Looking internet marketing market research仕事
...アンケート要項 1. 必要事項に満たしているかどうかの簡易チェック 2. 10~15分程度、アマゾンプライムについてのアンケートに動画での応答 3. アンケート完成のチェックがこちらで済み次第、報酬として8ドルお支払い致しております。 もし、不備がある場合、こちらから連絡差し上げます。 不備を修正して完成してくださった方にも8ドルお支払い致します。 報酬: アンケートを完成してくださった方全員に8ドルお支払い致します。 Native Japanese Amazon Users for Video Survey We need native Japanese Amazon users to participate in a short video survey. The survey results will be used for Japanese Amazon market research. You will get 8$ upon completion of the survey. Requirements: * At least 18 yrs old * Japanese * Live in Japan * Amazon user * Webcam or phone camera Procedure: 1st, there will be a short screening questionnaire to check if you match the requirements. 2nd, you will be asked to complete a short video survey about your Amazon use (10-15 min). 3rd, we will check if...
...見。請提供您以前工作的範例,並讓我知道您如何説明我實現我的社交媒體營銷目標。 所需技能 網路行銷 社交網路 臉書行銷 社交媒體行銷 -- Project Description: Social Media and Google Marketing Support I am looking for a skilled freelancer who can provide support for my Instagram marketing efforts. Must speak Chinese and English fluently. Platforms: - Instagram Responsibilities: - Management of my Instagram account, including content creation, posting, and engagement with followers - Implementing effective strategies to increase brand visibility and attract more followers - Monitoring and analyzing key metrics to measure the success of the marketing campaign - Collaborating with me to develop and execute creative and engaging marketing campaigns Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in managing Instagram...
海外ブランドの日本ページを作り、成長させられる方を探しています。 特にワイン・スピリッツに興味ある方・英語喋れる方歓迎してます。
I am looking for someone who could potentially become the COO of my digital marketing company, starting off working freelance first. They need to be a native Japanese speaker, also living in Osaka, so we can have a hybrid work flow of in persona and remote 職務詳細: - 会社の日常運営を監督し、すべての部署が効果的に協力して会社の目標を達成することを確保する - CEOやその他の幹部チームメンバーと緊密に協力し、成長・成功戦略を開発・実行する - 会社の事業計画の開発・実行を監督 - 部署長やチームを管理し、目標・ターゲットを達成するために動機付ける - 効率・生産性を向上するためのプロセス改善を特定し実施する - 市場動向・競合状況を監視・分析し、競争優位を維持する - 重要な顧客・パートナーとの関係を維持・開発する - 会社が財政的に安定・利益を上げるための財務・予算管理プロセスを管理する - マーケティング・広告キャンペーンの開発・実施を監督する - 社員にリーダーシップ・指導を提供する - 業界イベントやネットワーキング機会で会社を代表する 必要なスキル・属性: - 素早く学習することができる - 自己主導型 - 高いコミュニケーションスキル - 新しいソフトウェアや技術を学び使用することを好む 必要なスキル・属性: - 素早く学習することができる - 自己主導型 - 高いコミュニケーションスキル - 新しいソフト...
ビジネス成長スキルを持っている人.2つの新しいスタートアップを手伝ってくれる人が必要です。最初のものは、ビジネスと関係のコーチとしてです。日本の中小企業に私のサービスを知ってもらうことでクライアントを見つけるためにフリーランサーが必要です。 2つ目は英会話教室で、リードファンネルの改造が必要です。最後に、カスタマーサービスなどの一般的な事務を手伝ってくれるフリーランサーが必要です
About us: {東京の英語学校、小学校1年生から高校生までにグループと個人レッスンを提供します。大人が個人レッスン。 サイトが } We're currently on the looking for a copywriter to help us write {A4チラシ・B2ポスター}. The copy will highlight {学校の特長: アカデミックな英語、厳選された教材, リーズナブルな価格, フォニックス、 ライティング}. Deliverables: - Copy for {新入生徒募集中:A4チラシ広告・B2ポスター(郵便局に} - Template material for {サイト:About Us, 特長、等 } - Copy suggestions to conceptualize marketing campaigns - One potential round of rewrites based on client feedback This project requires: - Copywriting expertise - Creativity and ability to conceptualize - Familiarity with {教育・英語学校の関係仕事}
英日翻訳をしてくたさる方を探しています。 文字数は661文字。 分野は"宝石・ジュエリー"です。 高い品質を提供していただけた場合には、その後1400文字のプロジェクトをお任せいたします。 ご入札の際は、日本語にて希望単価、納期、宝石やジュエリー関係の翻訳経験の有無をお知らせください。 よろしくお願いします。
I have some translation projects and am looking for translators who can establish a long-term relationship. It's best for those who are beginners and want some experiences for your resume. Since the task is basically easy and long term, the rate will be $0.012 - 0.015 per word. Please leave your bid with your specialized field if you have. I'll contact all but agents. Thank you! 翻訳プロジェクトがいくつかあり、長期間協力していただける方を探しています。 翻訳業を始めたばかりの方や、履歴書に書ける経験をされたい方にぴったりの業務です。 内容は基本的に簡単で、長期ということもあり1単語$0.012 - 0.015で考えております。 コメントいただければこちらからお問い合わせさせていただきます。 専門分野や専門にしたい分野があればコメントに書いてください。 よろしくお願いします。
...characters created for new apparel campaign. 1 female (robot or superhero) in Kawaii Style, 1 male (robot or superhero) in Kawaii Style Think cute but deadly. Most creative entry wins. The art can be hand drawn or digitally created, The final work will be in vector or psd, vector preferred. I need 2 total art works for the final submission. Art must be original and in vector format. Target Market: Apparel for Japanese and American Kawaii fans (young adults ages 18 - 25) Submission: Submit your entry as a 1 page overview. Final work may need additional edits after end of contest. Post any questions in the discussion forum. ----------------------- Translation of above post in Japanese: 付属品を参考にしてください。 新しいアパレルキャンペーンのために作成された8文字が必要です。 Kawaiiスタイルのロボットを考え...
イタリア観光情報とワイナリーツアーに関するウェブサイトにて SEOなどウェブサイトのマーケティングが可能な方を探しています。 目的はウェブサイトへのトラフィックの増加、オンラインプロフィールの向上です。 コンサルティングを兼ねて、細かくご相談にのってくださる方が好ましいです。 ご不明な点がございましたら、ご連絡ください。 I need someone to do some SEO marketing for my business. This marketing should increase traffic to our website as well as increase our online profile. The marketing should improve our online reputation. Please message me if you have any questions. (in Japanese website)
イタリア観光情報とワイナリーツアーに関するウェブサイトにて SEOなどウェブサイトのマーケティングが可能な方を探しています。 目的はウェブサイトへのトラフィックの増加、オンラインプロフィールの向上です。 コンサルティングを兼ねて、細かくご相談にのってくださる方が好ましいです。 ご不明な点がございましたら、ご連絡ください。 I need someone to do some SEO marketing for my business. This marketing should increase traffic to our website as well as increase our online profile. The marketing should improve our online reputation. Please message me if you have any questions. (in Japanese website)
日本語は下記に記載しております。 Japanese details and requirements are below. Im looking for someone who can make Japanese souvenir package design for foreign visitor of young generation or kids market in Japan. The products are cookie and chocolate. package design is preferred pop and draw with Japanese symbol, like , Ninja, Samurai, Sakura(Cherry blossom), Tokyo tower etc. Make note that please dont use any characters which is protected by copyrights. 訪日外国人向けのお土産商品用の包装パッケージデザイナーを探しております。商品は子供向けのクッキー及びチョコレート菓子で、パッケージには富士山、忍者、サムライ、桜、東京タワーなどの純日本風、且つ可愛らしいデザインを入れたいと思っております。 著作権上の問題があるので、各キャラクターデザインはご遠慮願います。
日本市場に詳しいリスティングのフリーコンサルタントを募集中。AdWordsをプロレベルで使いこなしている方からのご応募をお待ちしています。 Looking for SEM AdWords manager with experience in the Japan market.
In our company, we are looking for a system engineer. About Us: it is a company We are doing a hardware development there Your job Overview: Have you responsible for the application development that corresponds to the Internet. <Work scope> Of the front-end requirements definition - Specification of the front-end functions and UI In addition, the following work will be made out of scope. 1. programming 2. Description of the test code 3. Test specification created Non_Japanese and GLOBAL community System Engineers are requested kindly to check the Attachment Files which signifies the REQUIREMENT for this ROLE. Assumed operating time: XXX contract period: XXX Such as the necessary skills and experience: - Business application requirements definit...
弊社では、システムエンジニアを募集しております。 弊社について: 弊社はあるハードウェア開発を行っている企業です お仕事概要: Internet of Things(以下IOT) に対応したアプリケーション開発(フロントエンド部分)をご担当いただきます。 具体的には、弊社独自開発のホームセキュリティH/WデバイスをiPhoneなどのスマートフォンで操作・管理するアプリケーション開発で、次の作業を実施頂くことを想定しております。尚、現在既に一部要件・仕様が決定し進んでいる部分もございます。 <作業スコープ> ・フロントエンドの要件定義 ・フロントエンドの機能やUI(画面イメージやワイヤーフレームなど)の仕様決定 ・最終的に決定した仕様の取りまとめ(簡易的な仕様書作成) ・バックエンドなど他チームとのやり取り(必要に応じて) ・実装(プログラム開発者)や試験(テスト担当者)からの仕様などに関する質問等の回答 また、以下の作業はスコープ外とさせていただきます。 ・プログラミング ・試験コードの記述 ・試験仕様書(テストケース)作成 ・試験(テスト) 想定稼働時間: XXX 契約期間: XXX 必要なスキル・経験など: -業務アプリケーションの要件定義や設計の経験 -iOSやAndroidのスマートフォンアプリケーション開発の経験 (IOTに対応したアプリケーション開発経験があればさらに可) -プロジェクト管理ツール(例 Basecamp) -チャットツール(例 Flowdock、Slack) -表計算ツール(例 Excel、Google Spreadsheet) -英語の読み書きに抵抗がないレベル (ビジネス英語レベルは必須ではありませんが、...
依頼の目的 修士論文のネイティブチェックをお願い致します。 分野:タジキスタンの教育と市場参加・賃金の関係について(教育と経済学分野について多少の専門用語あり) 分量:約10,000 words 重視する点:学術論文のため、文法について厳格にチェックをしていただきたいです。またフォーマルで固い表現や、アカデミックライティングに明るい方を探しています。少々急ぎのため、厚かましいお願いですが出来れば3日程度で納品してくれる方を探しております。 目安予算:1万5千円〜1万8千円程度 以上宜しくお願い致します。 Purpose: Proofreading of master's thesis. (English) Theme of master's thesis: The relationship between education and labor market in Tajikistan Number of words: 10,000 words Budget: ¥15,000-18,000 JPY Expected delivery date: 1/29, Fri. (JST)
good afternoon. We are a company that is supporting the channel construction of Japanese companies . Has been entrusted with the sale in the US market of a company , we are looking for a person who can help me with this project . Very 20-30 generations of awareness in the major products in Japan has exceeded 60 %. By all means, the person who is the sales and marketing in the US market this product together We are looking for . Target retail will wallmart, target, korger, wallgreen, to five companies of cvs. We certainly thank you . こんにちは。弊社は日本企業のチャネル構築を支援している会社です。 ある会社のアメリカ市場での販売を任されており、このプロジェクトを手伝っていただける方を探しております。 日本では非常にメジャーな商品で20−30代の認知度は60%を超えております。 ぜひ、この商品を一緒にアメリカ市場での営業・マーケティングをしていただける方を 探しております。 ターゲット小売は、wallmart,tar...
...of website tweaks, improvements and new builds is outpacing the rate at which we can add them. We are therefore looking for an experience Web Designer to join the Japan team as a freelancer, or on a fixed term contract to help improve the Japan website faster. You will be working alongside the Local Japan team as well as the Global Customer Experience and Online Growth teams. Requirements - Bilingual (Japanese and English) - Highly polished, creative portfolio - with clear examples of wireframing, web design, HTML CSS and wordpress builds - Experience in UX and/or web design for Web and mobile - Experience with Bootstrap - Experience with Wordpress - Keyword research SEO performance monitoring (tracking performance against all monitored keywords, identify pages...
Business Planning Researchers Wanted(Analysts) IMPORTANT: This time we are ONLY looking for candidates who can write/speak Japanese language We are a Social Media Service Company ( MIRAISHONEN, Inc.() ) providing multiple services, seeking for Business Planning Researchers(Analysts) . Here is the introduction of our company. Corporate Summary PV: Corporate Brochure: WEB: This is the job to research on our new business models prior to their launch in regards to market trends and competitons with strong analysis especially based on data and numbers. -Job Descrption
【毎月の定期的な収入にいかがですか?】スマホコーディング(20ページ前後) すでにあるブログのようなPCサイト(20P前後)があって、 それをスマホ化するコーディングする案件があります。 (ただの流し込みページも多く含まれます) 毎月定期的に3~5件ほど受注しているので、 定期的な収入に良いと思います。 計測タグを入れたり、細かいルールがあり、 最初はルールを憶えるのに少し大変ですが、 1~2件こなすと慣れると思いますので楽だと思います。 細かい仕事なので、正確で迅速にご対応していただける方を探しております。 多数のウェブエンジニア・プログラマの方からのご連絡・ご応募お待ちしております。
すでにあるブログのようなPCサイト(20P前後)があって、 それをスマホ化するコーディングする案件があります。 (ただの流し込みページも多く含まれます) 毎月定期的に3~5件ほど受注しているので、 定期的な収入に良いと思います。 計測タグを入れたり、細かいルールがあり、 最初はルールを憶えるのに少し大変ですが、 1~2件こなすと慣れると思いますので楽だと思います。 細かい仕事なので、正確で迅速にご対応していただける方を探しております。
...条件・予算:1ヵ月約3,000~5,000 豪ドル (経験により応相談)。6ヶ月の試用期間がありますが、長くお仕事をしてくださる方を募集しています。 Quality Off-Page SEO Ad: We are looking for an SEO professional that can help us build the authority of our travel website in Japan. Someone that can help us build diverse and high quality links from relevant Japanese websites pointing to different pages of our site. Skills required: Native Japanese speaker, good English, Content writing, Link building, Keyword research, In depth knowledge of the Japanese Internet landscape. Conditions and Approximate budget: $3000 - $5000 AUD on a monthly basis (negotiable depending on experience and proposal). Although we would start with a 6 months trial period. We are looking for a long term relationship.
I'm seeking a professional writer to help me craft a compelling personal statement for my PhD applications. Key elements to highlight: - My academic achievements - My professional experience - My research interests The tone of the statement should be formal and academic. Please note, I have specific prompts from the PhD application that need to be addressed. Ideal candidates will have: - Proven experience in academic writing - A strong understanding of PhD application processes - Excellent communication skills - Ability to transform complex ideas into clear, formal language.
...è la tua motivazione a cambiare e a contribuire al nostro successo . Non aspettare oltre ! Contattaci ora per scoprire come diventare un setter o venditore con big be Italy . Fai il primo passo verso un futuro professionale appagante e ricco di successi ! Lascia i tuoi contatti e inizia il tuo viaggio con noi ! Contattare in privato o su whatsapp al 3488981433 (Non si tratta di network marketing )...
I am looking for a professional PowerPoint designer proficient in Arabic to create a compelling, marketing-focused presentation aimed at potential customers/partners. The tone of the presentation should remain consistently professional throughout. Ideal Skills Include: - PowerPoint design expertise - Proficiency in Arabic - Marketing knowledge - Experience creating professional presentations - Understanding of customer-focused content 4-5 slides slide content will be shared
...of business, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) Fauglia, Pisa, Italy • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available during business hours (9 AM - 4 PM) on working days Please see the attached file for the site visit guidelines. You are only required to deliver the pictures, video & observations and are not expected to assemble a report like the Sample Report. Note: Milestone will be released the following week after the site v...
I am looking for a talented academic writer with experience in writing professionally for academic journals and publications. The specifics of the article, including its field, purpose and sources, are to be determined, so flexibility and adaptability are key. Title : Integrating AI, IoT, and Additive Manufacturing in Engineering Education: Innovations and Transformations Plagiarism: Less than 10 % will be checked Min 5000 words (excluding references) References with DOI: Min 20 (50% from 2024/2023/2022). No of Pics: Min 2 ( Should not be copied from Internet or book) Can be modified or created by own No of Table : Min 2 Deadline : 7 Days from the award Format: Will be followed target Journal. Target journal will be givene once awarded Freshers Welcome. You will get fiv...
...functional design, process design (including scenario design, flow mapping), prototyping, testing, training, and defining support procedures, in collaboration with an advanced engineering team and executive leadership Articulate and document the solutions architecture and lessons learned for each exploration and accelerated incubation Manage a team in conducting assessments of the AI and automation market and competitor landscape Experience Required 5+ years of relevant experience. Mandatory Skills Five+ years of experience in applying AI to practical and comprehensive technology solutions Experience with ML, deep learning, TensorFlow, Python, NLP Experience in program leadership, governance, and change enablement Knowledge of basic algorithms, object-oriented and functi...
...We are looking for a Manga Illustrator Assistant to join our team. This is a remote position with excellent growth opportunities and the potential for a higher salary as you develop within the role. Key Responsibilities: Assist the lead mangaka in creating manga panels, characters, and backgrounds. Follow creative direction and instructions from the lead illustrator. Collaborate on storytelling elements to enhance the visual impact of the manga. Ensure art style consistency and adherence to project deadlines. Requirements: Proficiency in Clip Studio Paint. Strong understanding of traditional Japanese manga techniques and storytelling. Ability to create detailed and dynamic characters, environments, and layouts. Passion for manga and its cultural roots. Reliable int...
I am looking for a reliable SMTP sender service to handle my marketing emails. The volume is between 1,000 to 10,000 emails per day. Ideal Skills: - Experience with SMTP services - Knowledge of email marketing - Ability to ensure high deliverability rates Please note that I haven't specified any particular email tracking features at this moment, but if you have experience with those, it would be a plus. I am open to discussing any features that could enhance my email marketing campaigns.
I have an Academic/Technical Sanskrit text pertaining to the field of Science that I need translated into English. The primary purpose of this translation is to serve...Academic/Technical Sanskrit text pertaining to the field of Science that I need translated into English. The primary purpose of this translation is to serve as a reference for my research. Hence, precision and accuracy are paramount. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Fluent in both Sanskrit and English - Proven experience in translating academic and technical texts - Background in science is highly desirable - Strong attention to detail and ability to maintain the original text's meaning and intent I'm seeking a translator who can deliver a high-quality, precise translation that can support my ...
I'm looking for a social media specialist to create and manage exciting contests and giveaways on Facebook aimed at boosting our brand visibility. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement interactive contests and giveaways on our Facebook page - Monitor and report on engagement and reach of these campaigns - Ensure all content is in line with our brand image and values Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in social media marketing, particularly on Facebook - Creative thinking to design engaging and unique competitions - Ability to analyse campaign success and adapt strategies accordingly If you can help us capture the attention of potential customers and increase our brand visibility through engaging and interactive content, I'd love to hear from you.
I am searching for social media marketers in European countries, that have experience in DM marketing.. Must have SIM cards available for text marketing. You must have experience in messaging through Instagram to promote a product or service. Text message marketing helps also. When you apply to the job let me know if did your DM marketing through automation or manual DMs.
I'm looking for a talented designer to create a bathtub topper that serves as a functional tray for my little one during bath time. This topper should be made of durable plastic and designed for safe, enjoyable play. A similar product is on the market, but I am looking for one with a slightly larger play surface and perhaps a more aesthetic design to complement the bathroom. Key Features: - A design that can hold bath toys and snacks - Non-slip surface to ensure safety and stability Ideal Skills: - Product design, preferably with experience in creating child-friendly items - Proficient in CAD or similar design software. I am just happy with a format that is easily accessible by most manufacturers - Understanding of safety standards for children's produ...
I'm seeking a designer to create a classic and elegant e-commerce website tailored for drop shipping, focusing on the...e-commerce website tailored for drop shipping, focusing on the fashion and apparel sector. The primary objective of the site is to increase sales. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a user-friendly, sleek interface that embodies a classic and elegant design aesthetic. - Implement effective sales strategies within the website design. - Ensure the site is optimized for the fashion and apparel drop shipping market. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in e-commerce and drop shipping website design. - Strong portfolio showcasing classic and elegant design. - Excellent understanding of the fashion and apparel industry. - Proven track record in designing websites th...
I'm launching a printing cloth brand aimed at both local and online customers. I need a comprehensive set of strategies to grow this business as well as my personal brand. Key Focus: - Primarily interested in launching a website based in Pakistan mainly - Open to exploring other features...customers. I need a comprehensive set of strategies to grow this business as well as my personal brand. Key Focus: - Primarily interested in launching a website based in Pakistan mainly - Open to exploring other features Ideal Skills and Experience: - Should know about fashion industry - Brand logo design idea should be like cultural - Experience in developing and executing successful social media marketing strategies Bonus: We will partnership to the digital marketer whose purposal is ...
I'm seeking a modern logo for a research group at Cambridge University. The logo should incorporate simple images orshapes and/or font-based design, reflecting the innovative and intellectual spirit of the group. Key Requirements: - Design a sleek, modern logo that incorporates abstract shapes and font-based design. - Use a colour palette that harmonises with the University of Cambridge logo, avoiding clashing colours. NB. There are may logos on the web, with departments and research groups from Oxford and Cambridge for you to. look at. The name of the research group is the CLINICAL EDUCATION RESEARCH GROUP (CERG). Skills and Experience: - Proficient in graphic design software (Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw, etc.) - Strong portfolio of modern, minimalis...
I'm looking for a professional to conduct a pre-employment background check focusing primarily on my candidate's employment history. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in conducting background checks - Strong attention to detail - Excellent research skills - Proficiency in verifying employment history from various sources - Respect for confidentiality and ethical considerations Requirements: - Verify 1 previous employer - Provide comprehensive report on findings
I'm seeking a proficient web developer to create a Shopify-based website for my budget-friendly pharmacy store. The primary goal of this project is to design a site that will significantly boost our online sales. Key Features: - The website should be easy to navigate. User-friendly navigation is crucial to cater to all potential cust...all potential customers, regardless of their tech-savviness. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in Shopify web development is a must. - A strong portfolio of e-commerce sites, particularly in the pharmacy or budget-friendly sector, will be highly regarded. - Skills in UX/UI design to ensure a seamless and enjoyable user journey on the site. - Knowledge of SEO and digital marketing strategies to enhance visibility and reach ...
>> I will create a scientific research journal in the field of tourism using a quantitative research type that focuses on Scopus Q1. We will discuss the methods, ways of obtaining data, and tools used for journal research during the project. >> Journal revisions do not apply if they change the whole or most of the journal content, for example, changing the research title or the method used. Before creating the journal, we will choose the research method and title in the initial discussion. During the process, the worker will discuss with the client to ensure that the journal created by the worker is by the client's wishes. >> The payment structure, designed with fairness and transparency in mind, is divided into two parts. The first...
...to create an interactive online tool for designing log cabins, wooden houses, and garden structures. The tool will cater primarily to DIY enthusiasts, enabling them to plan and draw their own structures, see vizual and cost estimation Key Features: - A user-friendly interface for planning and drawing wooden structures - Web-based accessibility, ensuring it can be used on any device with internet access - Potential for future updates or enhancements based on user feedback and technological advancements. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in web development, particularly in creating interactive tools or applications - An understanding of DIY projects and the needs of DIY enthusiasts - Previous work with design or planning software is a plus Please contact me for a...
..."Thank you for your query. Our team will respond within 24–48 hours." and o Notify support team for faster resolution. I. Analytics and Reporting • Track user progress (e.g., completed questions, accuracy rates, time spent). • Generate detailed performance reports for parents. • Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor website traffic and behaviour. J. Advanced SEO Optimisation • Conduct keyword research to target OC and Selective preparation terms. • Implement on-page SEO practices: o Optimized titles, meta descriptions, headers. o Alt text for images. o Structured data using schema markup. • Optimize site performance: o Use caching and CDNs. o Minimize code and compress images. • Develop an SEO-friendly URL structure (e.g., ...
...ideal candidate will play a pivotal role in expanding our international market presence, identifying growth opportunities, and fostering strong partnerships with key stakeholders across global markets. This role offers a competitive base salary, a fixed commission on each successfully closed deal, comprehensive medical insurance, and allowances, ensuring direct recognition and rewards for contributions to business growth. ***Key Responsibilities*** 1. Identify and pursue new business opportunities in overseas markets to drive revenue growth. 2. Oversee the full import/export lifecycle, ensuring adherence to international trade regulations, customs requirements, and compliance standards. 3. Conduct in-depth market research to stay informed of industry trends, comp...
I'm seeking a digital marketing expert to boost my website www.moveremove.co.nz. The primary goal is to generate more leads and sales. Key responsibilities will include: - Implementing effective SEO strategies to increase organic traffic and improve website ranking. - Designing and managing PPC campaigns that target local customers effectively. - Utilizing Social Media Marketing to enhance brand visibility and engagement within the local community. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in digital marketing with a focus on lead generation and sales conversion. - Strong understanding and practical knowledge of SEO, PPC and Social Media strategies. - Ability to create captivating content and advertisements that resonate with local customers. Please n...
I'm seeking a skilled AI developer to create a sophisticated AI agent that specializes in property recommendations for renters in the real estate market. The primary function of this AI agent will be to assist renters in finding suitable properties. The AI agent should provide: - Available properties: The AI needs to have access to an updated database of rental properties, and be able to filter options based on user preferences and requirements. - Rental prices: The agent should have the capability to provide up-to-date pricing information for these properties. - Neighborhood details: The AI should offer insightful information about the neighborhoods of the available properties, including safety, amenities, schools, public transport, etc. Ideal candidates for this project s...
...executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) Karagala Road, Pananwala, Delgoda, Sri Lanka • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available during business hours (9 AM - 4 PM) on working days Please see the attached file for the site visit guidelines. You are only required to deliver the pictures, video & observations and are not expected to assemble a report like the Sample Report. Note: Milestone will be released the following week after the...