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2,000 job writing articles india 見つかった仕事

Join the team redefining how the world experiences design. Hey, g'day, mabuhay, kia ora, 你好, hallo, vítejte! Thanks for stopping by. We know job hunting can be a little time consuming and you're probably keen to find out what's on offer, so we'll get straight to the point. -Where and how you can work Our flagship campus is in Sydney, Australia but we engage our Contractors and Freelancers all over the world to help us meet our crazy big goals. As a Contract or Freelancer at Canva you can work remotely in the country listed on this job ad, meaning you have ultimate flexibility. Wherever works for you, works for us. -What you’d be doing in this role As a Copywriter at Canva, it’s your mission to create content that makes complex thin...

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr 平均入札額
6 入札

日本のアニメ・ニュース関係の記事を翻訳していただきます。 また、日本人がそのニュースに対して頂いた感想等も翻訳してください。 ■おすすめポイント 慣れれば1記事1時間もかからず終わります。 ■言語について 日本語が正確に書けなくても問題有りません。機械翻訳等を駆使して行っていただいても大丈夫です。 ただし、やり取りは日本語で行いますので、多少話せる方を募集いたします。 英語は正確・自然な形で記載をお願いします。 ■納品方法について wordpressのIDを発行しますので、そちらに記載をお願いします。 ■報酬について 10記事110usd程度を考えています。

$98 Average bid
$98 平均入札額
19 入札

Toefl iBT の writing 問題 (Integrated 及び Independent 両方) において高得点獲得確実ななスキルの伝授。条件は ・テンプレート必須(必要な種類を全て揃える、文・表現方法・単語など全て) ・当方では、スキルに従い2、3回しか練習しない(それ以上の努力は全くしない) ・自身で満点またはそれに準ずる点をとった実績必要 ・結果的に当方が22点未満であれば半額以上返金

$1000 Average bid
$1000 平均入札額
1 入札

この度は本案件にご興味をいただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。 本案件では、日本語(Japanese) → フィリピン語(Filipino)への翻訳が可能な方を募集しております。 翻訳の内容としては、Youtubeの概要欄に掲載するチャンネルのプロフィールとなります。 文章作成時のお願いとしては、ご自身での翻訳をお願いいたします。 翻訳サイトの利用は、文法(単語の選びや並び方など)に問題が生じますのでご遠慮ください。 ご対応可能な方は、下記の質問事項への回答と条件掲示の上でご連絡をいただければ幸いです。 いただいた内容を確認の上、ご採用者様には改めて詳細をお伝えさせていただきます。 以上、何卒よろしくお願いいたします。 敬具 ◆ 質問事項 ◆ Q1. 日本語の翻訳経験の有無について教えてください。 A1. ●●。 (※有の方 ⇒ ●年) Q2. 翻訳の希望単価についてお知らせください。 A2-1. 日本語(Japanese) → フィリピン語(Filipino):●円 / 1文字 A2-2. 本件の金額:●●●円 Q3. アピールポイントや質問事項などがあればご記入ください。 A3. ●●●●●(特になければ未記入で可)。

$19 Average bid
$19 平均入札額
11 入札

, steady and deep voice about 700-1000 Japanese words, the final script is still being writing record a demo below: 政治制度を改革し、ベルトや道路のイニシアティブとインターネットの発展の新しい時代には3つの主要な座標系を構成している。 第19回cpc国民会議は、人々の生活に集中し、心の人々に貢献することを目的としたもので、人類の将来についての共有によるコミュニティを作成し、その値として。 議長xi業界とインターネットの統合されるインターネット・プラスを再定義し、大きな重要性の大きいデータ産業に付随して、インターネット産業のための方向をハイライトし、新しい時代へのトレーサビリティの産業。

$203 Average bid
$203 平均入札額
5 入札

... ■不具合詳細 戦国ものシミュレーションゲームを運営しているのですが、ユーザーから多数、クラッシュ後にデータが消えてしまい、最初のチュートリアルからとなっていまったとのメールを受け取っています。(殆どがAndroidユーザーからの報告です) 機種やOSに傾向は見受けられません。 ゲーム内容: ■データ保存方法 データ保存にはPlayerPrefsを拡張したプラグイン、「」を使用しています。 PlayerPrefsのSave()同等のFlush()メソッドは都度実施しているため、ファイル書き込みはされています。 再現も難しく、解決するのに時間がかかっており、有識者に確認していただきたいと思っており、今回依頼をさせていただきました。 宜しくお願いいたします。

$352 Average bid
$352 平均入札額
6 入札

(English follows Japanese) 私(外国人)が添付されているメールニュースを作成しました。日本人のネーティブチェックしていただきたい。内容と文法はおかしくないかどうか。ワードの修正機能を使用して納品していただきたい。よろしくご検討ください。 I am not Japanese but I wrote the attached Japanese-language email newsletter. I am looking for a NATIVE Japanese person to check the content and grammar are written correctly. I am not seeking a bilingual non-native speaker of the language. Checking should be done using the correction function of Microsoft Word, and showing the corrections so I can see where the changes have been made.

$25 Average bid
$25 平均入札額
3 入札

◆概要 作業手順、チェックリスト、Todoリストの作成と、それを紹介する1200文字以上の記事を作成して頂きます。質の高い記事を作成してくださった方には、月に10~20の記事を依頼します。終了時期は定めず、数年間続く予定です。 ◆価格 入稿して頂く記事の品質(クオリティ)が高ければ、単価もアップします。 良文で、長文であるほど、単価をアップします。 スタートの単価は、1000文字以上で、1文字1円です。 上限単価は定めてませんが、1文字5円まではあると考えてください。 良い記事を継続的に得ることがもっとも最優先です。 そのため、記事の下部には、ライターのプロフィールを掲載し、Lancersやその他のクラウドソーシングサイトでの顧客獲得につながるように、微力ではありますが貢献することも可能です。 ◆作業手順、チェックリスト、Todoリストの要件 皆さんの仕事でも手順が決まっている仕事ってありますよね。 例えば何か新しい案件を受注した場合に、 売上を売上表に記入 受注指示 先方に電話して取材日をフィックス 別の部署に報告 チェックシートを修正 チェックシートを先方に提出 開始を先方に連絡 みたいな感じである程度フローが決まっている場合って多いと思うんですよね。 書いていただきたいのは、このようにGTDに準拠した「タスクの実行を具体的にイメージできるレベルまで細分化したリスト」を募集しています。 ◆注意事項 ・文字数は1200字以上です。 ・誤字脱字に注意してください。 ・コピペは厳禁です。(15文字以上連続で他サイトから引用しないでください) ・見出し、小見出し、本文は関連性を持たせてください。 ・個別の企業・店舗にフォーカスしないでください。 ・求人情報をのせないでください。 ・敬体(ですます調)にて執筆...

$1322 Average bid
$1322 平均入札額
2 入札

I am looking for a freelancer with great Enslish writing skill to introduce originally created 「New English Pronuncation Symbols」to the world. English native prefered. The prospective ariticle will be on my HP with your name (nickname can be accepted).

$54 Average bid
$54 平均入札額
1 入札

海外からの旅行者に向けた日本の観光紹介記事を、英語で書いて頂ける方を募集します。英語のライティングがネイティブレベルであること、英語でのSEO対策も行えることが必要となります。多くのコンテンツを必要としているため、1記事だけではなく継続して複数記事を書いて頂ける方にお願いしたいと考えております。宜しくお願い足します。(*お仕事を依頼させて頂く前に一度記事サンプルを頂き、確認後にご依頼させて頂きます。) We need who can write articles on Japan in English for tourists from foreign countries. Native English skill (especially writing) and SEO skill are essentials. We would like to offer who can continue to create contents for a long period. And before working, you have to submit a sample article for checking your skill.

$20 - $170
$20 - $170
0 入札

2 writing》》》》》》》》》》2 writing》》》》》》》》》》

$32 Average bid
$32 平均入札額
9 入札

...high IT Literacy so that by our tellling you which part corresponds to which part, then you can do the job. JOB This is the job to update the items that comes to the toppage of our 2 online stores. the management system is already set up so yo do not need to use HTMLat all. You just select the item code from our website and set into the system everyday. SKILLS REQUIRED Ability to arrange items in a meaningful, atttractive manner. Lets say if its getting closer to summer, it makes sense to have swimwear. and swimwear matches so well with sunglasses. I would like you to be interested in female sexy apparel and costume. You have to report online everyday via skype that the job is done. This is the requirement. Being able to communiate via ...

$25 Average bid
$25 平均入札額
2 入札
Content Writing
終了 left

I would like a native Japanese to write 10 articles explaining English grammar in Japanese. The articles will be used as blog content. An example of an article would be "The difference between "will" and "be going to". 母国語が日本語の方に、日本語で英語の文法説明文を10通り書いていただきたいです。記事はブログに使われます。例えば「willとbe going toの違い」など英文法をわかりやすく日本語で説明した記事を書いて下さい。

$105 Average bid
$105 平均入札額
5 入札

...す。 現在好評につき受注が多く、ライター様の手が足りない状況でございます。 金額は1文字0.3〜3円と幅広く扱っており、 ライター様のレベルに合わせてお仕事を振り分けさせて頂きます。 後々にライター様の仕事の速度、レベル、信頼、に伴い高額案件をお任せしたいと思っております。 今回、是非ともご応募いただければと思いご連絡差し上げました。 【記事内容】 地域の生活情報などをリサーチしていただき、600文字〜800文字程度で執筆していただきます。 不動産記事になりますので、読みやすくて、その地域に住みたい!と思うような文章を作成してください。 金額300〜600円 1記事 本数10〜30本 一週間 (それ以下でも大丈夫です。ご相談下さい) 一ヶ月36000〜72000円 応募されたい方は以下のテンプレートを御記入の上、t1.writing@迄 メールをお願い致します。 【お名前】 【住所】※最後まで必ずご記入ください 【性別】 【年齢】 【メールアドレス】 【得意ジャンル】 【月のペース(文字数)】 【電話番号】※確認の為こちらから掛ける場合があります 【過去に執筆した】 【簡単な自己紹介】 以下の人は募集をお控えください。 〇自己判断で記事を作成する方。 〇仕事に責任感の無い人。 〇納期の守れない人 〇18歳未満の方 〇著作権の放棄ができない方 〇委託契約書の結べない方。 〇連絡の取れない方。 〇コピペを多用する方。 〇オリジナル文章が書けない方。 〇高額の案件だけを求める方。 (キャリアのある方でも、高額案件を最初にお任せする事はありません。 高額案件は実力が無くても、信頼のある方へお任せしております。) ※【特に記事の履行...

$175 Average bid
$175 平均入札額
1 入札

画像を元にイラスト作成してください。 月に6人分を目安に長期でお願いします。 ※時期により制作していただく量が変動します。 1_弊社より画像をメールにてお送りします。 2_Adobe IllustratorまたはAdobe Photoshopを使用して  弊社よりお送りした元画像を、見本のイラストの様にトレースしてください。 3_データはZip形式で圧縮したファイルをメールでお送りください。 注意事項 ・トレースしたオブジェクトは、Adobe Illustrator(ai)形式で保存してください。 ・バージョンは CS5以下 で保存してください。 ・オブジェクトの色は(C 50、M 50、Y 70、K 0)の1色のみ にしてください。 ・パスのアウトラインはとらないでください。 ※応募される際は、サンプルをお送りください。(元画像とイラストデータどちらも) Need long-term illustrator to make illustrations traced from photos. Around 6 people per month, may change accordingly. Please see the attached file for sample. When hired, 1_Photo will be sent by mail. 2_Using Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, please trace the photo according to the sample attached here. 3_Zip the file and send back by mail. -Save file as Ad...

$16 Average bid
$16 平均入札額
3 入札

...Alert are registered on a table of MySQL everyday. We need PHP script that read these emails via cron, and auto post as wordpress article. On front-page, the website should have 30 new articles. And other article's link are needed on pages that have 30 links. We also need sitemap of all articles for visitors and google (xml). For design, wordpress default template is OK. But we need responsive design, we'll check under 320px, 640px and PC's resolution of width. === required pages === Front page New articles from 31 to 60 New articles from 61 to 90 (From 91, follow these URL) Article's detail Sitemap for visitors

$357 Average bid
$357 平均入札額
1 入札

画像を元にイラスト作成してください。 月に6人分を目安に長期でお願いします。 ※時期により制作していただく量が変動します。 1_弊社より画像をメールにてお送りします。 2_Adobe IllustratorまたはAdobe Photoshopを使用して  弊社よりお送りした元画像を、見本のイラストの様にトレースしてください。 3_データはZip形式で圧縮したファイルをメールでお送りください。 注意事項 ・トレースしたオブジェクトは、Adobe Illustrator(ai)形式で保存してください。 ・バージョンは CS5以下 で保存してください。 ・オブジェクトの色は(C 50、M 50、Y 70、K 0)の1色のみ にしてください。 ・パスのアウトラインはとらないでください。 ※応募される際は、サンプルをお送りください。(元画像とイラストデータどちらも) Need long-term illustrator to make illustrations traced from photos. Around 6 people per month, may change accordingly. Please see the attached file for sample. When hired, 1_Photo will be sent by mail. 2_Using Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, please trace the photo according to the sample attached here. 3_Zip the file and send back by mail. -Save file as Ad...

$15 Average bid
$15 平均入札額
7 入札
Web For India
9 日 left

framework already shared; need to create a web for prelaunch with various CTAs.

$59 Average bid
$59 平均入札額
1 入札

...with adapted statistics and configuration under SportsPress. Sports included: • Football • Basketball • Handball • Futsal • Volleyball 6. Customization of Player Profiles and Trophies • Creation of player profiles with a professional and modern design. • Addition of trophies won by players and clubs in image format (similar to Transfermarkt). 7. AI-Generated Match Summaries • If automated writing is needed, AI will generate match summaries based on key events (goals, assists, saves, etc.). 8. Compatibility with All WordPress Themes • The freelancer guarantees full compatibility with any theme, including SmartMag. • If a theme change occurs in the future, all functionalities will remain intact. 9. Lifetime Support and Data A...

$1139 Average bid
$1139 平均入札額
53 入札 **real-time stock data visualization using TradingView**, **custom-built portfolio management (similar to MProfit)**, **one-click portfolio rebalancing**, **SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) management**, and **educational content** for investors. The platform will support desktop and mobile web access. ### 1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations - **NSE**: National Stock Exchange of India - **SIP**: Systematic Investment Plan - **TradingView**: Financial charting and analysis tool - **API**: Application Programming Interface ### 1.4 References - NSE Official API Documentation - TradingView API Documentation ## 2. Overall Description ### 2.1 Product Perspective The platform will be a **web-based application** that provides equity trading insights, portfoli...

$1251 Average bid
$1251 平均入札額
49 入札

I'm seeking a dynamic content creator dedicated to crafting inspiring articles, with an emphasis on self-improvement themes like productivity, mental health, and goal setting. Your primary task will be writing engaging pieces for a general audience, aimed at enhancing their lives and motivating personal growth. Key Responsibilities: - Research and write compelling articles on self-improvement topics - Help build a community around personal growth - Stay updated with current trends in motivation and self-improvement Ideal Skills: - Excellent writing and storytelling abilities - Passion for self-improvement and helping others - Strong understanding of productivity, mental health, and goal setting Experience in content creation, especially for a general aud...

$184 Average bid
$184 平均入札額
27 入札

I'm looking for a professional to create a customer-oriented company profile that will be delivered in a PDF format. The profile should be engaging, concise, and effectively communicate what we do t...About Us: Provide an overview of our company, mission, and vision. - Products We Offer: Detail the range of products we provide. - Quality Service: Highlight our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. - Design Team etc: Showcase our talented design team and their capabilities. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Excellent Design Knowledge - Previous experience in corporate writing or creating company profiles. - Excellent understanding of customer acquisition strategies. - Ability to present complex information in a clear and engaging manner. - Strong atten...

$72 Average bid
$72 平均入札額
30 入札 both English and Spanish, capable of producing engaging and persuasive content. Knowledge of audience segmentation and message personalization techniques. Ability to analyze data and metrics to make data-driven decisions. Previous experience in B2B email marketing campaigns is highly desirable. Languages: Spanish: Native or advanced proficiency. English: Advanced proficiency, especially in writing and reading comprehension. How to Apply: Please submit your proposal detailing your relevant experience, examples of past successful campaigns, and how you plan to approach this project. Include any certifications or qualifications that demonstrate your expertise in email marketing. We look forward to collaborating with a professional who can help us reconnect with our valued clien...

$344 Average bid
$344 平均入札額
21 入札

I am looking for a freelancer to help me develop my first mobile app will be built from scratch using Java for development and SQL for database management. It will function similarly to Splitwise, allowing users to split expenses, track balances, and manage group payments efficiently. Project the project, I will share you the document and you can have a breif look. I also want your Idea in , how can we unqiuely build , Carefully understand - what I want is a similar app like splitwise NOT exactly same. I want someone in setting up / designing / backend / uploading the application in the app store / error handling. I have a budget of 100$ for the whole project. if you are in india I am ready to pay 10,000/- Indian Rupee. If anyone interested , drop a msg.

$98 Average bid
$98 平均入札額
14 入札

I'm looking to integrate a bespoke extension into LibreOffice Writer tailored specifically for authors. This tool should facilitate: - Word count tracking - A timer for timed writing sessions - Comprehensive tracking of writing time. This should include the ability to export data as a .csv. -Display should be built as a floating display window similar to the current word count window. The most critical aspect of this project is the 'Time Writing Tracking' feature. This should not only log the time spent writing, but also generate detailed reports with daily, weekly, and monthly summaries. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in developing LibreOffice extensions - Strong understanding of writers' needs - Abili...

$127 Average bid
$127 平均入札額
5 入札

Hi there. We're looking for a skilled writer to craft a white paper on how GenAI is transforming commercial excellence in pharma organizations but is facing a lot of challenges today. The paper should be well-researched, data-driven, and profess...of GenAI analytics tools in commercial excellence. Ethical challenges (privacy, bias, regulations). Challenges can technical, people, organizational, ethical, etc. - How can organizations overcome the challenges and harness the power of genAI to unlock great potential. Requirements: Experience in technical and Pharma commercial excellence research writing. Strong research skills with credible sources. Clear, concise, and professional writing. Deliverables: 4,000 to 5,000 -word white paper (Word/Google Docs). Proper citations...

$130 Average bid
$130 平均入札額
6 入札

I'm in need of a professional report focusing on the condensation management of a residential property, particularly in the living areas. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive analysis of insulation properties and their potential impact on condensation. - Recommendations for condensation management strategies. Ideal Candidate: - Pr...professional report focusing on the condensation management of a residential property, particularly in the living areas. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive analysis of insulation properties and their potential impact on condensation. - Recommendations for condensation management strategies. Ideal Candidate: - Prior experience in property assessment and insulation analysis. - Excellent report writing skills. - Ability to provide clear, actionable r...

$229 Average bid
$229 平均入札額
38 入札

I'm looking for a skilled content editor to review our written material, including blogs, social media posts, and articles. The purpose of this role is to ensure that all content is consistent with our custom brand guide and has a human touch, given that we primarily use AI to generate our content. Your keen editorial eye will be critical in overseeing the information and ensuring it aligns with our brand's voice and objectives. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience in content editing, particularly for blogs. - Familiarity with custom brand guides. - Ability to humanize AI-generated content. - Understanding of social media engagement strategies. - Proficient in promoting products/services through engaging content.

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr 平均入札額
35 入札

...for a **native Dutch content writer** based in the Netherlands to create **original, high-quality content** for the **iGaming and travel** industries. The content should be engaging, informative, and focused on practical travel tips—**written 100% manually, without AI assistance.** Requirements: ✅ Native Dutch speaker, based in the Netherlands ✅ Proven experience in iGaming & travel content writing ✅ Strong ability to craft engaging, practical travel tips ✅ Must write without AI tools If you meet the criteria, apply now! --- Wij zoeken een Nederlandse native content schrijver! Wij zijn op zoek naar een **Nederlandse native content schrijver**, gevestigd in Nederland, om **originele en hoogwaardige content** te creëren voor de **iGaming- en reisind...

$23 / hr Average bid
$23 / hr 平均入札額
2 入札

We are searching for a native French content writer based in France to create original, high-quality content for the iGaming and travel industries. The content should be engaging, informative, and focused on practical travel tips—written 100% manually, without AI assistance. Requirements: ✅ Native French speaker, based in France ✅ Proven experience in iGaming & travel content writing ✅ Strong ability to craft engaging, practical travel tips ✅ Must write without AI tools If you meet the criteria, apply now! ? Nous recherchons un rédacteur de contenu natif français ! ?? Nous recherchons un rédacteur de contenu natif français, basé en France, pour créer du contenu original et de haute qualité pour les secteurs du iGaming et ...

$24 / hr Average bid
$24 / hr 平均入札額
7 入札

We are searching for a native German content writer based in Germany to create original, high-quality content for the iGaming and travel industries. The content should be engaging, informative, and focused on practical travel tips—written 100% manually, without AI assistance. Requirements: ✅ Native German speaker, based in Germany ✅ Proven experience in iGaming & travel content writing ✅ Strong ability to craft engaging, practical travel tips ✅ Must write without AI tools If you meet the criteria, apply now! ? Wir suchen einen muttersprachlichen deutschen Texter Wir suchen einen muttersprachlichen deutschen Texter, der in Deutschland lebt und originelle, hochwertige Inhalte für die iGaming- und Reisebranche erstellt. Die Inhalte sollen spannend, informativ und auf ...

$26 / hr Average bid
$26 / hr 平均入札額
7 入札

...Finnish Content Writer! We need a native Finnish content writer based in Finland to create original, high-quality content for the iGaming and travel industries. The content should be engaging, informative, and focused on practical travel tips—written 100% manually, without AI assistance. Requirements: ✅ Native Finnish speaker, based in Finland ✅ Proven experience in iGaming & travel content writing ✅ Strong ability to craft engaging, practical travel tips ✅ Must write without AI tools If you fit the criteria, apply now! Etsimme Natiivisuomalaista Sisällöntuottajaa! Etsimme suomenkielistä natiivisisällöntuottajaa, joka asuu Suomessa ja pystyy luomaan alkuperäistä, korkealaatuista sisältöä iGaming- ja matkailualoille....

$21 - $31 / hr
$21 - $31 / hr
0 入札

I need a motivational content creator to craft an engaging post for Facebook. The post should encapsulate the spirit of resilience and determination, resonating with the tagline, "Trust me, I never give up." Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating motivational content - Familiarity with Facebook's content engagement strategies - Exceptional writing skills - Creativity and ability to convey complex emotions succinctly

$18 / hr Average bid
$18 / hr 平均入札額
24 入札

We are seeking an experienced developer to build a web-based job matching application. The platform will allow job seekers to create detailed profiles via a questionnaire (without uploading a resume) and enable employers to browse these profiles, contact candidates, and schedule interviews. The application must be fully mobile-friendly so that job seekers can easily access and use it on their smartphones, while employers can efficiently browse profiles and manage candidates from a desktop web browser. Core Features ✅ Job Seeker Functionality (Mobile & Web Access): User-friendly registration & login (email/password, Google etc.). Profile creation via a structured questionnaire (e.g., skills, experience, location, availability). Mobile-optimized interf...

$2261 Average bid
$2261 平均入札額
80 入札

Hello, We are using Docker, Spring Boot, Kafka and Apache Lucene to write the large number of data into file based structure. We are reading more than 20K packets from kafka and writing it into file using apache lucene, Currently we are facing issue with memory and garbage collector and theat. Heap memory get overflow because it is not able to release the memory as fast as its took into writing. So we need expert to work on this solution. Currently, I'm facing a heap memory overflow issue when working with Docker, Spring Boot, Kafka, and Apache Lucene. The project involves reading over 20K packets from Kafka and writing them into a file-based structure using Apache Lucene. The heap memory is overflowing because it cannot release memory as quickly as it is being c...

$23 / hr Average bid
$23 / hr 平均入札額
5 入札

I am looking for a logo that reflects a modern and tech-savvy theme for our college fest in India. The logo should incorporate the fest's name and the year or date of the fest. Key Requirements: - Design a logo that embodies a modern and tech-savvy aesthetic - Incorporate the fest's name and the date into the logo - Use a 'dark and bold' colour scheme Ideal skills for this project include graphic design, familiarity with modern and tech-savvy themes, and experience designing for college-level events. A portfolio showcasing similar work would be beneficial.

$41 Average bid
$41 平均入札額
30 入札
lawyer help
6 日 left

Job Title: Need Affordable Lawyer for Small Legal Issues & One-Time Online Agreement Setup Description: I am looking for a cost-friendly lawyer who can assist with small legal issues and provide guidance for setting up a legally binding online agreement that works every time with just a one-time setup. Requirements: Experience with contract drafting and payment agreements. Knowledge of Indian contract law and enforceable online agreements. Ability to create an agreement that clients can easily sign online (preferably through platforms like DocuSign, Adobe Sign, or other valid e-signature methods in India). Clear communication and affordable pricing. Deliverables: A solid, reusable online agreement template. Legal advice on making it enforceable and valid under Indian l...

$109 Average bid
$109 平均入札額
2 入札

I'm looking for a freelance writer who can start crafting engaging website content right now. The content should resonate with tech enthusiasts and industry professionals alike. Ideal Skills: - Strong command of the English language - Proven experience in writing tech-related content - Ability to deliver high-quality content under tight deadlines - SEO understanding to optimise the website content Please only apply if you're ready to start immediately.

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr 平均入札額
33 入札

I'm seeking an adept AI & ML Research specialist to assist in writing a comprehensive literature review-based research paper. The primary task will be to conduct a comparative analysis of existing theories and systems within the AI & ML field. Key tasks will include: - Conducting a thorough literature review - Writing a clear and concise research paper - Performing a comparative analysis of various AI & ML systems and theories Ideal skills and experience include: - Strong background in AI & ML - Proven research and academic writing skills - Experience in conducting comparative analyses - Ability to understand and synthesize complex theoretical frameworks

$389 Average bid
$389 平均入札額
9 入札

...upgrade my existing website into a comprehensive job portal. The mobile app will also need adjustments. Key Requirements: - Transforming the current platform into a fully functional Job Portal. - Adding core features like job listings, application submissions, resume and profile management, and communication tools for both employers and job seekers. Ideal Skills: - High proficiency in PHP, Laravel Framework, and MySQL. - Mobile app development. - Previous experience in creating or enhancing job portals. - Capability to implement extra features like: * Personalized job recommendations based on user profiles. * Complex search filters. * Interview scheduling tools. The objective is to build a user-friendly, intuitive job portal cate...

$436 Average bid
$436 平均入札額
61 入札

I'm looking for a professional and corporate style website with the following features: - A platform for companies to advertise their products and post job vacancies. - A registration portal for job seekers where they can view and apply for job positions. - A section for companies to click and pay for my service. - A designated area for Banner ads. The site should be able to handle transactions and I prefer companies to pay via Bank transfer. Experience in creating similar corporate websites is a plus. Ultimately, I need a simple yet clean, modern interface that is user-friendly for both companies and job seekers. The name given : JobLink & Marketing PNG

$503 Average bid
$503 平均入札額
121 入札

...Mechatronics engineer (or related field) with a strong understanding of electro-mechanical devices. ✅ Proven experience preparing and defending brief-appeals before the USPTO, particularly addressing obviousness rejections. ✅ Preferred: Former USPTO patent examiner in Art Unit 1714. ✅ Updated knowledge of relevant case law applicable to non-obviousness arguments. ✅ Excellent technical and legal writing skills in English. ✅ Experience in preparing for and conducting USPTO examiner interviews is highly desirable. Project Details: - Document length: 5 pages. ⏳ Estimated project duration: 1–2 weeks. - Budget: To be negotiated based on experience and proposals received. - Work mode: 100% remote. How to Apply: Please submit your proposal including: - A brief summary of your ...

$343 Average bid
$343 平均入札額
5 入札

Blog Writing on Digital Marketing & Work-from-Home Opportunities We are looking for a talented and experienced blog writer to create engaging and informative content related to digital marketing and work-from-home opportunities. The goal is to educate and inform readers about the evolving landscape of online marketing and how individuals can explore remote work options in this field. Responsibilities: Write well-researched and engaging blog posts (500-1000 words each) focused on various aspects of digital marketing (SEO, social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, etc.). Provide valuable insights on how individuals can get started in digital marketing and secure work-from-home opportunities. Offer tips on how to build a successful online career in d...

$21 / hr Average bid
$21 / hr 平均入札額
35 入札

I am looking for a skilled copywriter to help craft compelling and professional website copy for my e-commerce site. The primary goal of the website is to sell physical products, and the tone of the copy should be consistently formal and...the website is to sell physical products, and the tone of the copy should be consistently formal and professional. Key Requirements: - Experience in e-commerce copywriting - Ability to write in a formal and professional tone - Understanding of the needs and expectations of online shoppers - Skills in SEO and persuasive writing - Ability to meet deadlines and work collaboratively Please provide samples of your previous work, particularly any experience you have in writing for physical products. Ideally I would like this freelancer to be ...

$591 Average bid
$591 平均入札額
58 入札

I NEED ONLY PROFESSIONAL CONTENT WRITER. OTHERS NOT ADD ME. I'm looking for a skilled content writer to help me create engaging and informative content for my tour website. I have around 200-210 tours to be added. Content Should not be ...WRITER. OTHERS NOT ADD ME. I'm looking for a skilled content writer to help me create engaging and informative content for my tour website. I have around 200-210 tours to be added. Content Should not be AI Content, No Plagiarism, Should be SEO Friendly. The tone of the content should be formal, reflecting the professionalism of our brand. Ideally, you should have previous experience in travel writing or content creation for tourism-related websites. Understanding of SEO principles and ability to create keyword-rich content would be a si...

$82 Average bid
$82 平均入札額
34 入札

I'm seeking a talented content writer to craft informative and educational blog posts within the technology sector. The ideal freelancer should possess: - Strong writing skills with a knack for making complex tech concepts accessible and engaging - A deep understanding and passion for technology - Experience in writing SEO-friendly blog posts Please provide samples of your previous work in the tech industry.

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr 平均入札額
20 入札

...newsletters, and genuine website reviews. What We Need: ✅ Facebook & Instagram Content – Create and post daily engaging content (posts, reels, stories) ✅ Blogs & Articles – Write industry-relevant and informative blogs to establish thought leadership ✅ Newsletters & Email Marketing – Design and send customized newsletters via Mailchimp ✅ Reputation Management – Help build genuine website reviews and enhance credibility ✅ Brand Storytelling – Develop unique, personalized content that resonates with our audience ✅ Customized & Unique Designs – Ensure a consistent, professional brand presence Who We’re Looking For: ? Content writing & design expertise (Canva, Photoshop, or similar tools) ? Experience in social me...

$4 / hr Average bid
$4 / hr 平均入札額
26 入札

...Social Media Management – Plan, design, and schedule posts for Instagram & Facebook ✅ Graphic Design – Create eye-catching social media posts ✅ Lead Generation – Increase reach and attract potential clients ✅ Website Reviews & Feedback – Help improve website credibility and user experience Who We’re Looking For: ? Proven experience in SEO, social media management, and content marketing ? Strong writing skills for newsletters, blogs, and social media captions ? Experience in the NDIS sector (preferred but not required) ? Creative mindset with expertise in designing social media posts ? Ability to analyze performance metrics and improve strategies ? Experience with building online credibility through testimonials and reviews Why Work With Us?...

$3 / hr Average bid
$3 / hr 平均入札額
62 入札