Job portals web site companies仕事
Olá, Estamos recrutando redatores para entrar no nosso time! Você irá compor artigos de curadoria para um site sobre sonhos, espiritualidade, e esoterismo. Tudo já foi definido pela gente, e a estrutura dos artigos já está até montada: você só precisa escrever! Além disso, é você que escolhe quanto quer escrever! Confira os requisitos e os detalhes: Você é: ・Uma pessoa disponível para contato frequente; ・Responsável com prazos; ・Possui facilidade com o pacote Office (Excel, Word); ・Um redator que domina a língua portuguesa; E contribuirá em um projeto que: ・Publica artigos de 1000 a 4000 palavras; ・Paga aproximadamente R$20 a cada 1000 palavras (valor definid...
昨今の時代背景から垣間見える課題点を踏まえ 将来的に必要不可欠となるオンライン化へ切り替える サービス提供は結婚を目的とした出会いを求めている人向けに 新規オンラインシステムのサービスとしての各種必要になる システム機能や構成デザイン等をお願いしたい。 【発注の詳細】 ・Web&スマホ対応。(全国エリア対応) ※ご不明な点等、ご提案いただきました後に、ご説明いたします。 ・開発:各種システム機能の開発 ・開発種別:WEB系 ・システム内容:●参考サイトと同等レベルを希望。 ・必須機能:参考サイトと同じレベルの機能とデザインを希望。 ・類似サイト: ・利用ユーザー(ターゲット): 社外向け(BtoC) ・想定規模:数百人~数万人程度でもOK ・対応デバイス: モバイル デバイス、PC ・指定のサーバー:超格安でも内容が充実しているサーバーを希望 ・画面遷移図/仕様書/設計書: 無 ・予算内訳: 初期開発 / 保守費用 / マーケティングROI費用 ・金額の根拠: 参考情報あり(他社見積り等) ・決裁権: あり ・重視するポイント: 費用 【商談情報】 ・打ち合わせ方法:メール希望 【予算】 ・予算希望金額 イニシャルコスト:サイト参考見積額にて検討 (システム機能開発、設計、デザイン、保守、マーケティングROI、等含む) ・補足 (参考サイト全体の内容規模と構成と見積額の内訳書により検討) 【見積もり時期】なるべく早く。 【納期】可能であれば年内。 【その他詳細】 WEB開発(スマホ対応)・システム開発、設計、デザイン、各種機能等、 記載内容にてご対応できる企業様・個人様を希望。 ※(一部、外注でも可能) ※(男女問いません) お手数をお掛け致しますが、 お見積りのご提案を頂けますと幸いで御座います。...
この度は本案件にご興味をいただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。 本案件では、日本語(Japanese) → フィリピン語(Filipino)への翻訳が可能な方を募集しております。 翻訳の内容としては、Youtubeの概要欄に掲載するチャンネルのプロフィールとなります。 文章作成時のお願いとしては、ご自身での翻訳をお願いいたします。 翻訳サイトの利用は、文法(単語の選びや並び方など)に問題が生じますのでご遠慮ください。 ご対応可能な方は、下記の質問事項への回答と条件掲示の上でご連絡をいただければ幸いです。 いただいた内容を確認の上、ご採用者様には改めて詳細をお伝えさせていただきます。 以上、何卒よろしくお願いいたします。 敬具 ◆ 質問事項 ◆ Q1. 日本語の翻訳経験の有無について教えてください。 A1. ●●。 (※有の方 ⇒ ●年) Q2. 翻訳の希望単価についてお知らせください。 A2-1. 日本語(Japanese) → フィリピン語(Filipino):●円 / 1文字 A2-2. 本件の金額:●●●円 Q3. アピールポイントや質問事項などがあればご記入ください。 A3. ●●●●●(特になければ未記入で可)。
SDL is Product and Service Public Company. Over the past 25 years we’ve delivered transformative business results by enabling powerfullynuanced digital experiences with customers around the world. We are looking for passionate, collaborative and creative people to join our team. We are spreadacross 55 offices in 38 countries yet we still manage to keep a small company feel. About Us - SDLアメリアは、ソフトウェアテスティングサービスのリーディングカンパニーです。 ただいま、ソフトウェアのQAテスターを急募しています。様々なデバイスを使って、ソフトウェアのQAテストを担当していただきます。都内のグローバルIT企業のオフィスでのお仕事です。 雇用形態:契約社員(契約延長の可能性あり) 勤務地:東京 モバイルデバイスのテスト経験がある方、幅広い種類のデバイス、アプリ、メディアに対応できる方からのご応募をお待ちしています。 <求める経験、スキル> • モバイルデバイス、クラウド、ウェブ、テレビ/ビデオ等のテスト経験、または開発経験がある方(2年以上) • iOS、Android、Mac OSの使用経験がある方 • 分析力、トラブルシューティングのスキルをお持ちの方、細部に注意を払える方、新しいことを学びすばやく吸収でき...
...Japanese listed companies more than 300. 私たちが手掛けている制作物は、会社案内、コーポレートサイト、カタログ、アニュアルレポート、CSRレポートです。 Production that we are working on, the company guidance, corporate site, catalogs, annual reports, CSR reports. 私たちが仕事をするうえで最も大切にしていることは、まず世の中にあるデザインの優れているものを徹底的に集め、分析することです。 That we are the most important in terms of the work, thoroughly collect what first is better some of the design in the world, it is to analyze. 仕事の契約をした際には、私たちの会社の名前もお伝えします。 At the time of the contract of work, it also tells the name of our company. 【仕事内容について】 みなさまに協力してほしいことは、世の中にある優れたデザインを集めてほしいです。 About Job Description] that you want to cooperate with everyone is, I want to collect excellent design in the world. 世界中の大手企業のアニュルレポート、CSRレポート、サスティナビリティーレポート、会社案内を収集したいです。...
good afternoon. We are a company that is supporting the channel construction of Japanese companies . Has been entrusted with the sale in the US market of a company , we are looking for a person who can help me with this project . Very 20-30 generations of awareness in the major products in Japan has exceeded 60 %. By all means, the person who is the sales and marketing in the US market this product together We are looking for . Target retail will wallmart, target, korger, wallgreen, to five companies of cvs. We certainly thank you . こんにちは。弊社は日本企業のチャネル構築を支援している会社です。 ある会社のアメリカ市場での販売を任されており、このプロジェクトを手伝っていただける方を探しております。 日本では非常にメジャーな商品で20−30代の認知度は60%を超えております。 ぜひ、この商品を一緒にアメリカ市場での営業・マーケティングをしていただける方を 探しております。 ターゲット小売は、wallmart,target,korger,wallgreen,...
弊社の製品案内のビデオ(5分前後)を作成してください。素材写真、素材ビデオはこちらで準備します。テロップを含む編集、BGM,ナレーションなどをお願いいたしたいです。また、素材を選んだり、作成する段階でのアドバイスもできればお願いしたいです。できれば、弊社HPやyoutubeに掲載できるまでお願いできれば、歓迎。できなくても可。海外からの参加も可能。声優の費用については有名声優であれば、金額について交渉可。日本語にて制作してください。複数回の打ち合わせ、修正などが可能であること。 Overseas companies are acceptable.
...Japanese companies to sell translation services, and so develop new customers (no need for doing translations). - Contact and visit customers - keep a permanent, live relationship with the customers. - Manage the existing customer accounts and manage sales records. - Participate in trade shows and conferences. - Submit regular reports about his/her activity. - Maintain a good communication by email/Skype with the bosses. Requirements for the candidate: - Must be a resident of Japan and have English communication skills. - Have experience working in the translation industry. - Have sales experience; experience in translation sales particularly would be an advantage. - Be motivated, organized, cooperative, responsive, team-worker. Working schedule: This is a flex-t...
この度はお世話になります。 東京都中央区で開業しております歯科クリニックでございます。 延期、延期になり、皆様へは大変ご迷惑をお掛けいたしましたが、この度、外国人への認知の向上、来院者数の増加を狙い、デンタルクリニックのWeb siteの英語簡略版のWebsite制作をすることになりました。 詳細は以下の通りですのでご覧ください。 尚、ご提案頂ける様でしたら、その際に、過去の実績を何点か 拝見させて頂けましたら非常に幸いでございます。 以上、ご協力いただけます様、宜しくお願い申し上げます。 記 1、 某デンタルクリニックのWeb siteの英語簡略版のWebsite制作 現サイト ・Site構成:①TOP、Why Japanなのか? ②医院紹介 ③歯医者紹介 ③治療紹介 ④クリニック内紹介 ⑤アクセス ⑥問い合わせ等 + 予約画面へのリンク ・英語のテキストは全てこちらから提供 ・骨格はこちらから指定しますので、デザインを主にしてくれる方を希望 2、上記クリニックの多言語版ランディングページ ・Site構成:1ページ。内容は上記のサマリー見たいなもの。1ページを4,5個のセクションに分ける。 ・トップに「お知らせ」や強調ポイントを何枚かのスライド風に流したい。 正直な話、プロジェクトとしての数字が未定であり、レスポンスの反応を見る為に作成致します。よって、少額の予算しかつきませんので、何卒、ご理解いただいたうえで、ご連絡頂けましたら、大変助かります。 希望予算を明治の上、ご連絡願います。 皆様、お忙しい中恐れ入りますが、宜しくお願い致します。
...high IT Literacy so that by our tellling you which part corresponds to which part, then you can do the job. JOB This is the job to update the items that comes to the toppage of our 2 online stores. the management system is already set up so yo do not need to use HTMLat all. You just select the item code from our website and set into the system everyday. SKILLS REQUIRED Ability to arrange items in a meaningful, atttractive manner. Lets say if its getting closer to summer, it makes sense to have swimwear. and swimwear matches so well with sunglasses. I would like you to be interested in female sexy apparel and costume. You have to report online everyday via skype that the job is done. This is the requirement. Being able to communiate via ...
... Here is the introduction of our company. Corporate Summary PV: Corporate Brochure: WEB: This is the job to research on our new business models prior to their launch in regards to market trends and competitons with strong analysis especially based on data and numbers. -Job Descrption *Creating reports with PowerPoint and Word about the services and companies we specify. *The quality of the reports must be professional business presentation and close to professional Business Analysts’ level. -Compensation $300-$1000/month *Please provide us your request as a proposal -Requirements/Experiences/Skills
画像を元にイラスト作成してください。 月に6人分を目安に長期でお願いします。 ※時期により制作していただく量が変動します。 1_弊社より画像をメールにてお送りします。 2_Adobe IllustratorまたはAdobe Photoshopを使用して 弊社よりお送りした元画像を、見本のイラストの様にトレースしてください。 3_データはZip形式で圧縮したファイルをメールでお送りください。 注意事項 ・トレースしたオブジェクトは、Adobe Illustrator(ai)形式で保存してください。 ・バージョンは CS5以下 で保存してください。 ・オブジェクトの色は(C 50、M 50、Y 70、K 0)の1色のみ にしてください。 ・パスのアウトラインはとらないでください。 ※応募される際は、サンプルをお送りください。(元画像とイラストデータどちらも) Need long-term illustrator to make illustrations traced from photos. Around 6 people per month, may change accordingly. Please see the attached file for sample. When hired, 1_Photo will be sent by mail. 2_Using Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, please trace the photo according to the sample attached here. 3_Zip the file and send back by mail. -Save file as Ad...
画像を元にイラスト作成してください。 月に6人分を目安に長期でお願いします。 ※時期により制作していただく量が変動します。 1_弊社より画像をメールにてお送りします。 2_Adobe IllustratorまたはAdobe Photoshopを使用して 弊社よりお送りした元画像を、見本のイラストの様にトレースしてください。 3_データはZip形式で圧縮したファイルをメールでお送りください。 注意事項 ・トレースしたオブジェクトは、Adobe Illustrator(ai)形式で保存してください。 ・バージョンは CS5以下 で保存してください。 ・オブジェクトの色は(C 50、M 50、Y 70、K 0)の1色のみ にしてください。 ・パスのアウトラインはとらないでください。 ※応募される際は、サンプルをお送りください。(元画像とイラストデータどちらも) Need long-term illustrator to make illustrations traced from photos. Around 6 people per month, may change accordingly. Please see the attached file for sample. When hired, 1_Photo will be sent by mail. 2_Using Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, please trace the photo according to the sample attached here. 3_Zip the file and send back by mail. -Save file as Ad...
My online multiplayer gaming website is in need of a Google AdSense expert to optimize ad display on the site. Currently, some ads are showing intermittently, and I need a solution that ensures ads are displayed consistently on every page. Key Requirements: - Expert in PHP and Google AdSense. - Experience with online multiplayer gaming websites is a plus. - Ability to optimize ad display for a broad audience. Please note, the site does not use any ad-blocking or privacy tools, and ads are not targeted to a specific audience. Your role will be to ensure maximum ad visibility without violating Google AdSense policies.
I'm looking for a clean, simple and modern minimalist 6-page WordPress website. Pages: - Home Page: Brief about our services, latest listings - Listings Page: A vehicle-style listing with images, videos, and descriptions. Prices listed but no purchasing capability, just an enquiry form that gets emailed to us. - Listings Overview Page: Latest listings sorted with keyword search and filters (by price range, vehicle type) - Contact Us Page: A form leading to a 'thank you' page, which refreshes to the homepage after 10 seconds. - Terms and Conditions Page: Information only - Pricing Page: Information only with a link to the 'Contact Us' page. All necessary plugins (Elementor Pro, Elements Pro, WooCommerce) are already installed. Ideal skills and experience: - Prof...
I'm in need of an adult niche directory submission website that can generate high-volume, quality backlinks for my business. Requirement: DA>30 Organic Traffic>2000/mo Spam Score<1 - Extensive knowledge and experience in SEO and backlink generation, particularly within the adult niche. - Proven track record in creating high-traffic directory submission and business listing websites. - Familiarity with the intricacies of adult niche content and the associated SEO strategies.
I'm looking to build a comprehensive corporate website that integrates an e-commerce store and an employee port...with functionalities such as: * Timesheet management: A system to track work hours. * Project tracking: Tools to keep tabs on ongoing projects. * Internal communication tools: Facilities for messaging, video calls, and other forms of communication. Ideal candidates for this project should have a robust understanding of developing corporate websites with integrated e-commerce and employee portals. Expertise in secure payment processing systems, especially UPI, is highly desirable. Experience in implementing timesheet management systems, project tracking tools, and internal communication platforms will be advantageous. Please include relevant samples of your wo...
I'm launching a brand called Highbeam Famous, centered around creativity, resilience, and empowerment. I need a freelancer with solid experience in WordPress to design and set up a professional, edgy, and mobile-friendly site that resonates with our bold and vibrant aesthetic. Key Requirements: - Design and set up of a bold and vibrant WordPress site - Inclusion of specified pages: Homepage, About, Shop (WooCommerce), Community, Music/Blog, and Contact - Implementation of key features: Print-on-demand integration (Printful), mobile-friendly design, and easy updates for monthly content The tone of the website's content should be inspirational, reflecting the essence of our brand. Additionally, seamless integration with our social media platforms: Facebook, Instagra...
Project Title: Develop SEBI-Compliant Research and Auto-Trading Platform Description: We are seeking an experienced web developer or team to build a SEBI-compliant website for our stock market research and auto-trading platform. The website will provide research analysis, AI-powered stock scanners, auto-trading tools, educational resources, and market insights to retail investors, traders, and learners. Key Requirements: Compliance: Adhere to all SEBI regulations, including proper disclaimers, risk disclosures, and secure data storage. Features: Public Pages: Home Page (with SEBI registration details, key services, and CTAs). About Us (mission, vision, SEBI certificate display). Services (Research, AI Scanners, Auto-Trading, and Education Hub). Pricing Plans (Free & Paid Plans...
Kickstart Your Career in the Stock Market with Choice Equity Broking Pvt. Ltd.** We are hiring enthusiastic **fresh graduates** for the position of **Stock Market Executive**! **Why Choose Us?** - **Competitive Package:** ₹1,68,000 to ₹4,20,000 annually + performance-based incentives. - **Expert Training:** Learn stock market strategies and trading skills from industry professionals. - **Fast Career Growth:** Accelerate your career in the dynamic world of finance. - **Unlimited Earning Potential:** Earn more based on your performance. - **Supportive Team:** Work in a professional and friendly environment. **Your Role:** - Assist clients with stock trading and basic investment advice. - Analyze market trends to provide insights. - Handle client inquiries and deliver...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a 4 to 5 page WooCommerce site, focused on providing boat-related information and blogs. Key features: - A modern and sleek design, steering clear of overly rustic or classic nautical themes. - Use of WooCommerce, not necessarily for selling, but possibly for future expansion into e-commerce. Ideal skills for this job would be: - Proficiency in WordPress and WooCommerce. - Strong understanding of modern web design principles. - Ability to create engaging, easy-to-navigate blog and info pages. While I haven't defined the exact sections for the homepage yet, I am open to suggestions based on your expertise and understanding of similar sites. Your creative input will be highly valued!
Apply only if you already worked on ecommerce sites and can share the sample ecommerce works. I am looking for a professional MERN stack developer to create a robust e-commerce website for me. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a full-fledged e-commerce site using the MERN (MongoDB, , React.js, Node.js) stack. - Implement necessary e-commerce features like product listings, shopping cart, and checkout process. - Ensure the site is mobile-responsive and SEO-friendly. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in MERN stack is a must. - Prior experience in developing e-commerce sites will be given preference. - Strong understanding of UX/UI principles. - Knowledge of SEO best practices. Please note that specific details regarding the type of products to be sold, payment methods to be integ...
I would like to build an AI call center agency for my company. I would like agents that can make outward calls and receive inward calls. Similar companies that offer this service as a white label are "" and "", i want all the same features for my panel/agency. -Simultaneous calls -AI agent knowledge base (files+websites) -Prompt builder for integrations -Integrations like the examples listed with above agencies (Autocalls & Synthflow) -Human transfer on request -Voice/agent voice cloning for owner, real estate agents, influencers, etc -Ability to read online reviews, business info, offers -Multi language agents -AI agents that can auto detect | switch mid conversation with client (ex. English speaking customer switches to Spanish or french language
Job Post: Part-Time LinkedIn Account Manager Job Description: I am seeking a proactive and detail-oriented individual to manage LinkedIn activities related to job applications. The ideal candidate should be familiar with LinkedIn's job application process and professional networking. Responsibilities: Manage and optimize my LinkedIn account for job applications. Research and identify suitable job openings based on my skills and experience. Send referral requests to employees of the target companies. Maintain a record of applied jobs and referral requests for tracking progress. Requirements: Strong knowledge of LinkedIn and its job application features. Excellent communication skills for professional correspondence. Ability to...
Hi, once you accept, will create milestones
...developer to create a WordPress-based e-commerce site for selling physical products. Key Requirements: - Proficient in WordPress and WooCommerce - Experience in developing e-commerce websites - Able to integrate Razorpay payment gateway The project does not require any specific functionalities like download management, subscription options, or license key generation at this point. However, a robust understanding of e-commerce features would be beneficial. Please note, the payment gateway integration is crucial. The chosen developer should have prior experience working with Razorpay and be able to create a seamless payment process for the customers. Skills and experience in SEO and digital marketing would be considered an asset, as I aim to have a site that is not onl...
I designed a website for a local pest control business and need help optimizing the website using Yoast SEO. NO AGENCIES Preference given to North American freelancers. Key Focus Areas: - Keywords: I want to target relevant keywords that potential customers in the area might be searching for. - Meta Descriptions: Craft engaging meta descriptions that can improve click-through rates from search engine results. Objectives: - The primary goal of this project is to increase local traffic to the website. Content: - I have existing content on the website that needs to be optimized for these SEO aspects. Ideal Freelancer: - Strong experience with SEO, particularly local SEO. - Proficient with Yoast SEO plugin. - Excellent understanding of keyword research and meta description crafting. - ...
I need a freelancer to help me gather real estate property addresses from public companies' websites. I will provide the list with 25 public companies with the URL to their properties. Save the list of properties for each public company in a separate Excel to avoid confusion. Please compile the data in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, and ensure to include the following fields for each property address: - Street Address - Address 2 (optional) - City - ZIP/Postal Code - Name (if applicable) - State - Country I will provide a sample template to help. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in web research - Familiarity with Microsoft Excel - Attention to detail - Understanding of real estate terminology. Thank you!
Here’s the consolidated and revised project description for Expanza, integrating the website development requirements: Project Overview: Develop a corporate website for Expanza, a business-focused enterprise offering loan services, financial growth solutions, and expert resources for entrepreneurs and companies in Canada. The website must have the same design and layout as while integrating detailed content and functionality outlined below. This project will be built primarily in Elementor, ensuring easy updates and customization. Sitemap and Content Overview: 1. Home Page • Welcome Section: • Overview of Expanza and its mission. • Emphasis on user-friendly tools and expert services. • Highlighted Features: • Loan Finder Tool: Explore customi...
I'm looking for a professional WordPress developer proficient with the SeedProd theme-builder plug-in. The project involves editing an incomplete existing 6-page service-oriented business site. Key Pages: - Home - Services - Contact Us - Blog - About Us - Testimonials I'm having issues with headers, footers & hyperlinks etc. The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience with WordPress and SeedProd (or similar non code builders) - Strong understanding of service-based business site requirements - Excellent web design skills - Proficiency in creating engaging and user-friendly layouts - SEO knowledge I have my own Wordpress account & hosting. I have all the content, logos & stock footage. Please submit your bid with examples of si...
I have a sizable E-commerce website with 90K pages. Initially, 40K pages were successfully indexed in Google Search Console. However, a troubling trend has emerged: all pages have been deindexed, and now, only the home page remains indexed. I require an expert to identify an... a troubling trend has emerged: all pages have been deindexed, and now, only the home page remains indexed. I require an expert to identify and resolve the indexing issues. Key Responsibilities: - Diagnose the cause of deindexing - Implement necessary changes to restore indexing - Provide insights for future prevention Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge of Google Search Console - E-commerce site optimization experience - Proficient in identifying technical SEO issues - Familiarity with large-scale website ...
needs to be able to help with daily calls and correspondence. scheduling meetings and/ or appointments with business to business needs and personal needs. help with organization of day and tasks needing to be completed. paying bills, troubleshooting business problems such as getting in contact with various companies to coordinate daily projects, to do’s in timely manner. will be in constant contact to ensure daily, weekly, monthly projects are completed
I need someone to address some bugs on my site. The work involves: - Troubleshooting and fixing installation issues - Ensuring all functionalities are working as intended Ideal candidates should have experience working with: - Accufy saas - Store Mart saas - Fashion Hub saas - Woyosis saas Please note, this project should take no longer than 5 hours.
My WordPress site has suddenly become inaccessible with a critical error. I can't get into the admin dashboard. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Expert in WordPress troubleshooting and repair - Able to identify and fix critical errors - Experience with WordPress plugins and themes - Ability to restore website access quickly
I'm looking for an expert to assist me in finding career boards for non-technical jobs from a list of approximately 1500 companies. The company list already has their website URLs and I've completed 60 as an example. Ideal Skills: - Data Entry - Research - Excel/CSV Proficiency Requirements: - Find career boards for non-technical jobs - Populate a CSV file with results I have tried to programmatically finish (you can not do this) and I have manually completed 60. This will be around 6 hours of manual internet search. I recommend doing site: <url> careers. I have created another sheet called to help where I have done this to give you a starting point. Some of the will be the correct location, others will need more clicking to find the correct place whe...
I am looking to update my WordPress website with a modern and minimalist design while integrating new features, specifically E-commerce functionality. Key Requirements: - Transform the current design into a modern and minimalist style. - Integrate robust e-commerce functionality seamlessly into the website. - Ensure the website is user-friendly, responsive and optimally designed for online shopping. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress with a strong portfolio in modern, minimalist design. - Extensive experience in integrating e-commerce functionalities into WordPress sites. - Knowledgeable in UX/UI design principles to ensure optimal user experience. Pleased provide your best sample of work completed.
Project Title: 3D Animation of Waste Pond Transformation for Rural Development Project Description: We are looking for a skilled freelancer or team to create an interactive 3D animated model showcasing the development of a waste pond in rural India. The current site is an unmanaged waste pond, and we envision transforming it into a well-planned recreational area with various civil features. The final deliverable should include an interactive animation that illustrates the following features as part of the development: Example, ramps and Staircases: Add realistic staircases leading to different areas. Sitting Areas: Design comfortable, aesthetically-pleasing sitting areas for public use. Playground for Kids: Include a well-designed playground area with age-appropriate equipment. O...
I need a talented web designer and developer to create a corporate, professional website for Talobeeg Consulting Services (TCS) on WordPress. Key Responsibilities: • Website Design and Development: The site should align with TCS's branding and effectively communicate our core services. It should be visually appealing and user-friendly. • Content Management System: The site needs to be developed on WordPress, ensuring it's easy to update and maintain. • Responsive Design: The website must be fully responsive and optimized for all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. • SEO Optimization: Implement basic SEO practices to enhance our online visibility. The homepage should prominently feature: • Our Consulting Services ...
Mon site de réservation de soins holistiques et massothérapie a recu 9800 visites en 4 mois dont 4500 le premier mois en Septembre. Le dernier mois a seulement recu 1000 visites. Je désire augmenter significativement le nombre de visite de nouveaux clients afin d'augmenter les revenus de réservations en ligne. Site: Le site est hébergé par Votre proposition dois inclure une description de la méthode proposé ainsi que le nombre de visite hebdomadaire possible. L'objectif est d'augmenter les visites par 10x minimum.
I work with a boutique venture capital firm specializing in acquiring and scaling online businesses, including content websites, SaaS companies, social media accounts, and mobile apps. They are committed to innovation, data-driven decision-making, and fostering entrepreneurship. I have been tasked to hire a PART TIME, motivated and analytical Venture Capital Intern to join our dynamic team. This paid internship offers hands-on experience in sourcing, analyzing, and evaluating potential business acquisitions. The role is ideal for individuals passionate about online businesses, financial and market analysis. As an intern, you will play a key role in the acquisition process by identifying opportunities, conducting in-depth research, and providing actionable insights to help drive ...
I need a skilled Wordpress VA to update the content of my hotel reservation website. This includes modifying existing room information and adding new rooms with prices, description and images. Information can be copied from already listed rooms on both: booking . com and Air bnb. Local Guides: Create blog posts or guides on local attractions, events, and dining to position us as an expert in the city. Keyword Optimization: Use SEO-friendly content to rank higher in search engine results. Social Media Integration: Include links to active social media pages and encourage sharing. Comprehensive Accommodation Listings: Providing detailed information, high-quality images, and booking options for each type will cater to diverse preferences. For inspiration, refer to Visit Wales' guide ...
...organizations to improve their cybersecurity. These attacks are usually carefully planned and financially motivated. Cybercriminals specialize in different types of attacks like phishing, scams, malware, ransomware, and hacking, each using their own methods. To protect against these growing threats, companies need to strengthen their cybersecurity. In June 2017, the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) introduced the "Essential Eight" strategies to help businesses improve their security. However, companies should not rely only on these strategies and should add extra layers of protection. ### The Essential Eight Techniques The Essential Eight is a set of eight key strategies designed to reduce cybersecurity risks. These strategies focus on preventing, stopp...
I'm in need of a WordPress expert to optimize and improve my website. Add a bundle plugin for around 25 products, improve customer comment visibility, remove unnecessary plugins and files, limited redesign and add pages, offer suggestions improving overall functionality.
...goal is to incorporate new features, specifically E-commerce functionality, a Blog section, and Contact forms. Key Requirements: - Upgrade the current WP site and integrate a new, suitable theme. - E-commerce functionality: This should be seamless and user-friendly. - Blog section: This should be easy to manage and visually appealing. - Contact forms: These need to be efficient and working properly. Ideal Candidates: - Proven experience with WordPress upgrades and theme integration. - Strong E-commerce and Blog setup skills on WP. - Good understanding of creating efficient Contact forms on WP. - Proficient in WP's best practices for site performance and user experience. I am open to suggestions regarding plugins or tools for adding these new features. Your expert...
Estoy interesado en contratar el desarrollo de un sitio web en WordPress que esté enfocado en una temática local y que funcione con un alto grado de automatización. El sitio debe incluir funcionalidades específicas que permitan reducir al mínimo el mantenimiento manual. Requerimientos Específicos: 1. Plataforma y Configuración Inicial: Instalación de WordPress en hosting y dominio (ya adquirido). Configuración y personalización de un tema moderno y optimizado para dispositivos móviles. 2. Automatización de Contenido: Creación de una sección de noticias automatizada, con contenido recopilado de fuentes externas (por ejemplo, RSS). Reescritura automática del contenido para...
Making betting software with Laravel sub-structure similar to the reference theme we want, including mobile compatibility
I am looking for a professional who can conduct a job interview simulation. The purpose of this exercise is to prepare for real-world job interviews. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Experience in conducting job interviews - Knowledge of common interview questions and techniques - Ability to provide constructive feedback and areas of improvement The focus of the simulation will primarily be on: - Technical skills: understanding of the role's requirements - Behavioral skills: assessing how I fit into a company's culture - Communication skills: ensuring I can effectively convey my thoughts and ideas The freelancer must be able to adapt the simulation to my needs and provide a realistic interview experience.
I need assistance rerouting two of my domains to my Google Site. The domains are currently hosted with different providers: Namecheap and Squarespace. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in domain management and DNS settings - Experience with Namecheap and Squarespace - Familiarity with Google Sites - Excellent problem-solving skills - Good communication skills to explain the process Please reach out if you can help.
I'm in search of a dedicated software development agency or an individual developer who can collaborate with me as a long-term business partner. The primary focus will be on job market research and software development. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Great communication skills and proficiency in English - Proficiency in software development with a strong emphasis on web applications. - Prior experience in creating user-friendly, efficient web-based software. - Excellent communication skills for smooth collaboration. - Ability to understand and adapt to evolving project requirements. - A proactive approach to problem-solving and innovation.
I'm looking for a seasoned WordPress developer to build an engaging, modern and sleek website for my equipment rental business. The primary goal of this site is to showcase our rental equipment , allow customers to select products and book the product for required dates. Key Features to Include: - An 'Equipment Listings' page that displays all our available equipment. - A 'Services' page detailing what we offer. - Check availability, Select the required products and add bookings for specific dates Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of WordPress and its various plugins. - Previous experience designing modern and sleek websites. - Excellent understanding of UI/UX principles. - Strong ability to create visually appealing and user-friendly layo...