manage product listings. • Escrow Payment System: Integrated payment solution to hold funds until product delivery confirmation. • Product Search and Filters: Category-based navigation with advanced filtering (price, location, product condition). • Messaging System: Secure internal messaging between buyers and sellers. • Admin Panel: Management dashboard for monitoring transactions, disputes, and user activities. Technology Stack: We are open to suggestions, but we prefer scalable and secure technologies (Node.js, React,...

$1188 Average bid
$1188 平均入札額
57 入札

I have a podcast and I need a lead-in graphic that is in a realistic style. I will provide the background artwork, and the graphic should include the podcast title. The artwork is the company's Zoom background, and it has the name and slogan in faded script in the upper left, but I need it pulled into the center and made into podcast cover. The final deliverable should be in JPEG format. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Illustrator - Experience with Podcast Artwork Please include samples of previous work, especially any podcast graphics, in your bid.

$25 Average bid
$25 平均入札額
26 入札

...Recitation Competition App, allowing users worldwide to track, compete, and engage in daily recitation challenges. We are looking for a creative UI/UX designer to design an elegant, Islamic-themed mobile app while also suggesting user engagement strategies to encourage daily use. --- Scope of Work: 1. UI/UX Design Requirements: - Modern & Clean UI with an Islamic aesthetic. - User-friendly navigation (for all age groups). - Light & Dark Mode Support. - Color Scheme: Green, Gold, White (peaceful & spiritual look). - Islamic Motifs: Crescent, Mosque Silhouettes, Arabic Calligraphy. 2️. Core Screens to Design: ✅ Splash Screen (App Logo & Islamic greeting) ✅ User Registration & Profile Page ✅ Home Dashboard (Total Duroods, Leaderboard, Cha...

$12 Average bid
$12 平均入札額
2 入札

...then there should appear a popup menu under the buttons at the top right corner where the user can change the position and rotation. There would be three input fields for the position and three for the rotation and a save button. The second usage is different, here the user cannot see all the furniture, only some parts. e.g. from a bedroom only the bed, or only the bedside table or only one cabinet from a kitchen. And there the user can modify the position and rotation of the parts of the cabinet. e.g. the user can move higher a shelf from the cabinet. If the user click on a part then that part should change the border color to red, and if clicks again should be the normal color. And also if the user clicks on a part then there should appear a popup menu under the button...

$153 Average bid
$153 平均入札額
10 入札

... • Stakeholder Management & Communication Plan: • Identifying key stakeholders and their engagement strategies. • Communication schedule and reporting. • Project Performance Metrics & KPIs: • Earned Value Management (EVM). • Schedule Variance (SV), Cost Variance (CV), and SPI/CPI calculations. C. Automation & User Experience Enhancements • Drop-down menus and dynamic filters for easy navigation. • Conditional formatting and color coding for status tracking. • Automated alerts and notifications for delays and budget overruns. • Pivot tables and charts for insightful data analysis. 2. Power BI Dashboard Development The Excel sheet should be reflected into a well-designed Power BI dashboard to enhance data vi...

$22 Average bid
$22 平均入札額
7 入札

I'm looking for an experienced A...who can help me achieve autonomous navigation functionality for my project. The ArduPilot should be able to navigate autonomously and avoid both static and dynamic obstacles. The specific requirements include: - Programming for the ArduPilot to perform autonomous navigation - Implementing obstacle avoidance for both static objects (like buildings and trees) and dynamic objects (such as moving vehicles and people) - Ensuring the functionality works in a mixed environment, encompassing both urban and rural areas Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience with ArduPilot and similar programming tasks - Strong understanding of autonomous navigation and obstacle avoidance - Capability to program for...

$33 / hr Average bid
$33 / hr 平均入札額
9 入札

I'm seeking a skilled Laravel coder for some adjustments on my script. Tasks include: - Fixing a minor issue with the translation of the navigation menu-items, which currently displays an incorrect language. - Making some modifications to several Blade templates. The maximum budget for this task is $30. Detailed instructions will be provided upon successful bidding. Ideal freelancer should have: - Proficient understanding of Laravel framework. - Experience with Blade templating engine. - Strong problem-solving skills for debugging translation issues.

$37 Average bid
$37 平均入札額
10 入札
Shop Menu fix
9 日 left

Fix the menu and the links that are not working. Use existing items

$2 / hr Average bid
$2 / hr 平均入札額
1 入札

I need a web professional to streamline and enhance my GoDaddy website. Key areas for improvement include the navigation menu, images and graphics. - Navigation Menu: The current menu needs simplification, with the potential addition of dropdown menus for better organization. Aesthetic and functional design improvements are also required. - Visual Elements: A review and enhancement of the site's images and graphics is necessary to create a more cohesive and appealing visual experience. Experience with GoDaddy and a strong background in web design, particularly with navigation menus, is crucial for this project. Please include examples of previous work with GoDaddy in your proposal.

$24 Average bid
$24 平均入札額
9 入札

...deleting, editing - Suspend / unsuspend mail accounts - Enabling and disabling advanced features such as: Do not store forwarded mail, Forward to, Aliases for e-mail account, Autoreply - Setting a cat limit for each mail account - Database management. Adding, deleting, editing - Suspend / unsuspend database - Ability to select сharset and database type when creating a new database - Integrated navigation buttons phpPgAdmin and phpMyAdmin - Cron Job management. Adding, deleting, editing - Suspend / unsuspend Cron Jobs - Handy job time generator - Backup management. Adding, deleting, restoration Doc Api Hestiacp:

$2490 Average bid
$2490 平均入札額
6 入札 your original position. Slowly move back (zoom out) from the original position. Turn your head in all directions as follows: Turn right (45 degrees), hold briefly, then return to the center. Turn left (45 degrees), hold briefly, then return to the center. Look slightly up, hold briefly, then return to center. Look slightly down, hold briefly, then return to center. Smile for a few seconds while looking at the camera. Close your eyes for a moment, then open them again. Make a full 360° turn with your head: Rotate your head slowly to the right in a full circle. Rotate your head slowly to the left in a full circle. Finish by facing forward again. Additional Notes: The video should be steady and clear without abrupt movements. No background noise or distractions...

$26 Average bid
$26 平均入札額
1 入札

Watch the attached video file - imagine I request you to make something similar to this with a few more features. ie replace with a Cat collecting Milk Bottles. I need a Unity developer to create a cat simulation where a cat autonomously navigates a 3D environment to collect milk bottles using A pathfinding*. Core Requirements: ? Pathfinding & Navigation: The cat must: Start at a home, find the best route, collect milk bottles, and return. Use *A pathfinding (manually implemented, no Unity NavMesh)**. Navigate using a waypoint graph (at least 10 nodes, logical connections). Allow users to set start & goal locations (up to 5 goals) via UI or Unity Inspector. ? Virtual Environment: Any 3D environment like the example with milk bottles, and obstacles. Include relevant...

$181 Average bid
$181 平均入札額
17 入札

I'm conducting research on onboarding requirements and need participants to record a short video of simple head movements. It’s quick, easy, and paid! Interested? Message me for details! The video should be 1-2 minutes long. Please ensure a neutral background when recording the video. Please ensure the video is recorded in phone camera and web camera quality. Participants should ...record a short video of simple head movements. It’s quick, easy, and paid! Interested? Message me for details! The video should be 1-2 minutes long. Please ensure a neutral background when recording the video. Please ensure the video is recorded in phone camera and web camera quality. Participants should record themselves doing the following head movements: zoom in and out to camera and slig...

$8 - $31
$8 - $31
9 入札

Project Duration: 1-2 Hours Project Budget: $35 Project Type: WordPress Custom Function Project Overview: We have the Property Hive WordPress plugin installed that manages our property listings. We would like a code snippet added to the file that automatically deletes a listing/post when the “marketing status” = “Let Agreed” It should also delete all existi...Hours Project Budget: $35 Project Type: WordPress Custom Function Project Overview: We have the Property Hive WordPress plugin installed that manages our property listings. We would like a code snippet added to the file that automatically deletes a listing/post when the “marketing status” = “Let Agreed” It should also delete all existing “Let Agreed” listings 5* FEED...

$37 Average bid
$37 平均入札額
49 入札

I am in need of an exper...Multiple Payment Options: A variety of payment methods should be integrated into the platform for user convenience. - User Profiles: The platform should have a feature that allows users to create and manage their profiles. Design Requirements: - Design Style: The platform should have a modern and clean design style. - Replication of Elements: The layout and structure, color scheme, and navigation style from the reference website are to be replicated. Please share your portfolio with similar projects. The total budget for this project is $1,000, and it needs to be completed within one month. Ideal skills for this project include extensive experience with Figma, a keen eye for modern and clean design, and the ability to replicate specific website...

$814 Average bid
$814 平均入札額
71 入札

...sentence should have an audio pronunciation feature. AI-Powered 24/7 Chatbot: A chatbot that allows users to practice English conversation anytime. It should support both text and voice interactions. Ideally, the chatbot should be powered by ChatGPT API, Dialogflow, or any other suitable AI technology. User-Friendly Interface: Simple and responsive design for mobile and desktop users. Easy navigation and search functionality for words and phrases. Optional Features (if possible): A video chat option where an AI-generated teacher can speak with users. Integration of short movie clips where words and phrases appear in real conversations. Technical Requirements: The site should be built using WordPress for easy content management. AI chatbot can be integrated using OpenAI API, D...

$194 Average bid
$194 平均入札額
18 入札

I need a professional e-commerce website to sell my physical electronics store's products online. Key Features: - Product sale: The primary function of the site will be to sell my electronics products. - User interface: A clean, user-friendly interface with easy navigation is a must. Shipping Options: - Standard Shipping: This will be the primary shipping option. - Express Shipping: For customers who want their products delivered faster. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in e-commerce website development. - Prior experience with electronics store websites is a plus. - Knowledge of implementing reliable shipping options.

$2140 Average bid
$2140 平均入札額
122 入札

I'm looking for a professional who can configure two WooCommerce websites using the Woodmart theme. Key Setup Elements: - Home page: Some content is ready but not all. You'll need to assist in creating and placing the remaining content. - Mega Menu: This should be a multi-faceted and interactive feature that incorporates images and widgets. - Footer: Properly set up to align with standard e-commerce practices. - Categories: Clear and concise categorization of products. - Cart Page and Transport: Set up and optimized for smooth customer experience. Ideal Candidates: - Proficient in configuring WooCommerce sites with the Woodmart theme. - Experience with setting up complex mega menus. - Skills in content placement and e-commerce best practices. - Creative input in enhanc...

$136 Average bid
$136 平均入札額
67 入札
Customized Restaurant Pickup App
6 日 left

...customers (Name, phone number, email, Membership Status, Wallet Balance, Point Balance, payment history) Total users split by month (Also be able to see the Bronze, Silver and Gold level Split) Rating and Reviews (Custom Filter according to date, week, month) Active customers (Active in the last 30 days) Automated crediting feature (We have ambassadors which we credit each month, scheduled credit Menu: (Dashboard Admin Back End) Schedule product release (We have a monthly special item each month, and this feature will help us automate the release of the item on the app instead of manually adding it) Products/Items page: Add, remove, hide/unhide, set as out of stock Addons: create addons to assign to items Categories (create, delete, edit whats under the categories) Br...

$2474 Average bid
$2474 平均入札額
72 入札

...drivers and leave feedback after each ride. • Promo Codes & Discounts: Apply discount codes for promotional offers. • SOS Button & Emergency Contact: Option to share ride details with emergency contacts. 2. Driver Features • Driver Registration & Verification: Upload documents for verification (license, insurance, ID). • Ride Request Alerts: Accept or reject ride requests in real-time. • Navigation & Route Optimization: Integration with Google Maps or OpenStreetMap. • Ride Selection Based on Vehicle Category: Drivers can be assigned to a specific category (standard or luxury vehicles). • Earnings Dashboard: Track daily, weekly, and monthly earnings. • Ratings & Reviews System: View passenger feedback and ratings...

$255 Average bid
$255 平均入札額
14 入札

...drivers and leave feedback after each ride. • Promo Codes & Discounts: Apply discount codes for promotional offers. • SOS Button & Emergency Contact: Option to share ride details with emergency contacts. 2. Driver Features • Driver Registration & Verification: Upload documents for verification (license, insurance, ID). • Ride Request Alerts: Accept or reject ride requests in real-time. • Navigation & Route Optimization: Integration with Google Maps or OpenStreetMap. • Ride Selection Based on Vehicle Category: Drivers can be assigned to a specific category (standard or luxury vehicles). • Earnings Dashboard: Track daily, weekly, and monthly earnings. • Ratings & Reviews System: View passenger feedback and ratings...

$169 Average bid
$169 平均入札額
10 入札

? Phase 1: Core System Development ? Duration: 2 - 3 weeks | ? Cost: $1,600 Building essential features for efficient restaurant operations and enhanced customer experience. ? Key Features: ✅ Menu & Order Management ✅ POS System & Table Tracking ✅ Kitchen Order Processing ✅ Reservations & Staff Management ✅ Sales Reports & Payment Tracking ? Outcome: ? Streamlined restaurant operations ? Reduced errors & improved customer experience ? Quick system launch for fast revenue generation ? Phase 2: Advanced Enhancements ? Duration: 1.5 - 3 additional weeks | ? Cost: $1,000 Enhancing efficiency with advanced features tailored to market needs. ? Key Features: ✅ QR Code Ordering & Area Management ✅ Loyalty Program & Order Notifications ✅ UX Improvements & ...

$800 Average bid
$800 平均入札額
1 入札

...backend for inventory and order management. - Optimize for SEO to drive traffic and sales. --- ### **3. Scope of Work** #### **3.1. Website Design** - Custom design reflecting **"The Green Monster" brand** (bold colors, modern fonts, and imagery). Discuss possibilities of animation with our mascot - Mobile-first, responsive design for all devices. - User-friendly interface with easy navigation. #### **3.2. Website Development** - **Frontend Development:** - Product pages with high-quality images and descriptions. - Shopping cart and checkout system. - Age verification pop-up. - Blog section for educational content (optional). - **Backend Development:** - CMS for easy updates (e.g., Shopify, WooCommerce, or custom solution). - Inven...

$470 Average bid
$470 平均入札額
72 入札

...One-pager main business site We need our main company website. A One Pager with hamburger menu and auto scroll. We will give you our Logo, color scheme, and each specific section and general layout ideas. Timeline: 2 days for designing, then our revision, and then 2 days for changes. Total: 4 days. Component #2: Ecommerce page/site We need our store which is previewed on the main business site and on our sections and hamburger menu, to be a one page ecommerce with an initial 30 products: 15 are with our Printify account 20 without Print on Demand It needs CMS so we can keep adding products on our own as we move forward. 3. Component #3: Marketplace: Own Domain, also linked to the main site's menu. CMS to sign up, set up service availability, and...

$453 Average bid
$453 平均入札額
73 入札

...Fragrantica and Parfumo for each perfume entry. Task Details: • Cross-reference fragrance entries between Parfumo and Fragrantica websites • Add missing website links to our Excel database • Verify fragrance matches across both platforms, accounting for naming variations Requirements: • Attention to detail in matching fragrances across different naming conventions • Comfort with Excel spreadsheet navigation and data entry • Little understanding in the world of fragrances (not mandatory) • Understanding that some fragrances may only exist on one platform Scope: • Database contains X fragrance entries • Each entry needs links from both Parfumo and Fragrantica • Current database is split almost evenly between Parfumo and Fragranti...

$20 Average bid
$20 平均入札額
16 入札
Fix An Error【15 USD 1 Day】
6 日 left

The `react-navigation` package is no longer supported. See for up-to-date documentation on how to install and use the latest version of React Navigation. The error appeared after expo uninstalled and installed again. You will work remotely on my computer via【AnyDesk】

$15 Average bid
$15 平均入札額
23 入札

... were created with the outdated Joomla 3.x. They should now be recreated. The results should look similar like the current website , including the subpages , , and the search function and, of course, the header slider on the home page. The menu item "German" should continue to refer only to the identical German page . Please also implement the relevant Meta Tags for SEO (based on the already existing ones). For the work, we will provide you with the pictures from the Header slider. All other text information you can copy and paste directly from the existing web page. Except for the Header

$184 Average bid
$184 平均入札額
73 入札

...on all devices. • SEO Optimization: Implement search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to improve search rankings. • Analytics: Integrate tools like Google Analytics to track website traffic and user behavior. Design and Development: • Professional Design: Create a clean, modern, and visually appealing design that aligns with the brand identity. • User Experience (UX): Focus on intuitive navigation, quick load times, and easy access to information. • Content Creation: Develop high-quality content that is informative and engaging. • Testing: Conduct thorough testing to ensure functionality, compatibility, and performance. Marketing and Promotion: • Social Media Integration: Link the website to our social media profiles for cross-platform pro...

$182 Average bid
$182 平均入札額
36 入札

I'm seeking a developer to create a secure, examination revision contents platform Its name *TESTA*. The website should support: - categorization by Subject Matter - Search functionality by instructor. The design should be clean, user-friendly, and responsive for all screen sizes. Prioritize accessibility, clear navigation, and modern UI/UX principles." Website Interfaces Home page USER Interface (Clients) Display different examination papers By clicking- subscription appears. Login page with email/password fields, a "Forgot Password" link, Signup page with fields for name, email, password, confirm password, and a register button. Key Requirements: - Integrate a reliable online banking payment gateway for seamless transactions. DPO Payment gateway Course Lev...

$170 Average bid
$170 平均入札額
21 入札

...and I need you to incorporate these into the site's content efficiently and effectively. - Meta Tags and Descriptions: You will need to create compelling meta tags and descriptions that not only capture the essence of the content but also entice potential visitors from search engine results pages. - Internal Linking Structure: I need you to enhance the internal linking structure to improve site navigation and boost SEO performance. In addition to the on-page optimization, I require a full technical SEO audit. This includes: - Assessing the website's health and performance - Identifying any potential technical issues that could hinder SEO efforts - Providing actionable recommendations for improvements Ideal Skills and Experience: - Deep understanding of on-page SEO str...

$78 Average bid
$78 平均入札額
62 入札

I am seeking seasoned testers to establish Closed Testing on Google Play Console. The goal is to ensure the application's functionality, usability, and compliance standards are met. Candidates must have previo...Requirements: - Functionality Testing: This will encompass evaluating app performance, feature operations, and error handling. - Usability Testing: Key factors to assess will include the user interface design, ease of navigation, and loading speed. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Google Play Console. - Proficient in functionality and usability testing. - Prior experience with bug reporting and compliance checks. - Strong understanding of app performance, feature operations, and error handling. - Ability to assess user interface design and ease...

$27 Average bid
$27 平均入札額
6 入札

I'm looking for a talented developer to implement a category-specific search functionality on my existing website. This search function will be pivotal in enhancing user navigation and overall experience on the site. Key Requirements: - Creation of a search function on the home page and result page of the site. - The search function should be able to filter through 'Products' and 'Services'. - Implementation of a search filter within 'Products' that allows users to search based on 'Price range'. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development, particularly in adding search functionalities. - Experience in creating filter-based searches. - Knowledge in enhancing user interface and user experience. A successful implementation of this proj...

$135 Average bid
$135 平均入札額
25 入札

I need a skilled WooCommerce developer to implement several enhancements on my e-commerce website. Key tasks include: 1. Displaying installment options: I want to show "Instalments available via Klarna and CLEARPAY" across all pages of the site. 2. Google Reviews Integration: I would like to have my Google r...would like to have my Google reviews displayed on the website. 3. Abandoned Cart Emails: I need a system in place to send emails for abandoned carts. 4. Cloudflare Plugin Installation: I have a plugin called ‘Cloudflare’ that I hope can help block the spam add to carts that I've been experiencing. Ideal skills for this job would include deep knowledge of WooCommerce, experience with Shopify and Magento, as well as expertise in implementing plug...

$123 Average bid
$123 平均入札額
43 入札

I am in search of a professional web designer with a strong grasp on modern, minimalistic UI/UX principles. The goal of this project is to create a sleek and user-friendly design for both a food delivery website and its corresponding mobile app...using Figma and/or Adobe XD. - Has a portfolio showcasing previous works, preferably in a similar field. - Holds a strong understanding and application of UX/UI principles. Design Preferences: - The design style should be minimalistic, focusing on simplicity and usability. - Open to the designer's choice for color schemes and brand colors. - The core focus of the design should prioritize easy navigation and ordering, instead of visual appeal or detailed product descriptions. I look forward to seeing your design expertise bring this p...

$719 Average bid
$719 平均入札額
57 入札

I'm on the lookout for both groceries and cafes that are up for sale in my local area. The primary purpose of this task is research, as I'm wanting to gather substantial information about these ...purpose of this task is research, as I'm wanting to gather substantial information about these businesses. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in online research - Prior experience in business analysis is a plus - Knowledge of the grocery and cafe industry is preferred - Understanding of business valuation - Ability to compile comprehensive reports Ideal Skills and Experience: - Excellent internet navigation skills - Analytical skills to assess the viability of potential purchases - Familiarity with local groceries and cafes - Ability to meet deadlines - Strong communication s...

$23 Average bid
$23 平均入札額
17 入札
Web App for Internal Sales Team
6 日 left

I'm seeking a talented developer to build a PHP & Laravel-based web application for our sales team. The application should feature a straightforward login process with an OTP system, and it should include the following main options in the side navigation bar: 1. My Profile 2. Accounts 3. Contacts 4. Leads 5. Products 6. Opportunities 7. Contract Generation: Upon entering the necessary details, the app should generate a PDF contract. 8. Proposal Generation 9. Dashboards The design aesthetic for the application should be corporate and professional. The Dashboards should encompass: - Sales performance - Account activities - Product status Ideal candidates would have previous experience in developing similar corporate web applications. Strong skills in PHP & Laravel a...

$332 Average bid
$332 平均入札額
30 入札