Data entry form asp microsoft access仕事
...(かわいい, pronounced [kaɰaiꜜi]; "lovable", "cute", or "adorable") Please reference the attached images but be creative. Most creative entry wins I need 2 characters created for new apparel campaign. 1 female (robot or superhero) in Kawaii Style, 1 male (robot or superhero) in Kawaii Style Think cute but deadly. Most creative entry wins. The art can be hand drawn or digitally created, The final work will be in vector or psd, vector preferred. I need 2 total art works for the final submission. Art must be original and in vector format. Target Market: Apparel for Japanese and American Kawaii fans (young adults ages 18 - 25) Submission: Submit your entry as a 1 page overview. Final work may need additional edits after end ...
(English follows Japanese) 私(外国人)が添付されているメールニュースを作成しました。日本人のネーティブチェックしていただきたい。内容と文法はお...私(外国人)が添付されているメールニュースを作成しました。日本人のネーティブチェックしていただきたい。内容と文法はおかしくないかどうか。ワードの修正機能を使用して納品していただきたい。よろしくご検討ください。 I am not Japanese but I wrote the attached Japanese-language email newsletter. I am looking for a NATIVE Japanese person to check the content and grammar are written correctly. I am not seeking a bilingual non-native speaker of the language. Checking should be done using the correction function of Microsoft Word, and showing the corrections so I can see where the changes have been made.
...?? ? ???????????????????????????????? (3) ??? ???????? ???????????????????(??) ? API Key??????CUI????????????????????????? ? ???????(Hello Word?????????)??????????????? (4) ?? ?????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? NDA??? ?????????????????????????????????????? (5). ??????????? (6) ???? ? ????????????????????????? (7) ??????? ? Google Play Developer API? ???????????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????? Q1. ?????????????????????
...?? ? ???????????????????????????????? (3) ??? ???????? ???????????????????(??) ? API Key??????CUI????????????????????????? ? ???????(Hello Word?????????)??????????????? (4) ?? ?????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? NDA??? ?????????????????????????????????????? (5). ??????????? (6) ???? ? ????????????????????????? (7) ??????? ? Google Play Developer API? ???????????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????? Q1. ?????????????????????
業内容 簡単なツールを使ってインターネットから取得したデータをエクセルに入力して下さい。 入力したエクセルの結果からテキストファイルを作成して下さい。 エクセルファイルとテキストファイルを提出して下さい。 簡単な作業です。 詳細は採用後にお知らせいたします。 Enter data obtained from original easy tool to spread sheet in our format. From the result of Excel sheet and original tool, make text data. Submit Excel file and Text file to me. It is very easy task. I will let you know after hiring.
業内容 簡単なツールを使ってインターネットから取得したデータをエクセルに入力して下さい。 入力したエクセルの結果からテキストファイルを作成して下さい。 エクセルファイルとテキストファイルを提出して下さい。 簡単な作業です。 詳細は採用後にお知らせいたします。 Enter data obtained from original easy tool to spread sheet in our format. From the result of Excel sheet and original tool, make text data. Submit Excel file and Text file to me. It is very easy task. I will let you know after hiring.
業内容 簡単なツールを使ってインターネットから取得したデータをエクセルに入力して下さい。 入力したエクセルの結果からテキストファイルを作成して下さい。 エクセルファイルとテキストファイルを提出して下さい。 簡単な作業です。 詳細は採用後にお知らせいたします。 Enter data obtained from original easy tool to spread sheet in our format. From the result of Excel sheet and original tool, make text data. Submit Excel file and Text file to me. It is very easy task. I will let you know after hiring.
業内容 簡単なツールを使ってインターネットから取得したデータをエクセルに入力して下さい。 入力したエクセルの結果からテキストファイルを作成して下さい。 エクセルファイルとテキストファイルを提出して下さい。 簡単な作業です。 詳細は採用後にお知らせいたします。 Enter data obtained from original easy tool to spread sheet in our format. From the result of Excel sheet and original tool, make text data. Submit Excel file and Text file to me. It is very easy task. I will let you know after hiring.
...中身のあるサイトを作っていきたいのです。 ですので、スピード重視で記事を書くのではなく、本気で私と一緒にサイトを作り上げていけるビジネスパートナーを募集しています。 そこで、報酬は「アフィリエイト報酬を折半」という形にさせて頂きます。 あなたと一緒に作り上げたサイトから発生(確定)した報酬のうち50%をお支払させて頂きます。 目安としては、1年かけて30~50万円/月の売上を目標にしていきます。 まずは5~10万円/月を売上られるサイトを数サイト作り、 その後は1サイトで30万、50万、100万と売り上げられる大きめのサイト作りにステップアップしていきます。 いくつか小さ目のサイトを作成したあと、大きなサイト作りに入っていくといった流れです。 報酬のお支払に関しては、ASPからの入金後3営業日以内にお振込み致します。 応募条件などについては詳細サイトをご覧ください。
業内容 簡単なツールを使ってインターネットから取得したデータをエクセルに入力して下さい。 入力したエクセルの結果からテキストファイルを作成して下さい。 エクセルファイルとテキストファイルを提出して下さい。 簡単な作業です。 詳細は採用後にお知らせいたします。 Enter data obtained from original easy tool to spread sheet in our format. From the result of Excel sheet and original tool, make text data. Submit Excel file and Text file to me. It is very easy task. I will let you know after hiring.
業内容 簡単なツールを使ってインターネットから取得したデータをエクセルに入力して下さい。 入力したエクセルの結果からテキストファイルを作成して下さい。 エクセルファイルとテキストファイルを提出して下さい。 簡単な作業です。 詳細は採用後にお知らせいたします。 Enter data obtained from original easy tool to spread sheet in our format. From the result of Excel sheet and original tool, make text data. Submit Excel file and Text file to me. It is very easy task. I will let you know after hiring.
格安・迅速にランディング・HP制作致します。 LINEスタンプのイラスト・アニメーションGIFの制作も行っています。 まずはご相談ください。
業内容 簡単なツールを使ってインターネットから取得したデータをエクセルに入力して下さい。 入力したエクセルの結果からテキストファイルを作成して下さい。 エクセルファイルとテキストファイルを提出して下さい。 簡単な作業です。 詳細は採用後にお知らせいたします。 Enter data obtained from original easy tool to spread sheet in our format. From the result of Excel sheet and original tool, make text data. Submit Excel file and Text file to me. It is very easy task. I will let you know after hiring.
業内容 簡単なツールを使ってインターネットから取得したデータをエクセルに入力して下さい。 入力したエクセルの結果からテキストファイルを作成して下さい。 エクセルファイルとテキストファイルを提出して下さい。 簡単な作業です。 詳細は採用後にお知らせいたします。 Enter data obtained from original easy tool to spread sheet in our format. From the result of Excel sheet and original tool, make text data. Submit Excel file and Text file to me. It is very easy task. I will let you know after hiring.
業内容 簡単なツールを使ってインターネットから取得したデータをエクセルに入力して下さい。 入力したエクセルの結果からテキストファイルを作成して下さい。 エクセルファイルとテキストファイルを提出して下さい。 簡単な作業です。 詳細は採用後にお知らせいたします。 Enter data obtained from original easy tool to spread sheet in our format. From the result of Excel sheet and original tool, make text data. Submit Excel file and Text file to me. It is very easy task. I will let you know after hiring.
作業内容 簡単なツールを使ってインターネットから取得したデータをエクセルに入力して下さい。 入力したエクセルの結果からテキストファイルを作成して下さい。 エクセルファイルとテキストファイルを提出して下さい。 簡単な作業です。 詳細は採用後にお知らせいたします。
【内容】 ①4K動画/Youtube動画/Facebookに関するテーマに沿って記事を書く ②キーワードを文章に埋め込んでください。 ③製品の使い方、体験談や豆知識などの記事作成 ④重複しないこと、絶対にコピペをしないように注意してください。 初心者でもわかる内容の記事作成、例えば、「Facebookの使い方」について、初心者向けの教則本を執筆するような感覚です。 【その他特記事項】 ①1記事あたり、全角1000-2000文字くらい ② 『です。』『ます。』調で書く ③読みやすいように3~5行程度で改行する ④Microsoft Excel形式のファイルで書く ⑤WindowsまたはMac環境が必要です。
...非常にストレスを抱えています。そのため至急対応することができる熟練レベルの実務経験をお持ちの方を求めています。 システム要件定義書、テスト機能リストを作成する作業もセットになる場合もあります。 あなたの即戦力を必要としています。 ご興味のある方は下記をお読み頂き御納得頂けましたらこちらの応募フォームもしくはメールアドレス 佐方まで ご連絡頂きたくお願い致します。 業務内容: 開発の途中経過(7割り程完成)しているシステム、 楽天及びアマゾン、ヤフーASPと連動したデータベース一括在庫管理システムを引き継いでいただき 現状稼働時に起きるエラーの修正作業及び完成までフルスクラッチで仕上げて頂く、修正及び開発 業務です。 応募資格:実務経験熟練者 楽天ASP及びフルスクラッチに長けた熟練者の方を募集します。 日本国籍 スカイプでの打ち合せが可能な方 既存システム内容 楽天及びアマゾン、ヤフーASPと連動したデータベース一括在庫管理システムのエラー 主要機能 ・会員登録制 ・ショップ各社のASPに、1つの管理画面から自社の商品情報(文字、画像)を一括登録し編集管理、更新する事ができる ・会員各自の管理画面を所有し商品一覧表から、各店舗のASPに一括出力更新している内容を随時修正更新管理することができる ・店舗ページのレイアウトを文字、色、背景色などをチェックボタン、プルダウンなどで選択カスタマイズし ・オリジナルのテンプレート生成する。 ・初期設定時のテンプレートもしくは会員によるオリジナルテンプレートと選択することができる機能 作業内容 エラー修正箇所>>&g...
I have a multi-language e-commerce site based on opencart. I got non-english products files ( docs ) I'm looking for a helper ( data-entry ) from the document to opencart product page. When I put datas, it shows too much <p> </p>tags and <div> </div>. I hope that <br /> would be used more and <p> would be used less. for example : <p> 既存の高麗人参の皮を剥いた白参よりもサポニン成分含有量が多い。紅参製造機用により多く使用される。</p> <p> <br /> 原産地:韓国産</p> <p> 製品類型:乾燥高麗人参</p> <p> 内容量:300g</p> <p> 品質保持期間:製造日から3年</p> <p> <br /> 保管および使用の注意事項</p> <p align="left" style="margin-left:40pt;"> l 風通しの良い乾燥した場所に保管して使用して下さい。</p> &...
Services Professional Photos, Images, Pictures editing Data Entry & Data Processing Logo Designing & T-shirt Designing Any work with Ms. WORD, Ms. Excel, Ms. PowerPoint Architecture HTML, CSS, PHP FB Cover Photo, Banner Designing
We are looking for a professional programmer to create a WhatsApp bot that manages tasks and integrates with Microsoft To Do The bot should be able to: Manage tasks: Add, update, delete, and review tasks via WhatsApp. Integrate with Microsoft Graph API. Use AI (ChatGPT): Summarize tasks. Generate reports for users based on completed and remaining tasks. User subscription system: That's it Support monthly/yearly subscriptions. Send notifications for subscription renewal. Reminder notifications: Send automated messages to remind users of task due dates.
I'm in need of a seasoned talent acquisition specialist to help me recruit skilled, entry-level Property Managers in the Real Estate industry. Key Responsibilities: - Identify, source and attract suitable candidates for Property Manager positions. - Conduct preliminary screening and assessment of candidates. - Coordinate and facilitate interviews. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in recruitment, specifically for entry-level positions in the Real Estate sector. - Strong understanding of the Property Manager role and its requirements. - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. - Proficient in using various recruitment platforms and tools.
...Customer Support: Service requests like account statements, loan closure. Analytics: Generate performance reports (e.g., NPA tracking, overdue reports). 5. Technical Requirements Platform: Web-based application with mobile responsiveness. Integration: APIs for credit bureau checks. Payment gateway and accounting software. CRM and external legal tools. Data Security: Compliance with data protection laws (e.g., GDPR, IT Act). Secure access with role-based permissions and encryption. Scalability: Support up to 5000 users and [5000 loan applications per month. 6. Non-Functional Requirements Performance: System should handle concurrent users with minimal latency. Reliability: 99.9% uptime with robust disaster recovery mechanisms. Usability: Intuitive design to minimi...
I'm looking for a meticulous financial news reporter transcript maker focused on stock market updates for my YouTube channel. Key Responsibilities: - Reporting on stock market updates - Creating full verbatim transcripts of the news Ideal Skills: - Strong understanding of the stock market - Excellent reporting skills - Proficiency in creating full verbatim transcripts - Ability to identify speakers by name Experience: - Prior experience in stock market reporting and transcript creation - Experience with YouTube content creation is a plus This is a great opportunity for those with a passion for finance and content creation. The job steps are very easy, it's a routine job that you need to do for long-term period. Please check our YouTube channel @IM-AAM_Official, this is are...
I'm in need of a data-savvy individual who can help me collect and augment contact information. The data will primarily be sourced from Google. Key Responsibilities: - Starting with 1220 company contact records, research/augment/verify 16 data fields Contact First Name Contact Last Name Contact Title Contact Email Contact Phone Contact LinkedIn URL Org Facebook Org Instagram Org LinkedIn Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City State Zip Org Phone Number Web Address - Search for contact details including Email addresses, Phone numbers, Mailing addresses, Company LinkedIn URLs, Website URLs, Company Instagram URLs, Company Facebook URLs, and Executive LinkedIn URLs --Contacts with Job titles of CEO, President, CFO, Finance, Development Director, Advancement Director, F...
...platform, ActiveMoodle, according to specific design templates and brand guidelines. Tasks include: - Updating our site theme, including the home page and course pages, to align with the premium Maker theme with certain brand and color customizations. The premium template will be provided. - Modifying the Udemy-style course landing pages with specific visual design changes. - Ensuring course access is limited to registered or enrolled users only. The ideal freelancer for this job should: - Have a strong understanding and experience with Moodle. - Be able to implement specific brand and color customizations accurately. - Have a keen eye for visual design changes. - Understand functionality requirements for e-learning platforms. Please note that we will create our own course co...
I'm looking for a dedicated data entry professional. The job involves: - Handling mixed content data from digital files - Ensuring a typing accuracy of at least 90% The source of the data will predominantly be from a portal, so familiarity with web-based platforms is a plus. Experience with data entry is essential, and a keen eye for detail will be highly valued.
...Number: Users can enter their registered mobile number to access the app. Login with OTP: o Users receive a One-Time Password (OTP) on their registered mobile number. Signup o Signup with Personal Details Users can create a new account by providing o Name o Email address o Mobile number o Password Home Page o Users can view Banners o Users can view Sliders View Subscription Plan o A list of available Subscription plan is displayed, categorized by: Duration (e.g.; 1-month,3-month,6-month, 1-Year) Select Packages o Shortlist Favorite Packages Users can add plans to a “Favorites” list for quick future purchase. o Choose a Package Once finalized, users can select a plan to proceed with purchase. Subscription Purchasing o Form Users fill in d...
...information, managing visitor access, handling security alerts, and monitoring community engagement. - Payment and dues tracking: The software should have a seamless interface for tracking payments and dues from residents, with automated reminders and updates. - Communication tools: The platform should feature interactive communication tools similar to message boards, allowing residents to connect with one another and with the management. - Event scheduling and management: The software should allow for community event planning, with features for scheduling, RSVPs, and event updates. User Roles: - The software must be accessible to all user roles, including residents, security personnel, and community administrators. Each role should have customized dashboards and access c...
I'm selling my professional Shopify-integrated print-on-demand website, Vera Forma Official. This site is fulfilled by Qikink and...e-commerce entrepreneur. Website link :- Key Aspects: - The buyer will need to purchase a Shopify subscription and buy the website to gain access to the exclusive Qikink products. - The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in e-commerce, experience with Shopify and print-on-demand services, as well as skills in website marketing and advertising. The primary goal of this project is to effectively sell the website to the right buyer. The target audience for this website mainly consists of print-on-demand enthusiasts. The unique selling point of Vera Forma Official lies in its access to exclusive Qikink products...
...documents, etc - Providing reports post-diagnostic imaging procedures from our current RIS/PACS (Radiology Information System/ Picture Archiving System) by seamless integration - must be HIPPAA and HL7 compliant - A private section for inter-company interactions per client, including document and ID card uploads - Enabling clients to upload during onboarding via file upload or camera - Full database access for marketing, reminders, and push notifications - Integration with our current RIS/PACS system for seamless information transfer - Customer query handling and support Please note that we don't require payment processing at this stage. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in web and mobile app development, particularly for CRM systems - Proficiency in iO...
Project Title: Looking for a the market. Monetization Features: Integrated monetization options such as subscriptions, ads, affiliate marketing, or e-commerce capabilities. Analytics and tracking for performance and revenue. Customization & Scalability: Easily customizable to match branding and marketing goals. Scalable for future growth and expansions. Niches of Interest: Deliverables: Complete source code or admin access to the platform. Documentation (user manual, installation instructions, etc.). Assistance with initial setup and deployment. Please share your proposals with: A demo link or screenshots of the website/software. Details about the features and functionality. Monetization methods and any proof of performance, if available. Looking forward to your ideas ...
... so we’re looking for someone with a flair for creating inspiring and emotionally engaging videos. Your Responsibilities: Creative Work: Independently compiling video sequences using stock materials. Utilizing stock material platforms (e.g., Pexels, Pixabay) – ideally, you have access to additional platforms with high-quality content. Transforming ideas and concepts into visually appealing video contributions. What You Bring: Experience as a video editor or cutter. A creative eye for visual and sound editing. Access to stock material accounts is a plus. German language skills at a native or very high level. What We Offer: Flexible Work: You will work independently and can manage your own schedule. Regular projects with engaging topics. Collaboration with a crea...
I need a simple yet effective user interface in Roblox, integrated with the Leonardo AI for image generation. The UI should include a text input field for AI prompt entry, a label to display the generated image, and a button to initiate the image generation process. Key functionalities: - User inputs a prompt in the text field. - Upon clicking the button, the prompt is sent to the Leonardo AI server (I have API key) via HTTPService. - The server responds with a link to the generated image. - The image is uploaded to Decals (Decals or another approach) and shown in the label. Expectations: - All code written must be in Lua using Roblox Studio. - The project must comply with Roblox Community Standards, with no inappropriate content or policy violations. - Robust error handling for s...
I'm in need of a detail-oriented freelancer for a data entry project. The task involves manually entering data from PDF files into a database. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in manual data entry - Experience working with PDF files - Familiarity with database systems - High attention to detail - Ability to maintain confidentiality and handle sensitive data with care.
I'm seeking an experienced developer to create a comprehensive Library Management System. Key Features: - Book Registration: Input details like title, author, publication date, and copies. - Book Search: Search by title, author, publication date, and genre. - Book Borrowing Management: Track ...copies. - Book Search: Search by title, author, publication date, and genre. - Book Borrowing Management: Track loans with due dates for return. - Reporting: Generate reports on borrowed and returned books, and total inventory. - Database: Use SQLite or MySQL for storing book and user information. User Access: - Access is limited to Administrator and Librarian Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in database management - Experience in developing management systems - Ability to implemen...
PLEASE READ ALL THE TEXT! Webos 6.4 (LG TV root) script to tune selected channel with parameters (freq, modulation, symbol_rate, etc) using /dev/dvb/ad...on sites but not tested) Python is available. Or gstreamer(140+ plugins) can be used gst-launch-1.0, gst-inspect-1.0. etc. FFmpeg binary available, Qt package available, libdvbv5 available. OPKG packet manager available (but the list is very limited). No dvbsrc, dvbv5-scan, w_scan_.. an no other utils available (amv64 linux binary can be used, but dependencies could be a problem) . If you have access to Webos 3.6+ LG TV to test (obtaining root is a 2 min process, descr supplied) is a great advantage. p.s. NO GPT generated texts and source codes will help! I have GPT & some bidders(GPT users) already failed! TASK NEEDS REAL RE... items (data fetched from APIs). Featured Items Section: Highlight popular or trending items. Testimonials Section: Placeholder for user feedback. Call-to-Action Section: Encourage users to sign up for free access, login, contact us. Comparison Page: A page that dynamically displays comparison results based on API data. Key features: List View: Display items matching the search query. Filters: Allow users to filter results by parameters like price, rating, or features. Comparison Table: Detailed comparison of attributes such as cost, features, and ratings. Action Buttons: "Learn More" or "Contact" buttons for each option. we can discuss this in detail after project allocation. Technical Requirements: Frontend Framework: React.js. API In...
I am selling my professional Shopify-integrated print-on-demand website, Vera Forma Official. T...selling my professional Shopify-integrated print-on-demand website, Vera Forma Official. The site is fulfilled by Qikink and features over 25 products. I am shifting my focus to a new project, making this a perfect opportunity for a small business owner looking to expand or an experienced e-commerce entrepreneur. The buyer will need to: - Purchase a Shopify subscription. - Buy the website to gain access to the Qikink products. The ideal freelancer for this project will have: - A strong background in e-commerce. - Experience with Shopify and print-on-demand services. - Skills in website marketing and advertising. Please note, the primary goal of this project is to effectively sell th...
I'm seeking a developer to create a virtual therapy website focused on emotional regulation. The primary feature of this platform will be self-guided exercises, specifically meditation techniques delivered through audio guides. Key Features: - Self-Guided Ex...techniques will be delivered as audio guides. These should be high-quality, soothing, and professionally produced. The ideal candidate for this project should have experience in web development, particularly with creating interactive, user-centered platforms. Familiarity with therapeutic techniques, particularly meditation, would be a significant advantage. A background in audio production or access to a high-quality audio editing service is also preferred. Please include examples of similar projects you've worked ...
I'm looking for a web-based program that can help me keep track of job participants, their payment statuses, and visualize data through a bar chart. Key Features: - Each participant should have a unique ID for identification. - A section to add new participants, requiring their Name and Contact Details, Date Joined and Payment Status. - Capability to indicate how many people are involved in a job and how many have made a payment. - A chart to visualize the number of participants added each month. Access: - Users should be able to log in with a Username and Password. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development. - Experience with data visualization and creating interactive charts. - Knowledge in user authentication systems.
I'm looking for a freelancer to add about 50 restaurants to my website. The details for each venue are provided in a spreadsheet and include the restaurant's name, address, link to their Instagram, a...looking for a freelancer to add about 50 restaurants to my website. The details for each venue are provided in a spreadsheet and include the restaurant's name, address, link to their Instagram, and a description. You will be required to source photos from the restaurant's Instagram accounts. Therefore, familiarity with Instagram, as well as data entry skills, are essential for this project. Skills and experience needed: - Proficiency in data entry - Familiarity with Instagram - Attention to detail - Basic knowledge of website content manage...
I'm seeking an expert Microsoft Dynamics 365 consultant, specializing in Finance and Operations, for part-time assistance. Your role will encompass: - Financial Reporting and Analysis: You'll help to streamline our financial reporting processes and enhance our analytical capabilities. - Supply Chain Management: Your expertise will be crucial in optimizing our supply chain operations. - General Ledger Management: We need your skills to oversee and manage our general ledger effectively. Ideal candidates will have extensive experience with Microsoft Dynamics 365, particularly in Finance and Operations. A deep understanding of financial reporting, supply chain processes, and general ledger management is essential. Your input will be instrumental in our success.