Integrate wordpress blog site via html仕事
英会話スクールのウェブサイト。 5 ページのテキスト、図、Google マップの場所、お問い合わせフォーム。 この仕事を遂行してくれる日本語と英語を話せる人を探しています。 全ての課題をクリアできる方のみご応募ください。
Olá, Estamos recrutando redatores para entrar no nosso time! Você irá compor artigos de curadoria para um site sobre sonhos, espiritualidade, e esoterismo. Tudo já foi definido pela gente, e a estrutura dos artigos já está até montada: você só precisa escrever! Além disso, é você que escolhe quanto quer escrever! Confira os requisitos e os detalhes: Você é: ・Uma pessoa disponível para contato frequente; ・Responsável com prazos; ・Possui facilidade com o pacote Office (Excel, Word); ・Um redator que domina a língua portuguesa; E contribuirá em um projeto que: ・Publica artigos de 1000 a 4000 palavras; ・Paga aproximadamente R$20 a cada 1000 palavras (valor definid...
こんにちは、はじめまして。 私達の会社で現在CMSを中心としてWebシステムを開発しております。 開発において人員が不足しており、オフショアで協力して頂ける 安く優秀なエンジニアをチームに加えてみたいと考えております。 日本語での対応の必要があるため、日本語の理解できる方を希望します。 html amp css php 募集人数1~2名 色々な方のご応募をお待ちしております。
記事の構造を提供します。 母語は日本語の人で、iOSシステムに詳しい人がいいです。 SEOとhtmlファイルに精通できます。 IT技術を少し知った方がいいです。 効果がよければ、長期的な協力が考えられます。 納期は必ず守ります。
昨今の時代背景から垣間見える課題点を踏まえ 将来的に必要不可欠となるオンライン化へ切り替える サービス提供は結婚を目的とした出会いを求めている人向けに 新規オンラインシステムのサービスとしての各種必要になる システム機能や構成デザイン等をお願いしたい。 【発注の詳細】 ・Web&スマホ対応。(全国エリア対応) ※ご不明な点等、ご提案いただきました後に、ご説明いたします。 ・開発:各種システム機能の開発 ・開発種別:WEB系 ・システム内容:●参考サイトと同等レベルを希望。 ・必須機能:参考サイトと同じレベルの機能とデザインを希望。 ・類似サイト: ・利用ユーザー(ターゲット): 社外向け(BtoC) ・想定規模:数百人~数万人程度でもOK ・対応デバイス: モバイル デバイス、PC ・指定のサーバー:超格安でも内容が充実しているサーバーを希望 ・画面遷移図/仕様書/設計書: 無 ・予算内訳: 初期開発 / 保守費用 / マーケティングROI費用 ・金額の根拠: 参考情報あり(他社見積り等) ・決裁権: あり ・重視するポイント: 費用 【商談情報】 ・打ち合わせ方法:メール希望 【予算】 ・予算希望金額 イニシャルコスト:サイト参考見積額にて検討 (システム機能開発、設計、デザイン、保守、マーケティングROI、等含む) ・補足 (参考サイト全体の内容規模と構成と見積額の内訳書により検討) 【見積もり時期】なるべく早く。 【納期】可能であれば年内。 【その他詳細】 WEB開発(スマホ対応)・システム開発、設計、デザイン、各種機能等、 記載内容にてご対応できる企業様・個人様を希望。 ※(一部、外注でも可能) ※(男女問いません) お手数をお掛け致しますが、 お見積りのご提案を頂けますと幸いで御座います。 ※お見積りの詳細項目内容ですが、一式表...
初めまして、松本と申します。 WEBサイトのデザインについてご相談させて頂きたいと思いましてメッセージを送信させて頂きました。 上記のようなポップなデザインとクオリティサイトです。 PSD制作とHTMLデザインのそれぞれ概算見積もりをお願いできますでしょうか? 金額的な面での折り合いがされると依頼したいです。 お手数をおかけいたしますが、ご確認いただけますと幸いです。
SDL is Product and Service Public Company. Over the past 25 years we’ve delivered transformative business results by enabling powerfullynuanced digital experiences with customers around the world. We are looking for passionate, collaborative and creative people to join our team. We are spreadacross 55 offices in 38 countries yet we still manage to keep a small company feel. About Us - SDLアメリアは、ソフトウェアテスティングサービスのリーディングカンパニーです。 ただいま、ソフトウェアのQAテスターを急募しています。様々なデバイスを使って、ソフトウェアのQAテストを担当していただきます。都内のグローバルIT企業のオフィスでのお仕事です。 雇用形態:契約社員(契約延長の可能性あり) 勤務地:東京 モバイルデバイスのテスト経験がある方、幅広い種類のデバイス、アプリ、メディアに対応できる方からのご応募をお待ちしています。 <求める経験、スキル> • モバイルデバイス、クラウド、ウェブ、テレビ/ビデオ等のテスト経験、または開発経験がある方(2年以上) • iOS、Android、Mac OSの使用経験がある方 • 分析力、トラブルシューティングのスキルをお持ちの方、細部に注意を払える方、新しいことを学びすばやく吸収でき...
...▽その他コメント ※実際のシステム開発の進め方・別途詳細は、メッセージでやりとりして決められればと思います。 ※このお仕事以降も、継続的に追加で開発依頼をさせていただくことも可能です。 たくさんのシステムエンジニアの方からのご連絡・ご応募お待ちしております。 ********************************************************** ボリューム感としては 参考サイトに記載したURLのサイトと同等のモノを作成したいと考えております。 ざっくりですが、 ・求人情報表示 ・求人検索 ・ユーザー管理 ・企業側ユーザー管理 ・企業側求人作成 ・企業側求人管理 ・企業ーユーザー間の連絡管理 上記の機能になるかと思います。 依頼したい作業としては ・システム設計 ・DB構築 ・プログラミング ・デザイン組み込み(HTML、CSS等デザインは当社の方で用意する予定です) ・テスト となります。
詳細は決まってからお伝え致しますが、ランディングページ(LP)を作りたいと考えており、ウェブデザイナー・HTML/CSSコーダー(JSが使えるのであれば尚よし)の方を募集します。 時給換算2500円お支払い致します。 日本人の方であれば、嬉しいです。
HTML, CSS, JS(あれば尚よし)のコーディングが出来るデザイナーを募集致します。 ランディングページの一部の作成を依頼します。 やって頂く内容は別途ご説明致します。 時給換算2500円差し上げます。
Target blog: *** This blog is one of the site managed on WordPress multisite. Requirements: 1. Please develop customize the theme to AMP compatible WITHOUT using AMP WordPress Plugin. 2. Keep showing the current mobile design of the blog when user accesses it from non-AMP-enabled mobile browser. In other words, this site currently has 2 responsive designs which support desktop & smartphone, so that this time we want it to support AMP in addition. We'd like to see how would you remodel this blog to AMP compatible at your proposal. (if possible) Please provide your working experience of AMP development with URLs. (must) Thank you! Sayuri
現状のサイトをワードプレスのモーバルリスポンシブルサイトに置き換える。 今のサイトはHTMLで製作されています。 これをモーバルフレンドリーにしたいので、モーバル用のサイトを作るか、ワードプレスのリスポンシブルのテンプレートを使用するか考えています。
...ださい。 【募集人数】1名 【勤務時間】9:00-18:00(休憩1時間含む) 【勤務日】 土日、祝日の休日に業務いただける方 【報酬形態】 ・報酬は経歴、業務状況などを基に決定、昇給致します。 ・面接、適性審査により支払い方式を相談させていただく場合有。 【勤務地】PCと快適なネット回線が有ればどこでも構いません また、通話して頂く必要が有りますので電話が出来る環境でお願いします 【具体的な業務】 チャット、メール、電話などで依頼される内容を受けて頂き 実行して貰うお仕事となります。 一般的な企業のアシスタント、秘書業務などと同様な部分が多いですが 対面は有りませんので、依頼はオンラインで完結出来る内容のみです。 【求めている人物像】 ・秘書経験者 ・日本語、英語のバイリンガル ・カスタマーサポート経験者 ・営業事務、アシスタント経験者 ・Webの知識が豊富な方 →システム的な意味では無く、「情報収集」や「検索力」 【必須条件】 ・ADSL以上のインターネット環境 ・skypeなどが問題無く動作するレベルのPC 【提出書類】 選考に進まれる場合は、履歴書及び職務経歴書のご提出をお願い致します。 ※個人を特定する情報の記載は必須ではございません。 また、下記の質問事項のご回答と、タイピングテスト(無料)の受検結果のスクリーンショットも併せてご提出お願いたします。 ◆タイピングテスト(3000円コースをお選び下さい:無料) :// ◆無料簡易テスト
この度はお世話になります。 東京都中央区で開業しております歯科クリニックでございます。 延期、延期になり、皆様へは大変ご迷惑をお掛けいたしましたが、この度、外国人への認知の向上、来院者数の増加を狙い、デンタルクリニックのWeb siteの英語簡略版のWebsite制作をすることになりました。 詳細は以下の通りですのでご覧ください。 尚、ご提案頂ける様でしたら、その際に、過去の実績を何点か 拝見させて頂けましたら非常に幸いでございます。 以上、ご協力いただけます様、宜しくお願い申し上げます。 記 1、 某デンタルクリニックのWeb siteの英語簡略版のWebsite制作 現サイト ・Site構成:①TOP、Why Japanなのか? ②医院紹介 ③歯医者紹介 ③治療紹介 ④クリニック内紹介 ⑤アクセス ⑥問い合わせ等 + 予約画面へのリンク ・英語のテキストは全てこちらから提供 ・骨格はこちらから指定しますので、デザインを主にしてくれる方を希望 2、上記クリニックの多言語版ランディングページ ・Site構成:1ページ。内容は上記のサマリー見たいなもの。1ページを4,5個のセクションに分ける。 ・トップに「お知らせ」や強調ポイントを何枚かのスライド風に流したい。 正直な話、プロジェクトとしての数字が未定であり、レスポンスの反応を見る為に作成致します。よって、少額の予算しかつきませんので、何卒、ご理解いただいたうえで、ご連絡頂けましたら、大変助かります。 希望予算を明治の上、ご連絡願います。 皆様、お忙しい中恐れ入りますが、宜しくお願い致します。
Hello, We are a Japanese owned Los Angeles Based Apparel Online store company. We are looking for someone who can update the website everyday. -No Need to Be able to read HTML -Each task is about 5 to 10 minutes. -You have to be able to READ Japanese but not able to Write or Speak -If you dont Read Japanese but high IT Literacy so that by our tellling you which part corresponds to which part, then you can do the job. JOB This is the job to update the items that comes to the toppage of our 2 online stores. the management system is already set up so yo do not need to use HTMLat all. You just select the item code from our website and set into the system everyday. SKILLS REQUIRED Ability to arrange items in a meaningful, atttractive manner. Lets say if its gett...
I would like a native Japanese to write 10 articles explaining English grammar in Japanese. The articles will be used as blog content. An example of an article would be "The difference between "will" and "be going to". 母国語が日本語の方に、日本語で英語の文法説明文を10通り書いていただきたいです。記事はブログに使われます。例えば「willとbe going toの違い」など英文法をわかりやすく日本語で説明した記事を書いて下さい。
WEBシステム開発のお仕事です。 (求められるスキル) ・PHP ・WEBデザイン ・グラフィック ・MySQL ・HTML (ジャンル) ・教育 ・ジョブマッチング ・ソフトウェア ・エンターテイメント ・医療
こんにちは、日本の皆様、現在香港で住んでいる。Freelancerです。 今、私はBrand Buyer(Sales)とか、Display Designとか、Travel Writerとか、日本関係あるの仕事を探している。 もし興味あれば、是非連絡してください。 こちらは私の日本語BLOGです。[[Posting of contact information is prohibited by Site Administrators.]] 宜しくお願い致します。ありがとうございます。
I'm looking for a professional who can help me migrate from Magento to Shopify Advanced. The primary reason for this migration is to tap into enhanced features and integrations that Shopify offers. Key Aspects: - Advanced Product Filtering: I need the new site to have sophisticated product filtering capabilities to improve the customer shopping experience. - Integrated Payment Gateways: Seamless and varied payment options are crucial. - Migrate our product catalog, customer and sales order data - Re-integrate our 3rd party systems like Klaviyo - Ensure SEO and URL rewrites are working as expected Design: - I want a mix of both current Magento design elements and brand new design elements. This means retaining some of the familiar features while also introducing fresh,...
My WordPress website is currently inaccessible, displaying a '500 Internal Server Error' message. I urgently need a skilled Wordpress developer to troubleshoot and fix the issue.
I'm facing CORS issues while integrating my Oracle Apex application with a REST API. The data exchange is primarily in JSON format. The ideal candidate for this project should: - Have extensive experience with Oracle Apex. - Be highly proficient in REST API integrations....with a REST API. The data exchange is primarily in JSON format. The ideal candidate for this project should: - Have extensive experience with Oracle Apex. - Be highly proficient in REST API integrations. - Possess a strong understanding of CORS errors and how to troubleshoot them. - Be capable of working with JSON data. Your task will be to resolve the CORS error so that I can successfully integrate with the external REST API. Please be prepared to demonstrate your troubleshooting skills and API integra... frustrating it can be when you're caught between conflicting advice from HubSpot and your tech team, so thank you for reaching out—I’m here to clarify things for you! After taking a look at your Pop-Up Page landing page, I can see that there doesn’t seem to be any native Leadpages elements causing issues with your HubSpot form. However, I did notice that you’ve embedded your form using our HTML widget. Just to set your expectations, while we’re unable to provide direct support for third-party code or troubleshoot any related issues, I recommend reaching out to your code provider or reviewing their documentation—they should be able to guide you through the specifics of adjusting the code. Since both the sign-up page and the thank-...
I am using Invision Community forum PHP software with a built-in store system. I need it to sync with my FiveM game server. Upon purchasing an in-game item, the user should receive a redeemable code displayed after purchase to claim their item in-game. Key Requirements: - Ensure the store's in-game items are delivered via a redeemable code. - Code should be displayed to the user immediately after purchase. - Experience with PHP, Invision Community Forum and FiveM is essential. - Ability to implement secure and efficient code generation and delivery system.
I need an AI agent capable of managing my pharmacy's inventory and facilitating order processing. The AI should connect to my pharmacy management software and be controllable via WhatsApp. Key Responsibilities: - Monitor and manage inventory levels - Process incoming orders The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience in AI development, specifically for inventory management systems. Familiarity with pharmacy management software is a plus. A proven track record of creating user-friendly AI systems that can be controlled via common communication platforms like WhatsApp will be highly advantageous.
...refer to the example logo I provided to get an idea of the style we are leaning towards. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner text I need a logo, icon of the brand and a full book brand for my community. we are a center for personal, spiritual, physical and mental growth. We have a program where we teach people to integrate growth, connection and business skills. The group is for men only. We seek to create an oriental concept, as if the members were playing a video game, where they are the warrior who is growing in skills to be able to advance to the next level. Something oriental since our name carries the word “dojo” which is where the samurai trained in ancient times. The name o...
I'm in need of a unique logo with a classic style. The logo should incorporate both text and an icon. Your task will be to create a design that effectively represents my business and vision. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Brand Identity - Adobe Illustrator - Creative Thinking Key Requirements: - Understanding of classic design elements - Ability to integrate text and icon seamlessly - Strong communication skills for understanding and implementing my vision
I'm looking for an SEO expert to help increase traffic to my website, primarily through Google. Key Responsibilities: - Optimize both on-page (blog posts, landing pages) and off-page SEO - Conduct a thorough analysis of the best keywords for my niche - Monitor and strategize against competitors - Develop and implement a cost-effective SEO strategy to maximize ROI - Manage and create backlinks - Foster relationships to enhance SEO efforts In addition to SEO, I need assistance in identifying and connecting with influencers within my niche, as well as establishing affiliate relationships. Requirements: - Proven track record in SEO with case studies to demonstrate abilities - Proficiency in using data to support strategy and decision making - Experience in influencer marketing...
I am looking for a developer to create a Vinted bot that will help me in finding items to resell on Vinted and I would get the bot to send messages into a to run on both Windows and macOS. - Notifications should be sent to my Discord in the form of an embed message with an image of the listing. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in bot development, particularly for Vinted. - Strong knowledge of Discord's API for creating embed messages. - Cross platform development experience, specifically with Windows and macOS. - Ability to integrate images into Discord notifications. I am looking for an efficient and reliable bot that will help me spot good deals (steals) Please include your relevant experience and any examples of similar projects you have complet...
I'm seeking a seasoned web engineer with a robust background in Web3, particularly in Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) with a focus on gaming. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and integrate DeFi elements into an NFT gaming project. - Ensure smooth liquidity pool integration and yield farming capabilities within the game. - Design and implement smart contracts to govern game mechanics and transactions. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in Web3, DeFi, and NFT development. - Proficient in smart contract creation. - Knowledgeable in gaming development and integration of blockchain technology into gameplay. - Familiar with liquidity pool setup and yield farming in a gaming context.
I'm looking for an experienced WordPress developer to create a vacation rental website for listing and booking properties. The website needs to be user-friendly, visually appealing, and fully functional with the following key features: - Interactive Map Search: Users should be able to locate properties on a map, enhancing the search experience. - User Reviews and Ratings: The website should allow users to leave reviews and ratings for properties they've stayed in. - Booking Calendar: A calendar feature is needed for each property, showing availability and allowing users to book their stay. The ideal freelancer for this project would have a strong portfolio in WordPress development, particularly with creating booking websites. Experience with implementing interacti...
I'm looking for a seasoned AI specialist to enhance the content management of my 30 multimedia-focused websites. The primary goal is to implement AI that can curate and organize content, improving the overall user experience and site efficiency. Key Responsibilities: - Integrate AI agents across all websites - Enable AI interaction through videos, content, and analytics - Optimize sites for search engines using AI Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience with AI integration in websites - Expertise in content curation and organization - Familiarity with AI for SEO and analytics - Strong background in working with multimedia content - Excellent understanding of improving content management through AI
...(maintenance, utilities, etc.). • Generate income statements, profit/loss summaries. • Tax-friendly reporting for end-of-year filing. 4. Invoicing & Billing • Recurring rent invoices (monthly, quarterly). • Automatic late fees and payment reminders. • Optionally integrate an online payment gateway (Stripe, PayPal) in future phases. 5. Document Management • Upload/store lease agreements, ID scans, receipts, bills. • Tag documents by property, tenant, or date for quick retrieval. 6. Automated Notifications • Rent due reminders via email/SMS. • Maintenance status updates (open, in-progress, resolved). • Lease renewal alerts to both manager and tenant. 7. Staff & Vendor Management • User roles (admin...
I'm seeking a skilled social media marketer to help promote my flower business across Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a comprehensive social media marketing strategy. - Create engaging content including photos and graphics, videos, and written posts. - Increase brand awareness and customer engagement. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in social media marketing. - Proficient in creating diverse content types. - Familiarity with the flower industry is a plus.
Website Brief: Global University Consultants Objective Create an interactive, user-friendly website to guide students through the university application process. The site will serve as an online hub to showcase the consultants’ expertise, services, and success stories while providing an intuitive experience for students and parents. Key Features 1. Interactive Section Sliding Image Carousel: Dynamic, high-resolution images at the top of the homepage showcasing global university campuses, successful students, and inspiring moments. Navigation Bar: A prominent menu featuring four main categories: Research Plan Apply Succeed 2. Consultant Profiles Icons of Consultants: Scrollable section featuring icons or small photos of the three consultants. Clickable Profiles: Each icon l...
Hi Greetings! i can do your doctor Website.. i read your project description carefully. please send me all requirement.. will do with interactive and modern look. 1) i will create a Mockup design using your site requirement like - Site name or Logo, colors, sample site links for structure 2) Wen you finalize design i will do website nicely using selected design .. i have 15 years of experience and done 100's of websites which are running successfully.. can you please get back to me to start the work .. thanks for your time Lalith
I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a mobile-optimized, performance-driven, play-to-earn game for Telegram, integrated with the TON blockchain. Key Requirements: - Develop a mobile-friendly game on Telegram. - Integrate with TON blockchain for play-to-earn functionality. - Prioritize game performance above all else. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in mobile game development. - Proficiency in working with the TON blockchain. - Strong understanding of performance optimization techniques in gaming. Please note, the specific genre of the game (puzzle, strategy, arcade) has not been determined yet, so creativity and flexibility in proposing game concepts will be highly valued.
I need a modern and minimalist styled website for my wedding company. I have a few references that I can share. Key Sections: - About Us - Services - Testimonials - Gallery Special Features: - An online booking system - A photo gallery - A blog section Skills Required: - Web design and development - E-commerce integration - SEO and content management system (CMS) experience - Graphic design for the photo gallery - Blog development and maintenance experience Please provide examples of previous work that aligns with this job.
Job Description: I am looking for an experienced freelancer to make specific improvements to my WooCommerce website, which uses the Blonwe theme (version 1.1.3) and WordPress 6.7.1. The requested changes involve enhancing the design, functionality, performance, and user experience without requiring a full redesign of the website. 1. Design: Apply a consistent and professional color palette (e.g., blue and gray). Choose and implement modern, easy-to-read fonts (e.g., Open Sans or Roboto). Replace outdated icons with minimal and modern designs. Add banners on the homepage to highlight promotions, new arrivals, or best sellers. Ensure responsive design for optimal display and usability across mobile, tablet, and desktop devices. 2. Functionality: Add advanced search filters (e.g., by ...
I need a seasoned developer to create a Weibo source and sink Kafka connector for me. This should be complete with jar files, plugins, and a property file for each. Please ensure the deliverable is sent to my attention. Key Requirements: - The Kafka connector should handle data exclusively in JSON format. - It should support authentication via API Key. - The property files must include connection settings. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in developing Kafka connectors. - Extensive experience with Weibo API and its integration with Kafka. - Strong understanding of JSON data format. - Familiarity with API Key authentication. - Excellent at creating detailed and functional property files.
...recherchons un(e) freelance expérimenté(e) pour finaliser rapidement la création de notre site web sur WordPress. Le projet est déjà en cours, mais nous avons besoin de quelqu’un pour prendre la suite et terminer le travail dans les plus brefs délais. ************** Objectifs principaux : - Finalisation des fonctionnalités : Mettre en place les éléments restants pour un site pleinement fonctionnel. - Mise en ligne rapide : Assurer la finalisation, les tests nécessaires, et la mise en ligne immédiate. - Support minimal post-mise en ligne : Corriger d’éventuelles erreurs après lancement. ************** Compétences requises : - Expertise en WordPress po...
I'm looking for a skilled app developer to create a job site progress tracking app for both iOS and Android. Key Features: - Photo Upload: Site workers should be able to take photos of the job site's progress and upload them directly to the app. - Progress Reports: The app should be able to generate progress reports automatically. - Task Assignment: The app should have a feature that allows for task assignment. Target Users: - The primary users of the app will be site workers. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in app development for both iOS and Android. - Experienced in implementing photo upload features in apps. - Capable of creating a task assignment system within an app.
...about integrating a gateway into a WordPress based e-commerce site. - Business Presentation: The slides will primarily serve as a business presentation, showcasing the key features, benefits, and technical aspects of the proposed integration. - E-Commerce Development: The project is centered around developing a WordPress e-commerce site. Familiarity with WordPress, its e-commerce plugins, and general web development is essential. - Slide Creation: The ideal candidate should have experience in creating professional and engaging presentation slides, able to clearly convey complex technical information in a digestible format. Please note that while the primary task is slide creation, a deep understanding of web development, particularly within the ...
I need a modern, interactive, SEO-friendly, minimalist e-commerce website built with REACT. Key Requirements: - E-commerce functionality: The site must include product filtering and search, as well as user reviews and ratings. - Visual Style: The overall design should adhere to a minimalist aesthetic, focusing on simplicity and functionality. A modern, aesthetic and innovative. - Quick loading times on both desktop and mobile devices - Incorporation of interactive product sliders, interactive forms, and animated backgrounds - Inclusion of innovative, engaging, and interactive design elements The primary goal of the website is to generate leads/inquiries, at the same time it should be innovative in design and interactive and it must be developed using the React framework. The des...
...talented web designer with Wix experience to build a comprehensive business website for me. The site will feature multiple sections including a line card, our solutions, various locations, and a blog. We currently have a site (), but it was built by an outside company and I would like to use a platform that gives me more autonomy to make changes as needed. Key Site Sections: - Projects and Products: Showcasing what we offer. - Company Solutions: Detailing the unique solutions we provide. - Education: A section dedicated to our educational initiatives. - Locations: Highlighting where we operate. - Open+ Powered by KODE OS: A specific platform/section we want included. - Blog/Education: Our thoughts and insights. - Who We Are: A company overview. Th...
...configured as follows: memory_limit = 500M upload_max_filesize = 500M post_max_size = 500M max_input_time = 60 Database Configuration: Verify and connect the application to the MySQL database. Run all necessary migrations and seeders to ensure database integrity. Third-Party Integrations: Configure Firebase for push notifications (FCM). Set up Agora for video meetings (credentials will be provided). Integrate AWS S3 for file storage. Frontend and Backend Testing: Test the application to ensure the frontend and backend are fully operational. Validate core functionalities like user registration, authentication, video meetings, push notifications, and file uploads. Documentation: Follow the provided project documentation for the setup process. Document any additional steps taken...
Hola Me llamo Sebastián soy de Perú, hice un proyecto de una tienda de venta de articulos electronicos en php , html, css y boostrap, ya tengo el apartado web de la venta d eproductos pero ahora tengo con el apartado administrador, necesito tu ayuda para implementar el trabajo de un compañero el cual llamo "" donde tiene las formulas que necesito y un diseño basico. Necesito tener un adminsitrador que permita o siguiente: -Registrar nuevos clientes y detectar cuanto se demora en crear el nuevo cliente -Generar proforma de articulos y tiempo que demora en generar la proforma -generar Factura o boleta de venta de articulo -dashboard con las ventas , clientes y proformas/boletas generadas. Te puedo alcanzar mi proyecto comprimido
I'm in need of a skilled WordPress developer to create a robust ecommerce website similar to The site will primarily sell Home and Kitchen products. Key Requirements: - Implement features such as product reviews, a wishlist, and an advanced search option. - Strong knowledge in WordPress and ecommerce site development. - Experience in creating a user-friendly and responsive design. Please note, the payment methods are yet to be decided, so flexibility and experience with a range of payment integrations would be advantageous.
I'm looking for an experienced Webflow specialist to optimize my site's SEO performance and refine its User Interface Design. The current website is Areas of Focus: - SEO Performance: Specifically, I need help with keyword optimization and developing a solid backlink strategy. - User Interface Design: I want to improve the site's navigation structure and enhance the overall visual design and layout. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Webflow - Strong SEO knowledge and experience - UI/UX design skills - Competence in visual design - Understanding of effective navigation structures Experience: - Proven track record of improving website SEO - Prior work on optimizing Webflow sites - Portfolio of UI/UX design projects