Example english text 150 words仕事
8600 symbols. 7,5 pages. Text translated by foreign translator agency to Japanese. Need to check it and edit to Natural Japanese language (by native speaker). Mark all edited paces so we could see. Only Editor with native japanese is accepted. 文字数は8600字 ページ数は7,5ページ 外国人が通訳したテキスト(自動ソフトではありません) 自然な日本語に直してほしいです。不自然なところやわかりずらい所の訂正をお願いします。 訂正したすべてのところに色付けてください。 日本語のネーティブスピーカーのみに依頼しますので、ご注意ください。
We are looking for EN>JP translators for our project. Field: medical, life science pricing manner: per EN word requirements: Freelancer (not the agency) native Japanese speaker at least two years in a translation firm or department Good at medical translation simple test as acceptable Please contact us if you are available
...※連絡がマメな方 ※スカイプができる方 ※できたらチャットワークができる方(仕事のやり取りはチャットワークでやりたいです。) 【仕事内容について】 当方が指定する商品やサービスをテーマに沿って記事を書いていただきます。 ※こちらが指定するテーマ(キーワード)に対して、文字数約500文字程度の記事を作成して頂きます。 ※インターネットや書籍などでテーマ(キーワード)について、ご自分で調べていただき、著作権の侵害にならないオリジナルの記事作成をお願いします。 【記事のジャンルについて】 ・美容系(モニターバイト、葉酸サプリ、水素水など) ・ダイエット ・仕事探し ・格安スマホ ・パソコン ・宝くじ ※今後ジャンル展開したいため、増える可能性があります。 【報酬について】 1記事につき150円スタート(500文字程度) 時給1000円以上も可能です。 さらに、長期契約の場合は固定報酬は5,000円以上となるよう依頼を行います。 また、長期で契約、または能力に応じて単価アップ 、及びボーナス(Amazonの商品券)を支給いたします。 【納期について】 依頼時にお願いしますが、3日~1週間でお願いしたいです。 もし、都合が悪い場合は連絡を頂ければ考慮しまので、安心してください。 【応募人数について】 規定に達し次第、締切らせていただきます。 【お支払いについて】 毎月月末締め、翌月10日のお支払いになります。 (10日が金融機関休業日の場合は翌営業日のお支払い) 【応募について】 応募される方は恐れ入りますが、経歴などがわかる簡単な履歴書をお送りください。 ...
...会社の忘年会のTodoリスト 新規営業のTodoリスト ギターを始めるためののTodoリスト 大学デビューのTodoリスト 初めて一人暮らしをするためのTodoリスト 冠婚葬祭のTodoリスト ◆入稿していただく内容 1. タイトル キャッチーなタイトルしてください。 タイトルは「チェックリスト」「Todoリスト」などの体言止めしてください。 2. メタ説明文 120字以内 ページ内容の要約を記載して下さい。 3.前書き 4. 本文 本文の数は7つ以上です。 1つの本文は、『見出し+テキスト』の2つで構成されています。 見出しの前には■、万が一小見出しをいれる際は●をいれてください。 1つの本文が合計で150字以上になるように調整してください。 見出しがタスク名、テキストがタスクの詳細です。 見出しの後と小見出しの後のテキスト文量は大体均等になるようにしてください。 あるいはWordpressで直接記事を編集していただくことも可能です。 5. まとめ 150字程度で作成してください。 記事の要約をかいてください。 ◆見積りに記載して欲しい内容 作成するチェックリスト・Todoリストを教えてください。 以前にあなたが執筆した記事のURLを掲載してください。
Translation project from English to Japanese. Native level Japanese is required. I will ask you to translate attached docs. (2 documents) All texts should be translated. Tables including text should be translated. 英語から日本語への翻訳の依頼です。 日本語はネイティブレベルのスキルを求めます。 添付の2つのファイルを書類を日本語への翻訳をお願いします。 テキスト部分をすべて翻訳して頂きます。 表部分もテキストが含まれるものは翻訳必要。
The task is to make tagline of product in Native level English. (hair care product). Based on the massage outline, submit 5 polished tagline for three line. We will pay $30(U.S) or 4000yen for this and the deadline is Noon of Dec.7th, in Japan time. Please apply by mail with your tagline work attached. Detail will be sent by e-mail. 商品のタグラインを考えていただくお仕事です。 日本語のアイディアを基に英語でタグラインを考えていただき、最良と思われる5案を提出頂きます。予算は5案で30ドルです。英語圏出身期限は12月7日の正午です。応募の際は、ご自身の書かれたコピーがわかる資料を添えてお送りください。依頼内容の詳細はメールにてお送りします。
★ work Your job is, primarily, mail, etc., is the translation work of explanation contents. English and Japanese is okay if possible. (日本語の分かる方、こんにちは!私は、日本に住む、佐々木と申します。 宜しくお願いします。 早速ですが、私が今回、募集しているランサーさんは、日本語と英語の両方翻訳を出来る方を募集しています。 主な翻訳作業内容は、メールの内容、商品等の説明内容、その他の翻訳です。 お互いの通信手段は、Skypeを使用します。 長期間お付き合いできる方を優先して、採用します。 ★ budget 1 e-mail = $ 0.10 We're looking for people who can work a long period of time together. Nice to meet you.
Were currently looking to have a personal letter translated from English to Traditional Chinese. It is important that the translator has the key ability to translate the personal letter to an extent where the Chinese reader and understand the message clearly and that everything coherent.
今年秋に発売される健康食品の既存のウェブサイト情報(日本語)を編集していただける方を探しています。英語のサイトは完成していますのでそちらをご参考いただけます。食品関係に興味のある方大歓迎!Native Japanese Speakers Only
I want English proofreading and editing for scientific paper review. (about 4300 words) The contents are cancer biology and medicine -related but not so difficult. I hope the one who had experience of English proofreading and editing for scientific paper File will be provided as MS-Word file.
内容: 生物系の学術誌(総説)です。その英文校正です。コメント内容は科学においては一般的なもので、特別な知識は要求されません。科学系の雑誌に論文を発表された経験のある人が望ましいです。ファイルはMS-Wordで提供されます。 I want English proofreading and editing for scientic paper review. (about 4300 words) The contents are cancer biology and medicie -related but not so difficult. I hope the one who had experience of English proofreading and editing for scientic paper File will be provided as MS-Word file.
Deliver in 2 days JAN 事業 事業上崎嶇不平,工作中諸多困阻,必須謹慎操作,步步為營。 羊 財運 收入不錯,但開支較大,宜量入為出,避免財來財去。 愛情 感情生活不太穩定,需心平氣和處理與伴侶間的問題。 健康 健康運沒有太大問題,惟需注意飲食、留意胃部問題。 FEB 事業 事業上易生困局,宜積極面對,努力工作,便可開創新的局面。 猴 財運 正財運較佳,可透過閒暇時的兼職或副業賺取額外收入,不宜投資。 愛情 情侶間易因金錢問題發生口角,需多包容及體諒對方。 健康 注意肺部及呼吸道感染毛病,宜多喝水,好好保養身體。 MAR 事業 事業上會遇上考驗,宜抱信心及實力面對,即可轉危為安。 雞 財運 整體財運不錯,正財運尤為旺盛,可放膽嘗試投資。 愛情 愛情運佳,易出現追求者,但不可濫用感情,提防爛桃花。 健康 情緒上的波動較大,要調理好心態,坦然面對,以免影響身體。 APR 事業 事業上競爭較大,在辦公室人緣一般,需提防小人暗害。 狗 財運 偏財運不錯,但避免賭博及高風險投資,適當的理財可帶來回報收益。 愛情 愛情運一般,情侶間容易因瑣事吵架,需注意自己的情緒。 健康 要小心病從口入,提防上呼吸道感染及注意飲食。 MAY 事業 事業方面,有貴人的賞識及提攜,要抓緊機會,有望大展拳腳。 豬 財運 財運平穩,避免不必要的開支,宜守不宜攻,投資可免則免。 愛情 感情運勢不俗,頗有異性緣,若把握良機則可佳偶天成。 健康 健康運佳,但仍需注意咽喉疾病,遠離煙酒。 JUNE 事業 工作上容易受小人陷害,必須小心謹慎,凡事三思而後行。 鼠 財...
...文字数は1000文字から2000文字です。 自宅で仕事ができますので、時間に縛られることなく自由にお仕事ができます。 外で働くことのできない方や、常駐で働くことが制約で厳しい方には良い案件だと思います。 ただし、午前中にお仕事をできる人が条件です。 全国各地のどこにお住まいでもしていただける仕事です。 【仕事内容】 文章作成業務は、午前中で5記事くらいを目安にしています。 誠実できっちり、丁寧にしてくださる方を優先致します。 分からないことは電話等でサポートさせてもらいます。 作業していただくのに、インターネットの環境がありましたら、他に自費で負担していただくことはございません。 【報酬】 日によって量が少し異なりますが、1記事1時間ほどで終わる作業かと思います。 慣れれば作業のスピードは上がりますので、時間の短縮ができます。 1記事当たり、150円をお支払いします。 1か月で150記事になりますので、1カ月2万2千円程の収入になるかと想定しております。 報酬は当月の月末締め、翌月10日までに指定の口座に振り込みます。 【条件】 ・パソコンのお持ちのかた ・インターネット回線の繋がっているかた ・パソコンの文字が打て、基本的な使い方ができる方。 ・スカイプやライン、チャットワーク、メールでやり取りのできる方を優遇します。 毎日、午前中に仕事を完了していただける方を優先します。 【その他】 未経験者も大歓迎です。 定型作業なので、誰でもできて簡単です。 まじめで丁寧な方を希望します。 今後業務の拡張をしていくので、長期的に続けて希望があれば他の作業もしていただける方を優先的に採用します。 不明点、疑問店ありましたら何でもご質問ください。 ...
I have a upcoming project of Japanese to English translation. Will you accept the deal, if yes how much you charge? Please keep in mind its a huge project so tell me minimal so that client can also agree and work should not be given to other contractors. If yes please provide below info: - Rate Per Japanese Character: - Daily Output: Again i am telling you that its a very long project so please keep the amount as minimal as possible. please translate Sample Text: Make sure the quality should be excellent. "QD51 (高硬度耐熱耐蝕鋼)" SUS440C相当 アルマイト(白) ズブ焼き セラミック溶射 なし パーカーライジング ユニクロメッキ レイデント "低温黒色 クロムメッキ+特殊フッ素樹脂" 締付工具種類 調質 端部種類 高周波焼入(SUS440C相当 56HRC~) 高周波焼入れ 浸炭焼き 精度 両端おねじ 両端段付めねじ 片端おねじ片端めねじ 片端めねじ 熱処理 商品表示記号 焼鈍 使用用途 炭素繊維 位...
新しいフリーランサーの方々におすすめのプロジェクトです。 で買える「日本でしか買えなさそう」、「日本で買ったほうがよさそう」または「日本のお土産」な商品を、100点まとめてください。 例えば、緑茶パウダー、緑茶のキットカット(キットカットは世界中にありますが、緑茶味は日本だけ)、ガジェット、カメラ、文房具などです。 「A社緑茶パウダー(100g)100円」と「B社緑茶パウダー(200g)150円」など、類似商品は、1点としますが、 「超高級緑茶パウダー(50g)3000円」と「廉価版緑茶パウダー(1kg)1000円」など、用途や購買層などで差別化が明らかな場合は、2点とします。 A列に商品、B列にURL、C列に備考(用途、購買層、類似性品との差別化など)を記載したエクセルファイルをアップロードしてください。 備考しだいで最大100USDまでボーナスを差し上げます。
日本語で書かれた文章の英語への翻訳。 字数は460字。 「私はいま海岸を散歩している。海が山に迫り、海岸線が断崖によって区切られているような海浜である。ゆくてには深い緑が見え、木々の茶色い木肌が点々と見えかくれしている。そのなかで一本の枯木が、ほかの木にもたれかかるようにして、ななめに立っている・・・」
... 3 keys words to promote (75 links): URL: Keywords: *Ofertas (25 confirmed links required) *MiOferta (25 confirmed links required) *Examen Sangre (25 confirmed links required) 3 keys words to promote (150 links): URL: Keywords: *Ofertasimple (50 confirmed links required) *Oferta simple (50 confirmed links required) *Ofertas simple (50 confirmed links required) 2 keys words to promote (100 links): URL: Keywords: *RantanOferta (50 confirmed links required) *Rantan Ofertas (50 confirmed links required) 1 key words to promote (15 links): URL: Keywords: *Laboratorio (10 confirmed links required) 1 key words to promote
I'm in need of a skilled translator to convert various documents from English to Hindi. The ideal candidate would be a native Hindi speaker with a strong command of English, able to accurately and effectively translate a variety of document types. Experience in translation and writing is a must, and familiarity with both languages' cultural nuances is highly desirable. Please provide examples of previous translation work.
...media platforms specifically aimed at NYC leisure travelers. - Develop strategies to attract more guests and improve our year-round occupancy. - Provide ongoing support and guidance throughout the campaign. - Advise on the timing of the campaign - whether to start now or wait for our busy season. Background: While I’ve run small ad campaigns on Google, Facebook, and Instagram (spending about $100-$150/month), they haven’t made much of an impact. I’ve also tried backlink building and keyword research through freelancers without noticeable results. I'm hoping to see a significant change with your expertise. Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in Google Ads management, particularly within the hospitality industry. - Strong understanding of targeting...
Scope of Work Translation of approximately 700 words from English to Polish. Maintaining clarity and formatting (English sentences clearly paired with Polish translation). Delivery of final document by 10 Jan 2025 Deliverables A Word (docx) or PDF file with English text alongside the Polish translation. Assurance that the text is localized appropriately for Polish readers (natural-sounding, no direct-literal translations). Minor adjustments for style and readability, if needed. Payment & Terms Total fee: 15 EUR Payment via Freelancer Escrow system to ensure both parties are protected. Please confirm via chat before I begin.
I need a skilled translator to convert approximately 3000 words of English marketing content into Hebrew. - Content Context: The material is intended for the general public, so the translation should be easily understandable, without the use of overly complex terminology or industry jargon. - Tone: The translation should convey a casual tone, mirroring the style of the original English content. It should be engaging, friendly, and approachable, appealing to a wide audience.
I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer to create a minimalist, text-only logo for me. The design should be clean and simple, yet impactful, embodying the essence of minimalist style. This is a logo for a website community. The name is Eating Disorder Recovery Circle. Color Preferences: - The logo should incorporate crisp, clean colors, Ideal Skills: - Expertise in minimalist design - Proficiency in typography - Strong understanding of color theory - Experience in creating text-based logos The final deliverables should include all necessary files for both print and digital use. Please provide examples of similar work in your proposal. PLEASE NOTE: IF YOU SUBMIT A DESIGN SHOWN ON THE SIDE OF A BUILDING, OR ANYTHING NOT A WEBSITE, YOU ARE TELLING ME YOU'VE NOT RE...
Hello, I have a Hindi webinar video that needs to be translated into English (text only). Please apply only if you are proficient in Hindi and English. Type "Hinlish" at the start of your proposal. Auto bids will be deleted immediately.
Hello, I have a Hindi webinar video that needs to be translated into English (text only). Please apply only if you are proficient in Hindi and English. Type "Hinlish" at the start of your proposal. Auto bids will be deleted immediately.
▼Job Title: Language Expert for Tencent Game Localization (English > Malay Translator/Editor) ▼Pair: The Source Language is English while the Target Language is Malay. ▼Recruited by: Sichuan Lan-bridge Information Technology Co., Ltd (Hereinafter referred to as Language Bridge) ▼Industry: Game ▼Type: Remote, Part-time or full-time ★★★ Characteristic Benefits ★★★ ①Long-term and stable job, ②Competitive salary package, ③On-time salary payout, ④Self-developed information management platform that accurately records workload and salary payment, ⑤Comfortable and free remote work environment, ⑥ Fun work of testing and translating games, ⑦Peers having the same hobbies in games, ⑧Sincere and friendly communication. ● About Tencent Games And Us ○ The localization team of Tencent G...
▼Job Title: Language Expert for Tencent Game Localization (English > Japanese Translator/Editor) ▼Pair: The Source Language is English while the Target Language is Japanese. ▼Recruited by: Sichuan Lan-bridge Information Technology Co., Ltd (Hereinafter referred to as Language Bridge) ▼Industry: Game ▼Type: Remote, Part-time or full-time ★★★ Characteristic Benefits ★★★ ①Long-term and stable job, ②Competitive salary package, ③On-time salary payout, ④Self-developed information management platform that accurately records workload and salary payment, ⑤Comfortable and free remote work environment, ⑥ Fun work of testing and translating games, ⑦Peers having the same hobbies in games, ⑧Sincere and friendly communication. ● About Tencent Games And Us ○ The localization team of Ten...
▼Job Title: Language Expert for Tencent Game Localization (English > Indonesian Translator/Editor) ▼Pair: The Source Language is English while the Target Language is Indonesian. ▼Recruited by: Sichuan Lan-bridge Information Technology Co., Ltd (Hereinafter referred to as Language Bridge) ▼Industry: Game ▼Type: Remote, Part-time or full-time ★★★ Characteristic Benefits ★★★ ①Long-term and stable job, ②Competitive salary package, ③On-time salary payout, ④Self-developed information management platform that accurately records workload and salary payment, ⑤Comfortable and free remote work environment, ⑥ Fun work of testing and translating games, ⑦Peers having the same hobbies in games, ⑧Sincere and friendly communication. ● About Tencent Games And Us ○ The localization team of...
▼Job Title: Language Expert for Tencent Game Localization (English > Burmese Translator/Editor) ▼Pair: The Source Language is English while the Target Language is Burmese. ▼Recruited by: Sichuan Lan-bridge Information Technology Co., Ltd (Hereinafter referred to as Language Bridge) ▼Industry: Game ▼Type: Remote, Part-time or full-time ★★★ Characteristic Benefits ★★★ ①Long-term and stable job, ②Competitive salary package, ③On-time salary payout, ④Self-developed information management platform that accurately records workload and salary payment, ⑤Comfortable and free remote work environment, ⑥ Fun work of testing and translating games, ⑦Peers having the same hobbies in games, ⑧Sincere and friendly communication. ● About Tencent Games And Us ○ The localization team of Tence...
I need a professional who can modify a word on my existing logo. The change will involve altering the text, but the new text needs to match the existing style of the logo. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in graphic design and logo modification - Experience with text alterations in logos - Ability to maintain consistency with existing design styles.
I'm looking for a freelancer to assist with manual data entry into a PDF. The data consists solely of text, which needs to be inputted as plain text, without any formatting. Ideal Skills: - Attention to detail: It's crucial that the data is entered accurately and consistently. - Proficiency in English: The task involves reading and understanding English text to input. Previous experience with PDF editing and data entry would be advantageous.
...Over team, comprising both male and female voices, to dub a series of entertainment videos. The project involves translating English scripts into French, followed by dubbing and synchronization. Key Requirements: - Translate English scripts into French - High-quality dubbing and synchronization - Conveying the required emotionality of the characters - Different voices for 6 main characters - Delivering output files as per the specifications Character Age: All characters are adults Voice Emotion: Primarily energetic and enthusiastic Genre: Comedy, Drama, Action/Adventure Output Files: - Dubbed and synchronized audio - Scripts that match the audio Workload: 100-150 minutes per week Project Duration: A few months, covering 21 videos The most crucial aspect of the...
...definition, and an example sentence for a significant number of words (more than 100). This is for the American Language Course, which is a book used to teach English to international military students. These words will be provided by me in sections. I have attached an PowerPoint example for section 7.1. Key Requirements: - Ability to source or create suitable images for each word. Any type of image is acceptable (stock images, custom illustrations, etc.) just as long as it appropriately represents the word. Preferably realistic. ChatGPT works. - Strong understanding of language to craft clear, concise definitions and example sentences. - Creativity and resourcefulness in finding or creating engaging and relevant images for each word. Ideal ...
...looking for a talented developer to rebuild the frontend of my existing learning app. The new design will be based on a UI configurator, and all changes will need to be extensively documented with clean, maintainable code and thorough unit testing. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in React, Jest, Typescript, Tailwind, HTML, CSS Grids and Flexbox, Drag and Drop, Zustand, and RXJS. - C2 level English for effective communication. - Availability in the UTC +1 / Central European Time (CET) timezone. - A portfolio featuring public repositories built with Typescript, specifically using React, Angular, and Next.js. Focus Areas: - Updating the design to match the new UI configurator. - Improving navigation and layout. - Enhancing interactive elements and responsiveness. - Ensuring acce...
...Keep the design simple and not overly colorful. • no health warning sign needed Submission Guidelines: • Entries should include the front design mockup. • Provide a brief description of the inspiration behind your design. • Submissions must be in a high-resolution format. Back ground do a few different colors eg blue , red and white . Deadline: Tomorrow (exact date to be inserted). Prize: 150 (currency). Packet size The standard size of a cigarette pack containing 20 cigarettes typically measures approximately: • Length: 8.5 cm to 9 cm (3.3 to 3.5 inches) • Width: 5.5 cm to 6 cm (2.2 to 2.4 inches) • Depth (Thickness): 2 cm to 2.5 cm (0.8 to 1 inch) These dimensions can vary slightly depending on the brand and packaging design, ...
...maximum of 5 articles per day (approximately 120-150 articles per month) for publishing on the website. o The professional will be responsible for organizing these articles into relevant categories on the website. o Proficiency in HTML for formatting and publishing articles. o Ensure all content is SEO-friendly, including: Keyword research and optimization (using relevant tools). Optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, header tags (H1-H6). Content optimization for readability and SEO. Image optimization (alt text, file size compression). Internal and external linking strategies. Schema markup implementation (e.g., Article, FAQ, HowTo). o Optimize images and videos for web performance (file size, compression, alt text). o Ensure fast ...
Hello, I am looking for someone to deliver Facebook likes to 7 public Facebook posts on a Personal account. Each of the 7 posts needs to get 100 - 150 likes, so a total of approx 1000 likes is delivered. Timeframe is 1-2 days. I need someone who can do this quickly and efficient. Future work is available is the project is done to a satisfactory level. The Facebook account needs to be kept private and not shared/ copy and pasted to public social media sites. Please enquire if you think you can complete this project.
I'm looking for a modern styled logo for my company. The logo should incorporate both text and an icon, striking a balance between simplicity and sophistication. Key Requirements: - A modern, minimalist approach - Incorporation of both text and an icon - Use of neutral tones, avoiding overly bright or vibrant colors Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven graphic design experience, particularly in logo design - Strong understanding of modern, minimalist design principles - Ability to create text and icon combinations in a cohesive manner - Experience working with neutral color palettes I have attached 3 pics I am looking for a company logo small 6x10 ish. With a Sasquatch like the first pic. Carting a large chainsaw over his shoulder and a very large double edg...
(ENGLISH) Title: The Kindness of a Stranger One rainy evening, Aisyah was walking home after a long day at school. She forgot her umbrella and was soaked. As she reached the bus stop, an elderly man approached her. He smiled and offered her his umbrella, saying, "You can return it tomorrow; I’ll be here." The next day, Aisyah returned with the umbrella, along with a small packet of kuih as a thank-you gift. The man was surprised but touched by her gesture. From that day, they became friends, and Aisyah learned valuable lessons from his stories about life. Kindness, even in small acts, can create beautiful connections. --- (MALAYA) Tajuk: Kebaikan Seorang Asing Pada suatu petang yang hujan, Aisyah sedang berjalan pulang selepas seharian di sekolah. Dia terlupa...
I'm in need of a modern styled, bright and vibrant license plate design that incorporates a specific logo or emblem. Must use the logo in the design Do not make a new logo. Also this is a decorative plate, no room needs to left for numbers Organzation name is SC Mid-State Beekeepers Association The size is 6 inches by 12 inches, or 150 by 300 millimeters. Key requirements: - Design should be in a modern style - Use of bright and vibrant colors - Incorporation of a specific logo or emblem into the design Ideal candidates should have: - Strong graphic design skills - Experience with license plate design - Ability to work with logos and emblems Please provide a portfolio of similar work if available.
I'm seeking a professional to develop K-6 tutoring worksheets focused on Math and English. The worksheets should cater to grades K-2, 3-4, and 5-6. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in curriculum development for K-6 - Strong understanding of Math and English - Experience in creating engaging and educational worksheets Requirements: - Create worksheets for Math and English - Covering grade levels K-2, 3-4, and 5-6 - Worksheets should be suitable for tutoring purposes
...Reporting: Provide weekly performance updates and insights. Offer actionable recommendations to improve campaign efficiency. Strategy Development: Suggest and implement strategies to improve account performance. Propose A/B tests for headlines, creatives, and ad placements. Requirements: Proven experience managing Google Ads and Meta Ads campaigns, particularly with daily budgets between $50-$150. Strong understanding of Google Performance Max campaigns and feed optimization. Ability to analyze data and provide clear insights and actionable recommendations. Expertise in audience segmentation, bidding strategies, and creative testing. Familiarity with Google Analytics and Meta Business Suite. Excellent communication skills and ability to provide regular updates. Preferred Quali...
RUSSIAN NATIVES ONLY! This is about Passion!! I'm looking for someone who can translate a Russian song into English. The translation should be clear and maintain the original meaning of the song. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in both Russian and English - Experience with song translation - Understanding of lyrical structure and meaning YOU MUST HAVE PASSION!
Need someone to spend 15 minutes to help me update some hidden text in my WordPress footer that I am not able to locate.
I'm in need of a skilled business writer who can craft a concise, 500-words business report. The report should be professionally written, clear and free of grammatical errors. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in business writing - Excellent command of English - Attention to detail - Ability to write clear and concise reports
I have a number of PDF files that need to be typed into a plain text file. The project does not require any specific formatting, so it should be straightforward. Ideal Skills: - Proficient typing skills - Attention to detail - Experience with PDF to text transcription
Scope of work! - This website would be replicated at 95% " " and slight modifications would be discussed at ongoing project - User Friendly - Seo Friendly - Mobile Responsive - Unlimited rounds of revisions - 250 products Uploaded from the old website. - 150 Blog uploads
Document Translation: - English to Italian. - Spanish to English.