Indonesian translator needed仕事
Native Japanese Only!とにかく大学とバイトが忙しすぎてオンライン授業のノートの文字起こしの時間すらありません。講義はバイトの移動時間、食事の合間に聞いていますが、テスト前にばっとレビューできるように先生の話を一言一句書いたノートがあれば尚良いなと思って、今までは自分で作っていましたが、時間がかなりなくなってきたので、週1ベースか月2-3回で文字起こしだけしてくれる人を雇いたいと思っています。 特に期限はありませんが、(復習が溜まってしまうので)毎週お願いする場合は、次の授業までぐらいに仕上げてくれればうれしいです。 内容は、法制史ですが、先生はかなり話し言葉なのとレジュメに添って話してくれているので楽だと思います。音声ファイルはギガファイル便あたりのリンクで送るか、ここのチャットボックスで送ります。 内容は、秘密厳守でお願いします。
英日翻訳をしてくたさる方を探しています。 文字数は661文字。 分野は"宝石・ジュエリー"です。 高い品質を提供していただけた場合には、その後1400文字のプロジェクトをお任せいたします。 ご入札の際は、日本語にて希望単価、納期、宝石やジュエリー関係の翻訳経験の有無をお知らせください。 よろしくお願いします。
I represent a company in Mexico that manufactures Latex Balloons and I'm in Japan to visit clients in Tokyo and Osaka to discuss about buying plans for 2020. I will need translation support on Wednesday 20th of November from 12:00 pm in the noon till 4:00 pm in Tokyo and then I will need translation support on Friday 22th in Osaka (Full day translation service). I will appreciate someone who have experience in business meetings.
Hello, こんにちは。 こんにちは、ウィリアムと言います。初めまして 最近は電動一輪車をオンラインで販売するためのSHOPIFYウエブサイトを作ってもらって日本語に翻訳してSEOもやってもらいたいのだからMahanacorpに連絡を取ろうと思いました。 必要なのは: ーウエブサイトは今の状態で英語で書いてあるのでまずはその英語から日本語の翻訳がしてほしい。翻訳はただの直接翻訳ではなくて、日本文化を含めて正しいキャッチフレーズを考えてほしい。 ーそうしたら日本グーグルとヤフージャパンでいいランクになるように正しいキーワードとかインプルーブSEOもやってほしいのです。 ウエブサイトは: ウエブサイトをアックスするのパスワードは:miraigaijin 製品は電動一輪車です。Miraiwheelのフェースブックとインスタグラムも確認したらブランドのイメージもわかりやすくなるかもしれないです。 フェースブック: インスタグラム:
約6,000単語の日本語文章を日英語に翻訳していただきたいです。 Want to translate Japanese to English. about 6,000 letters. ▽仕事の目的・概要(purpose・Overview) 【ビジネス内容を紹介する書類】 【Business Contract notice】 ■業務詳細 / Description ・文字数:約6,000 words(英語) ・ビジネス文書と理解できる翻訳 ・応募者の中で、適任者と思われる人には、事前に翻訳内容の一部をお見せします ・Amount: About 6,000 words ・Business translation and familiar expressions. ・Before hiring we will send parts of the target translation content to those freelancers who are considered to be the best candidates. ■採用条件 / Hiring Conditions ・英語、日本語がネイティブであること ・ワークシフトでのプロフィールや評価がしっかりしていること ・日本語、若しくは英語でのコミュニケーションがこまめに取れる方 ・採用時に本人確認書類を入れていただく可能性があります- Profile (language skills) ・Native English and Japanese speaker ・Substantial and completed Workshift profile ・Applicant who can be in touch frequently in Japanese or English. ・Personal ...
約6,000単語の日本語文章を日英語に翻訳していただきたいです。 Want to translate Japanese to English. about 6,000 letters. ▽仕事の目的・概要(purpose・Overview) 【ビジネス内容を紹介する書類】 【Business Contract notice】 ■業務詳細 / Description ・文字数:約6,000 words(英語) ・ビジネス文書と理解できる翻訳 ・応募者の中で、適任者と思われる人には、事前に翻訳内容の一部をお見せします ・Amount: About 6,000 words ・Business translation and familiar expressions. ・Before hiring we will send parts of the target translation content to those freelancers who are considered to be the best candidates. ■採用条件 / Hiring Conditions ・英語、日本語がネイティブであること ・ワークシフトでのプロフィールや評価がしっかりしていること ・日本語、若しくは英語でのコミュニケーションがこまめに取れる方 ・採用時に本人確認書類を入れていただく可能性があります- Profile (language skills) ・Native English and Japanese speaker ・Substantial and completed Workshift profile ・Applicant who can be in touch frequently in Japanese or English. ・Personal ...
約6,000単語の日本語文章を日英語に翻訳していただきたいです。 Want to translate Japanese to English. about 6,000 letters. ▽仕事の目的・概要(purpose・Overview) 【ビジネス内容を紹介する書類】 【Business Contract notice】 ■業務詳細 / Description ・文字数:約6,000 words(英語) ・ビジネス文書と理解できる翻訳 ・応募者の中で、適任者と思われる人には、事前に翻訳内容の一部をお見せします ・Amount: About 6,000 words ・Business translation and familiar expressions. ・Before hiring we will send parts of the target translation content to those freelancers who are considered to be the best candidates. ■採用条件 / Hiring Conditions ・英語、日本語がネイティブであること ・ワークシフトでのプロフィールや評価がしっかりしていること ・日本語、若しくは英語でのコミュニケーションがこまめに取れる方 ・採用時に本人確認書類を入れていただく可能性があります- Profile (language skills) ・Native English and Japanese speaker ・Substantial and completed Workshift profile ・Applicant who can be in touch frequently in Japanese or English. ・Personal ...
約6,000単語の日本語文章を日英語に翻訳していただきたいです。 Want to translate Japanese to English. about 6,000 letters. ▽仕事の目的・概要(purpose・Overview) 【ビジネス内容を紹介する書類】 【Business Contract notice】 ■業務詳細 / Description ・文字数:約6,000 words(英語) ・ビジネス文書と理解できる翻訳 ・応募者の中で、適任者と思われる人には、事前に翻訳内容の一部をお見せします ・Amount: About 6,000 words ・Business translation and familiar expressions. ・Before hiring we will send parts of the target translation content to those freelancers who are considered to be the best candidates. ■採用条件 / Hiring Conditions ・英語、日本語がネイティブであること ・ワークシフトでのプロフィールや評価がしっかりしていること ・日本語、若しくは英語でのコミュニケーションがこまめに取れる方 ・採用時に本人確認書類を入れていただく可能性があります- Profile (language skills) ・Native English and Japanese speaker ・Substantial and completed Workshift profile ・Applicant who can be in touch frequently in Japanese or English. ・Personal ...
英語から日本語への非常に簡単な宣誓書(150語)を翻訳したいと思います。 すべての応募者は日本語のネイティブスピーカーでなければならず、強力な英語力が必要です。 いかなる代理人またはチームも、例外なく! 予算:$ 5.00 USD(そしてすばらしいレビュー!)、ターンアラウンド:即刻
8600 symbols. 7,5 pages. Text translated by foreign translator agency to Japanese. Need to check it and edit to Natural Japanese language (by native speaker). Mark all edited paces so we could see. Only Editor with native japanese is accepted. 文字数は8600字 ページ数は7,5ページ 外国人が通訳したテキスト(自動ソフトではありません) 自然な日本語に直してほしいです。不自然なところやわかりずらい所の訂正をお願いします。 訂正したすべてのところに色付けてください。 日本語のネーティブスピーカーのみに依頼しますので、ご注意ください。
Hi, we are a Spoken Japanese Teaching Institute and require native Japanese speaking female voice artist/singer, who can sing rhymes in Japanese in a vibrant voice. Open to bidding for child singers who can sing close to good pitch and bit, not so much professional welcome too.. Thank you. 日本語で歌を歌って頂ける方を探しております。 弊社はオーストラリアにて日本語を子供達に教える仕事をしております。音楽の力で子供達に日本語を教えるプログラムを実施しており、今回オリジナルの曲を自主作成することになりました。そこで、歌が上手な方、特に元気な声、明るい声、聞き取りやすい声の方を探しております。子供の方でも歌が上手に歌えれば大丈夫です。ご連絡をお待ちしております。 I need a person, who can at least communicate with me understandably... I will provide you reference track and backing track soon. This will only be for a selection process, if we like your voice, there is future work, so bid accordingly..
Were currently looking to have a personal letter translated from English to Traditional Chinese. It is important that the translator has the key ability to translate the personal letter to an extent where the Chinese reader and understand the message clearly and that everything coherent.
Hello, We are a Japanese owned Los Angeles Based Apparel Online store company. We are looking for someone who can update the website everyday. -No Need to Be able to read HTML -Each task is about 5 to 10 minutes. -You have to be able to READ Japanese but not able to Write or Speak -If you dont Read Japanese but high IT Literacy so that by our tellling you which part corresponds to which part, then you can do the job. JOB This is the job to update the items that comes to the toppage of our 2 online stores. the management system is already set up so yo do not need to use HTMLat all. You just select the item code from our website and set into the system everyday. SKILLS REQUIRED Ability to arrange items in a meaningful, atttractive manner. Lets say if its getting clo...
Need a Japanese translator to communicate with the people from Japan!!!!! というオファーに入札されていますが、犯罪あるいはトラブルに巻き込まれる可能性があります。私は、日本在住のネイティブフリーランサーです。石井正弘と申します。私も以前入札しておりましたが、念のため警察、弁護士に確認してみたところ、絶対にとはいえませんが、マネーロンダリング、脱税、悪質な言いがかりをかけられて虚偽の弁済を求められる等の問題が発生する可能性があります。私は、この事を”alexfomko Ukraine”にそのまま伝えて、てをひきました . ご判断は、もちろん貴女様の自由ですが、同じアジアの人間として一言十分注意されるよう進言いたします。お忙しいところ、ご無礼いたしました。
Indonesian English Recording Project We have a project, that needs Indonesian speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 363 Short English sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $5 dollar for 363 sentences sentences record. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks :
I'm seeking an experienced developer to create a robust Shopify dropshipping plugin. This plugin should include: - Automated order fulfillment - Supplier inventory syncing - Price markup adjustment Additionally, the plugin must be capable of supporting multiple suppliers and include product search and import functionalities. The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of Shopify's API and dropshipping processes, with a proven track record of developing similar plugins. Please include examples of your past work with Shopify plugins in your proposal.
Expert Freelancer Needed for Setup and Customization of and Description: I am looking for an experienced and skilled freelancer specializing in CRM platforms, specifically and (Go High Level). The primary focus will be on setting up, customizing, and integrating these platforms to meet our company’s unique requirements. (Not Go High Level) (Go High Level) Responsibilities: •Build out and customize to align with our business needs (majority of the work will be on this platform). •Integrate (Go High Level) with to ensure seamless data transfer. •Extract client data from and import it into •Create automations and workflows
Please send your previous Work links with your cover letter. I'm looking for some proficient developers with expertise in Laravel, , and mobile development. The specific requirements are not yet defined, but I am open to creating a new application, enhancing an existing one, or fixing issues or bugs. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in Laravel and - Extensive experience in both native and cross-platform mobile app development. - Proficiency in mobile game development is a plus. - Excellent problem-solving skills for bug fixing tasks. - Ability to contribute to the brainstorming and creation of new applications. Please note that the specific tasks will be confirmed in due course, but I am eager to collaborate with a versatile and skilled developer.
I'm seeking an SEO specialist who can help improve my website's search engine ranking, specifically on Google. I've done a little SEO work on the site myself, but it's clear that professional assistance is needed to take it to the next level. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge of SEO strategies and techniques - Proven experience in improving website's Google ranking - Ability to conduct comprehensive SEO audit - Proficient in using SEO tools and software Experience: - Previous work with websites in similar industry preferred - Track record of successful SEO projects - Familiarity with Google's SEO guidelines and algorithms
We are seeking a versatile and experienced Digital Marketing Expert to manage our overall digital strategy, with a key focus on lead generation and video ad campaigns. The ideal candidate should have a strong grasp of social media marketing, video advertising, and end-to-end digital marketing strategies to grow our brand's online presence and drive measurable results. Key Responsibilities: Develop and implement a comprehensive digital marketing strategy to achieve lead generation goals. Plan and execute video ad campaigns tailored for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Manage social media platforms, including content creation and scheduling to maintain engagement and visibility. Optimize ad performance through A/B testing, audience targeting, and analytics. Use SEO, SE...
I need a seasoned React Native developer to fix an RTL issue in my app. The issue is that when switching from English to Arabic, both the text and layout directions are not changing as they should. Key Requirements: - Expertise in React Native - Strong understanding of RTL (Right-to-Left) layouts - Previous experience troubleshooting similar issues - Ability to work with both iOS and Android platforms The app's source code can be found here: Please check the code first and test your solution, if you can solve it.
I'm looking for a PHOTOGRAPHER or an influencer/model photoshoot for my jewellery brand. The style of shoot will be low key glam as we want to capture a high-end aesthetic that will compliment my jewellery and brand. The jewellery featured in this shoot will primarily be earrings, so the photos should complement and enhance the visibility of the jewellery. This project is ideal for a student or trainee photographer looking to gain experience and build their portfolio. I will send more information to those interested! The date is 12 JAN and in Central London Photos can be used and you will get a good level of exposure for your work and be tagged on socials etc! The photoshoot is expected to last for half a day
I'm in need of junior architects who can assist with planning, designing, and interiors for a commercial project. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in architectural software (AutoCAD, SketchUp, etc.) - Creative thinking and problem-solving skills - Strong understanding of interior design principles - Ability to work collaboratively and take direction Your role will involve taking my ideas and helping to shape them into a cohesive design. Experience in commercial architecture is a plus, but fresh perspectives are welcome.
I'm in need of a highly skilled translator who can handle text documents, primarily legal ones. The translator must be proficient in translating from Spanish, Chinese, and French into English, and vice versa. Requirements: - Expert in legal terminology in all required languages. - Exceptional translation skills to ensure accuracy and maintain the integrity of the original document. - Experience in handling text documents, particularly legal ones. Please provide examples of past work in your proposal.
I'm in search of a seasoned freelance writer with a focus on technical writing. You must have a track record of creating high-quality, detailed, and precise technical documents. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in technical writing - Proven ability to adhere to detailed guidelines - Excellent writing skills, with a strong grasp of grammar and punctuation - Ability to work independently and meet deadlines - Strong attention to detail Please note: - If you're a newbie, honesty is essential. Hard work is valued over deceit. - Copy-pasting in proposals will not be tolerated. - Proposals should be professional yet personal, showcasing your enthusiasm and commitment to the job.
I'm seeking 2-3 freelancers to join an online meeting with me on Monday, December 30th, from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM Beijing time. The purpose of this project is to create the impression of a collaborative team. You will be using predefined fictional names during the meeting and will need to: - Appear attentive without visible note-taking - Simulate taking notes in the background - Adhere to a formal attire requirement (Business suit) Ideal Skills: - Discretion and professionalism - Ability to follow instructions - Good level of attentiveness Please note, no speaking is required during the meeting. If you're available and interested, please let me know.
I'm seeking an experienced frontend developer to assist in creating an engaging and user-friendly e-commerce website. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a responsive product catalog - Implement an intuitive shopping cart - Integrate a secure and seamless payment gateway Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Experience with e-commerce websites - Knowledge of payment gateway integration - Strong UX/UI design skills
Indonesian English Recording Project We have a project, that needs Indonesian speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 363 Short English sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $5 dollar for 363 sentences sentences record. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks :
I'm looking for a skilled freelancer to assist with my website. The specific tasks and requirements can be discussed, but I'm open to various types of freelance work, from writing and content creation to programming and tech-related tasks. I haven't yet decided whether I need ongoing support or a one-time project, so I would appreciate flexibility and adaptability. Ideal Skills Include: - Web development and programming - SEO and content creation - Graphic design - UX/UI design Experience with similar projects will be highly valued. Please reach out if you think you can help.
I'm looking for a native translator who can help translate technical manuals from English into French, Spanish, and German. Ideal Candidate: - Native in one of the target languages - Proficient in English - Experienced in translating technical manuals - Familiar with the fields of engineering, medical, or IT and software - Able to deliver high-quality translations in a timely manner - Excellent attention to detail and strong understanding of technical terminology Please note that the content is technical in nature, so a background in engineering, medical, or IT and software would be beneficial. The project will involve translating multiple manuals, so the ability to maintain consistency across documents is key.
I'm in need of junior architects who can assist with planning, designing, and interiors for a commercial project. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in architectural software (AutoCAD, SketchUp, Lumion, etc.) - Creative thinking and problem-solving skills - Strong understanding of interior design principles - Ability to work collaboratively and take direction Your role will involve taking my ideas and helping to shape them into a cohesive design. Experience in commercial architecture is a plus, but fresh perspectives are welcome.
I'm on the hunt for commission-based salespeople for my premium clothing brand. We cater to both men and women, and our products are top-notch. Key Requirements: - Experience in the fashion and apparel sector is a must. - Knowledge and familiarity with high-end luxury products will be a significant advantage. - Proven track record in general sales will also be considered. - Focus will primarily be on online platforms, so expertise in e-commerce and social media sales is essential. - Experience in physical store sales and wholesale is not required but can be a bonus. Ideal candidates would be self-motivated, with a passion for fashion and a knack for sales, ready to tap into the international market with me.
Hi There !! We are looking for full stack Laravel developer to join us for one of our US based client full time basis. Requirements: Full-Stack developer with 3-5 years of experience. • Hands-on experDse in PHP, WordPress, Laravel, CodeIgniter. • Socket Programming for real-time communication for simple chat applications. • Worked on complex front-end logic for beKer UI display and complex components • Web: HTML5, Bootstrap, jQuery, Ajax, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, tailwind CSS. • OperaDng System: Windows 98, Windows XP, Ubuntu (Linux) • Development Tools: Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text • Version control: SVN, Git – Bitbucket & GitHub Bug/task tracking: JIRA, Open Project, Slack, Docker • Database: MySQL Your Duties: Working daily...
I'm in search of a proficient data gatherer and lead generator. The specifics, including the type of data and industry focus, are yet to be determined. This project will require flexibility, creativity, and a proactive approach to identifying valuable data and leads. I will share you more details In via chat box. Thanks
I'm in need of a detail-oriented professional to assist with cleaning and entering customer data in Excel. The primary task will be identifying and rectifying errors and inconsistencies within the data. Key Responsibilities: - Cleaning customer data in Excel - Data entry into Excel Ideal Skills: - Advanced Excel skills (proficient with formulas, pivot tables, macros) - Experience with data cleaning and data entry - Attention to detail to identify errors and inconsistencies Your work will help streamline our data management processes and improve overall data quality. Please reach out if you're interested and available.
In need of a Spanish translators who has swift and incredible knowledge in the Spanish community, the ideal candidate should be smart and intelligent and should also be able to keep to deadline. I'm seeking a highly skilled Spanish translator with deep understanding of the Spanish-speaking community. The ideal candidate should be smart, intelligent, and able to meet deadlines. Your main task will be translating marketing materials to educate our customers, specifically in the form of presentation slides. Skills and experience that would be beneficial: - Proficiency in Spanish and English - Experience in translating marketing materials - Understanding of customer education strategies - Ability to meet deadlines - Knowledge of the Spanish-speaking community Your role will be c...
I'm looking for an experienced developer to create a new website for our unique platform, Staff, which connects companies with potential employees. The project involves using React in the framework and integrating with our existing database through simple APIs. Key Responsibilities: - Building dynamic pages for job listings - Implementing advanced filtering options for job searches - Creating a user authentication system for both candidates and companies - Developing an application and user profile management section - Integrating APIs for job posting and display - Ensuring SEO optimization and fast page loading The designs will be provided via Figma, so experience with responsive web design is a must. Required Qualifications: - Proven experience with and React - Strong knowled...
As a social media manager, I require a versatile content creator for my social media accounts. The ideal candidate will be proficient in generating both video and graphic content. The main focus will be on creating materials for product promotion, with the ultimate goal of driving engagement and increasing brand visibility. Key Responsibilities: - Create a diverse range of content including both live-action and animated videos, as well as AI-generated graphics/ videos. - Design visually appealing graphics in line with brand aesthetics and product specifications. - Contribute to product promotion efforts through engaging and innovative content. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing and graphic design software. - Experience with AI content generation tools. - Strong understanding of...
...Research: Perform comprehensive keyword analysis tailored to client goals and industry niches. On-Page SEO: Optimize website content, meta tags, headers, and image attributes to improve search engine rankings. Technical SEO: Conduct website audits to identify and fix technical issues (e.g., crawl errors, site speed, mobile usability). Implement XML sitemaps, files, and schema markup as needed. Ensure websites follow best practices for indexing and ranking on search engines. High-Quality Link Building: Build 50+ high-DA backlinks using white-hat techniques, ensuring relevance to the client’s niche and avoiding spammy practices. Local SEO Setup: Optimize Google My Business (GMB) profiles. Set up local citations and directory listings for enhanced visibility in local search. ...
I'm in need of a professional technical article writer with expertise in iOS and other tech domains. Your work will be published on a well-established blogging website, so quality and accuracy are paramount. The topics you will cover include: - iOS: Detailed, technical articles about the latest updates, features, and trends in the iOS ecosystem. - Product Reviews: Summarizing the pros and cons of various electronics, headsets, wearable gadgets etc. in a succinct, easy-to-digest format. The ideal candidate should have: - Exceptional English writing skills, with a strong grasp of grammar and style. - The ability to utilize media kits from different companies to enhance the content. - A deep understanding and passion for iOS and technology in general. - Experience in writing technical ...
I'm looking for a turkish language translator. Your service is highly required.
I'm looking for a seasoned Shopify web designer to enhance my store's design. The ultimate aim is to create a design that effectively showcases and sells my products. Key Responsibilities: - Design the Home page, Product pages, and Checkout page - Implement a design that is user-friendly, visually appealing, and in line with best e-commerce practices Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Shopify store design - Strong understanding of e-commerce principles and user experience - Ability to create modern, minimalist designs that are also product-focused - SEO knowledge would be a plus, though not required
I'm looking for a Vietnam language translator. Your service is highly required.
I'm in need of an illustrative style logo for my sportswear brand. The logo should be minimalistic, perfect for caps, t-shirts and other sportswear. see attachments and also I NEED A SAMPLE OF ANY OF THE 35 LOGOS FROM NRL>COM> AU and AFL>COM>AU Key Requirements: - The logo should incorporate animal mascots. - It should be versatile enough to be used on various pieces of clothing and sports equipment. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in logo design, especially for sportswear. - Experience with illustrative style logos. - Ability to create minimalist designs with complex elements.
I need assistance in designing and organizing three Excel sheets to streamline our workflow and improve visual appeal. Below are the specific requirements: Sheet 1: Annual Events and Campaigns Calendar Purpose: This sheet will serve as a comprehensive calendar for all events and campaigns throughout the year. It should be easy to read and user-friendly for input by all team members. Sections: Marketing Campaigns Events and Conferences Social and Digital Media CEO Profile Raising C-Suite Engagement Traditional Media Internal Communications and Employee Engagement (EE) International Relations Community Engagement, with subsections: School Visits Festivals Farms Engagement Commercial Campaigns Other. Requirements: Each section should have enough cell space for detaile...
I'm looking for a designer to help me with the exterior design of my entire house. The design style should be modern. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in exterior home design - Strong portfolio of modern design projects - Excellent communication skills to understand my vision and needs
I'm seeking a Junior Architect for a residential project. The role involves: - Drafting designs: You will be responsible for creating initial design drafts under my guidance. - Conceptual design: Assisting in the development of design concepts. - Construction documents: Preparing detailed documents to guide the construction process. Ideal skills and experience include proficiency in architectural software (AutoCAD, SketchUp, Revit), understanding of residential design and construction processes, and ability to work collaboratively. Site visits are not part of this role.
I'm looking for a seasoned developer who can help me improve an existing application. The project involves enhancing the user interface, backend performance, and API integrations. Key Responsibilities: - Adding new features to the UI - Optimizing backend performance - Improving API integrations Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Node.js and React.js - Experience with AWS and API integration - Ability to write highly scalable code
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a portfolio display website. The main purpose of the website is to showcase my work and the services I offer, so it should have a clean, professional and visually appealing design. Key Features: - Interactive Galleries: I want to include interactive galleries to showcase my projects. Visitors should be able to easily navigate through the work, zoom in for more detail, and have a smooth browsing experience. - Downloadable Content: The website will include some downloadable content like CVs or project briefs. It's crucial that these can be accessed with ease and security. - Contact Form: I need a contact form for potential clients to reach out to me directly. It should be user-friendly and ideally have some level of interactivity l...