Edit wordpress revolution themes仕事
...to design”, but this happens through many channels and experiences—all of which require exceptional content. Content with a strong voice and empathy for our users is crucial for us to deliver on this vision. We need to hold a megaphone to our brand pillars and become best-in-class creators across every channel. Canva offers a vast collection of customizable templates for various design types, themes and topics. These templates, found on our templates page and on the editor, are professionally designed layouts that feature stunning elements from our massive media library and high-quality copy relevant to each design’s purpose or to user preference. Template copy refers to the text featured on these customizable layouts. Copywriters are sent the category (desig...
国内のローカルプロジェクトにおいて、翻訳とITコンサルティングの両方を担当していただける日本語のエキスパートを求めています。リモートチームと連携し、日本のクライアントとの面接やコミュニケーションを主に担当して頂きます。コンピュータサイエンスのBE/Bエンジニアであれば尚良しです。 理想的なスキルと経験: - ITに関する広範な知識 - スムーズな日本語コミュニケーション能力 - 英語 - 面接経験 採用されることで多くのメリットがあります。あなたからのご連絡をお待ちしております。ありがとうございます。
...two courses, each with its own concept: Course 1: Minecraft English Course (focus learning) In this course, we define a specific learning theme for each lesson, such as “Colors and Animals”, “how to use 'I want to' and 'I want'.” Students learn English through activities aligned with these themes. The primary objective is for students to acquire new words and phrases while having fun. Course 2: Let's Play Minecraft Course in English (focus playing) For this course, we choose enjoyable activity themes for each lesson, like "Creating different biomes" or "Going on a diamond hunt." Here, the focus is to 'create opportunities for conversation in English.' When they find playing with the teacher e...
英会話スクールのウェブサイト。 5 ページのテキスト、図、Google マップの場所、お問い合わせフォーム。 この仕事を遂行してくれる日本語と英語を話せる人を探しています。 全ての課題をクリアできる方のみご応募ください。
現在,運営しているwordpressで作成したページの不具合を修正していただきたいです. ・ トップページのフラッシュ不具合 ・新着情報欄にタイトルの表示 ・ 区切られていない文章に改行 ・3月の一覧表示の不具合修正 ・月別表示の不具合 見ていただければ分かります. wordpressを扱える人なら20~30分以内に終わります. 報酬はJPY¥1300です!! 今日中に終わる人には¥1400渡します.
下記データをもとにWeb( )への求人情報の入力をお願いします。 また、下記の情報で入力フォーム形式のご確認が可能です。 -メールアドレス:workjapantest123@ - パス:www123456 ■本タスクの流れ(参考) 1)添付したspreadsheetにあります、赤文字を埋めていただく ・勤務地名(英記)=日本語をもとにローマ字でご入力ください。 ・郵便番号=住所をもとに郵便番号を検索、ご入力ください。() ・最寄駅名=住所をもとに最寄駅を検索、ご入力ください。 ・最寄駅からの移動時間 =検索していただいた駅から住所までの一番早い移動手段(バス or 徒歩)を検索し、ご入力ください。 2)完成した spreadsheetをもとに、Webへ求人情報を入力していただく ※Webで求人記事の複製機能がありますので、そちらも上手く使っていただければ早くできるかと思ってます。 ※間違いなどがあれば、修正作業を細かく行っていただく可能性がございます。 ※上記の流れはあくまでも参考です。Spreadsheetのデータを埋めて、求人記事がWebにアップされていれば、やり方をお任せします。 ■報酬金額の計算方法 固定報酬:16,520円(413件×40円) 単価:40円/「Spreadsheetデータ入力完了+求人記事Webアップロード完了」
8600 symbols. 7,5 pages. Text translated by foreign translator agency to Japanese. Need to check it and edit to Natural Japanese language (by native speaker). Mark all edited paces so we could see. Only Editor with native japanese is accepted. 文字数は8600字 ページ数は7,5ページ 外国人が通訳したテキスト(自動ソフトではありません) 自然な日本語に直してほしいです。不自然なところやわかりずらい所の訂正をお願いします。 訂正したすべてのところに色付けてください。 日本語のネーティブスピーカーのみに依頼しますので、ご注意ください。
英語のプレスリリースを綺麗な日本語にしてくださる方を探しています。 プレスリリースの経験がある方にお願いできると嬉しいです。 原稿はこちら
弊社はネット系企業を複数社保有しており、ソーシャル、スマートフォンアプリで世界最高のエンタメコンテンツを生み出し、安定的で高品質なサービスで業界を牽引しているIT企業です。(株式会社未来少年()) ※弊社詳細につきましては添付会社概要および会社紹介動画をご覧下さい。 動画: 会社概要: ウェブ: 眠っている資金を有効活用したいので 安定的かつ収益性の高いファイナンスプランニングをご依頼したいと考えています。 目標は年20%以上の運用です。 応募者に必要な経験は下記の通りです。 1)個人・法人は問いません 2)年20%以上の運用の5年以上の経験 3)ファイナンス関連の何らかの資格をお持ちであること 4)当方がかなりITリテラシーの高い体制を組んでいるためチャットやGoogleDOCSを使った報告等が可能な方 5)何よりも強い自信と信頼がおける方(当方も運用に関する知識と経験はそこそこありますので初心者相手の方はお断り) 6)一部の業者のみに限定する提案は不可です(野村系と関係があるので野村系だけの提案等) 支払う費用 ・月額3万円~20万円(提案内容と具体的な活動内容に応じて変更します) 業務内容 ・月1度のMTG(月ごとの結果報告と見直しプランの作成) ・プランニングリストの作成 応募時に必要な要件 1)運用実績が分かる何らかの提示 2)取り急ぎ最も
...for candidates who can write/speak Japanese language We are a Social Media Service Company ( MIRAISHONEN, Inc.() ) providing multiple services, seeking for Business Planning Researchers(Analysts) . Here is the introduction of our company. Corporate Summary PV: Corporate Brochure: WEB: This is the job to research on our new business models prior to their launch in regards to market trends and competitons with strong analysis especially based on data and numbers. -Job Descrption *Creating reports with PowerPoint and Word about the services and companies we specify. *The
We are looking for a Japanese proofreader to collaborate with. We need to proofread 30 pages of text in Japanese. They are the descriptions of mobile applications. Here you can see the example of a description in Japanese and English languages:
I need assistance with my existing API integration. This integration is for accessing an external service. The specific service will be discussed in direct messages. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in React and Node - Experienced with API integrations - Capable of locating and modifying code Your tasks will involve finding the relevant code and editing the service keys for this integration. This project requires a professional who can quickly understand the existing setup and make the necessary changes.
More details: What kind of reports are you looking to make on the Discord account? Scam Are you looking for a detailed report format or a simple one? Simple Do you already have evidence for the scam activities? Yes, I have evidence links here
My company website, built on WordPress, requires a series of content updates to enhance its current offerings. This involves adding new pages or posts, refreshing existing content, and removing outdated material. Key Requirements: - Proficient in WordPress: The freelancer should have extensive experience in making updates on WordPress. - Content Management: Skills in content creation and management are essential for adding new pages or posts, as well as updating existing content. - Detail-oriented: The ability to identify and remove outdated content is crucial. - Integration of Contact Forms: The freelancer will need to incorporate contact forms into the new content. I am looking for a professional who can ensure my website is up-to-date and engaging for our visitor...
I'm looking for a skilled video editor to edit my educational content. Key Responsibilities: - Edit a minimum of 5-minute videos based on provided audio scripts. - Find relevant clips, elements, and information to support the video's topic. - Incorporate text overlays, animations, and charts/graphs and meme clips also. Expectations: - Editing style should closely resemble this channel: @BeyondBoundsYT/videos - Punctuality is crucial. All deadlines must be met without delays. - No time wastage. Ideal Candidate: - Experience with AI content is a plus. - Only Indian - Ability to follow the provided editing style. - Strong understanding of how to effectively use text overlays, animations, and charts/graphs to enhance the video. - Reliable and committed to meeting deadli...
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create a surprise, semi-retirement party invitation for my husband. After 25 years of owning a trucking company and 45 years in the industry, we're throwing him a casual cocktail-style, yet fun, dinner at a Golf Club. Key details: - The invitation will be a 5 X 7 card, themed "My Way" - A semi truck illustratio...- A semi truck illustration is a must - The design should be bold and vibrant, in line with our chosen color scheme - It will need to include: Date and time, Dress code, RSVP details, and a few lines about the guest of honour The ideal candidate will have experience in graphic design and print media, with a portfolio demonstrating similar past work. A knack for capturing fun, yet sophisticated themes in design...
...designs automatically. ✅ Configure store settings, including payment and shipping options. Key Tasks: 1. Integrate with Shopify API to automate store creation and customization. 2. Integrate with OpenAI API to generate text content (product descriptions, policies, FAQs). 3. Integrate with Canva API to create logos and store designs automatically. 4. Implement automatic design selection for themes, colors, and branding. 5. Add SEO optimization features for better search engine ranking. 6. Develop a freemium model (basic features for free, premium features for paid users). 7. Build an intuitive admin dashboard for managing stores. Required Skills: ✔ Expertise in Shopify API and eCommerce development. ✔ Experience with AI technologies (NLP, OpenAI API, Machine Learning). ✔...
I'm looking for a logo for my business, Aspiral Healing LLC. The business is rooted in a feminine, holistic, and mindfulness approach. Given this, the logo should reflect these themes. Key Requirements: - Use the design style of the attached image as a guide - Layout should mimic the overall layout of the attached image - Use a pastel color scheme similar to pinks and purples. Gold is also acceptable. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Brand Development - Understanding of Holistic and Mindfulness Themes Please note, the attached image serves as a guide for the design style and overall layout. The freelancer should be able to creatively incorporate these elements into a unique logo that represents Aspiral Healing LLC.
I'm looking for a skilled digital illustrator specializing in fantasy art to bring to life a mythical character named Dronuas. The Lord of the Unmanned. Character Details: - Dronuas resembles Conan the Barbarian. - He wears FPV Goggles on his head. The goggles look through seeing his eyes like a F35 Raptor helm...types of drones in tow. Illustration Requirements: - The style must be detailed, vibrant, and immersive fantasy art. - The mood is 'heroic and inspiring'. Skills and Experience Needed: - Proficiency in creating digital illustrations. - Previous work in fantasy art. - Ability to convey a specific mood or atmosphere in illustrations. Please do your research on similar characters and themes. A clear understanding of the project will help...
...TaskHive WordPress Theme & Set Up Membership Functionality Project Description: We are seeking an experienced WordPress developer to install and configure the TaskHive theme () on our WordPress website. Additionally, we need the implementation of a membership functionality using either WP Private Content Plus () or Simple Membership () to restrict access based on paid plans. The website should function similarly to , where candidates' profiles and job applications are restricted based on the user’s subscription level. Project Requirements: WordPress Theme Installation: Install and set up the TaskHive theme on our WordPress website
We are looking for a talented and committed video editor and motion graphics designer to own the entire video production process, ensuring consistency in branding, quality, and engagement of our new faceless YouTube channel. If you have a passion for visual storytelling, video editing, YouTube SEO, and high-impact animations, this role is for you! Key Responsibilities: ✅ Edit and produce high-quality faceless YouTube videos (8-10min long) using stock footage, motion graphics, and engaging visuals. ✅ Create eye-catching animations, kinetic typography, and infographic-style visuals to explain financial concepts in an engaging way. ✅ Research and implement YouTube SEO best practices (thumbnails, metadata, engagement strategies) to maximize video reach. ✅ Ensure all videos align with ...
I have a video that requires some editing to achieve a professional and clean finish. The project involves removing static text in the background and dealing with moving objects in the foreground, specifically people. Key Requirements: - Remove static text throughout the video - Edit out people in the foreground Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software - Strong attention to detail - Experience with professional video editing - Ability to create a clean and polished final product Have to remove only the 'OSLO' in the background, while the both persons must be kept moving naturally all the video....
I'm looking for a skilled web designer and developer to redesign my WordPress roofing website's homepage. The primary goal is to increase lead generation through an improved homepage. The project also requires enhancing the site speed. Project Description: I am looking for an experienced WordPress web designer & developer to redesign the homepage of my roofing website with a modern, visually appealing, and conversion-focused layout while also improving site speed and cleaning up the HTML/CSS for better performance. The goal is to enhance the homepage design, improve user experience, increase lead generation, and ensure fast loading speeds across all devices. Project Requirements: 1. Homepage Redesign Features ✅ Modern, Clean, and Professional Look ✅ High-Qua...
I'm looking for a professional to design engaging ad creatives for me. I also need existing static illustrations from previous campaigns to be modified to enable text changes and layout modifications. Key Requirements: - Experience in designing advertisement creatives - Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.) - Able to modify existing static illustrations for text changes and layout modifications - Understands the goal of promoting a specific event or campaign The primary objective of these ad creatives is to promote a specific event or campaign. So, an understanding of how to design with this goal in mind is crucial.
i would like to edit my image for use profile online social media.
...French, featuring a shocking hook (“4 out of 10 phones were Nokia”), fun facts (the CEO laughing at the iPhone), sarcastic punchlines, and clear visual cues (archives, memes, graphs). Style: A seamless blend of live-action (on-camera + voiceover, in French) and animation (animated stats, effects, memes), with a fast-paced, modern vibe inspired by viral YouTube content. Key Tasks: Edit a mix of live-action (face camera + voiceover) and simple animations (e.g., market share curves, Nokia logo fading). Incorporate archival footage (Nokia 3310, Steve Jobs, iPhone) and satirical visuals (memes, Titanic sinking). Add sound effects (dramatic, humorous) and fitting music (epic then melancholic). Create an animated call-to-action (subscr...
...creates a post and submits it. - Payment required upon submission (Stripe via WooCommerce checkout or Gravity Forms Pro + Gforms Stripe, both options provided). - Payment triggers an admin notification for post approval. - Admin approves or rejects the post: - Approved: Post goes live for one month. - Rejected: User receives a refund. 4. Post Management: - Ability for users to edit or delete their posts. - Notifications: - User notified when post is about to expire. - Admin notified of new post submissions requiring approval. 5. Search and Filter: - Implement a search engine. - Filter posts by category. 6. Admin Control: - Admin approval required for all posts before going live. 7. Payment Integration: - Stripe payment processor ...
...the mycology and cultivation space. Interest in cultivation is skyrocketing, and I want to be at the forefront of that movement with engaging content, strategic growth, and community-building. Responsibilities: • Social Media Management: Handle Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube—posting content, growing engagement, and keeping a consistent brand presence. • Content Creation: Design and edit eye-catching visuals, short-form videos, and compelling posts that resonate with the mycology community. • Growth Strategy: Implement strategies to attract followers, boost engagement, and increase conversions organically. Affiliate Program Management (Optional): Help build and manage a network of affiliates, which can also provide an additional income opportunit...
Buenas, la idea es desarrollar un filtro de productos basado en las variaciones de cada producto, se uso el plugin de woomerce para guardar todas las variaciones del producto Ahora necesito un filtro en el listado de productos, basado en color, medidas, materiales.. etc etc Primero quiero saber si es posible hacer esto en elementor, si no es así que alternativas existen Saludos!
I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer to create a captivating restaurant menu with a modern and minimalistic style. This menu is for an upscale Italian Restaurant. Please reformat the existing menu. Please keep the menu two pages. I need the finish product to be in a format that is easy to edit. Key Requirements: - Expertise in graphic design, particularly in menu design. - A strong portfolio showcasing modern and minimalistic design. - Ability to creatively incorporate bold accent colors. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Menu Design - Color Theory - Modern and Minimalistic Aesthetic Understanding
Task 1: Drag item card change position and update in the database (there is a endpoint for it and is ready build in and in use you need to make it better) Task 2: Show arrangement position in the top corner of every item, i want to be able to edit it arrangement position from fx 6 to 3 and it moves up to position 3 Task 3: item card need to be sorted be leverings_dato (date) Task 4: improve the drag and drop so it is more smooth
I'm looking for a logo design for my patriotic magazine, "Hometown Heroes". The magazine will focus on uplifting stories of local military service members and their families. Key Requirements: - Style: The log...encourage creativity, I would like to see some incorporation of military symbols, local community symbols, and family symbols. - Theme: Given the magazine's patriotic focus, the logo should resonate with a sense of patriotism, though I am open to various color schemes beyond just red, white, and blue. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Brand Development - Understanding of Patriotic Themes I'm looking for a freelancer who can deliver a logo that reflects the spirit of the magazine and appeals to its target audience. Please provide exam...
-Deleting a couple of unnecessary sentences that are inaccurate - Delete the whole section which is understated - Remove one false section from Wikipedia account - understanding of Wikipedia's guidelines and policies
I need an expert in AI photo enhancement to transform my old photos into multiple versions, including some styled as vintage movie posters. Key Responsibilities: - Enhance and edit old photos using AI. - Generate 3 versions of each photo. - Create vintage-style illustrations reminiscent of movie posters. Final Deliverables: - All enhanced photos delivered in TIFF format. - Vintage-themed movie poster illustrations. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in AI photo editing software. - Strong artistic skills with a knack for vintage styles. - Experience in creating illustrations and understanding of movie poster aesthetics. - Ability to deliver high-quality TIFF files.
I'm in need of a seasoned video editor to meticulously edit a pallet unboxing video for my YouTube channel, EcomKings. The footage, recorded in 4K with two camera angles, requires a polished and engaging edit that is optimized for YouTube. Key Responsibilities: - Synchronize and alternate between two camera angles for dynamic editing. - Implement color correction, stabilization, and visual enhancements for a professional look. - Edit out unnecessary pauses and mistakes, ensuring a smooth and fast-paced flow. - Integrate bold and eye-catching text overlays and motion graphics that align with the EcomKings branding. - Ensure audio quality is pristine, enhancing clarity of voice delivery. - Incorporate upbeat and energetic royalty-free background music at suitable i...
I'm seeking an Excel Online expert to help me set up individual spreadsheets for each of my collaborators, linked to a global billing spreadsheet. Key Requirements: - Create separate, individual Microsoft Excel Online spreadsheets for each collaborator. - Each spreadsheet should have 'Edit permissions' for the respective collaborator, allowing them to input their own data. - The data from the global billing spreadsheet should be reflected in the individual sheets automatically and in real-time, without the collaborator having access to the global spreadsheet. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Microsoft Excel Online. - Experience with setting up complex spreadsheet systems. - Knowledge in automating data updates across spreadsheets. - Excel sheets are in Spanish so a k...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to implement a mobile login feature on my WordPress website. The login method should be via Phone Number with OTP, using Firebase for OTP verification and SMS for delivering the OTP. Ideal Skills: - WordPress Development - Firebase Integration - SMS Gateway Integration - PHP/JavaScript proficiency Key Requirements: - Implement mobile login via Phone Number with OTP. - Utilize Firebase for OTP verification. - Deliver OTP through SMS only. - Ensure seamless integration with the existing WordPress site. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your bid.
...the Admin The admin should be added, whenever a new database is created The admin creates/edits/deletes a subject The admin creates/edits/deletes a chapter under the subject The admin will create a new quiz under a chapter Each quiz contains a set of questions (MCQ - only one option correct) The admin can search the users/subjects/quizzes Shows the summary charts Quiz management - for the Admin Edit/delete a quiz The admin specifies the date and duration(HH: MM) of the quiz The admin creates/edits/deletes the MCQ (only one option correct) questions inside the specific quiz User dashboard - for the User The user can attempt any quiz of his/her interest Every quiz has a timer (timer is optional) Each quiz score is recorded The earlier quiz attempts are shown Shows the summary ...
Wordpress Website Customisation NEED BY TOMORROW We should use ONLY CODE SNIPPETS. NO CHANGES TO CORE THEME/ 1. Edit Listing Page Improve data structure and visual hierarchy for better readability and engagement. Apply a clean and modern design approach. 2. Booking System Enhancements Booking Widget: Add Pick-up & Drop-off Location fields. Booking Page: Include Pick-up & Drop-off Location fields, ensuring the user-entered data is stored and carried through the process. Checkout Page: Display Pick-up & Drop-off Location entered during booking. Add Date + Time for better clarity (currently, only time is shown). 3. My-Bookings Page (Customer & Vendor Portal) Display Pick-up & Drop-off Location for each booking to provide better order tracking and clarity...
I am seeking an HR specialist to assist me in securing an on-site job in the logistics and supply chain industry in Oman. The payment structure is based on the number of interviews I obtain as a result of the application process. Key Responsibilities: - Guide and support me in applying for suitable job openings. - Edit my CV and cover letter to enhance my chances of being interviewed. - Provide strategic advice on job applications and networking. Compensation: - Each interview I receive will be compensated at $40. - Each application submitted will receive a $1 bonus, although the primary focus is on the number of interviews obtained. Requirements: - The ideal candidate should be fully transparent and patient, as the duration of the process may vary based on individual experien...
...a professional with extensive experience in affiliate website design and development. The project involves creating a WordPress-based affiliate marketing website using our affiliate program membership links, banners, and images. The site will be focused on offering sports fan apparel and related products from various major sports organizations like NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, MLS, WWE, and UFC. Key Requirements: - Expertise in WordPress and affiliate marketing website design specifically Amazon - Proficient in using Elementor or Divi - Capable of integrating custom product listings related to professional sports Specifics: - The website will be using a theme from Element Themes, specifically designed for Elementor or Divi - Custom product listings will need to be imp...
WORKS TO DO: 1- we added a field when you edit a wocommerce Order, and it is saved correctly on the DB (working Ok); 2- on the Orders list, we must be able to list the orders based on that field. You can put a link or drop down on top of the list, to pick the "Order Type" and list them; Just that! PD: the code was added on a Snippet using the plugin "WPCode Rich Snippets", so you have to add your code on a new Snippet; Thats it! Total budget for this job is $ 25,00.- Dollars (commissions included - in 2 milestones, 50% in advance), since it is just adding some minimum details. Please do not bid more than that amount. A plus can be paid if done fast and as indicated. Please only bid if you have at least more than 15 positive feedbacks, and will be available ...
...and will require a modern, cinematic style of editing. - Bengali cultural understanding: As this video is from a baby shower ceremony, a good understanding of Bengali culture is essential to editing the video in a way that resonates with the intended audience. - Music selection: The video should include relevant, modern Bengali songs as background music. The ability to select appropriate songs and edit them seamlessly into the video is crucial. - Text and effects: The video should also incorporate relevant text and effects to enhance the viewing experience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Professional video editing experience, preferably with a focus on cinematic style. - Strong understanding of Bengali culture and modern Bengali music. - Experience working with small video clip...
...background music and sound effects to match pacing. Social Media Optimization: Edits formatted for TikTok, Instagram (Reels), and YouTube (shorts & full-length). Eye-Catching Effects: Motion graphics and effects that add engagement without over-editing. If you have experience editing fitness content or fast-paced, high-energy videos, I’d love to see your work! Drop your portfolio or send a sample edit, and let’s create something dope. attached is a sample video but i need to get better!!!!...
...the material cost along with a "kit" of other items that are required to complete that Piece of the project.. for example: a pool skimmer kit may include, Skimmer, PVC Pipe, PVC Fittings, Glue, and Labor hours.. All of the items in the Kit need to be easily updated for price. Currently we have all these "kits" pulling from a bunch of columns in the spread sheet that is so wide it is impossible to edit. Guessing there is way to pull this data from a table. We base pricing based of a markup of labor and material that would create a proposal. We need to be able to change the Profit margin in one location, and we also have to be about to seperate all material and labor $ so we can add sales tax to Material, and or to Labor and show that on the proposal. (many ...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a 5-6 page WordPress website for my export business. The primary function of the site will be to showcase products. Key Requirements: - The site should be modeled after "". - It should include the following pages: Home, About Us, Products, Contact Us, Blog, FAQ. - A Newsletter sign-up feature is required. - The website needs to be user-friendly and easy to manage. As a non-technical person, I need the site to be simple to edit and update without needing to know any coding. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress development. - Experience in creating product showcase websites. - Ability to create user-friendly interfaces. - Understanding of SEO best practices for product visibility. - Excellent communica...
I'm looking for an exceptional video editor to help me refine my social media content, specifically tailored for Instagram Reels. Key Responsibilities: - Edit short, engaging videos suitable for Instagram Reels - Enhance video quality, audio, and visuals to meet high standards - Incorporate trending edits and effects to increase reach and engagement Ideal Skills: - Proficient in video editing software - Deep understanding of Instagram's trends and audience - Creative mindset with an eye for detail Experience: - Prior experience editing social media content, particularly Instagram Reels - A portfolio showcasing engaging, high-quality edits
I'm seeking a freelancer who can take my existing PowerPoint presentation and give it a complete overhaul. The revamped presentation should adopt a minimalistic and modern style. You can view the current state of the presentation here: "". Key requirements: - Revamp the PowerPoint to a minimalistic and modern style - The current presentation has 11-20 slides - Incorporate a mix of both subtle transitions and dynamic, complex animations Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in PowerPoint - Strong design sense, with an understanding of minimalistic and modern aesthetics - Experience with animation and transitions in PowerPoint - Ability