Install appointment page google site website仕事


    2,000 install appointment page google site website 見つかった仕事

    WordPress Site Issue & Enhancement Request Document for Outsourcing Below is the revised version of your request in a clear and structured format for easier outsourcing. --- 1. Household Income Tab Not Displaying Options (★★★) Issue: On Android devices, tapping the "Household Income" tab does not display any options. Request: Investigate and resolve the issue. Page: [Specify the relevant URL] --- 2. Disable Automatic Profile Entry When Logging in with Google Issue: When users log in via Google, their profile name is automatically entered. Request: Prevent the automatic entry of profile names upon Google login. Page: [Specify the relevant URL] --- 3. Email Language Issue – Remove Default English Version Issue: ...

    $152 Average bid
    $152 平均入札額
    56 入札

    私たちは、経験豊富なGoogle広告コンバージョントラッキングスペシャリストを募集しています。理想的な候補者は、Google広告のコンバージョントラッキング、Googleタグマネージャー、およびGoogleアナリティクスの設定と管理に豊富な経験を持っている必要があります。主な責任は、オフラインコンバージョンを含むコンバージョントラッキングを設定することにより、クライアントのGoogle広告キャンペーンを強化することです。これには、コンバージョンの金銭的価値の追跡と、キャンペーンの効果をさらに向上させるために顧客のメールをGoogleに送信することが含まれます。 主要な責任: クライアント向けにGoogle広告のコンバージョントラッキングを設定および管理し、強化されたコンバージョントラッキングに注力します。 正確なデータ収集と報告を確保するために、GoogleタグマネージャーとGoogleアナリティクスを実装および設定します。 金銭的価値と顧客メールを含むオフラインコンバージョンを追跡し、Google広告にフィードバックします。 必要なデータを収集し、適切なトラッキングメカニズムが確立されていることを確認するために、クライアントと協力します。 コンバージョンデータを分析し、キャンペーンのパフォーマンスを向上させるための実行可能な洞察と推奨事項を提供します。 最新のトレンドとGoogle広告、Googleタグマネージャー、およびGoogleアナリティクスのアップデートを常に把握し、ベストプラクティスを確保します。 資格: Google広告のコンバージョントラッキング、Goo...

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr 平均入札額
    7 入札

    Google マップの仕組みを増加させたいです。現在4名のお客様のGoogle マップを対応しています。日本で対応可能な方いましたらご連絡ください。

    $72 Average bid
    $72 平均入札額
    17 入札

    ...帳戶,包括內容創建、發佈和與關注者的互動 - 實施有效的策略以提高品牌知名度並吸引更多關注者 - 監控和分析關鍵指標以衡量行銷活動的成功 - 與我合作開發和執行創意和引人入勝的營銷活動 技能和經驗: - 在管理Instagram帳戶和取得可衡量的結果 - 深入瞭解 Instagram 的演算法、最佳實踐和最新趨勢 - 對社交媒體行銷原則和策略有深刻的理解 - 精通內容創作和平面設計 - 出色的溝通和協作技巧 - 跟蹤和分析關鍵績效指標的分析思維 預算: - 我這個專案的預算在 500 美元到 1000 美元之間。如果你有技能和經驗來支援我的Instagram行銷工作,我很想聽聽你的意見。請提供您以前工作的範例,並讓我知道您如何説明我實現我的社交媒體營銷目標。 所需技能 網路行銷 社交網路 臉書行銷 社交媒體行銷 -- Project Description: Social Media and Google Marketing Support I am looking for a skilled freelancer who can provide support for my Instagram marketing efforts. Must speak Chinese and English fluently. Platforms: - Instagram Responsibilities: - Management of my Instagram account, including content creation, posting, and engagement with followers - Implementing effective strategies to increase brand visibility and ...

    $1500 - $3000
    $1500 - $3000
    49 入札

    Olá, Estamos recrutando redatores para entrar no nosso time! Você irá compor artigos de curadoria para um site sobre sonhos, espiritualidade, e esoterismo. Tudo já foi definido pela gente, e a estrutura dos artigos já está até montada: você só precisa escrever! Além disso, é você que escolhe quanto quer escrever! Confira os requisitos e os detalhes: Você é: ・Uma pessoa disponível para contato frequente; ・Responsável com prazos; ・Possui facilidade com o pacote Office (Excel, Word); ・Um redator que domina a língua portuguesa; E contribuirá em um projeto que: ・Publica artigos de 1000 a 4000 palavras; ・Paga aproximadamente R$20 a cada 1000 palavras (valor definid...

    $345 Average bid
    $345 平均入札額
    10 入札
    Dating site
    終了 left

    昨今の時代背景から垣間見える課題点を踏まえ 将来的に必要不可欠となるオンライン化へ切り替える サービス提供は結婚を目的とした出会いを求めている人向けに 新規オンラインシステムのサービスとしての各種必要になる システム機能や構成デザイン等をお願いしたい。 【発注の詳細】 ・Web&スマホ対応。(全国エリア対応) ※ご不明な点等、ご提案いただきました後に、ご説明いたします。 ・開発:各種システム機能の開発 ・開発種別:WEB系 ・システム内容:●参考サイトと同等レベルを希望。 ・必須機能:参考サイトと同じレベルの機能とデザインを希望。 ・類似サイト: ・利用ユーザー(ターゲット): 社外向け(BtoC) ・想定規模:数百人~数万人程度でもOK ・対応デバイス: モバイル デバイス、PC  ・指定のサーバー:超格安でも内容が充実しているサーバーを希望 ・画面遷移図/仕様書/設計書: 無 ・予算内訳: 初期開発 / 保守費用 / マーケティングROI費用 ・金額の根拠: 参考情報あり(他社見積り等) ・決裁権: あり ・重視するポイント: 費用 【商談情報】 ・打ち合わせ方法:メール希望 【予算】 ・予算希望金額 イニシャルコスト:サイト参考見積額にて検討 (システム機能開発、設計、デザイン、保守、マーケティングROI、等含む) ・補足 (参考サイト全体の内容規模と構成と見積額の内訳書により検討)   【見積もり時期】なるべく早く。 【納期】可能であれば年内。 【その他詳細】 WEB開発(スマホ対応)・システム開発、設計、デザイン、各種機能等、 記載内容にてご対応できる企業様・個人様を希望。 ※(一部、外注でも可能) ※(男女問いません) お手数をお掛け致しますが、 お見積りのご提案を頂けますと幸いで御座います。 ※お見積りの詳細項目内容ですが、一式表...

    $3871 Average bid
    $3871 平均入札額
    12 入札

    找在地台灣人做外匯在 google上的sem 及設定GA 需有相關經驗 有基本關鍵 詞提供

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr 平均入札額
    6 入札

    SDL is Product and Service Public Company. Over the past 25 years we’ve delivered transformative business results by enabling powerfullynuanced digital experiences with customers around the world. We are looking for passionate, collaborative and creative people to join our team. We are spreadacross 55 offices in 38 countries yet we still manage to keep a small company feel. About Us - SDLアメリアは、ソフトウェアテスティングサービスのリーディングカンパニーです。 ただいま、ソフトウェアのQAテスターを急募しています。様々なデバイスを使って、ソフトウェアのQAテストを担当していただきます。都内のグローバルIT企業のオフィスでのお仕事です。 雇用形態:契約社員(契約延長の可能性あり) 勤務地:東京 モバイルデバイスのテスト経験がある方、幅広い種類のデバイス、アプリ、メディアに対応できる方からのご応募をお待ちしています。 <求める経験、スキル> • モバイルデバイス、クラウド、ウェブ、テレビ/ビデオ等のテスト経験、または開発経験がある方(2年以上) • iOS、Android、Mac OSの使用経験がある方 • 分析力、トラブルシューティングのスキルをお持ちの方、細部に注意を払える方、新しいことを学びすばやく吸収でき...

    $52 / hr Average bid
    $52 / hr 平均入札額
    31 入札

    I need a person who can take up calls for me. I'm a psychologist and have a private practice. I want a Japanese/English speaking assistant who can answer prospective clients' questions, take up their info, and set up an initial appointment. 日本語と英語をしゃべれるバーチュアルアシスタントを探しています。電話・メールでのアポイントメントのセットアップ、基本的な質問に答える、コーラーの情報を得る、などのシンプルなタスクを正確に、優しい声でしてくれる人を探しています。

    $115 Average bid
    $115 平均入札額
    3 入札

    ...e-commerce website based on Magento. We need a professional Magento team for building, design and maintenance. It will be great if you have experiences in what we need as following: 1. Magento Website setup & plan 2. Payment Model Install (PayPal, Credit Card...etc) 3. Front-End Template Design 4. Login Model (Facebook, Google...etc) 5. Language: Traditional Chinese 6. Maintenance Notice: 1. Please provide your related works. 2. Please provide your team information. 3. Please provide your detail quotation. Contact us Skype : jpyco168 Line : -------------------------------- 中文說明 -------------------------------- 本公司是食品、百貨批發、代購的公司,需要架設Magento購物網站。我們需要專業團隊協助開發以下需求: 1. Magento 架設規劃 2. 金流模組安裝 (信用卡 銀行匯款 第三方支付) 3. 前台範本設計 (套用模板 or 開發...

    $2380 Average bid
    $2380 平均入札額
    22 入札

    Google Play Developer API ???????????????????????????????????????????? (1) ?????? A. Google Play Developer API ?????????????????? ??????????????????Google play Store????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????????(????????https/ajax??) ? ??????????????????? B. A??????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? C. ??????????????? Google Play Store???????????????APK??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????????APK/???????????? ? ????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????? (2) ?????????????? ???????A/B/C???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????(1)????????????????????? ? ???????????...

    $170 - $1018
    $170 - $1018
    0 入札

    Google Play Developer API ???????????????????????????????????????????? (1) ?????? A. Google Play Developer API ?????????????????? ??????????????????Google play Store????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????????(????????https/ajax??) ? ??????????????????? B. A??????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? C. ??????????????? Google Play Store???????????????APK??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????????APK/???????????? ? ????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????? (2) ?????????????? ???????A/B/C???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????(1)????????????????????? ? ???????????...

    $170 - $1018
    $170 - $1018
    0 入札


    $315 Average bid
    $315 平均入札額
    1 入札

    この度はお世話になります。 東京都中央区で開業しております歯科クリニックでございます。 延期、延期になり、皆様へは大変ご迷惑をお掛けいたしましたが、この度、外国人への認知の向上、来院者数の増加を狙い、デンタルクリニックのWeb siteの英語簡略版のWebsite制作をすることになりました。 詳細は以下の通りですのでご覧ください。 尚、ご提案頂ける様でしたら、その際に、過去の実績を何点か 拝見させて頂けましたら非常に幸いでございます。 以上、ご協力いただけます様、宜しくお願い申し上げます。 記 1、 某デンタルクリニックのWeb siteの英語簡略版のWebsite制作 現サイト   ・Site構成:①TOP、Why Japanなのか? ②医院紹介 ③歯医者紹介 ③治療紹介 ④クリニック内紹介 ⑤アクセス ⑥問い合わせ等 + 予約画面へのリンク ・英語のテキストは全てこちらから提供 ・骨格はこちらから指定しますので、デザインを主にしてくれる方を希望 2、上記クリニックの多言語版ランディングページ ・Site構成:1ページ。内容は上記のサマリー見たいなもの。1ページを4,5個のセクションに分ける。 ・トップに「お知らせ」や強調ポイントを何枚かのスライド風に流したい。 正直な話、プロジェクトとしての数字が未定であり、レスポンスの反応を見る為に作成致します。よって、少額の予算しかつきませんので、何卒、ご理解いただいたうえで、ご連絡頂けましたら、大変助かります。 希望予算を明治の上、ご連絡願います。 皆様、お忙しい中恐れ入りますが、宜しくお願い致します。

    $876 Average bid
    $876 平均入札額
    2 入札

    === project summary === Emails from Google Alert are registered on a table of MySQL everyday. We need PHP script that read these emails via cron, and auto post as wordpress article. On front-page, the website should have 30 new articles. And other article's link are needed on pages that have 30 links. We also need sitemap of all articles for visitors and google (xml). For design, wordpress default template is OK. But we need responsive design, we'll check under 320px, 640px and PC's resolution of width. === required pages === Front page New articles from 31 to 60 New articles from 61 to 90 (From 91, follow these URL) Article's detail Sitemap

    $357 Average bid
    $357 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I need a skilled WordPress developer with extensive experience in Elementor to help me convert my Adobe XD design files into a fully functional Business/Corporate website. The task needs to be completed as soon as possible. Key requirements: - Proficiency in Adobe XD, Elementor and WordPress - Experience in developing Business/Corporate websites - Ability to work under tight deadlines

    $44 Average bid
    $44 平均入札額
    14 入札

    I'm encountering error messages during the installation of my Linux. The errors appear when I try to install packages. I would appreciate your assistance in resolving these issues so I can complete the installation.

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr 平均入札額
    23 入札

    I have a Google Cloud Function that works as expected. However, when I trigger it from Cloud Scheduler, I receive a permission error. I need someone who can join via AnyDesk and fix it immediately. Thank you.

    $26 Average bid
    $26 平均入札額
    3 入札

    I need a skilled WordPress developer to create a one-page, multilingual website based on a provided Figma design. This site will primarily cater to job applications and must seamlessly connect to Bitrix24 for form submissions. The site will be in English and Russian, and will include: - Text and Images: All content will be provided, but knowledge of Figma is a plus for interpreting the design. - Interactive Forms: The primary form will be a job application form linked to Bitrix24. Ideal candidates should have: - Proficient experience with WordPress. - Familiarity with Figma. - Previous work linking forms to Bitrix24. - Ability to set up a multilingual site. - Good understanding of creating interactive forms. Please note, the site should be vis...

    $457 Average bid
    $457 平均入札額
    122 入札

    I have a 15-page, text-only document that needs typing. The original document is in a scanned PDF format. It's preferred that the typed document mirrors the original in terms of text formatting. I need it in Word format so I can edit

    $310 Average bid
    緊急 NDA
    $310 平均入札額
    31 入札 experienced web developer and digital marketer to finish my WordPress site, correct its issues, adjust the design, and set up Google Ads for traffic generation. Key Tasks: Logo- design - for existing website - Fix Design/Layout Problems: These include adjusting colors and fonts to fit the brand aesthetic. - Resolve Broken Links or Pages: Identify and rectify any dead links or inaccessible pages. - Address Plugin or Functionality Issues: Troubleshoot and fix any problems with site plugins or core functionality. - Design Adjustments: Update images and banners, and incorporate the logo into the site. - Google Ads Setup: Create and manage a Google Ads campaign to drive traffic to the site. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in WordPress...

    $637 Average bid
    $637 平均入札額
    150 入札

    ...Players - Invite Only) Configure admin and user permissions for different tiers. Set up onboarding automation for new members. 2. Bot Integration & Automation Install and configure bots to automate verification, moderation, and competitions: @RoseBot – Moderation & anti-spam. @Combot – Leaderboards & activity tracking. @Shieldy_bot – Prevent bot/spam entries. @Vortex_bot – Auto-promote members based on performance. @GiveawayBot – Automate competitions and prize distributions. Set up a Zapier integration (or alternative) to connect Google Forms to Telegram for verification submissions. 3. Verification System Development Create a Google Forms / Typeform submission system where chatters must submit: Telegram username Screenshot...

    $350 Average bid
    $350 平均入札額
    2 入札
    Google search & SEO Enhancement
    6 日 left

    I need an expert to help improve my website's ranking on Google. The project will encompass all facets of SEO - on-page, off-page, and technical. Key Requirements: - Proven experience with SEO, particularly with improving Google rankings - Expertise in on-page, off-page and technical SEO - Ability to generate measurable improvements in search engine ranking - Strong knowledge of SEO tools and software - Excellent communication skills to explain strategies and progress

    $67 Average bid
    $67 平均入札額
    60 入札

    I'm looking for a profession...assist with the setup and customization of a Team Site. The primary focus will be creating an efficient, user-friendly platform tailored to my team's needs. Key Requirements: - Site Setup: Implement a new Team Site on SharePoint. - Customization: Tailor the site to meet specific team requirements, ensuring optimal usability and functionality. - Task List: Incorporate and configure a Task List to track team progress and manage tasks. The ideal candidate will have: - Proven experience in SharePoint site setup and customization, particularly Team Sites. - Strong understanding of SharePoint features, with ability to effectively implement and customize a Task List. - Excellent communication skills, with a capacity to...

    $12 Average bid
    $12 平均入札額
    6 入札

    I'm in need of a professional to attend to my construction site, inspecting the quality of the ongoing work and ensuring compliance with building codes. The project will culminate in the delivery of a comprehensive summary report post-inspection. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge of building regulations - Quality control expertise - Construction site experience Please provide evidence of relevant experience in your bid.

    $2077 Average bid
    $2077 平均入札額
    89 入札
    AWS Setup on Site-to-Site VPN ASAP
    6 日 left

    I'm looking for a skilled professional to set up my AWS on a Site-to-Site VPN connection. The primary purpose of this setup is to enable secure and reliable access to my EC2 instances. Key Requirements: - Expertise in AWS and Site-to-Site VPN configuration. - Ability to ensure secure data transfer and remote access to AWS resources. - Experience in accessing EC2 instances through a VPN. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr 平均入札額
    28 入札
    landing page
    6 日 left

    ini adalah landing page profile saya

    $392 Average bid
    $392 平均入札額
    19 入札

    I'm looking for an experienced developer or team to create a comprehensive interactive legal service app, available on both iOS and Android, as well as a corresponding website. Key Features: - Primary function: Legal advice chat - Document upload for review - Appointment scheduling - Live video consultations - Membership for a fee - Pay by live call Ideal skills and experience include: - Cross-platform app development (iOS and Android) - Website development - Experience with interactive features and live streaming - Knowledge of integrating secure document upload capabilities - Understanding of scheduling systems and membership paywalls This project requires a developer who can create a seamless, user-friendly interface across all platforms, with a strong focus...

    $1379 Average bid
    $1379 平均入札額
    89 入札

    Requirements: Experience running ads for Telegram channels (especially in trading, forex, crypto, or stock market niche). Ability to set up and optimize Telegram Ads, Meta Ads (Facebook & Instagram), or Google Ads to drive targeted traffic. Proven track record of growing Telegram communities using paid advertising. Knowledge of audience targeting (traders, investors, forex enthusiasts, etc.). Ability to track conversions and optimize campaigns for maximum ROI. ? If you have successfully worked on a similar project, please apply with details of past results.

    $164 Average bid
    $164 平均入札額
    12 入札

    I'm seeking a talented Bootstrap frontend designer to help me create a sleek, professional design for a new business website. Your expertise in Bootstrap will be crucial in ensuring the site is responsive, user-friendly, and visually appealing. Key aspects will include: - Crafting a dynamic Home page - Designing an engaging About Us page - Creating an intuitive Contact Us page Experience with Bootstrap is essential, and a portfolio of past business website designs will be highly advantageous. Please submit your bid with relevant examples of your work.

    $35 Average bid
    $35 平均入札額
    23 入札

    I'm looking for an experienced web developer to design an HTML landing page for my Angular application. Key Requirements: - The primary focus of the page is to showcase product information. - The landing page should include an image slider, a testimonials section, and a feature list. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in HTML and Angular - Experience designing landing pages - Understanding of responsive design principles Please include examples of previous landing pages you've designed in your bid.

    $78 Average bid
    $78 平均入札額
    25 入札

    ...developer who can replicate my 5-page GoDaddy website in WordPress. The new site should include one download button and one PayPal button, just like the original. While I want to keep the design largely the same, I am open to minor modifications to ensure better compatibility with WordPress. I'm also open to suggestions for improvements or new features that could enhance the user experience or the site's functionality. If you have a good eye for design and a knack for WordPress, I'd love to hear your ideas. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in WordPress - Experience in website replication - Familiarity with PayPal integration - Ability to create download buttons - Good understanding of web design principles - Ability to suggest...

    $178 Average bid
    $178 平均入札額
    158 入札

    HI thank you so much Accept this quote and that's it Thank you

    $18 Average bid
    $18 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I am looking for a solution to manage messages from multiple Facebook pages in a single, centralized inbox.

    $24 Average bid
    $24 平均入札額
    25 入札

    ...need an experienced WordPress developer to help finish up my site. The site is set up with a VPS and has a theme installed. I require design/layout modifications primarily on the homepage. Key Responsibilities: - Redesign the homepage with new elements such as a Hero banner, Call-to-action buttons, and Featured sections. - Implement any necessary design/layout changes to the rest of the site. - Ensure the site is fully functional and ready for launch. - Ensure that the redesigned homepage and entire site are fully responsive on all mobile devices. - Optimize the homepage and the entire site for SEO, including setting up meta tags and keywords. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WordPress with a strong portfolio of site modifi...

    $93 Average bid
    $93 平均入札額
    83 入札

    I'm in need of a Google Sheets Expert to create a user-friendly Employee Attendance Tracker for me. This system will track punch-in/punch-out times for a small team of 1-10 employees. Key Features: - A Google Sheet where employees can log their daily work hours. - Automatic calculations of total hours worked per day. - A summary section that updates daily to track monthly totals for each employee. - User-friendly design to facilitate ease of use. - Protection mechanisms to prevent accidental changes. - Basic error checks to prevent incorrect data entry (e.g., preventing a punch-out before a punch-in). Deliverables: - A fully functional Google Sheet template. - Clear, written instructions on how to use the sheet. - (Optional) A 30-minute walkthrough session to ex...

    $121 Average bid
    $121 平均入札額
    29 入札

    I'm in need of a skilled WordPress developer for comprehensive customization of a single product page on my website. Key Requirements: - Layout changes - Functionality additions - Styling adjustments I have example websites that serve as references for the desired design and style. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in WordPress, eCommerce development, and web design, with ability to translate these examples into a unique product page for my site. Past experience with product page customization is a plus. Please only apply if you can provide a portfolio showcasing similar work. The project needs to be completed by 2 days.

    $18 Average bid
    $18 平均入札額
    31 入札

    can you help me with an existing website i have, i need to do some changes, how much would this cost me and when can you deliver it i need it urgently for more context visit It is wordpress. 1) Undraft not working, ad should be shown again and the word draft should disappear. 2)Scroll is not working for promotion products on phone design. 3) Still cannot create and account via add your bike. Credentials should be send via email. We should also disable the register option as it is not practical. User register through ad bike and then they get credentials. 3) Decimals ruin the ad cover design for IDR, Malaysia and Japan, no decimals for them. 4) Two banners shown when dashboard is updating and when you upload an ad should change. When dashboard is being updated no ...

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr 平均入札額
    116 入札

    I'm seeking an expert in Python and VAPI to create an automation that books meetings on my Calendar during the Vapi AI cold call via Bonus but not necessary It can also integrate with Notifyre for notifications. The automation should also send text messages and make calls to the attendie using Vapi 10 minutes before each schedudle appointment to confirm the person is attending. The ideal freelancer should: - Be proficient in Python, with experience in VAPI - Have a solid understanding of integrations with and Notifyre - Be capable of creating an automation that performs the following actions: - Booking meetings - Sending text messages - Making confirmation calls A YouTube video will be attached for reference. Please note that while the primary programming

    $144 Average bid
    $144 平均入札額
    25 入札

    Need help with a one page sell sheet to sell a new product to companies. PDF format Professional graphic design. I can provide a basic structure and some images. The Freelancer should be able to provide format and graphic suggestions. Please provide samples of your prior work. NDA & IP Agreement Required Specifics of job will be provided after selected for project

    $97 Average bid
    $97 平均入札額
    16 入札

    I need assistance to install my WordPress theme so that it looks exactly like the live demo. Key Requirements: - Use provided demo content files: I'm unsure if I have them, so you may need to check with the theme developer. - No customizations: I just want the demo content installed, no changes needed. - Access to hosting: I have the login details for my WordPress hosting account. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in WordPress theme installation - Ability to troubleshoot and locate demo content files if necessary - Strong attention to detail to ensure the installation replicates the live demo.

    $27 Average bid
    $27 平均入札額
    69 入札

    want to build a automated setup that on google app script fetch data / download csv file from website and save to google directly to google drive folder

    $20 Average bid
    $20 平均入札額
    15 入札

    I'm looking for an expert who can integrate the Google Address Autocomplete feature into a search feature of my Oracle Visual Builder application. Google Maps API will be provided to the successful freelancer Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Oracle Visual Builder - Experienced in integrating Google APIs - Familiarity with address-based location systems - Understanding of internal employee-focused applications - Ability to enhance user interface for efficiency

    $24 Average bid
    $24 平均入札額
    5 入札
    Claude MCP for Windows 11
    6 日 left

    I need a professional to install MCP tolls into Claude on my Windows 11 laptop. Claude should have full access to all my files and the internet. Requirements: - Configure Claude to process all my documents and spreadsheets stored locally and on OneDrive. - Ensure Claude can access the internet and online civil litigation databases. - Facilitate Claude's ability to process all my data without size limitations. This project does not necessitate any specific security measures. Therefore, I do not require encryption of data or user authentication protocols. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Windows 11 - Experience with Claude and MCP tolls - Knowledge in configuring AI for data processing - Familiarity with civil litigation databases would be a plus. The project should be comple...

    $23 Average bid
    $23 平均入札額
    3 入札

    I'm owners. Your primary objective will be to schedule appointments, with the overarching goal of generating leads for our team. Key Responsibilities: - Making a minimum of 100 calls a day in the Eastern Standard Time (EST) - Managing and overcoming objections with potential clients - Scheduling appointments based on successful interactions Payment Structure: - Initial payment of $50 per appointment scheduled - Transitioning to hourly payment after 5-10 appointments Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in cold calling, particularly within the marketing industry - Excellent English communication skills - Strong objection handling and negotiation skills - Familiarity with working with B2B and targeting business owners - Ability to work in EST and meet dai...

    $279 Average bid
    $279 平均入札額
    7 入札

    I need an expert in SEO and Google Merchant troubleshooting to optimize my ecommerce website's visibility and fix product-related issues. Key Tasks: - Keyword Optimization on Product Descriptions and Category Pages - Backlink Building - Troubleshooting Google Merchant issues, primarily Missing Attributes Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in Ecommerce SEO - Expertise in Keyword Optimization and Backlink Building - Experience in troubleshooting Google Merchant issues - Excellent understanding of Product Descriptions and Category Pages SEO - Strong communication skills for regular updates and strategy discussions.

    $62 Average bid
    $62 平均入札額
    38 入札

    i run a small campground… about 80customers. I have created an account includes all services selected by the customer (at the top). The bottom portion is a running account of costs incurred over the season. I share links to each worksheet to the respective customer. Would like to find an easy and quick way to merge this with a database of all customers info so that the top selections of the account sheet can get pre-filled. And sheets created for each customer.

    $24 / hr Average bid
    $24 / hr 平均入札額
    57 入札

    I'm looking for a seasoned developer to create a comprehensive e-commerce website employing React.js for the frontend and Django for the backend. The site will primarily cater to the clothing sector. Key features: - Email and password based user authentication - Efficient product management system - Seamless cart functionality - Payment integration (specific gateways to be discussed) Ideal skills include: - Proficiency in React.js and Django - Experience in developing e-commerce platforms - Strong understanding of user authentication and product management systems Please provide your portfolio showcasing relevant projects and an estimated timeline for completion.

    $196 Average bid
    $196 平均入札額
    29 入札

    I have a VPS with OVH, running Ubuntu or maybe apache. I need a tech expert who can install SSL on my domain and reading their server tech files I htink they suggest using Certbot, Key Tasks: - Install SSL on my domain . - Configure the server to use the certificate and set up HTTPS redirection. - Help with monitoring server performance. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with ubantu and apache - Proficiency in SSL installation and Certbot. - Skills in server performance monitoring. - Familiarity with Ubuntu operating system.

    $39 Average bid
    $39 平均入札額
    4 入札 Lo que necesito: ✅ Servidor: No tengo servidor actualmente, necesito asesoría para comprar el adecuado e instalar el script en él. ✅ Cuentas de Desarrollador: No tengo cuenta en Google Play ni App Store, hay que crearlas desde cero y configurarlas. ✅ Instalación del Script: Configurar el backend, frontend y aplicaciones móviles para que funcionen correctamente en Costa Rica. ✅ Publicación de Apps: Subir las aplicaciones a Google Play y App Store sin errores, asegurándose de que sean aprobadas. ✅ Pruebas y Soporte Inicial: Confirmar que todo funcione correctamente antes de finalizar el trabajo. Datos que ya tengo: ✔️ Ya tengo comprad...

    $169 Average bid
    $169 平均入札額
    6 入札