Iptv set top box review仕事
This project is for Japanese users who are just starting out on Freelancer.com. Anyone who completes the task will receive a 5-star review, making it a great way to build up your track record. The reward will be $10, so please bid $10. Please note that we cannot accept work from people who do not reside in Japan. こんにちは。 このプロジェクトは、Freelancerで仕事探しを始めたばかりの方、実績作りをしたい方を対象としています。 指定したURLからアプリをダウンロードしていただき、10日間連続でアプリのチェックインをしていただくという作業になります。 ※TikTok Liteをダウンロードしたことがある方はご応募いただけませんのでご注意ください。 ※日本国外在住の方は作業いただけません。 10日間の作業を完了した方には報酬($10)の他、星5つのレビューを致しますので、実績作りに最適です。 気になった方はぜひ応募してみてください!
This project is for Japanese users who are just starting out on Freelancer.com. Anyone who completes the task will receive a 5-star review, making it a great way to build up your track record. The reward will be $10, so please bid $10. Please note that we cannot accept work from people who do not reside in Japan. こんにちは。 このプロジェクトは、Freelancerで仕事探しを始めたばかりの方、実績作りをしたい方を対象としています。 指定したURLからアプリをダウンロードしていただき、10日間連続でアプリのチェックインをしていただくという作業になります。 ※TikTok Liteをダウンロードしたことがある方はご応募いただけませんのでご注意ください。 ※日本国外在住の方は作業いただけません。 10日間の作業を完了した方には報酬($10)の他、星5つのレビューを致しますので、実績作りに最適です。 気になった方はぜひ応募してみてください!
...in the Minecraft world using color blocks. 2. **Minecraft Activities (Approx. around 30 minutes):** - Engage in planned activities, occasionally prompting students to use learned words. - Add fun instructions like "Create something with red and yellow blocks" or "Let's make 2 snowmen! What colors do we need?" - Strike a balance between structured learning and creative enjoyment. 3. **Review (Approx. 5-10 minutes):** - Recap learned words, asking questions to check comprehension. Here is a sample video. 1. Minecraft English course (focus learning) 2. Let’s play Minecraft in English (focus playing) **Application Requirements:** 1. Individuals who enjoy engaging with children, prioritize
【 概要 】 このプロジェクトは将棋プレイヤー向けに棋力向上を支援するサービスを提供するアプリの構築を目的としています。 級位者~有段者~高段者など、将棋プレイヤーの棋力を診断した上で次の段級にステップアップするために必要な能力を分析し最適なトレーニング・自己学習の機会を提供することでプレイヤーの棋力向上を促進します。 第一段階としてこのプロジェクトではアプリ開発の環境整備と最低限の機能を実装したα版構築を目標とします。 【 依頼内容 】 ・開発内容: 1.iOSアプリ開発環境構築 -github上で複数人でのアプリ開発環境・ソースコード共有環境の構築 -iOSアプリ開発Developer 登録、 α 版アプリのApp Store 登録 2.棋力向上将棋アプリα版構築 ①Top Menu 画面構築 -トレーニングメニュー選択画面構築 ②将棋棋譜検討GUI構築 -将棋盤面GUI、将棋のルールに沿った指し手の動作機能構築 -コピー&ペーストによる棋譜入力(CSA形式) -APIから受け取った指し手ごとの検討結果表示 -各局面における指し継ぎ、検討ボタンの実装 ③アプリからのサーバーAPI連携実装 -棋譜をAPI連携し検討結果の受け取り -各局面をコード形式に変換しAPI連携、検討結果受け取り ・使用言語:Objective-C 【用意してあるもの】 ・仕様書:各画面のワイヤーフレーム・API仕様などを準備予定 ・サーバー、ドメイン: GCP Cloud Runを利用予定 ・デザイン:未定、デザイナーが必要であれば応相談
レンタルスペースサイトの構築(日本語サイト表示)をお願いします。 屋外の広場(約2000㎡)があり1日単位(宿泊タイプと似ている)で希望のスペースタイプ/スペースサイズを選択しいただきスペースをレンタルする予定です。 必要なページ ・TOP/料金表示/地図 ・利用規約 ・Q&A ・問合せフォーム ・運営者情報 必要な機能 ・スペースメニュー設定 ・会員登録と会員管理機能 ・予約/キャンセル機能と予約/キャンセル管理機能 ・オプション商品選択機能 ・決済機能 ・メール送信機能 その他の要望 ・CMS化 ・サーバー設置/ドメイン設定 画像はこちらで用意します。 SEO対策、メンテナンス性、管理性に優れたサイトを構築することを希望します。 その他のプロフェッショナルな方の意見、提案があれば助かります。
Grey Box Creationさん、こんにちは。あなたのプロフィールを拝見させていただきました。ぜひわたしのプロジェクトをオファーさせてください。プロジェクト情報を確認した後、詳細を話しあいましょう。
...締め切りを守れる方など 【Job description】 We are currently looking for a Japanese graphic designer who can help us create some graphic design for our Japanese game review site! it would be ideal if you are experienced self-motivated can create Japanese anime-themed comical designs would like to be a freelancer 【Details】 Job title: Japanese graphic designer (Freelancer) Certification: experienced. Place of work: Unspecified work hours: Unspecified Salary: Negotiable but it depends on the experience level 【Work Contents】 We currently have an open position for a Japanese graphic designer who can help us out create web designs for our Japanese game review site. what you would be doing is propose web designs when we are in need. Regarding the style of design, We would like some Ja...
【 概要 】 今回、アパレルECサイトのデザインリニューアルをお願いします。 【 依頼内容 】 ・依頼工程:デザインをもとにコーディング、フューチャーショップへ反映 ・作業ボリューム:スマホ・PC、TOP/商品一覧/商品詳細ページ ・使用するECカート名:フューチャーショップ 【 提供素材 】 ・ワイヤー、ラフ案:あり ・画像、文章等:あり ・サーバー、ドメイン: あり 【 納期 】 8月上旬までに納品希望 【 報酬 】 20万円くらいで見積もりをお願いします。 【 重視する点・経験 】 ・フューチャーショップを使ったECサイト構築のご経験 【 応募方法 】 ・簡単な自己紹介や実績、ポートフォリオをご提示ください。 ・条件提示にてお見積もり金額を入力してください。 ご質問がありましたら、気軽にお問い合わせください。 応募をお待ちしております!
I want English proofreading and editing for scientific paper review. (about 4300 words) The contents are cancer biology and medicine -related but not so difficult. I hope the one who had experience of English proofreading and editing for scientific paper File will be provided as MS-Word file.
内容: 生物系の学術誌(総説)です。その英文校正です。コメント内容は科学においては一般的なもので、特別な知識は要求されません。科学系の雑誌に論文を発表された経験のある人が望ましいです。ファイルはMS-Wordで提供されます。 I want English proofreading and editing for scientic paper review. (about 4300 words) The contents are cancer biology and medicie -related but not so difficult. I hope the one who had experience of English proofreading and editing for scientic paper File will be provided as MS-Word file.
この度はお世話になります。 東京都中央区で開業しております歯科クリニックでございます。 延期、延期になり、皆様へは大変ご迷惑をお掛けいたしましたが、この度、外国人への認知の向上、来院者数の増加を狙い、デンタルクリニックのWeb siteの英語簡略版のWebsite制作をすることになりました。 詳細は以下の通りですのでご覧ください。 尚、ご提案頂ける様でしたら、その際に、過去の実績を何点か 拝見させて頂けましたら非常に幸いでございます。 以上、ご協力いただけます様、宜しくお願い申し上げます。 記 1、 某デンタルクリニックのWeb siteの英語簡略版のWebsite制作 現サイト ・Site構成:①TOP、Why Japanなのか? ②医院紹介 ③歯医者紹介 ③治療紹介 ④クリニック内紹介 ⑤アクセス ⑥問い合わせ等 + 予約画面へのリンク ・英語のテキストは全てこちらから提供 ・骨格はこちらから指定しますので、デザインを主にしてくれる方を希望 2、上記クリニックの多言語版ランディングページ ・Site構成:1ページ。内容は上記のサマリー見たいなもの。1ページを4,5個のセクションに分ける。 ・トップに「お知らせ」や強調ポイントを何枚かのスライド風に流したい。 正直な話、プロジェクトとしての数字が未定であり、レスポンスの反応を見る為に作成致します。よって、少額の予算しかつきませんので、何卒、ご理解いただいたうえで、ご連絡頂けましたら、大変助かります。 希望予算を明治の上、ご連絡願います。 皆様、お忙しい中恐れ入りますが、宜しくお願い致します。
名刺サイトのホームページのデザインです。 ごく簡単にWORDPRESS、twenty twelbe,もしくはeleven を利用してトップページのデザインをして頂きます。 後、簡単な修正等したいので、使用したPSD,PNGなどもご提出頂きます。
I need three logos converted into DXF, PNG, and PDF formats suitable for high-quality printing. The logos will be used on T-shirts, so the print quality needs to be top-notch.
...24hours. + go back 7 days to see what temperature there was. Minimum check rythme: 1min from pyhton software - see when the heater is working and also show it with a graphic on 24hours + go back 7 days. The idea is to see how many times it's working. The machine has a termostate in the living room. Start-stop is based on the temperature of the termostate. 21 degree C is the set temperature and +-0.5 degrees is the start top, ex. heater starts at 20.5 degrees and stops at 21.5 degrees. Graphic has to be showed based on the web app information of the working process and not based on the temperature information. Machine has 5 steps that are shown when working: starting, heating, end of heating cycle, cleaning, stand by. These jobs have to be ready to install material, ...
Hello, On Our website we have 4 submission box where a person should type information, we need to check that the submission boxes work correctly as one of them sometimes shows numbers instead of letters, I just need a freelancer to type information in those boxes for the first task, thank you
...Work: Payment Verification and Booking: I will provide a PDF file of the bank statement to identify client payments. You will log in to FreshBooks (access provided) to record the payments. Cash and card payments made at the office will be uploaded to our website admin. You will verify these payments and book them accordingly. Account Closure for Non-Payment: On the 6th of every month, you will review accounts and close access for users who have not paid, using the manager account provided for the GPS platform. Requirements: Attention to detail and accuracy in financial records. Basic knowledge of FreshBooks or similar accounting systems. Availability to complete the task reliably each month. Compensation: $75 per month (non-negotiable). Important Notes: If you require highe...
Looking for skilled video editors to create cinematic and social media videos specifically for real estate projects. I’m inspired by the styles in the links below: PLEASE REVIEW EXAMPLES PRIOR TO BIDDING - - - Requirements: - Experience in editing real estate-related video content. - Ability to create engaging cinematic videos as seen in the provided links. - Proficiency in both English and Spanish. Deliverables: - 4-5 videos, with varied lengths: - Some under 30 seconds - Some under 1 minute - Maximum length for any video should be 1:30 minutes Budget: $50 - $150 per video.
I'm l...rides. - Driver Tracking: Implement real-time tracking of drivers to keep users informed. - Fare Estimation: Provide users with an estimated fare before they request a ride. In addition to these core features, the app should also include: - In-app Payments: Ensure a seamless and secure payment process within the app. - Ratings and Reviews: Users should be able to rate their ride experience and review drivers. - Ride Scheduling: Allow users to schedule rides in advance. The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience in mobile app development, particularly with ride-sharing applications. A strong understanding of implementing real-time tracking systems, secure in-app payment systems, as well as UI/UX design principles for user-friendly interface...
I need a set of around 100 PowerPoint slides covering various fundamental programming topics. The slides will be used for a 3-hour presentation, so they should be well-structured and engaging. Topics to be covered include: - Introduction of programming - Arrays - Loops - Conditions - Compilers and IDE - JavaScript - Functions The slides should: - Include theoretical basics of each topic - Conclude with a quiz - Contain practice exercises - Complete with a simple project task Please ensure: - No AI-generated content is used - The PPT includes notes and answers Ideal skills for this job include: - Expertise in programming and teaching experience - Proficiency in PowerPoint - Ability to explain complex concepts in a simple way - Creativity in designing engaging and educational co...
I'm in need of a moderate difficulty web based application with top-notch security as it will handle financial transactions. The application will have minimal AI technology, primarily for basic data processing and analysis. Key Requirements: - Back-end: - Expertise in developing secure web applications - Experience handling applications with payment details and sensitive information - Basic knowledge of AI technology for data processing - Front-end: - Strong skills in UI & UX - Ability to implement responsive design Ideal skills would include a strong background in cybersecurity, web application development, and UI/UX design. Previous experience working with applications involving financial transactions and AI technology is a plus.
...Work: Payment Verification and Booking: I will provide a PDF file of the bank statement to identify client payments. You will log in to FreshBooks (access provided) to record the payments. Cash and card payments made at the office will be uploaded to our website admin. You will verify these payments and book them accordingly. Account Closure for Non-Payment: On the 6th of every month, you will review accounts and close access for users who have not paid, using the manager account provided for the GPS platform. Requirements: Attention to detail and accuracy in financial records. Basic knowledge of FreshBooks or similar accounting systems. Availability to complete the task reliably each month. Compensation: $75 per month (non-negotiable). Important Notes: If you require highe...
After the bet is created, send a message saying that admin will review and approve the bet soon and redirect user to the landing page.
I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a comprehensive website that showcases heavy vehicles and machinery, similar to the functionality of Ramadbk's site. The website should allow users to categorize searches by machine brand, mode...comprehensive website that showcases heavy vehicles and machinery, similar to the functionality of Ramadbk's site. The website should allow users to categorize searches by machine brand, model, year, and price. Key Requirements: - A neatly designed, user-friendly interface - Robust database for managing vehicle information - Advanced search functionality based on categories - User accounts with review capabilities Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in web development and database management - Previous experience in ...
I require a professional translator fluent in both English and Tajik for a legal agreement. The document in question is a deduction agreement, and its translation is crucial for our understanding and compliance with its terms. Key Requirements: - Top-notch translation from English to Tajik, ensuring all legal terminology is accurately conveyed. - Prior experience in translating legal documents, particularly deduction agreements, is highly desirable. - A keen eye for detail and ability to maintain the original document's intent, tone, and style. - Confidentiality and professionalism, as the document is sensitive in nature. This is a one-time project, but if the work is well done, I will likely require your services for future translations. 134 words only
I am seeking a professional content auditor to review our pharmaceutical B2B website's blog articles. The primary focus of this audit will be on ensuring the content's quality and accuracy, in compliance with Google's Publisher Policy and AdSense requirements. Your task will involve: - Assessing the factual accuracy of our blog content - Verifying compliance with Google Publisher Policy Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in content auditing, particularly in the pharmaceutical sector - Deep understanding of Google's Publisher Policy - Strong attention to detail and commitment to quality
I need a colour mock-up for the front of an apartment complex. The project is based on detailed instructions covering the trim and accents on the block's front. We can provide a detailed PDF for review. I have provided PDF and some photos of the complex. Just the three angels are required.
I need someone to edit my personal Instagram reel. The footage is shot on a standard phone, so the quality isn't top-notch. However, I believe with a good edit it can still shine! Key Requirements: - Edit the video with trendy effects and fast cuts - Highlight specific moments in the footage - Synchronize the edit with trending music Ideal Skills: - Strong video editing skills, particularly for Instagram content - Ability to implement fast-paced cuts and trendy effects - Good sense of timing for synchronizing with music If you have the experience and skills to help elevate my video, I look forward to your bid!
I'm seeking a professional with expertise in content verification, fact-checking, and authenticity assessment. The specific area needing verification is yet to be determined, so versatility is key. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Extensive experience in content verification across various platforms including documents, news articles, and socia...experience in content verification across various platforms including documents, news articles, and social media posts. - Exceptional attention to detail for conducting both basic checks and in-depth analyses. - Strong communication skills to provide clear and concise reports on authenticity assessments. Please note that the verification process may range from a basic check to a comprehensive review, depending ...
i have this group picture. I need to add more sky space on top to make the picture vertical not horizontal. So after the edit, the top half of the picture will be sky, and the bottom half to be the same. I need the picture to seems like natural without edits
Configuration and integration of Sportspress on WordPress 1 - General configuration of Sportspress - Set up and configure the Sportspress plugin. - Check compatibility with SmartMag theme and other installed plugins. - Activate and optimize performance to avoid site slowdowns.________________________________________ 2 - Match sheet configuration - Automatic link between match sheets and player records. - Checks the correct operation of the statistics recorded in the player files. - Automatic synchronization of match data (goals, assists, cards, minutes played, etc.). ________________________________________ 3 - Creating and managing player files Information to be displayed on the player file Each player file must contain the following information: - Last name - First name - Date o...
Confirm budget before bidding ~~ budget 250 euro ----------------------------------------------------------------- Build transcoding panel features - dashboard show, cpu utilzation by grapihc using widgets, show total connections, show total streams online/offline/ show per row each gpu statics with utilzation graphics , show total in and outgoing network metrics/ usage of traffic (from uptime second til now realtime) if reboot server then start from 0 traffic data - page live streams , show stream details (kbps/audio/codec/videocodec/total connect ions/uptime stream/restart stop buttons, mini popup jwplayer or hls player to show live stream - add stream, support multi source setup, select gpu , select profile for transcode, select output http stream/rtmp stream output *( rtm p,rtsp,r...
...dancers, participating in workshops, dance camps, and dance battles. Key Requirements: - company name is @teejaf presents or Teejaf Presents - A logo that conveys an 'Energetic and Fun' vibe, reflecting my brand's identity. - The use of a unique script or handwriting for the logo. - Creating branding materials that I can easily edit in CANVA for future use. - logo needs to be able to be used on top of other images, banners and fliers - please do NOT include any images of dancers Ideal Candidate: - Has a portfolio demonstrating previous work in the dance or event-planning industry. - Possesses strong graphic design skills with a creative flair. - Experience with creating editable templates in CANVA. I am open to a color scheme, but leaning towards either bright...
I need a professional proofreader to review an italian landing page that has been automatically translated via WPML in English, German, and French. The primary aim of this landing page is to generate leads, targeting primarily business professionals. Ideal Skills: - Native-level proficiency in English, German, and French - Experience in proofreading for business-oriented content - Understanding of lead generation strategies and language Proofreader will have access to WPML to direct edit content. Content to proofread is in italian and quite small, about 800 words per language.
...project will be on typography design, so a solid understanding of type is crucial. Key components: - Typography design: You'll be designing the 'Robot Alphabet' using a unique, minimalist approach to typography. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - A strong background in typography design and art - Experience with minimalist design - Creativity and ability to think outside the box Please provide samples of your previous work that align with this project....
Project Overview: We are looking for an experienced WordPress & WooCommerce freelancer to help us set up and customize our e-commerce website. The goal is to create a fully functional, visually appealing, and user-friendly online store where customers can easily browse and purchase our stone-based tiles / bricks. 1. Theme Installation & Setup 2. WooCommerce Setup & Customization 3. Design & Customization 4. Payment & Shipping Integration 5. Performance & SEO Optimization 6. Essential Plugins & Security Setup • Install Yoast SEO or RankMath for SEO • Install Wordfence or Sucuri for security • Set up Google Analytics & Facebook Pixel
...Consultant (Agents) and coach them to sell life insurance policies and service customers. What are we looking for: Integrity and passion are the two most important traits that will define your success in this role. - It is a field job. You will have to travel within the assigned location to meet channel partner team and customers. - You will be evaluated on your ability to meet the business targets (Top line, Persistency, Product mix) by collaborating with and driving channel partners. - HDFC Life believes in technology driven sales and you will learn new technology/ Mobility enhancements, to comply with the Sales Management Process. - As a business professional you will uphold organizational values in every action and ensure business ethics and integrity. You are expected to b...
I'm looking for a comprehensive review of my modern and minimalist portfolio website (). Your expertise will be essential in evaluating the following aspects: NOTE : don't call on the any mobile numbers found on website. - Visual Design: Assess the overall aesthetics, layout, and design elements of the site. - Content/Language: Review the language used throughout the website, checking for clarity, coherence, and grammatical accuracy. - User Experience: Analyze the site's navigation, interactivity, and overall user journey. Ideal candidates should have experience in web design critique, content editing, and user experience analysis. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
I'm seeking a professional who can design a simple yet elegant 3D box for a cosmetic product. The dimensions of the box are 10cm x 6.5cm x 3cm. I already have a reference layout and the text prepared for all six sides of the box. Key requirements: - Create a detailled and elegant 3D box design. - Incorporate our brand logo and product imagery into the design. - Use finishing techniques like embossing and debossing for the product and some stripes. - Use specific colors that we will decide together. - Work should be finished in a few days, we can work closely together for the best outcome. Ideal skills and experience: - Strong background in 3D design and packaging. - Previous experience in designing for cosmetic products is a plus. - Proficient in using s...
I'm seeking a professional to assess the visual appeal, typography, color scheme, and imagery of my website. Additionally, I need a thorough review of the website's language, specifically its grammar and spelling. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in web design with a focus on visual aesthetics. - Proficient in color theory, typography, and imagery assessment. - Excellent command of English grammar and spelling. - Experience in website language evaluation.
I'm looking for a talented artist to create a unique, cartoonish-style picture of my friend Roger, who's turning 70 this year. The image should depict him in a golf bunker with an anti-aircraft gun, wearing the top half of a Second World War Tommy outfit and the bottom half as golf plus-fours. Key requirements: - Artistic ability to create a detailed and engaging cartoonish image - Experience in creating mixed-background scenes (a golf course and a battlefield in this case) - Skill in depicting facial expressions, particularly a smiling one for Roger The ideal freelancer for this project would have a knack for creating humorous, light-hearted images with an attention to detail and an ability to capture Roger's likeness in a fun and engaging way.
I'm seeking a classic style, icon-based logo for my IT company. The design should utilize a complementary color scheme. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Brand Development Requirements: - Create a unique, memorable icon that represents the company - Use of a complementary color scheme - Providing multiple iterations for review and feedback
I'm seeking a thorough qualitative analysis of the overrepresentation of Indigenous people in the Canadian criminal justice system. This project will involve: - A comprehensive literature review - Conducting and analysing interviews - Organising and assessing focus group discussions The ideal candidate will have: - A deep understanding of qualitative research methods - Experience in criminal justice and Indigenous issues - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills for conducting interviews and facilitating focus groups Interviews should be conducted with: - Indigenous community members - Criminal justice professionals - Policy makers The goal is to uncover the causes of this overrepresentation and evaluate potential responses. Your ability to connect with an...
Using a given Contact directory, need to cold call and introduce the company and services. Answer incoming calls from prospective customers. Use scripts to provide information about features and prices of products and services and present their benefits. Do prior research to understand potential client’s requirement Ask perti...company’s reputation. Go the “extra mile” to meet sales quota and facilitate future sales. Keep records of calls and sales and record useful information. Schedule appointments for sales representatives to meet with potential clients. Generate the database with new leads and all the relevant industry segments and geography. Use primary, secondary research, industry methods and out of box ideas to generate the...
We are searching for a few hours per day or full-time a very good no-nonsense project manager to keep teams on the right tasks. You will prepare tasks, apply AI tools to automate project management, and give clear insights into how each team member is performing and how time is being used within budget. You must also define worthwhile tasks, advise top management on overall performance (including managers and HR), and set up weekly Scrum tasks in Jira. We need someone who can write clear project scopes in Atlassian Confluence after discussing details with the product owner. We need a down-to-earth, results-focused approach. We have an office in India and know local salary ranges, so please give your proposal accordingly. We are not using our internal HR to hire this position...
...enhance our drafted agreements, ensuring they are legally sound, industry-standard, and protect our intellectual property and business interests. Who We’re Looking For: We seek a freelance entertainment lawyer or a media & IP law specialist who can review and improve our existing agreements, making them airtight and negotiation-ready. A fresher with strong academic credentials, relevant internships, or a passion for media law is welcome, provided they have a solid understanding of contract structuring in the entertainment business. Scope of Work: Review and refine agreements with production houses and film distributors to ensure clarity, fairness, and enforceability. Polish licensing agreements for our music catalog, covering sync rights, publishing, and limite...
We are looking for a skilled and creative video creator to produce high-quality YouTube videos for our travel-focused channel. If you have a passion for storytelling, video editing, and bringing travel experiences to life, we’d love to work with you! What We Need: ✅ Engaging travel videos (destination guides, vlogs, top 10 lists, hidden gems, etc.) ✅ High-quality video editing (smooth transitions, cinematic effects, subtitles, engaging visuals) ✅ Voiceovers & Background Music (if possible) ✅ Stock footage sourcing (if you don’t have original footage) ✅ SEO-friendly video titles, descriptions & thumbnails Ideal Skills & Experience: ? Experience in YouTube video creation & editing ? Passion for travel content & storytelling ?️ Proficiency in Adobe Pre...
I'm in need of a professional logo designer who specializes in minimalist designs. We have already a logo in place which needs a round of review. You don't necessarily have to stick to specific colors, as I have a general color theme rather than exact shades. However, you should have a good understanding of color theory, golden ratio and be able to judge whether the logo is visually appealing and aligns with our theme or needs some addtions. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in graphic design software (like Adobe Illustrator) - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles - Ability to interpret a general color theme - Experience designing for digital platforms - Creativity and originality in logo design.
I'm in need of a logo for my brand, 'DEVILS ENEMY'. The desired style is edgy and bold, reflecting a strong and modern image. I would like a logo, a design for the letters D E [devils enemy], and a design for the wo...word DEVILS ENEMY. there are 3 different needed for this project, as i stated above. use your imagination, and be creative. THINK ABOUT WHO THE DEVILS ENEMY IS, AND THEN MAKE THE LOGO.!!! These entries are great! The Devils Enemy is GOD [Jesus],Allah, etc. Give me entries on that level. Let's not glorify the devil in the logo. Even though these entries are good so far. Let's think outside of the box! Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Brand Development Please note that the color scheme and specific elements have not been decide...
...for high organic rankings Accessibility (WCAG 2.1 compliance) to ensure usability for all users ✅ Advanced Functionality Mega Menu Navigation (dynamic categories, trending products) Sticky Header & Smart Search with Predictive Results Dynamic Product Filters & Sorting (by brand, price, features) AJAX Cart & Quick View Custom Page Templates (Homepage, Collection, Product, Blog, About) Integrated Review System ( integration) Related Products & "Frequently Bought Together" section Custom Pre-Order & Back-in-Stock Alerts ✅ Performance & Speed Optimization Implement Lazy Loading, Critical CSS, and WebP images Optimize Liquid & JavaScript for fast execution Ensure the theme scores 90+ on Google PageSpeed Insights Compress and optimize all assets ...